Shouldham news spring 2015

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About participating in Open Studios To do or not to do that is the question; in early December the decision has to be made and the application goes in, made easier these days by the technology stuff. In my case this also means finding a public space to set up a temporary studio, which is also large enough to display my bigger canvases. Then as the days start to lengthen more decisions - which of my sketches will be worked up into pictures? Do I need to revisit and make more or take more photographs? This can also mean dusting off the kayaking kit, offering up prayers for more unseasonably fine days and persuading ‘himself’ that below 10 degrees is not too cold to be safetyman for his artist wife pursuing an artistic bent on the water. Finally, in sheds, spare bedrooms, studio-spaces of every kind all over Norfolk there will be bruising of fingers, easing of shoulder muscles, despair as things go awry, jubilation as something finally works and sheer elation for that picture that has seemed to paint itself. Somewhere along the way teaching commitments are kept, commissions fulfilled and home and family hopefully not made to feel like life’s outcasts. Roll on the end of May - now where is that ‘to do’ list??? Elizabeth Fitzgerald Carter

Shouldham Ladybirds 2015 events 31st March 7.30 for 7.45pm, Village Hall: a talk by Paul Welford on Garden Displays. 28th April 7.30 for 7.45pm, Village Hall: a talk by Nicola Lloyd, Lecturer in Forensic Science. 19th May 7.30 for 7.45, Village Hall: an evening with High Street store ‘Body Shop’. 23rd June

A summer Garden Party with crafts – time and further details to be confirmed.

21st July

A summer outing – further details to be confirmed.

28th August

Flower-arranging session for the Church Flower Festival – details to be confirmed.

The Ladybirds welcome new members and visitors from Shouldham and further afield. Come and share a light-hearted evening with us. For more information on Shouldham Ladybirds’ meetings and events please contact: Lorna MacKay or Sandra Kirk Please note, for most Ladybirds meetings a charge of £3.50 per head is made to cover costs/ refreshments.

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