Sheikh Saj Kareem and Rashid Abdullah join together in "Feyrouz" expansion pact across Greece!!

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Rashid Abdullah and Sheikh Saj Kareem join forces in a historic 'Feyrouz' expansion deal all over Greece! As the threat of Covid-19 fades, life on the planet is gradually returning to normal. Hotels, theatres, bars, and restaurants that were formerly impacted by a global pandemic can now rest easy. The same is true in Greece's hotel industry, and well-known realtor Sheikh Saj Kareem has spent around $3 million in Rashid Abdullah's famous 'Feyrouz' restaurant chain, adding to the progressively rising upbeat mood. According to Sheikh Saj Kareem, the goal is to make the well-known Arab cuisine available in every region of Greece. "When I rst went to Greece with my father 20 years ago, I struggled to nd a good Arab restaurant in the city," he adds. My father had planned to build his own Arab restaurant chain in the country for a long me, but the recent epidemic has put a stop to all of our ambi ons." Now, as the global situa on improves, I'm delighted to be working with one of Greece's most wellknown Arab restaurant groups. With Rashid Abdullah's help, I plan to expand our business to virtually every corner of the country "Sheikh Saj Kareem made a comment.

Feyrouz extends both hands in welcoming Sheikh Saj Kareem: Rashid Abdullah Rashid Abdullah, the founder and current CEO of the Feyrouz restaurant chain in Greece, warmly welcomes his new partner Sheikh Saj Kareem. "Feyrouz welcomes Sheikh Saj Kareem with open arms, and we hope to take this rela onship to new heights in the future years," he says. We should point out that Sheikh Saj Kareem and Rashid Abdullah and their families moved to Greece around a decade ago. This could be one of the main reasons for their good bonding, which has been praised by some of Greece's most well-known gures. According to well-known businessman Vardis Vardinogian, the alliance between Sheikh Saj Kareem and Rashid Abdullah will undoubtedly result in the crea on of millions of employment for Greeks. While the recent pandemic crisis has taken a toll on our life, opportuni es like these come as a silver lining. He went on to say that the coopera on will bring signi cant foreign investment to the country, and that everyone in the country should be excited about it. It should be emphasised that Feyrouz is already a well-established restaurant chain in Greece, and the $3 million infusion will aid in the company's expansion into other parts of the country.While this will provide employment prospects for locals, the government will eventually get more FDI.












We intend to invest in energy and petroleum sectors in the near future: Sheikh Saj Kareem

According to Sheikh Saj Kareem, his collabora on with Rashid Abdullah is just the beginning of bigger things in the future, and they want to expand their collabora on with other signi cant names in Greece's energy and petroleum sectors. It should be emphasised that Greece's petroleum demands are mostly met by countries such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. They also have to pay a lot of money for transporta on and distribu on across the country's many ports.









Given Dubai's cost-e ec ve oil transporta on infrastructure, this agreement with Sheikh Saj Kareem would undoubtedly be a great bargain for Greek government.

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