Pause Pearls Blogzine Spring Issue

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On Cover Sheila Lavonne Hall Make Up—Ashley Callaway Beauty Photographer—Michael A. Clark Studios

Inside This Issue National Stress Awareness Month •

Tips to De-stress at work • •

Rebrand Me Live Interview

Maurette Brown Clark Asks the Questions about Branding for Your Business to Ashley Callaway & Michael A. Clark *Hormonal Strategies to Building Your Brand

I married, who I thought was my future at 27. Right before that, I was about to go into the army in hopes to become a doctor, since I couldn’t afford to go any other way. But then, all my plans changed, when I met my ex-husband. I felt that my fantasies of my life had come true. A husband, a house, and children who I had already named. Then, the day after my wedding happened. Signs of instability were starting to drive a wedge into my fantasies. Little by little, they all started to fade away and all my heart, body and soul was given to my ex-husband in hopes to help him with his survival of drug addiction. Being married to an addict, is not for the faint at heart. Every dream, desire, and goals that I had for myself, was taken away and given to him. Fifteen years later, God told me to stand still, and in this stillness, He released me from this empty cage that I was locked in. And just like a caged animal being set free, I spent 5 years trying to find joy, happiness, and love. I ran towards freedom, did what I wanted without care or boundaries. I had no fear, and was totally irresponsible, until perimenopause entered in. The crazy thing is that it happened while my “good life”, began to be a life of losing everything. I went into a severe depressive and experiencing a suicidal mentality. All my “friends” who were living their best lives with me, where no longer there. I was alone. God had put me back into my cage. He was kind enough to make my little box, a hallway. This was a time for me to be still again and let Him pour into me. I’ll never forget how I heard God say, “Take a picture, and see what I see.” For 1 year, I took a selfie in that hallway, and I prayed then posted what was in my heart on social media, for everyone who was looking to see. I chose to be naked and show my scars, not caring about the judgement and I called it my Hallway Ministry. In those previous 5 years, I didn’t value myself or my worth. I had lost all dignity and self-love. This was a time for me to discover who I am and whose I am. For 10 years, I stayed in my caged hallway, learning, focusing, practicing self-care and self-love, alone, but this time, with God. On my 60th birthday, 10 years later, I had started developing my brand. I opened my spa, a juice bar, and an herbal shop during that time. I thought I had the rest of my life planned out and then Covid shutdown hit. Doubt entered and the feeling of having the door closed again, scared the shit out of me. I felt myself shrinking back, closing the doors that God had opened for me, feeling lost and angry.

My mentor couldn’t believe that I was 60. She told me to brand myself. Do a phot shot because you represent what it looks like to practice your wellness services. So, I searched for a photographer. When I found one, I walked up to his door. As he opened it, I felt a sense of peace. It was a weird feeling, since I haven’t had that as we were in a pandemic, but I knew that I was where I was supposed to be. He took my pictures and for the first time in my life, yes, my life, I saw in me, what God had seen in me. “Take a picture and see what I see.” I couldn’t believe it was me. I saw joy, I saw color, I saw power and confidence, and then I felt anger. I felt the pain of not having everything that my exhusband stole from me. For the first time, in 30 years, I cried over that lost. I cried like I have never cried before. It was then that I realized that all this time, I had never released that anger from within my body. I had never cried it out. But now, I finally released it and the door of opportunity opened. The door to live in my purpose. I was given my voice, my clarity, my why. I saw color and I felt beauty and love, truth, and laughter. I saw a BRAND NEW ME. Being a Black Woman in business, I have learned a lot about owning your own lane. Having a business, I feel is 40 percent skill and 60 percent mindset. My mindset kept bouncing back and forth between 30 and 40. I knew how I could help other women who may be wanting to create their own lane in their latter years, but I couldn’t find my voice and clarity. Coming out of my 10 year hibernation, that cry, was my flood gates opening. The dam burst and that rainbow embraced me. The hormonal strategy to brand building became my shouting orders.

