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Disparatea r t Paul Korthuis 10314 Burgoyne Road Houston, TX, 77042 USA 713.578.0505 paul.korthuis@gmail.com flavors.me/disparateart

In this world of digital manipulation nothing seems see s to be e what it is s anymore. e Computers have given us so many amazing options to explore our creativity, enabling us to open up endless new worlds of expression. We must not lose sight of where we have come. We must remain true to ourselves and think organically in this digital landscape. For all thought is organic in nature and the computer merely a conduit for our visions. That is what this collection is all about. Before you are disparate images organically crafted together to convey ideas. No software was used in their creation. No illusion necessary. Just printed images, dabs of paint, drawings, drawings ephemera, scissors, glue, and a little bit of luck and magic.

I thank all you who so generously contributed to my world.

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