Preppers Annual 2023 - 2024

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Well, 2023-24, you have not disappointed - what a fantastic year at Sherborne Prep! Firstly, a thank you - which is heartfelt, to the wonderful team that makes Sherborne Prep what it is: happy, forward-thinking, brave, aspirational, wacky... The staff are simply phenomenal in their output, expertise and care. Our families are welcoming, involved and supportive and our children, well, children, this special place is down to all of you. Every single one of you makes us all proud, every day. You are simply wonderful young people.

Last year I asked, ‘what next?’ Well, really quite a lot- I can’t quite believe what we achieved together. I hope everyone in our community looks back in awe of all the tremendous achievements, unique experiences and pure joy and laughter we have shared in this academic year. I am incredibly proud of what we do and humbled by being able to be a part of such a fantastic place of education. I wonder what 2024-25 will bring; no doubt it will certainly be full of our Sherborne Prep magic.

Annie Gent, Head

I have never known Acreman House to feel so busy, so full of energy, so lively.

Whilst this could be attributed to the Trinity term being in full swing and residential trips heading out left, right and centre; it is more likely due to one of the things I love most about the Prep - its joie de vivre!

With the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate in full flow, the Year 8s are becoming more independent and taking the reins in school. Our ambassadors are busy in their respective fields- Sport, Music, Art, the Library- helping those in the younger year groups and setting the right example. The school has more and more the feel of a home away from home. And, obviously this gives me great pleasure as Housemaster as it means that not only do the Boarders

have a joyous place to study, but also a place that they can call home. It also has the wonderful advantage of providing a place where children want to be, whether full boarders or those children who decide to join us for a night or three!

Boarding, more than ever this year, has provided the opportunity for children to grow. It has provided a structure and routine for those who have found the past few years tricky, and it has provided friends and mentors for those preparing for their next steps into senior school. More than ever, it falls to prep boarding houses to provide the skills required to make the most of their next opportunities, whilst also being the safe spaces where mistakes can be made and learned from.

Spaces where resilience can be built and children supported, before cutting the proverbial apron strings!

And perhaps surprisingly, this is what it is all about in-house: Not about the Nerf battles, the sleepovers, the tuck nights and the weekend outings with friends (added bonuses!), but more about overcoming the challenge of being away from home for a night, dealing with a lost shirt, managing one’s own time, asking for help or indeed even providing that help for another.

To this end, it has been delightful to see more and more of the junior years beginning to dabble in a night here and there and even more wonderful seeing the senior boarders take these juniors under their wings.

Well done Acreman House on another joyous year!

Wow! What a super year 2023/24 has been for our youngest learners in the school. Tiny footprints have grown, milestones reached, and more responsibility has been taken on by all as they’ve developed.

We were all very excited to return from our summer holiday to see our newly modernised and updated playground. It makes such a difference to the children to have a fun and vibrant play space, and the new markings make playtime even more fun than it used to be! The orchard continues to be much-loved too, and I love how our year is always bookended with climbing in trees, cartwheeling in the grass and enjoying healthy ‘Just William’ playtimes!

All our children have made excellent progress this year, and we’ve been delighted to recently welcome a new staff member…Mila the black Labrador! Mila is Miss Finney’s dog, and the children are almost as delighted as we are to have our new addition to our team. In all seriousness, I’ve already seen the huge difference Mila makes to our children; they love nothing more than reading their story book or writing to her. The Nursery children have also enjoyed observing the caterpillars change into butterflies as well as PrePrep watching their very own home-

grown chicks hatch-all magical and fascinating as real learning should be. We’ve also been happy to launch the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB) in the Pre-Prep, where our learning puppets help the children to better understand core learning skills they’ll need for life.

We’ve enjoyed some varied topics across the year from Toys to Superhumans and culminating in Rainforests. These have been underpinned with some fantastic, themed days such as World Earth Day and our Explorers Day where we spent the day orienteering around Carey’s. The Nursery children loved their topic Journey Through Space, where they made telescopes and looked at the moon and made their own space rocket to reach the planets! We also enjoyed Grandparents’ Day where the children reminded their grandparents how to behave in school! On the theme of our older generations, Year 1 enjoyed writing to a local care home where they asked residents about the toys from their youth; they were delighted to each receive a handwritten reply.

