Southern Highlands Christian School Prospectus

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Knowledge Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold. Proverbs 8:10 NIV

At Southern Highlands Christian School we desire that students will ~ Know God and grow in relationship with him and with each other. ~ Gain wisdom, and so be equipped to discern the choices available in life. ~ Develop their academic knowledge through quality educational experiences.

Character So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others... 2 Peter 1:5 The Message

Perseverance ~ Loyalty ~ Manners ~ Compassion ~ Self-discipline ~ Self-control ~ Dependability ~ Humility ~ Trustworthiness ~ Honour ~ Integrity ~ Honesty ~ Respect Southern Highlands Christian School aims to be a place where these characteristics are displayed and nurtured. Allowing students to grow to expect these qualities from those within the entire school community, therefore valuing these attributes in themselves and others. Our goal is to grow men and women of great character.

Service God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men. Ephesians 6:7 NIV

God commands us to love and serve others. By being a place that grows students in knowledge and character, Southern Highlands Christian School aims to equip students with qualities such as citizenship, social awareness, responsibility and a strong sense of welfare for those around them. This enables students to serve wholeheartedly through seeing and meeting the needs of others.

Alyss Unwin ~ Year 11 Zachary Unwin ~ Year 2


hy Southern Highlands Christian School?

christian teachers Each teacher at the school is an active Christian, with a commitment to the students entrusted to their care. They believe in a partnership in education with parents, and their dedication to their class Southern Highlands Christian School

As such we seek to provide:

offers a distinctive education in the Southern Highlands. The School is a

Intensive Instruction in accordance

strong Christ-centred community of

with the Board of Studies curriculum

staff, students, parents and friends

requirements with a Biblical perspective.

who work together to make the School a place of teaching and learning

Encouragement to all students to

excellence, based firmly on biblical


beliefs, principles and behaviours.

talents and strengths.

In today’s modern society of complex

Positive safe environments that

issues and educational requirements,

allow all students to enjoy their schooling

SHCS seeks to meld the challenges of

in an accepting peer group.




goes well beyond a normal expectation.

BiBle stuDies anD Daily Devotions Students




devotions each morning with a pastoral care and spiritual focus. This may vary in format in different stages of the school, but generally involves prayer,


Bible reading and pastoral care of each

Discipline is considered a process of


guidance. Helping young people towards

Both in primary and secondary school

responsibility in attitudes and behaviour.

students undertake Biblical studies

We are committed to molding a responsible

once a week. This subject develops the

and mature student in our approach to

students’ knowledge of the Bible and the

discipline. There are consequences to

promises of God through His Son Jesus

misbehaviour. We have rules, for example,

Christ. This strengthens their ability

to protect others and the learning

to discern the choices available in life.

environment. As such, sanctions do apply

Students have the opportunity in open

when rules are carelessly, repeatedly or

forums to discuss real life situations and

willfully disregarded. We are committed to

issues, thus preparing them for life both

working with our young people to ensure

small classes

during and after school in a sometimes

they adopt for themselves high standards

Kindergarten classes have a limited

challenging world.

of behaviour and work ethics. However,

number to ensure the best possible start

as in life there are consequences for

for infants children. Classes in the Junior

continuous eDucation

misbehaviour. Parents will always have the

School fluctuate due to the variation in

Southern Highlands Christian School

most important role in discipline. Ideally

enrolments and the opportunity at times

is the only school in the area offering

the foundations for good discipline are

to have composite classes. In the High

a continuous education from Prep/

laid in the family and home. The School

School our classes are generally smaller

Kindergarten to year 12. This makes

endeavours to keep parents informed

than average. The benefit of these small

the transition into different stages of

regarding the behaviour of their child so

classes is reflected in our excellent

responsibility and a strong sense for the

schooling stress free and academically

they can support the discipline efforts of

Higher School Certificate results.

welfare of those around them.

smooth for students and their parents.

the School.

modern education with the perspective of a Christian world-view. The School

Development of the whole student,

aims to provide an environment that

educationally, spiritually, and socially as

allows all students to develop their

part of the curriculum offering.

individual strengths and talents. Our School motto is ‘Know God and

Preparedness for life such that each

serve him’ and this is the greatest

student will be equipped as a Christian

desire we have for each student.

or a person with solid Christian morals

Academic achievement is important

and principles.

and our excellent School Certificate and Higher School Certificate results, and solid foundations in the Infants/ Primary School are testimony to this. There are other qualities we desire our

“This school is great! It’s a caring environment where my children have blossomed.”

students gain, including citizenship, peer example, social awareness and

1 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

Jacqui, a mum with four children across all stages

‘I can fully recommend SHCS to any parent seeking a great learning environment for their child.’

