JRF Annual reports 2014 15

Page 23

Annual Report - 2014-15

1.8 Katwari Sakhi Programme in further in the carpet value chain. Like Bunkar Sakhis, these Katwari Rajasthan Sakhis are expected to play an The ac ve women spinners with important role in strengthening l e a d e rs h i p p o t e n a l w e r e the carpet value chain while iden ďŹ ed during the spinner evolving further as grassroot engagement programme. They leaders. The ini a ve has so far were provided with addi onal covered 9 Katwari Sakhi and they training to take up the a r e i n t h e p r o c e s s o f responsibili es of 'Katwari Sakhi' u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e i r n e w (Spinner Companion) and grow responsibili es. As the habita on

pa erns of rural Bikaner are quite sparse, Katwari Sakhis are required to cover long distances to reach out to various spinners and support them with their produc vity and quality related aspects. The ini a ve will be con nued during the coming years as well.

Glimpses of Katwari Sakhi’s Work


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