Pre-Prep have also been out and about a lot this year! Trips to Launceston Organic Farm, The Newt’s Roman Villa, Stone Henge, Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens, Haynes Motor Museum and

It makes such a difference to the children to have a fun and vibrant play space

Fleet Air Arm Museum have all underpinned the children’s learning at various points. These ‘wow’ events are an invaluable part of our curriculum and I’m always delighted with how the children conduct themselves when out and about. A real credit to the school and, of course, you!

Our children are an active and sporty bunch! The Cross-Country event with other local schools was a huge success; the children loved making new friends and competing. The Colour Run the next day was well-supported by Pre-Prep parents and children, although I think Mr Briggs enjoyed spraying the children with his Super-Soaker a little too much! Pre-Prep children performed brilliantly at Port Regis’s annual gym competition,

and it was lovely to see all our children perform well and with good sportsmanship on Sports Day. I’m delighted that there have been no tears when not winning this year. Sport is all about learning how to win and lose well; it’s always tough not to win, but our children have been excellent at celebrating the successes of their friends.

Performing arts has also heavily featured this year, with children from our Nursery performing a lovely nativity and end-of-year concert. It’s lovely thinking back to previous years and seeing how much the children learn and grow while they’re with us. PrePrep performed brilliantly in our Christmas play, ‘Lights, Camel, Action’ (a take on Strictly Come Dancing; I’d definitely give their performance a ‘SEVEN!’ (it was

actually 10!). Our summer show is being rehearsed as Preppers goes to print, but I’ll go out on a limb and say it was brilliant! I’ve also been impressed with the number of children taking music lessons this year, including one child who sat their Grade 1 (and passed with distinction!) and it was lovely to see so many Pre-Prep children performing in our music recitals. Another highlight was the fun House Music event, where all children from Years 1 and 2 were involved for the first time. A super community event.

All-in-all it’s been another actionpacked and fun year in the Pre-Prep! Here’s to a wonderful summer holiday before coming back to do it all again!

Head of Pre-Prep, Cassie Wood

It has been another dynamic and enriching educational year for our pupils.

They have engaged in a variety of activities, including Book At Breakfasts, Creative Writing Evenings, academic enrichments, visits from international schools to share culture and interests, Expo Events, day trips, and residential trips for all pupils in Years 3-8.

One of this year’s many highlights was the re-launched Saturday Lent Lecture series for Year 8 pupils and parents. The topics were diverse and extraordinary, including The Origins of Life on Earth, General Leakey’s time as Black Rod, Aeronautics, Simulating Medicine with Real Equipment and an eye-opening and passionate talk about the dangers of addictions and gambling. Stay tuned for our next Lent series.

Woven in between all of these were two wonderful, fully immersive, off-timetable,

cross-curricular days. Maths (Pi) Day saw all children across the school, working in mixed year groups on a carousel of immersive mathematicallythemed problems and games.

World Earth Day involved all pupils from Reception to Year 8 in a variety of sessions focused on sustainability and climate change, exploring deserts, mountains, oceans and rainforests. A personal highlight was witnessing the creation of Sherborne Prep’s very own Greenland Shark, constructed by the fair hands of nearly all pupils across the school throughout the day. The children demonstrated great interest and passion in these activities, which will help to shape a new area of our junior curriculum next year.

Senior Deputy Head (Academic), Briony Harris

This year the development of our teaching under the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB) umbrella has continued. The external January audit applauded the nature in which staff and pupils have embraced the core learning skills of independence, collaboration, communication, thinking & learning, reviewing & improving and leadership into lessons. Our auditors particularly enjoyed their academic discussions with pupils in both Years 4 and 8 commenting on their contagious enthusiasm and eloquent communication skills. Just our typical Sherborne Preppers, then! The auditors also noted that pupils found they were gaining in independence and were much more likely to give things a good go on their own before seeking help from a teacher. They also felt that lessons were much more collaborative.