Neil, a dad with four children who completed their entire schooling at SHCS

Southern Highlands Christian School





HCS - A History

chool Governance

Southern Highlands Christian School is a registered school and has been fully accredited by the Board Studies. Southern Highlands Christian School

third teacher, shortly after this decision

enrolment of 256 students and the new

began it’s life in 1983 with 7 students

a further 9 enrolments were taken and

administration building opened. The

ranging from Kindergarten to Year 4,

the School commenced 1986 with 60

School has continued to grow in student

and one teacher in the hall of the Bowral

students. In that year the School houses

numbers and now includes Prep, Infants,

Baptist Church. The School was started

of Livingstone, Elliott, Carey, and Taylor

Primary and High School facilities, it has

by a group of parents who desired a

were finalised and the building program

matured and developed into a diverse

Christian education for their children,

was started using largely volunteer

community. What has never changed is

firmly based on biblical principles

builders. Most Saturdays were spent

the Christian foundation that drives it,

and recognising the value of parental

at the school site building the two

just as strong as it was in 1983, before

involvement. The 1984 school year

Hardiplank classroom blocks and the

any building was imagined or classroom

started with 21 students and grew to 28 by

primary toilet block. The ladies supplied

prayed for.

the end of the year with one full time and

sandwiches for lunch and helped with

one part-time teacher. During this year

the building. Children came as well and

God blessed the School with appropriate

occasionally had to be rescued from the

land on Boardman Road, it was fenced

mud in the two dams on the property.

and trees planted in preparation for

By the end of the year there were four

the buildings that had been passed by

primary teachers and an Honorary

council and had tenders being called

School Co-ordinator. 1987 began with

for. With the School having outgrown

Years 5, 6, and 7 on the new school land

the Baptist Church hall, 1985 saw it

while Kindergarten to Year 4 were still

move to Moss Vale and find a temporary

at Westwood. In term four the fourth

home in St. Paul’s International School.

building was completed, and the junior

With strong enrolments throughout the

classes moved over to join the others

year the School once again found itself

and the School was back together again.

outgrowing it’s current site and sought

The Primary School continued to grow

to move back to Bowral in the cottage at

over the next few years but the High

Westwood. In December 1985 the Board

School had to close in 1992. The High

took a step in faith and appointed a

School re-commenced in 1996, with an



Southern Highlands Christian School

The founders of the School had a

a denominationally diverse group of

Christian Education in accordance with

number of governance options from

Christian people who have a passion

the aims and objectives of the Company.

which to choose. Rather than linking

for Christian Education. Membership

The Board meets monthly for a Board

the School to one particular church,

is open to Christians who can embrace

meeting and bi-monthly for a workshop.

they decided to encourage


the School’s Statement of Faith and

SHCS is a member of the Association

denominational support by establishing

are supportive of the School and it’s

of Christian Education National (CEN)

a School Company, where members

operations. The School Company meets

a community of liked minded and like

of the Company are technically the

three times a year. From the Company

governed schools. CEN provides a

owners of the School. As was the

is elected the Board of Directors, who is

range of supportive services for over 80

case 25 years ago, the members

charged with overseeing the operations

member schools across the country.

of the School Company, Southern

of the School and ensuring that the

Highlands Christian School Ltd, are

School continues to provide a distinctive Southern Highlands Christian School





chool Structure

The school is divided into four departments:






departments of the School are located on the north side while the Junior and Senior High School are located on


the southern side of the School. The

Prep- Kindergarten (Early stage 1)

library is conveniently located between

Years 1-2 (stage 1)

the two, making it accessible by the entire school. Each department has it’s


own team of teachers lead by various

Years 3 & 4 (Stage 2)

coordinators. Some specialist teachers

Years 5 & 6 (Stage 3)

work across the entire school, such as Special Education, Library and P.E.

Junior High Years 7 & 8 (Stage 4) Years 9 & 10 (Stage 5)

We purposefully ensure each stage of student



the next, therefore building on the


Selecting the right environment for your



child to spend time in before the leap to

Prep offers a program, which caters to

Prep is open to children who turn four

‘big school’ is an important decision.

all areas of a child’s development. For

by the end of April and thus are able to

of the full benefits of the careful

SHCS Prep offers an opportunity to cater

example, cognitive learning is nurtured by

enter Kindergarten the following year.

progression from stage to stage. The

for your child’s current developmental

the type of math and language activities

An enrolment form is included in this

School has designated areas for each

needs, while also preparing them to

which will be built upon in their first

prospectus. Prep operates a one to five

department. Primary School students

ease quickly into a school environment.

year of school. Children in Prep are

day program according to demand.

are not permitted to play or socialise in

While set on the campus of the K -

introduced to the wonders of creation,

Please contact the School Office for a

the High School area. In some instances

12 school, Prep is run as a completely

their part in caring for it, and the people

current Prep Program.

