SheerDance Issues June 2019

Page 12

12 •

• 1 JUN 2019

[Special Features]


Westlake Legislation Signed into Law! BY THERESA KIMLER


senseless and tragic loss

days. The new law creates accountabil-

Protected by liability caps, they refuse

of Nic Westlake left his family and

ity and visibility for light rail operators

practical change and will apparently

friends looking for answers as to how

with the hope they will drive more

have to be forced to reason by further

losses like this could occur and why

responsibly and conscientiously, mak-

legislative action. With a level of deter-

light rail operators are able, with gross

ing the light rail system more safe.

mination that Nic would often exhibit,

negligence, to kill people and return

The passage of the legislation rep-

to work three days later without con-

resents a good and remarkable change

sequence. They found that a portion

made in Nic’s name. Though very grate-

Though not like dance, Nic loved

of the problem was badly written

ful for this result, family and friends

the light rail and believed in it. The


his family and friends will aggressively pursue further change.

want more. Any one of more than

hope is that among the many gifts

Tireless family efforts and efforts

5 simple, inexpensive, easily imple-

Nic bestowed upon us, making the

of Neli Petkova, Nels Petersen, and

mented safety upgrades to the light

light rail a safer and more publicly

Ember Reichgott Junge, along with

rail would have prevented Nic’s death

responsive part of our community

kind State Legislators Carla Nelson

and the severe injuries caused to Neli

will be another.  E

and Cheryl Youakim, passed legislation

Petkova. Normal, usual, and prudent

that started some of the needed legal

business practice would call for instant

repairs. Passing legislation is a very dif-

implementation of these changes. The

ficult and challenging thing to do these





MN Governor Tim Walz, Peter Westlake, MN Legislators Carla Nelson and Cheryl Youakim, and MN Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan. Photo by State Capitol Staff.

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