The launch of this year’s PSPQ (Pre-Senior Project Qualification) event, saw us welcome back four former Preppers who talked through the challenges and highlights of their own projects from 2023. Inspired by this, our current Year 8s focused on their own areas of interest and the resulting exhibition was truly impressive. The breadth of chosen topics was extraordinary, reflecting the diverse interests and passions of our pupils; projects included microbiome and its effects on the human body, the evolution of rugby laws around safety, the role of technology in surgery, Coco Chanel’s influence in the fashion industry, how species of insects communicate and to what extent World War II impacted the lives of Sherborne Prep students. Through their projects, they demonstrated their ability to conduct in-depth independent research, think critically, and present their findings confidently. It was an impressive exhibition and we felt immensely proud of what these splendid Year 8s achieved.

It has been a wonderful year in the Art Department, culminating with the Summer Art Exhibition where every pupil at the Prep had the opportunity to share their artistic ability with both their peers and joined by their parents.

We believe that creativity should permeate all areas of the school, allowing our pupils to freely develop their ideas, to both discover their talents within our community and to celebrate their individuality. The Pre-Senior Project Qualifications (PSPQ) exhibits were fabulous, demonstrating once again our pupils’ outstanding knowledge of design and presentation.

Artist of the Week

Our programme ‘Artist of the Week’ has continued to be a feature during our Assemblies, a public celebration of individual responses to independent projects. It is wonderful to see our pupils’ art every week, bringing colour and joy to the start of the day.

Young Artists’ Summer Show at The Royal Academy 2024

This year Sherborne Prep submitted twenty pieces of art for the Young Artists’ Summer Show. The project was an opportunity for artists aged 4-19 to exhibit their work online and on-site at The Royal Academy in London. We are incredibly proud to present the creative talent of our pupils as samples of the work created throughout the school. The powerful images submitted talk about character and vision.

Art Scholarship

This year we are particularly delighted with Tilly’s success in achieving an Art Scholarship to King’s Bruton, an accolade that speaks volumes about her remarkable talent and determination to achieve her goals. Art Scholarships are a particularly competitive field with a huge number of candidates, highlighting even more Tilly’s achievement.

Dragon TV

Dragon TV has been a great success this year. We have encouraged pupils to create video content for our sessions on Saturdays using core skills such as: communication, collaboration and critical thinking. There were interviews, art, documentaries, and images behind the scenes; which are always a hit with the audience! We feel that media studies are a wonderful way of producing exciting visual content for our community whilst having fun. Well done to all reporters, sound engineers and camera operators!



• Annual Sherborne Prep Art Exhibition 2024

• History of Art Enrichment Club

• Ceramic Workshops at Sherborne School

• Young Artists’ Saturday Activity

• Submissions for the Young Artists’ Summer Exhibition at The Royal Academy

• Earth Day

• Year 8 visit to the Art Exhibition at the Merritt Centre Art Gallery, Sherborne Girls

• Fernando Velázquez Art Workshop ‘Art 360’ on Super Sunday at Sherborne School

Reflecting on this year’s science programme, we have had a truly inspiring journey filled with exploration, discovery, and hands-on learning.

Our children have embraced the core principles of scientific investigation, applying their classroom knowledge to real-world challenges.

One of the recent standout experiences was the Year 8 trip to the Dorset Wildlife Trust’s rewilding initiative: the Wild Woodbury Project. Here, our children conducted ecological observations of uncommon species, gaining first-hand insight into the importance of biodiversity and conservation efforts.

Our younger children also have had engaging experiences; Year 3 enjoyed a number of visits to the Physics Department at Sherborne Girls, where they investigated the power of magnets and light. Their curiosity was palpable as they learned from their older peers.

The school’s eco pond continues to be a source of endless inspiration, with the flourishing ecosystem providing a live classroom for observing species such as newts and dragonflies. This hands-on interaction with

nature has fostered a deep appreciation for our local environment.

Earth Day was a spectacular whole-school event. Children participated in activities ranging from learning about coral reefs and climate change to constructing an enormous five-metre shark and exploring the Galapagos Islands. These activities underscored the global relevance of our scientific studies and the impact of environmental stewardship.

In our classrooms, Year 4s explored chemical reactions with enthusiasm, while Year 5 tackled the challenges of separating messy mixtures. These practical lessons emphasised the investigative nature of science and its application to everyday phenomena.

At the heart of our science teaching is a commitment to fostering curiosity and critical thinking. By engaging in investigation and exploration, our students are not only learning complex scientific processes but also understanding their significance in addressing global issues. The department continues to inspire the next generation of scientists.