High School students can move into the

separate program, with some integration

who share it, based upon the truth of

areas of younger students but are then

activities planned for later in the school

God’s word. Developmental records are


expected to modify their behaviour to

year. Prep has their own secure outdoor

kept on each child to assess progress and

Prep class runs in normal school hours,

care for the younger ones. This all helps

play area, however the children have the

ensure adequate provision is made for

from 8.45am to 3.15pm. Children may

to ensure the younger children are cared

opportunity to use the facilities a school

their needs. Children will be challenged to

be dropped off from 8.40am and need

for while the older students are provided

provides, such as the library, canteen

explore and discover in an environment

to be picked up from parent pick-up at

with an environment appropriate to

and extensive grounds. For parents

with boundaries, which help them see


their maturity level. This environment

there is the advantage of being able to

the consequences of their decisions. Prep

fosters the development of multi-age

drop off and pick up Prep and school

is a positive and nurturing place where

What Prep Students Will Need

relationships, reflecting everyday life.

age children at the one location. School

children can experience just what fun

Children need to bring their own packed

learning can be.

lunch, morning tea, a drink and a cloth

Senior High

foundation laid in the previous year

policy however does state Prep children

Years 11 & 12 (Stage 6)



are unable to use Bus Travel to and from

library bag. A change of clothes in case

possible, for students to enter in the

school. Prep is supervised by an Early

of an accident is also suggested. Prep

earlier grades, so as to take advantage

Childhood trained teacher and run by a

school uniform is compulsory.




Child Care Certified teacher and aide.

5 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

Southern Highlands Christian School




nfants/Primary ... Firm Foundations


nfants K-2 The Infants Department at SHCS is a fun place to be, with a special family feel, working in partnership with parents. Children are given a foundation in the knowledge, love and power of the Lord Jesus Christ and His plan for their lives.


covering books and preparing craft

The homework policy at SHCS is

items can easily be done at home. SHCS

designed to encourage independent

has a service policy where each family

Literacy and Numeracy

The Infants and Primary departments of

study habits and strong work ethics. Each

commits to a minimum eight hours

Stimulating and nurturing each child’s

the School share a number of common

class teacher assigns homework in his

service per year. This time is especially

uniqueness, we foster a love of learning

aims and experiences.

or her preferred manner. If homework

appreciated and valued as without

in the early years of your child’s

expectations seem unrealistic parents

volunteer help our School could not

education. Teaching the skills of reading,

are encouraged to speak with the class

offer the services it does and we enjoy

writing, spelling and mathematics is a


the team nature of this practice.

major focus for the Infant School and

Bible All classes begin each day with a short

therefore deserves a substantial amount

devotion time where the Bible is read

of time be allocated. We accept that

Specialist teachers

and students and teachers pray for the

The children work in a class group with

students develop at different rates and

their own teacher, but also benefit from

learn in different ways, and our teaching

being exposed to the experience of the

is therefore geared to meet individual

gifts and talents of all the teachers in

needs as much as possible. With a

the department. Along with regular

strong phonics approach using THRASS

weekly visits to the library, students are

(Teaching Handwriting Reading and

taught basic music skills. Our Learning

Spelling Skills), and a structured maths

classes meet again weekly to share

Centre, run by our Special Education

program incorporating many hands-on

work that has been done during the

teacher is available to students who may

activities, we encourage children to learn

day, fellow students and world events.

Assemblies A short opening assembly is held at the beginning of each week with the entire School. Infants and Primary

We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.

Psalm 78:3-5

week, with each class taking turns to

Assessment and reporting

need a little extra help, this can be in

at their own level. All Infants children

present the assembly. This gives the

Assessment of student progress is made

the form of help within the classroom

are encouraged to participate in the MS

students the opportunity to experience

using observation, analysis of student

environment or withdrawal from the

Read-a-thon and the Premiers’ Reading

public speaking and drama. Parents are

work and testing. Records are kept of

classroom for one-on-one assistance.


encouraged to attend these assemblies;

student development. Written reports

Our Learning Centre also caters to

your class teacher will inform you when

are provided to parents twice a year

our students who would benefit from

it is time for your child’s class to present

at the end of both semesters along

extension opportunities.


with parent/teacher interviews at the conclusion of semester one.

Outdoor Learning and Excursions Excursions are included as part of the core study program to provide first

Beyond The Classroom Music tuition can be conducted on site,

hand experiences for students. These

Parent involvement

private tutors are available to all students

excursions are exciting and educational


Parents are encouraged to be involved

wishing to play a particular instrument,

students to make friends across all Years,

with their children’s lives at school as

these may include: piano, guitar, violin,

our Buddy Program groups students

much as possible. Commitments like

drums or voice and are provided at an

from Kindergarten to Year 6 and gives

this can be in the form of regular help

additional cost. (Please contact the School

opportunities to visit their ‘Buddy’ in

in the classrooms, canteen, library or

Office for instruments currently on offer.)

their class room. Older students are

helping on excursions and camps. For

Leadership opportunities arise through

encouraged to look after their younger

the parents who are unable to visit


‘Buddies’ in the playground.

the school, some activities, such as

(SRC) for Years 3-6 and School Captaincy

Our Buddy Program To







‘I consider myself truly blessed that my children can attend Southern Highlands Christian School. They don’t want to be anywhere else.’ Carol, a mum of primary and high school children.

and are based on the particular part of the curriculum being studied at the time. ‘Mud Day’ and ‘The Infants Frolic’ are two highlights of the year. Infants also have the opportunity to participate in our annual athletics and swimming carnivals taking part in a variety of age and skill appropriate activities.

and Vice-Captaincy in Year 6.

