Bethel Banner--November 2010

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BAPTISM God’s richest blessings to: Alexander Christian...son of Josiah & Andrea Denny...baptized Aug 29 Vanessa Marie...daughter of Dan & Marie Lange...baptized Sept. 18th Leah Renae...daughter of Neil & Michelle Whitehead...baptized Sept. 25 Mason James….son of Jacob & Autumn Miller...baptized on Sept. 26th Justin Matthew...son of Jason & Sarah Manro...baptized on Oct. 10th

SYMPATHY Our Christian sympathy is extended to: All those in our Bethel family who have lost friends and loved ones: Kurt Sorensen & family as they mourn the loss of his stepmothers, Helen Sorensen Sherry Hape & family as they mourn the loss of her husband Ron Hape.

WEDDINGS…Congratulations and God’s Blessings to:

BIRTHS Welcome to our world… Nicholas Michael…son of Jason & Katie Jennings...born Oct. 8 Joshua David…grandson of David & Brenda Day...born Oct. 10

Gatewood’s A big thanks to everyone who gave of their time, made those yummy baked sale items and who purchased supplies!!! Thanks to Kurt & Carol Linke who chaired the effort! We raised about $750!!! Hope to see you next year!!! To our Bethel family, We feel so very blessed to belong to this great church and count you all as family. Thanks to all of you for your love, prayers, cards, food, flowers...and all the ways you showed your kindness to us at this time of loss. In His Love, Sherry Hape and family

A big thank you to all who contributed to the Pumpkin Fest bake sale and food stand. Over $750 was raised for the Bethel Lutheran Preschool Scholarships. A special note of appreciation to those who worked at the event serving food, being cashiers, organizing baked goods, frying tenderloins, and assisting in setting up and tearing down—and doing so despite the first heavy rain in six weeks! November 2010

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