1 minute read

Diane V. Radel

Numen | 2021 Acrylic on Canvas | 48 x 36 x 1.5 in POR


Diane V. Radel

dianevradel@gmail.com dianevradelart.com


Diane V. Radel has been in love with color since she got her first box of 64 crayons. She coaxes layers of acrylic paint and textures to depict the synergy of patterns and colors, and to record the interplay inherent in the world around us. Her inspiration embodies a heightened urgency: to capture the natural world’s exquisite beauty, moments in time unlike any other and the imprint they leave behind. It’s a story that represents the wonder of unique forces, resilience, renewal, and hope. Radel has exhibited in curated national and international shows, and her artwork is in private collections both locally and abroad. She is dedicated to creating positive images and investing in her community through charitable art donations. Florida United States of America

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