Our children have embraced the core principles of scientific investigation, applying their classroom knowledge to real-world challenges.

This academic year has been filled with singing, dancing and lots of jazz hands! There have been musicals, drama scholarship awards, a drama festival at Sherborne School, New Era drama exams, a visit from the Young Shakespeare Company who performed Henry V and we even had a visiting casting director!

Each year group from Years 3-8 had the fantastic opportunity to work on a show in Greenfield Hall, at Sherborne’s Newell Grange Campus, over the course of a week. They work on their productions for four days, and on the fifth day, they performed to the school and then to the parents for their final performance.

The Year 3’s show was Cinderella, inspired by Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. The songs were so catchy that we are still singing them now! “Off to the ball, depart the ugly sisters!” It was a fantastic performance, and the children were a joy to watch.

The Year 4’s performance was Red Riding Hood & the Wolf, which was also inspired by Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. The children performed this show with a great level of maturity and humour. There were so many memorable characters including the pigs, the wolf, Granny, Puss in Boots and of course Red Riding Hood herself. ‘SLOP!’

The Year 5s were the first year group to venture over to Greenfield Hall last year. Their show was the well-known Disney

musical; ‘Aladdin Jr’. This show was an absolute joy to direct and the children were remarkable. The songs were beautifully performed and there were many highlights including the transformation of Aladdin turning into a prince, the extravagant entrance of the camel and Aladdin’s entourage, the villainous Jafar (and his incredible costume) and his sidekick Iago, and not forgetting Jasmine and the magical Genie!

The Year 6s also embarked on a well-known Disney musical; The Jungle Book. What a show this was! Wonderful singers and actors brought such talent and skill to their production of this fantastic story. A highlight was the final scene where the animals and

Theatre can transform a child’s life, just as an early cultural experience whether with opera, ballet, music or art is a wonderful thing because it opens the door to a life-long experience, a life-long enjoyment.

Michael Morpurgo

Mowgli capture the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan. ‘The bare necessities of life will come to you’.

Year 7s performed their musical in the Autumn term, and they achieved a huge accomplishment by performing The Wizard of Oz. “Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!” They showed true talent within this show with their collaboration, dancing, singing and acting.

The Year 8s are just beginning their journey towards their final performance the hilarious musical, Bugsy Malone at Greenfield Hall. There will be custard pies, splurge guns, 1920s flapper dresses, gangsters and lots of singing. What a way to end the year!

Head of Drama, Siobhan Cheadle

Throughout the year, the children have been busy as bees in our fantastic DT workshop. It’s been a wonderfully inspiring hive of activity!

Reception have looked at fairy tales, including Jack and the Beanstalk and the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and designed golden egg carriers for Jack as well as improved bridges for the goats to use, whilst keeping the troll safe and happy!

In Pre-Prep, we were visited by Dorset Wildlife Trust who led a workshop for the children to make birdboxes. These were a great success and even incorporated some recycled materials, such as bicycle inner tubes!

Year 4 designed fantastic animal and alien board games with gaping mouth hole targets and made beanbags, having great fun playing with their games.

Meanwhile, another animal project was tackled by the Year 6 children, who designed and built flying mobiles: beautiful birds, butterflies, dragonflies and dragons with a pulley for flapping wings of which the children are quite rightly enormously proud.

Year 7s studied contour maps of mountains and volcanoes around the world – and further, including Mars, producing wooden layers to build a 3D model before finishing their structures with realistic topography details. They ended the year building trebuchets, working collaboratively to modify their original designs to improve trajectory.

Enrichment has seen the children working independently on unique projects, including cricket bats, fairy gardens and Christmas tree decorations to name but a few, while one of our Year 8 students built a fabulous Dormouse house, as part of her PSPQ project.

The creativity has been endless!

Design Technology Teacher, Jo Pepper

The English department started the first term with a Year 8 trip dedicated to creative writing and mindfulness at the picturesque Springhead in Fontmell Magna.

The children immersed themselves in the Thomas Hardy countryside, crafting nature-inspired pieces of writing. They also engaged in drama activities by the lake and enjoyed stargazing around a bonfire.

Creative Writing Evenings have become a staple in our calendar, providing an

opportunity for pupils to showcase their writing talents to their parents. These events are crucial for developing confident, articulate young individuals and enable them to take pride in their work.

