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BEING HAPPY WITH Body image is how you think and feel about your body. However, the image you have in your mind may not always match your actual shape and size.

If you feel happy with how you look and comfortable with your shape and size, then you have a healthy body image but if you feel unhappy with how you look and you want to be a different shape or size, you may have an unhealthy body image. Your body image can change throughout your life and can be influenced by your environment, your family and friends, your self-esteem, your lifestyle choices and your mental health.

As you grow older, your body will change, especially when you go through puberty. It’s nothing to worry about, we promise! Everyone goes through puberty at different stages in their life. Some people start at a young age, as early as ten, whilst other may not start until they are in their teenage years.

There is no one ideal body shape that we should all be. People come in different shapes and sizes and that’s what makes us so unique. If you think about our personalities, they’re all different and that’s great! Well it’s the same with how we look, it would be very strange if we all looked the same wouldn’t it?

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It’s important to remember that the images you see in magazines, on television and even on social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, are not a realistic portrayal of what you should look like. A lot of those images have been heavily airbrushed and edited so that the model or actor looks more attractive than they do in real life.

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