7 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

Southern Highlands Christian School





rimary Years 3-6

rimary Years 3-6

Literacy and Numeracy

Music and Drama

The firm foundations laid down in

All aspects of the Creative Arts and

Infants are built on with a curriculum

Music curriculum are taught in class

based on the Board of Studies syllabus

lessons with Primary also meeting to

The Primary Department of SHCS is

with a Biblical focus. Lessons are taught

enjoy choir once a week. Recorder

where children are encouraged to take the

in the six Key Learning Areas:

is taught to a number of classes each

next step in their development towards

English, Mathematics, Science and

year and students have the opportunity

independence. Our aim is for each student

Technology, Human Society and it’s


to learn who God is, about the world He

Environment, PD/H/PE, Creative Arts,


has created and about themselves and

and Man in God’s world. THRASS is

assemblies. The SHCS High School

their place in His world. We support

continued through into the primary

music teachers often visit the Primary

each student in the growth of their

classes to reinforce the reading and

department to further enhance the

individual skills through instructional and

spelling strategies learnt in Infants. All

students’ creative arts experiences.

cooperative learning programs and all are

students are given either a ‘Boomerang

nurtured and have individual needs met

Book’ or diary, which they use to


as they take on the challenge of building

develop responsible homework habits

Our SHCS Primary students have

on their skills and knowledge to achieve




their own dedicated, fully qualified

their personal best.

and coping skills. At SHCS we have

with parents is also facilitated through

Physical Education teacher, bringing

implemented a classroom resiliency



invaluable experience to the children

program. This program offers practical

are encouraged to participate in the

as they help develop their sporting

strategies to help all young people cope

Premiers Reading Challenge and for

skills, ranging from basic hand eye co-

with the complexity of their everyday

those children seeking an extra challenge

ordination to advanced specialised

lives and learn to ‘Bounce Back’ when

SHCS offers a number of avenues which

sporting techniques. Our students enjoy

they experience sadness, difficulties,

may include; The University of N.S.W.’s

Primary fitness each morning, a 15-20

frustrations and hard times. The program



minute fitness session to start the day.

explores topics related to; developing

Numeracy and Science, the MS Read-

Our Physical Education teacher co-

positive values, developing courage and

a-thon, The Writers Challenge and The

ordinates Primary sport on elected days.

gateway Challenge.

Of course SHCS offers all our students

‘But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.’ 2 Peter 3:18

accountability; book.






drama through

and our

public weekly

the chance to participate in various sporting carnivals including athletics and swimming where our four house groups Elliot, Livingstone, Carey and Taylor compete to be top house for the year, as well as our cross country event. Students have the opportunity to go on and compete at District, Zone and State level. Jump Rope for Heart is another event the children thoroughly enjoy that encourages the students to exercise.

9 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

Developing social and coping skills A significant part of growing and is




Outdoor Learning and Excursions

Year 4

strategies for bouncing back, looking

An Overnight camping program to

at the bright side, managing emotions,

SHCS Primary explores many diverse

Fitzroy Falls.

relationship skills, humour as a coping

and interesting topics and activities

Year 5

tool, dealing with bullying and being

through our varied excursion program.

Trips to Taronga Zoo in Sydney for an

successful. It also helps to promote a

Each year students will enjoy camps

overnight camp- ‘Zoo Snooze’. They also

more positive, supportive, prosocial

that reflect the curriculum and have, in

discovered gold in the ‘Bathurst Gold

culture with a greater likelihood of

the past, included experiences such as;


students offering effective peer support.

Year 3

Year 6

It is hoped that as children experience

Trips to Fitzroy Falls and also to Sydney

An overnight camp at and a day excursion

enhanced self-esteem and higher levels

for a tour of the Rocks area, Maritime

to Canberra to learn about politics.

of emotional well-being, they will, in

Museum and the replica of Captain

Excursions may vary depending on the

turn, show improved learning outcomes

Cook’s “Endeavour”.

curriculum being studied at the time.

as a result.

Southern Highlands Christian School





igh School - Pathways For Life

igh School - Pathways For Life

The High School at SHCS is unique, with a focus on what students know and do and also on the kind of people they are. We seek to educate students so that they can achieve academically, and develop a Christian moral and ethic in how they live as members of society. They are encouraged to develop their gifts and talents across a broad range

‘I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.’

of areas. The service program in Years 7 - 12 helps students to look beyond themselves as they develop their gifts

3 John 1:3-5

and talents. SHCS is a small, friendly school where

Information and Communication Technology

and science competitions such as the

At SHCS the range of technologies in

the Year” and public speaking including

Sport plays an important role in the life

use is expansive, and facilitates teaching

competitions organised by Rotary and

of SHCS. Our High School students will

and learning. Highlights include an

Quota Club.

encounter a number of sports during P.E

extensive network, data projectors in

and sports lessons. These may include

most learning spaces, expert tuition, as

Private Music Tutors

but are not limited to:

well as excellent HSC and SC results.