Additionally, Pre-Prep hosted an enjoyable ‘Book at Bedtime’ event, where children, dressed in pyjamas, listened to stories while enjoying hot chocolate and cookies.

World Book Day was a standout event, featuring a variety of literary activities. Harry Potter-style House broomstick racing was a hit with all, and an array of imaginative costumes were on display. A collaboration with the Art department

resulted in the creation of innovative front cover book designs. The ‘Book Wish’ box, designed and painted by two of our pupils, has now become a permanent fixture in the library.

Shakespeare also took centre stage this year with activities including Shakespeare Day, an interactive production of Henry V, and an outstanding performance of Romeo and Juliet by Year 8.

In the classroom, pupils have engaged with a wide range of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, continually honing the skills necessary to become excellent communicators, thinkers, and learners within a dynamic, engaging, and creative curriculum.

This year, Geography has been filled with enriching and engaging activities for all the children. We blend contemporary themes with traditional topics, with environmental issues taking the lead.

The seniors visited Chesil Beach as part of their fieldwork studies, where they experienced the beauty of coastal geography first-hand. They practiced fieldwork techniques, explored unique coastal features, and studied erosion processes and landforms. This hands-on experience deepened their understanding of geological processes and the impact of human activity on coastal environments. The trip ended on a high note with some sunshine and plenty of ice cream!

The study of population dynamics is brought to life through the wildly popular ‘Jelly Baby Game.’ This creative activity involved using jelly babies to represent different population groups and engaged pupils in simulations of real-world demographic scenarios. They analysed population distribution, migration

patterns, and factors like birth rates and immigration, all while the sweet aroma of jelly babies filled the classroom.

Others were able to channel their engineering prowess to design earthquake-proof buildings using marshmallows and wooden sticks. This allowed them to build structures that could withstand simulated seismic activity, showing the importance of resilient infrastructure in earthquakeprone regions, and built on their volcanic experiments in the junior school.

Geography is further enriched through field trips, interactive games, practical projects, and special cross-curricular days like World Earth Day, focusing on plastic pollution. These activities help children develop a deep understanding of geographical concepts and their relevance to contemporary global issues. Our aim is to empower them to be responsible global citizens with a passion for protecting the planet.

Another remarkable year has swiftly passed in the History department offering our children a wealth of enriching and captivating learning experiences.

From ancient civilisations to pivotal moments in world history, our pupils have delved into the past with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Year 3s explored topics such as Dinosaurs, Fossils, and Early Man, creating some wonderfully thoughtful and creative pieces of work. Additionally, they studied the Celts, Romans, and Vikings, comparing their lifestyles and achievements through interactive

and creative methods. They enjoyed a wonderfully immersive day at the Roman Baths, where history was brought to life, before returning to school inspired and camping out Roman style, in the grounds of their very own ‘Roman Villa,’ aka the Sherborne Prep front lawn!

The dramatic period of Medieval England has captivated Year 4s this year. They have investigated the events of 1066, including the Norman Conquest, creating their own versions of the Bayeux Tapestry. The Domesday Book, the Black Death, and daily life in Medieval England were also explored, as was life as a Monk in a Medieval monastery.

Year 5 immersed themselves in Tudor England—a time of great change and intrigue. They learned about great battles, monarchs, religion, and society. Focusing on the Tudor Kings and Queens, children were able to analyse and evaluate their importance within British history, whilst considering the influence of Tudor expansion within a worldwide context.

As children progress through the school, history becomes more rigorous and challenging, and the focus moves away from ‘storytelling and detail’ to the accuracy of evidence and quality of analysis!

From ancient civilisations to pivotal moments in world history, our pupils have delved into the past with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Arrival into the senior school, sees Year 6 continue chronologically into the Stuart period, perfecting skills of analysis, interpretation, and source evaluation. The Stuart Kings and English Civil War provide a perfect topic on which to hone these skills, with the children passionately debating the problems of 17C England, whilst pondering their allegiance to King or Country!!

Our Year 7s embarked into the captivating world of the Industrial Revolution, on an exciting exploration of change and innovation. They delved deeply into topics of Industry, producing informative

presentations which not only showcased their knowledge and understanding - but also their growing confidence! Their studies have extended beyond factories and machines with a particular focus on changes in agriculture and transportation also, whilst considering the significant impact these socio-economic influences had on the shaping of Industrial Britain.

