1 minute read

Margaret Minardi

Shannon | 2020 Colored Pencil | 30 x 22 in $2,000


Margaret Minardi

margaretminardi@yahoo.com margaretminardiartist.com


I have been making art for 45 years. I have explored many mediums and created many a series. Currently my pieces are photorealistic. I do not have a traditional studio. I work on tables or on the ground wherever I am, sometimes lugging 5 foot canvases around during my day. I am an obsessive artist, rarely looking up into the real world. My series have focused on subjects such as infertility, adoption, identical twins, my upbringing in Trinidad and bi-polar disease. Most of the time I work in a stream of consciousness, not knowing what a series is about until I am most of the way through it. My Predominant medium is colored pencil, which I have been perfecting since the 90’s. My goal has been to help colored pencils to become a more serious medium. New York United States of America

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