Private individual tuition is available

Rugby Union/League Dance

The Online Learning and Management

at an additional cost from qualified,


Sydney Morning Herald “Young Writer of

students are encouraged to grow in

Pastoral Care

wisdom and stature with increasing

We aim to provide an atmosphere of

Camping, Service and Mission

discernment as to what they believe,

support and care during adolescence.

The highlight of the year for many of


Martial Arts

System allows students access to their

experienced tutors who visit the school.

ultimately driving the life that they live.

A significant area of the students’

the students is our camping and mission



files from anywhere in the School and

The range of instruments varies, please

The smaller environment at SHCS allows



program. Year 7 enjoy their orientation


Table Tennis

certain files at home. SHCS teaches

contact the School Office for details.

students to interact closely with their

understanding the importance of being

camp, while Year 8 participate in a


Aussie Rules

the ethical use of ICT so that students

teachers and avoids students “slipping

connected, of knowing where they fit

leadership challenge activity. Our Year

European Handball

know how to act professionally in future

through the cracks” as they may do

in and of being accepted. Participation

9 students take part in a self-discovery

Mountain Biking

studies or employment. Students in

Outdoor Learning and Excursions

in a larger school. The School aims

in what the School is, gives students

outdoor education camp. There is also

Royal Frire Service Cadet Training

the Senior School where possible are

SHCS believes in giving ‘Life’ to the

to settle students into good academic

ownership of their growth and who they

a wide selection of community support

provided with their own school issued

curriculum through excursions and

habits in order to fulfill Board of Studies

want to be. Students may be dealing

opportunities, which in the past have

laptop which are wirelessly connected to

field study experiences that directly

Statements and Outcomes. The small

with many pressures at this stage of their

included fund-raising for numerous

The School enjoys intra as well as inter

the school network allowing additional

reflect the curriculum being studied.

class sizes in our Senior School allow for

development. The High School seeks to

charities such as Bikes 4 Bibles, Angel

school gala days involving regional

freedom both at school and home.

These outings are designed to enhance

personal tuition and skill development.

enable them to continue the journey

Flight and Canteen.


of understanding whom God has made

Years 10 and 11 have the opportunity

its annual School Athletics, Swimming

Beyond The Classroom

particular subject through first hand

The School motto “To Know God and

them, how to value themselves and

to be involved in our mission trips

and Cross Country carnivals, providing

All students are encouraged to think


Serve Him” is reflected in the academic

others, to see the plan that God has for

both in Australia, such as Bourke and

opportunities for students of all abilities

beyond the school gate and to extend

emphasis and in the challenge for

their lives and to discover how they fit

Darwin, and trips abroad, to places

to be involved. Gifted sports students can

themselves with other challenges. Many

Duke of Edinburgh Award

students to live as instruments of

into the world. We endeavor to achieve

like Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon

represent their School by progressing to

of our High School students are involved

It is our aim that each student from

positive change. The senior leadership

this through our extensive personal

Islands. (Please see more about mission

zone, state and CIS state level. Team

in exciting and rewarding activities.

Years 9-12 can gain a Duke of Edinburgh

program aims to challenge all students

development opportunities, such as our

opportunities on page 20.)

sports vary depending on the season and



Award. This is largely achieved by

to develop their leadership skills for use

camping, service and mission programs.

student interest and may include Rugby

school musical productions, leadership

participating in the camping and service

Union, Netball, Basketball, Hockey,

days with the NSW Governor, World

program. This is testimony to the

Cricket and Soccer.

Vision, Anglican Youth Works, writing

extensive nature of this program.

in and beyond school.

11 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School




Students from

the students’ understanding of the

Of course SHCS also holds



Southern Highlands Christian School





unior High School Curriculum: Years 7 and 8 Biblical Studies Creative Arts English Geography History

unior High School

Languages other than English Mathematics Music

‘Our School Certificate results are above state average’

Science Technology PDHPE

Don Taylor, Principal


Junior High School incorporates Years

Our teachers strive to take the students

7, 8, 9 and 10. We see every student

from the familiar to the unfamiliar,

as an individual, uniquely created by

to encourage them to settle into good

wonderful facilities in both Visual Arts

God with a range of gifts and talents.

academic habits as preparation for later

and Music where they are given hands

In Junior High School we foster these

studies and to enable each student to

on practical experiences, developing

gifts in practical ways that help and

develop the skills of “learning how to

knowledge and skills that will lead them

encourage each student to discover


to further exploration and development

their own interests and talents.