Our Year 8 pupils have worked diligently and with purpose throughout this year, analysing complicated sources and writing well-structured, analytically ambitious essays. During the exam process, they

demonstrated their perseverance and desire to succeed, studying challenging and complex periods and producing some excellent outcomes. The children explored ‘Russia in Revolution, 1900 to 1917’ and gained an insight into the context and challenges of this pivotal era.

The chronological approach to history at Sherborne Prep ensures a rich contextual understanding for all. As they piece together the past, we continue to foster their love of learning and engagement with ‘days gone by’… long may it last!

Head of Humanities and Academic Projects, Janine Gates

It has been an exciting and successful year in Maths throughout the school.

Years 3 to 6 adopted and embraced the ‘White Rose Maths Scheme’ which has been the starting point for developing a very broad and balanced maths curriculum with plenty of opportunities for pupils to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.

Years 7 and 8 have continued to follow their own curriculum and those who sat a scholarship in maths have covered many topics from Year 9, 10 and 11 curriculums. The pupils have applied themselves superbly, with some wonderful and well-deserved results.

Throughout the year, Sherborne Prep ensured that pupils were consistently challenged in their maths lessons. The curriculum not only covers the core mathematical concepts but also encourages the children to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This approach fosters a deeper understanding and nurtures a growth mindset among the children. We have fully embedded the flexibility and creativity offered by PSB and enjoyed promoting the use of mathematical language and higher-level thinking skills. Pupils throughout the school regularly have opportunities to teach their peers and explain concepts to their class.

After the February exams, Year 8 carried out two individual research projects

into Platonic solids, tessellations and Fibonacci, collaborating with their peers to present their topic to the other Year 8 classes. The children chose the format for their work which ranged from posters, 3D models, PowerPoint presentations and booklets.

The year’s major highlight was the Maths Challenge Morning, planned to coincide with the International Day of Mathematics (Pi Day). In the Prep, children from Years 3-8 worked in House groups to participate in The Great Diamond Heist awash with stimulating challenges and puzzles. The event showcased the incredible talent and passion for mathematics among the children; it also served as a platform for collaborative learning and the development of critical thinking skills. Pupils from the Pre-Prep enjoyed a range of activities based on the book ‘365 Penguins.’

Some of our Year 7 and 8 pupils sat the ‘UKMT (UK Mathematics Trust) Junior Math’s Challenge’ in April; a challenging international competition in which our talented mathematicians pitch their knowledge and skills against others. Congratulations to the three Year 8s who gained enough points to qualify for the next round!

The school’s commitment to providing exceptional mathematical education continues.

Would that all nations today could take the lead from Virgil’s Georgics and beat their straight swords into scythes, laying down the weapons of war aiming instead to plant and grow and farm, and feed the world.

We cannot influence those who bring about wars or have the power to end them, but we can teach the lessons of the past and the great writers who described them...and we do!

Latin flourishes here from Year 6, with all children beginning with an hour per week covering the rudiments of the language and background material and mythology from the ancient world. Thereafter they progress quickly with the language and the most ambitious and enthusiastic tackle the subject confidently at the scholarship level. It is a great joy that many of our former pupils have gone on to study Latin at GCSE and A level at their senior schools. Many also take up Greek. In both Years 7 and 8, some pupils

tackle the literature, for example, being introduced to Horace, Virgil and Catullus in the original in Year 8, whilst others read and analyse in detail significant parts of The Odyssey, and short sections of The Iliad, in translation. Hence, they are prepared for the opportunities to study both Latin and Classical Civilisation at senior school.

Some say that Latin is a dead language; here we seek strongly to challenge that; it helps our living English expression and vocabulary, helps our modern language study immeasurably, and is forever yielding more gems of knowledge of the past. If you want evidence of all of this, you could join the unbelievable new dig at Pompeii, which has provided insights into Plato’s last hours, as well as those of the people in the Bay of Naples in 79 AD, could save the fare, take the shorter journey to Sherborne Prep, and come and see it here instead!

