1 minute read

Marian Wihak

One Hour; 12:57 | 2011 Digital Photos Taken on iPhone | 40 x 22.5 in POR


Marian Wihak

marian@marianwihak.com marianwihak.com


As a trained visual artist, and film designer, I have a ‘trained eye’. I’m not a trained photographer, however, and in the spirit of experimentation and image gathering, have embraced my iPhone as a ready accomplice. These photographs were taken several years ago on my phone, as I drove across the great plains of Western Canada, during a summer marked by impressive meteorological activity. Having grown up in this part of the world, the vastness of the sky is familiar to me and yet, as the clouds shifted so dramatically in the course of my travels, it was exciting to be able to readily capture the epic expanse of the weather systems spreading across the boundless Saskatchewan sky, emphasizing a specific temporality at the same time as lending a heightened quality of ‘otherness’. Ontario Canada

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