Junior High School aims to develop

SHCS delights in working with students

an atmosphere of support and caring

to develop their life skills for managing

during this crucial adolescent period




through Biblical principles and finding

teachers and students. The intimate

their place in the world and society. Our

nature of our school allows teachers

School’s culture is one of acceptance

to know each student individually, not

and encouragement, enabling students

only on an academic or sporting level

to participate fully in the opportunities

but also relationally. Pastoral support is

provided, voice opinions and to move

a high priority.

towards a high sense of self worth.






Creative Arts In Years 7 and 8, students work in

in elective courses. Visual arts may

Camps, Service and Mission

Curriculum: Years 9 and 10



Each Year in High School aims to see

The courses in Years 9 and 10 are

painting, sculpting using wire, pottery,

the students mature in character,

aimed at preparing students for the

drawing, installations and jewelry to

academia and a Christian outlook

School Certificate. Study is now based

name a few. In music lessons students

on life. As a result, the students’

on a more formal or traditional model.

Camps Service and Mission

are engaged in a wide range of playing,

experiences in camps, mission trips

Students continue to receive a high

These may include:

composing and listening activities both

and service programs increase, which

quality education.

Community Service Placement

as individuals and in class ensembles.

demands more of the student in a

Students are encouraged to develop

nurturing environment. Students learn

Core Subjects

“Walk the Line”

performance skills both in the classroom

responsibility and accountability, in an


Bourke Mission Trip



Outdoor Education

and broader school community. In

effort to learn compassion and wisdom.


The range of programs focus on the

Years 9 and 10 students can elect Music,

SHCS offers a wide range of camps and


At the end of Year 10, SHCS students

The important transition from Year 6

development of research skills, problem

Visual Arts or Drama to take through to

service programs and these may include:


are well prepared for the School

to Year 7 is carefully monitored with

solving, working cooperatively and

School Certificate level. Performance

Just Tucker


Certificate. Recent School Certificate


developing communication with active

nights occur throughout the year

Morning Glory Camp at Wedderburn

Biblical Studies

results bear testimony to this with the

and direction to help them cope with


These enable students

for the students to showcase their

Bikes 4 Bibles


students achieving above state average.

the changes in schooling and teenage

to be reliable, motivated achievers and/

achievements. These nights are great

Port Hacking Youth Works Camp

Board of Studies Elective Subjects

Some students choose to leave at this


or leaders regardless of their academic

fun and are well supported by parents

(For specific information on a particular


stage and move on to employment or


and peers.

camp, service or mission program please


to continue their education at tertiary

enquire at the School Office)

Food Technology

level. Others take the next step towards

Industrial Technology -Timber Work

the HSC. Students are well prepared for

Information & Software Technology

either life beyond Southern Highlands


Christian School or the challenge of

Visual Arts

senior studies.



Even though students are

orientated into High School during previous years, they still begin Year 7 with limited understanding of how High School works. These students are given time and support to develop their understanding.

‘High School isn’t as daunting as it could have been because I got to be a part of it while still in Primary School. That’s the great thing about SHCS ... it’s all one community’

13 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

Jesse, student

Southern Highlands Christian School





enior High School

enior High School

Many students take up University places

opportunities and form the backbone

or choose alternate tertiary studies.

of student led initiatives including

The emphasis is on enabling students

end-of-term fund-raisers. World Vision

to be active, critical,


and Leadership days are accessed by




students with an aim to equip them

development of study skills, rather than

with a Christian view of civics and

on course content only.


environment where they take on

Senior High School students gain a

Creative Arts

increasing responsibilities, not only to

greater degree of flexibility in their

A variety of Visuals Arts, Drama and

ensure their learning continues, but

studies. This includes designated library

Music are offered for subject selection

with leadership opportunities within

study periods and greater freedom in

through to the HSC. Students make

the school. The intimate nature of our

the design of projects.

There is the

use of the excellent facilities on offer

Senior High School and smaller class

opportunity to specialise in practical

including dark rooms, arts rooms

sizes provide for personal tuition and

subjects as students develop their

and computer technology to develop

skill development. Our School motto

Major Works. Year 12 enjoy the use of

artwork. All subjects have achieved

As students move into Years 11 and



12 they find a more adult learning

‘Know God and Serve Him’ is echoed in the academic emphasis coupled with the challenge for students to live as instruments of positive change in the world.

‘I am continually impressed with the calibre of young people who have completed their schooling at SHCS- The skills and ethics learned hold them in excellent stead with Darryl, father of three. potential employers.’

Focus The Senior Program focuses on a

Following is a list of senior subjects

Year 11 Curriculum

Music 1

available at SHCS.

Subjects running

Ancient History

Music 2

for the current school year are listed

Biblical Studies


in the pullout section in the back of the



prospectus under ‘Senior High School

Business Studies

Software Design & Development

Curriculum’. Other subjects can be


Sport Lifestyle & Recreation

number of subjects designed to provide

a common room with kitchen facilities

great HSC results. Each year students

undertaken, at an additional cost, via

Design & Technology

Sport - Social

flexibility for students when selecting

and are able to sign out of school early on

move on to creative art courses at

distance education through either Open


Visual Arts

tertiary studies or seeking a career,

afternoons when they have designated

tertiary level confident with their skill

High School for Students, Karabar

English - Standard

with a number of less common subjects

study periods.

development and ability in all three

Distance Education Centre or the Sydney

English - Advanced

Year 12 Curriculum

areas. All students are encouraged to





Leadership Program

Centre for Innovation and Learning.