Head of Scholarships, Richard Pyman

With advances made apace in the technological world this year, it has been more important than ever to use the technology around us and allow the children to explore.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has continued to be the buzzword and it has been interesting to see how the children have incorporated it into their work this year- whether AI-generated art, or AI-generated text, discussions abound about what the ethics are of using AI in the creation of work, and indeed if a poem penned by a chatbot should be considered a poem at all. It is fascinating to hear the thoughts across the year groups.

Most interestingly for those of us who remember the advent of the Google Search bar- it seems nothing has really changed. As teachers, we still have to explain that work needs to be ‘in your own words’ and as anyone will testify who has tried to create a literary masterpiece using AI- often it is far more work!

However, all these experiences are invaluable as the lines blur between what we use technology for in school and what we use technology for in our lives.

Ultimately, whether coding, digital art, AI-generated poetry, photography or a simple spreadsheet; the children have continued to produce wonderful work using their technology.

Another musical year at Sherborne Prep finally finds its curtain call.

Music thrives across the school with over a hundred music lessons being taken every week, bucking the national trend of musical decline. This year contains various highlights and new musical ventures. The most apparent new venture is the formation of the Girls’ Abbey Choir, and we are delighted at Sherborne Prep to see many wonderful singers take up this historic commitment. Cantores has had a busy 12 months with half term services, Open Mornings, concerts, end-of-term services, and the obvious jewel in the crown, our carol service hosted in Sherborne Abbey.

With a multitude of talented vocalists in Year 8, it was always a difficult balance to strike in terms

of solos. To say that eight members of Cantores performed solos on that special afternoon is a true testament to the ability and commitment that this cohort has made to singing at Sherborne Prep. They are a dedicated group with the ambition to tackle hard music—I hope that they continue to thrive as they move into their senior schools. On the topic of senior schools, our Year 8 scholars took the scholarship process in their stride, obtaining a 100% success rate across the different schools, including Sherborne School, Downe House, King’s Bruton, and Leweston School.

We take great delight in sharing music across the school, and on that account, Pre-Prep recitals have been masterfully co-ordinated by the magnanimous Mr O’Neal. Finding utter ‘joy’ (sorry, Mrs Gent) for those at the start of their musical journey, finding

We will send off our departing year group in the style that they deserve and recognise the great contribution that they have made to Sherborne Prep Music

largely due to their moving rendition of ‘Lovely’ in their House Harmony performance.

familiarity and comfort on the concert stage, the stars of the future are certainly there!

Moving into the Lent term, our annual House Music Extravaganza was hosted in the Gransden Hall at Sherborne Girls, and in the spirit of ‘separate yet together’, we were joined by the Sherborne School Swing Band for an evening of swing.

This event was full of excitement and anticipation from the weeks of preparation and came to a head with the Greeks pipping the title on the evening,

Contributions haven’t only been made by the pupils, and it would be unjust not to recognise the efforts of Mr O’Neal this year. An outstanding pianist in his own right, he has dazzled pupils regularly in assemblies. He is a reliable, inspirational musician creating the foundation of music at our school.

A wonderfully musical year will close with our annual gala concert in the Marquee at the end of term—we will send off our departing year group in the style that they deserve and recognise the great contribution that they have made to Sherborne Prep Music. Though, looking ahead at the current Year 7, it is certainly an exciting time to be a part of this department...

Head of Music, Joe Arkwright

This year has been an exhilarating journey for our pupils in the realm of sport.

Whether they were battling it out at the bottom of a rugby maul, refining their sprint technique in PE, executing a perfect tumble turn in swimming, or making a game-changing interception in a netball match, our school motto, Non-Nobis Solum! ‘Not for ourselves alone’, has resonated throughout every effort.

Our school is deeply committed to igniting a passion for sport in every child, aiming to instill a lifelong love for physical activity that will last well beyond their time with us. Our exceptional coaches, dedicated catering team, and skilled groundsmen at both the Prep and Senior School are among the finest.

Through our comprehensive sports programme and state-of-the-art facilities, we equip our pupils with the skills and enthusiasm for a lifetime of health and fitness, integrating the core skills of the PSB into every activity and creating a holistic approach.

This year has been brimming with sporting opportunities. The children have participated in weekly and Saturday afternoon fixtures, sharpening

their skills and embracing teamwork. Senior pupils experienced the thrill of a Team Bath Netball match at the Bath Arena. The House of Fun and Colour Run events were key highlights, promoting team spirit and pure joy.

