Cardigan welsh corgi

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Cardigan Welsh corgi

Cardigans are said to originate from the Teckel family of dogs, which also produced Dachshunds. They are among the oldest of all herding breeds, believed to have been in existence in Wales for over 3,000 years. NAME The phrase "cor gi" is sometimes translated as "dwarf dog" in Welsh. The breed was often called "yard-long dogs" in older times. Today's name comes from their area of origin: Ceredigion in Wales.

DESCRIPTION • Life expectancy 12–15 years. • In terms of breeding, a litter usually contains 4 to 6 pups. Litter size can vary though, from much smaller, to much larger. • The Cardigan is a long, low dog with upright ears and a fox brush tail. • The Cardigan's tail is long. • Cardigans come in a variety of colors including any shade of red, sable, or brindle, as well as black. • HEIGHT: 10.5 to 13 inches. • WEIGHT:30 to 38 lb. (13.6 to 17.2 kg) for the Male 25 to 34 lb. (11.3 to 15.4 kg) for the Female.

AS PETS • They have proven themselves as excellent companion animals. • Cardigans are affectionate, devoted companions that can also be alert and responsible guardians. • If socialized at a young age, they can be nice with other dogs and housepets. Some Cardigan corgis are 'one-man dogs’ • GUARD DOGS-Cardigans are typically excellent watchdogs, as they are highly alert to the approach of strangers to their territory, and will be very vocal until they and/or their owner are assured that the stranger poses no threat. • Used as working dogs can compete in dog sports .

HEALTH • UK Kennel Club survey puts the average life span of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi at 11.7 years. • The most common causes of death for the breed were cancer (28.3%), old age (24.6%), and neurological disorders (15.2%).

HISTORY • The Cardigan first arrived in Cardiganshire (its place of origin) with the Celts in 1200 BC. • The breed became useful because the Crown owned practically all land, and the tenant farmers were permitted to fence off only a few acres surrounding their dooryards. • The rest was common land, on which the crofter was permitted to graze his cattle. • Instead of herding the cattle, the Corgi would nip at their heels and drive them as far afield as desired .

GROOMING The Cardigan can adapt to country life or city apartments, but need some form of daily exercise. As a companion dog, they love to be with their people and are loyal, affectionate and even-tempered. The breed’s double coat requires regular brushing.


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