English- Extension 1

As the Year 11 Curriculum, with the

education facilities including, The Open

participate in musical productions,

Students can also access TVET through

Engineering Studies


High School for Students, Karabar

Our senior leadership program aims to

join the Jazz jam group, be part of the

Moss Vale TAFE at an additional cost.

Food Technology

depending upon student ability and

Distance Education Centre, and Sydney

challenge all students to grow in their

worship team leading assemblies, join

Please contact the School Office for


subject availability.

Centre for Innovation and Learning.

leadership skills for use in and beyond

our dance team, perform at assemblies

further details.

Industrial Technology

English - Extension 2

Students can also access TVET through

school. The program includes a series

or entertain outside school at special

Information Processes & Technology

History - Extension 1

Moss Vale TAFE. Our HSC results are

of seminars, experiences, studies and

events. Our HSC Showcase held each

Languages (Distance Education)

Mathematics - Extension 2



student choice of either an overseas

year is a highlight, celebrating our

Mathematics - General

Legal Studies

number of students gaining marks in the

mission trip or challenge camp. Student

students’ achievements.

Mathematics- 2-Unit

Modern History

top 10% of the state.

Council and Captaincy offer leadership

Mathematics - Extension 1

Industrial Technology



15 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School




Southern Highlands Christian School





ission & Community Opportunities Mission: Changing lives If you have the opportunity to serve God on a mission overseas, or in a different part of Australia, it is inevitable that your concept of God will be stretched. In seeing more of His enormous world


Student’s Perspective

and realising the immensity of God and how small we are in comparison; things start to fall into the right perspective. The problems in our lives that once

Why Mission?

seemed so big become less important;

At SHCS we are committed to the

As Christians our mandate is to “Go and

and the fact that God loves us so much,



make disciples of all the nations, baptising

becomes more precious. You often meet

mentally, spiritually, physically and

them in the name of the Father and of the

people who have nothing in a material

emotionally. Part of this commitment

Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19).

sense, no money, little food and clothing.

is to help them achieve an outward

As a school, our mandate is to develop

In Australia, most of us have never

focus. As such, over the past several

our students to be leaders in whatever

been confronted with such poverty.

years our School has developed a strong

position they are called to fill. We teach

Amazingly, people who live in these

program of overseas mission trips to

them that faithful leadership is about

conditions are, often, more content than

countries such as Fiji, the Solomon

character, integrity and honouring God

those who have much more. Meeting

Islands and Vanuatu as well as trips to

through heart, service and attitude. It is

them can make you realise how much

Bourke and Darwin. These trips relate

thinking not only of themselves but also

you take for granted. Perhaps some of

to other mission opportunities, which

of the needs of others. Mission offers the

the thoughts from previous mission trip

are provided to students throughout the

opportunity to grow in leadership and

participants will convey this.

High School curriculum. We see this

exercise their gifts through service to

‘God has built my faith on this trip and

as one of the pinnacles in the School’s

others, as they share the news of salvation

He has strengthened my desire to share

educational program and are excited

through Jesus Christ.

about Him’




by the life-changing opportunity the

‘God has taught me to be more thankful,

students of years 8 - 10 have before

What is mission?

them. At Southern Highlands Christian

Mission is not only about going to

He has been so amazing in my life; He has

School we want to challenge all students

remote or exotic overseas locations, or

helped me to become more passionate

to not only respond to Christ but to then

just inter/intra state to isolated, country

about my love for Him and sharing my faith.

be able to share His love and the offer

communities. Mission is simply showing

It has been the most challenging/excellent

of salvation that He freely makes. Whilst

the love of Jesus by serving wherever

experience in my life.’

hoping to make this a reality for every

there is a need. There are wonderful

‘I love the way that, despite the millions

part of life we also wish to offer students

mission opportunities within our own

of differences I have with people here, we

specific ministry opportunities outside


are brothers and sisters in Christ. I love

their normal comfort zone, so that the

other Christian Organisations. We have

the way Jesus joins everyone together.’

message of the gospel may be shared

teams who make visits to retirement

When asked about the highlight of their

in these areas and so that students

villages, support prayerfully and fund

schooling, nearly every student points to

themselves will grow through this

raise for organisations such as Project

their experience in missions due to the

experience. We also desire our students

Compassion (the school sponsors a

enjoyable adventure and the dramatic

understand God’s plans are much bigger

number of children from overseas

impact on their lives, their view of the

and involve significantly more people

countries), the Red Cross, Angel Flight

world and those around them, and what

than just the Southern Highlands area

and Samaritans Purse to name a few.

