How much do you spend on average for Retail shopping per month in GBP

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Starting a Price-Comparison Engine Price Comparison Sites are sites that help buyers choose the best product with the most reasonable price that they are looking for and shopping sites to help generate more traffic on them. *Why Cost-Comparison Sites Work? People tend to prefer to use cost-comparison sites because a lot of their time is saved on these sites than to physically go to stores or search on merchant websites to get a good price of the product they are looking for. Through cost-comparison sites, results are received in just a few minutes. *Data Collection ways for Best Price Online Shopping *Crawling: This method of data collection is considered a good one by comparison sites because the data is collected by a software that visits different merchant websites and compares their data on similar products and thus data received is accurate and rich. Though the merchant sites do not display their products in similar ways so it becomes hard for comparison sites to decide if the products identical or not and this method is slow so it is to adopted by many Price Compare for Online Shopping. *Feeds From Merchant sites By collecting data feeds, in the from of CSV files, from online stores, comparison engines compare and display their own data by comparing their products. This method is easy to implement by the cost-comparison sites but it is less accurate as the feeds are prepared and made available for comparison sites by merchant sites themselves and they make only the popular products or products that they want to be on the comparison sites and not the rest; making it less rich. *Deduplication Most online shopping websites have many sellers selling the same thing which creates a lot of data of just one product and its upto the comparison sites to sort out through all that. Cost Online Shopping Engine deduplicate their data by many ways, one of which is Product Matching. *Product Matching Product matching requires complicated machine learning algorithms and technologies needed to successfully match similar products depending upon their attributes, category, image and so on. Product matching is the most crucial part of the whole process and needs to be done very carefully but its not perfect either as information can be given wrongly or in different manner on different Best Price Online Shopping Engine.

*Presentation The presentation part consists of many different technologies used to present processed data on the shopping engines. *Revenue Price-Comparison Engine generate revenue in a multiple of ways and it varies depending on how much traffic is received by that shopping engine. Here are some of the ways: *Affiliate marketing Revenue is earned in the form of commission by affiliate shopping sites of some percent when a customer purchases a product from shopping engines of that online store. *Advertisement Compare Store Prices provide spaces on there sites for other websites to place their ads and the revenue from that depends upon the popularity of the engine. *Reviews Another way comparison engine generate revenue is by reviewing different products by different websites. *Starting Your Own Comparison Engine Starting a comparison engine requires some simple but not that simple following steps, *Finding your Niche The first thing about building a new Best Price Search Engine is finding a unique niche for the website to run on. Choose one that is in demand and not overly used before. *Affiliate Partnership Next find an affiliate Best Price Comparison Site that you want to partner with to put their products on your website to get commission. *Website Setup After finding your niche and partnering up with a good affiliate site, next and the most important thing to do is to create the website which can be done on your own if you have technical abilities or you can hire a professional engineer to that or built a site from Wordpress. *Technical Setup Here you'll need a professional engineer to install the necessary softwares and put the

price data and information from the above steps into the comparison engine and get it started and running. And you have a Comparison-Shopping Engine.

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