Sheila Lavonne Hall I educate upcoming entrepreneurs and those who want to step out on entrepreneurship during their next phase in life, about hormonal strategies that can be used to build a healthy and abundant business brand by creating a culture of teamwork, synergy and cooperation. The way you feel in the workplace or anywhere else, is influenced by your hormones. You want your employees to look out for one another and to trust each other and to work hard to see your company succeed. Teams like these don’t just occur by accident. They occur when you create balance amongst the hormones. “The role of a leader is not to come up with all of the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.” Simon Sinek – Author of Leaders Eat Last You, as the CEO of Your Brand, should not look like what you’ve been through. You should look like the result of what your leadership can provide. “Your Health is Your Business Wealth” is my motto. This is why I have included a strategy for: 1. Business Branding 2. Team Building 3. Personal Wellness Plan

Contact me at: For More Information

Stress Awareness Month has been recognized every April since 1992, but this year it seems particularly important. Learning to cope with our stress and finding healthy ways to deal with these situations can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life. What does stress mean to you? We all experience stress – yet we may experience it in very different ways. Because of this, there is no single definition for stress, but the most common explanation is a physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. Stress is a reaction to a situation where a person feels anxious or threatened. Learning healthy ways to cope and getting the proper care and support can help reduce stressful feelings and symptoms.

• Feeling sad, frustrated and helpless • Disbelief, shock and numbness -Common reactions to a stressful event can include: • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions • Headaches, back pains and stomach problems • Smoking or the use of alcohol or drugs

Affecting more than just your mind Long-term stress can prove to be more than just a mental issue. From headaches to stomach disorders to depression – even very serious issues like stroke and heart disease can come as a result of stress. When you are placed in a stressful situation, specific stress hormones rush into your bloodstream leading to an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and glucose levels. This is helpful in emergency situations, but having this “rush” for extended periods of time can be dangerous and make you susceptible to the issues mentioned previously.

Learn to overcome issues you cannot change Sometimes the stress in our lives is not something we have the power to change. Try to: • Recognize when you don’t have control, and let it go. • Avoid getting anxious about situations that you cannot change. • Take control of your reactions and focus your mind on something that makes you feel calm and in control. • Develop a vision for healthy living, wellness, and personal growth, and set realistic goals to help you realize your vision. Healthy ways for coping with your stress Here are some basic ideas to help you cope with stress: • Take care of yourself – eat healthy, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, give yourself a break if you feel stressed. • Share your problems and how you are feeling and coping with a family member, friend, doctor, pastor or counselor.

• Avoid drugs and alcohol. These can create additional problems and increase the stress you are already feeling. • Recognize when you need more help – know when to talk to a psychologist, social worker or counselor if things continue.

Click in box below Interview with Maurette Brown Clark

Singer/songwriter/producer/ radio personality/musician/ worship leader/wife and mom knows that with God, nothing is impossible and her life and music are a testimony to that fact. Maurette interviews Ashley Callaway of Ashley Callaway Beauty about the importance of getting a professional make-up artist for your brand. She also interviewed Michael. A. Clark of Michael A. Clark Studios about how hiring a professional photographer can have an impact on your brand development.

Award Winning Makeup Artist with over 10 years of experience, Ashly continues to take the makeup world by storm. This dynamic artist is brilliantly self-taught with trial and error and then honed her training and certification from one of the top three global brands, MAC Cosmetics. Her incredible makeup transformations have been showcased on Celebrities such as (Ashanti, Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen Bishop, Fashion Bomb Daily’s Claire Sulmers, Naturi Naughton just to name a few and television networks such as BET, MSNBC, VH1 and Fox 45 and editorial publications such as Essence, Black Enterprise, Sophisticated Black Hair, and several more.

As a teenager, I saw Dad (a photographer) create images and develop them in his darkroom. Those frozen moments in time gave me the desire and passion for wanting to share the art of storytelling. The only image that I have of my parents is from their wedding day. It is a priceless heirloom of them, that allows me to live in their moment forever. As a photojournalist, my desire is to provide a gift to my clients, that capture some of the most precious moments in their lives.

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