1 minute read

Benjamin Baccarani

Benny Couldn’t Help but Mess with that Kodak Babe | 2021 Polished Acrylic, Resin and Collage on Panel | 100 x 80 cm POR


Benjamin Baccarani

benjamin.baccarani@gmail.com benjaminbaccarani.com


I work essentially with traditional photography and collage. I feel the need to salvage the images I capture as well as the ones I find on billboards, subway ads and old magazines. I use them like quotes that are pulled out of their original context. This gives them a second chance to be viewed and perceived through a different prism. Therefore, I collect them, sort them by color, and instead of working with each image individually, I use them as raw pigments to paint a larger picture thus creating a different experience for each viewer. Cannes France

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