Years 1 and 2 showcased remarkable enthusiasm and determination in the Sherborne Pre-Prep Cross Country Relay Competition. Our early morning, lunchtime, and after-school enrichment sessions have demonstrated our pupils’ dedication to improving their sporting abilities. Our sports ambassadors have also been pivotal in fostering sportsmanship and leadership throughout the school.

We have celebrated some outstanding achievements this year, including the girls’ and boys’ U13 Hockey teams advancing to the In2Hockey Regional Championships, and the U13 boys also reaching the National Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) Championships.

As we reflect on this year’s accomplishments, we are incredibly proud of our pupils’ progress and eagerly anticipate another year of growth, learning, and sportsmanship.

The Prep runs on the belief that

Being a stowaway on a Pirate Ship bound for the Caribbean is just about the most adventurous thing to do in life.

The second is to come to Sherborne Prep where adventures, escapades, nights, weekends and weeks are squeezed into every gap, every break and every spare minute of the school day.

From zoology to Micro Adventures to life skills to sailing to TV production to Colour Runs to whole school days of academic fun, the Prep runs on the belief that a happy child learns more, and with so much emphasis on teaching skills for learning, learns for life. Every break, every lunchtime, every day after school, and most weekends, children have over one hundred choices of activities to enjoy - it could be doing more of what they already love here or trying something completely different.

With the staff equally enthused and the list of things to do growing, the only trouble is squeezing it all in and finding time for sleep!

a happy child learns more!

The care and happiness of the children continue to be at the forefront of all that we do.

Along the ups and downs of prep school life we help the children to be kind and thoughtful of others and impress upon them the importance of looking out for everyone in their community. The relationships they have with themselves, their peers, and the world around them are so important and we work with them to make sure they have the skills to enjoy those connections.

Throughout the year there have been countless moments where the children have shown

themselves to be kind and caring to each other and the environment around them. In the weekly Personal Development lessons the children have explored a range of topics that help their development and in Year 7 and Year 8 they have been able to explore mental toughness, how our brains are wired and what we can do to help keep a positive mindset. We place a real emphasis on the mental health of our children, equipping them with the skills to be resilient and to cope when life gets difficult, and also to be brave enough to ask for help when they need it.

James A

Tilly A

Timo B

Felix C

Beatrix C

Jamie C

Marcus C

Ianto D

Max F

Max F

Harry F

Bella G

Rosie GP

Hamish G

Roddy H

Charlie H

Luke J

Honor L

Paul L

Roy L

Max M

William M

Theo M

Canford School

King’s Bruton

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Sherborne Girls

Sherborne School

Clifton College

Sherborne School

King’s Bruton

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Sherborne Girls

Millfield School

King’s Bruton

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Sherborne Girls

(back home - overseas)

Sherborne School

King’s Bruton

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Esme M

Martha M

Cosmo M

Hattie M

Fernando N

Lucas N

Nehemiah O

Eddie P

Olha P

Uyo P

Tommy P

Andrew P

Ava P

Harry R

Alma S

Theo SH

Nick S

Harry S

Tristan T

Celina T

Jaspar T

Harry W

Robert Z

Downe House School

Sherborne Girls

Canford School

Leweston School

(back home - overseas)

Leweston School

Canford School

Sherborne School

Sherborne Girls

Sherborne Girls

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Sherborne Girls

King’s Bruton

Sherborne Girls

The King’s School, Gloucester

Sherborne School

Sherborne School

Millfield School

Bryanston School

Canford School

Sherborne School

Rugby School, Warwickshire

We are immensely proud of the exceptional scholarship success our Year 8 pupils have achieved this year.

With 31 scholarships awarded in a year group of 45 pupils, this is truly something to celebrate. 11 academic awards, 7 music, 5 sport, 6 drama, 1 design technology, and 1 art award, highlight the dedication and passion of both pupils and staff.

Congratulations to all those who received scholarships, as well as to those who participated and did themselves proud even without winning a final award. You all have much to be proud of. Scholarships were awarded to our pupils from Sherborne School, Sherborne Girls, Downe House School, Canford School, Millfield School, King’s Bruton, Bryanston School, Clayesmore School, Leweston School, and The King’s School (Gloucester).

Senior Deputy Head (Academic), Briony Harris

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