Shifter | Volume No. 1 | Issue No. 1

Page 14

Photo by Lawrence Perry

Open Letter from an Asian Am This

letter should concern everyone. I am a

I have privilege. I have the privilege to currently sit in

22-year-old Asian-American woman living in Orlando,

my chair and not worry about whether I might have

Florida. Currently, I am disgusted with everything that

bad luck and get killed for simply existing. Being

I’ve seen, but not surprised. We have lived in a country

Asian-American means that I am a model minority

that has power ranked us based on the color of our

and frequently used as a tool to put down other races

skin and prioritized the needs of the needs of people

by the white man, whether I like it or not. While I will

in power instead of those of the community since

never be the white man, I wanted to use the privilege

even before the country was established. This “great”

I have to stand for something. Black Lives Matter, and

country ran from oppression so they could have the

I stand by that. I stand for everyone who is no longer

power to oppress others. Don’t forget this country

alive due to injustice. I stand for George Floyd. I stand

was built on genocide and slavery with the white man

for Breonna Taylor. I stand for Ahmaud Arbery. I stand

in the seat of power. Now you may wonder, what

for Sandra Bland. I stand for Eric Garner. I stand for

right or reason does some random Asian-American

countless others who have been robbed of their lives.

woman have to be so loud about such topics?

I stand because I realize that I have the ability to do

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