they can do to ... “Make a difference”.



gracious and not to take anything for granted.


cation”. In the are the true goals of edu ter rac cha d an e nc ige once said that “intell t only are the Martin Luther King Jnr ion is seen at its best. No cat edu e tru ol, ho Sc n Highlands Christia ality through the environment of Southern characters and individu ir the ing ild bu are y the demic education, t to us during students receiving an aca nciples and morals taugh pri n tia ris Ch e Th . ers off on that our School their words and strong Christian foundati s. The teachers, through oom ssr cla se tho in ind s were not left beh s and develop our Biblical Studies classe g us shape our character pin hel , ool sch de tsi ou d rals both inside an g the transition actions, display these mo for us to return to durin on ati nd fou g on str a us rld. This has given only with a good our knowledge of the wo th. We are equipped, not fai r ou of ing nd sta der ulthood, a deep un between childhood and ad build our lives. n principles on which to tia ris Ch of set a that just as much t bu ion educat cation and it is evident edu e tru a of nt me ele ly rtant, is not the on ed students the Character, though impo ol activities have provid ho Sc . ent em iev ach ic gence and academ would like to say emphasis is put on intelli y have been blessed. We the ich wh th wi ts gif te and excel in the us to participate opportunity to participa ir valuable time to enable the en giv ve ha o wh ts chers and paren gence and our thank you to the many tea development of our intelli the e, enc eri exp ool sch your support our in these events. Without gettable as it has been. n as rewarding and unfor bee ve ha t no y for the support uld wo , ter charac nk the school communit tha to e lik uld wo we , r 12 particularly rs giving up time Speaking on behalf of Yea during our exams, teache yer pra of m for the in e al year. This cam essed. It has been given to us during our fin talk to when we were str to ple peo th wi us ing and even in provid n throughout our to give us extra classes been with us at every tur s ha t tha ent nm iro env h a supportive a blessing to be part of suc yward entire school career. Matthew Dabin and Pru Ha

of N.S.W.

17 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

Southern Highlands Christian School




eneral Information

Tuition Fees Independent schools receive significantly

School Service Policy

Discipline of students

Our School Service Policy encourages

The continued enrolment of students is

State) government funding than public

parents to demonstrate a practical

dependent on their behaviour being in

schools. Tuition fees are charged to

commitment to the school they have

accordance with the School rules and

make up the difference between the

chosen for their children, by contributing

regulations, as amended from time to

costs of education and the government

to the life of the School in some way.

time, and excursion privileges may be


The Policy asks each school parent to

forfeited with failure to comply with

SHCS budgets to provide a well

contribute a minimum eight hours per

these rules. Further details regarding

resourced education in modern facilities

year in School Service. The opportunities

discipline can be found in the School’s

at a moderate cost.

are numerous and the School does

Discipline Policy, a copy of which can

SHCS has a particularly generous sibling

not dictate where or how parents can

be viewed in the School Office or is

discount as part of its mission to be

complete their School Service. It may

available on the School’s website.

supportive of families. Where two or

be in reading groups, library assistance,

less (combined Commonwealth and

more children from a family attend, a

activities week, gardening, cleaning, or

Special Needs

with odd jobs - School Service hours can

Because of the size of the School and its

for the second and subsequent children.

be achieved wherever a need exists.

supportive environment, many requests

Please refer to the Fees Schedule for

are received to enrol students with a

details. Preferred payment method is

We highly value the once a term Working

special social, emotional or educational

direct debit, this and other payment

Bees as this allows additional care of the

needs. In most cases the School does

options may be discussed with the

spacious surroundings and wonderful

not receive the level of funding that

Business Manager.

facilities the students of SHCS enjoy. As

public schools do for special needs, and

such Working Bees attract double time

as such, our capacity to cater for these

How are Tuition Fees Paid

in School Service hours and are a great

enrolments is limited. Each application

Most parents pay fees as they are

way to get to know other school families.

for enrolment is considered on the

billed each term, with the exception of

Although we would much rather have a

basis of places, resources and facilities

year 12, which is billed in three equal

contribution in School Service, there

available at that given time.

instalments. Some parents pay their

may be some families who are unable

generous discount is applied to the fees

entire years fees in advance. If this is

to fulfill the requirement. In such cases

The Building Fund

these families will be asked to contribute

The SHCS Building Fund provides

discount is applied. Others choose direct

a nominated fee to the School Building

financial support for the School’s

debit from their account or credit card

Fund in lieu of the completion of their

infrastructure, generally in projects

or other electronic means as per written

School Service hours.

that will benefit both current and

agreement with the Business Manger.

future students. The annual Building

Term Dates

(Note: There is a bank surcharge on

Fund appeal is held in June each year

credit card payments). More detailed

SHCS operates on the N.S.W. school

and all families are expected to make a

information is outlined in our Credit

term dates with the exception of term

tax-deductible contribution according

Policy, a copy of which can be obtained

3 which has one week less than the

to their means.

from the School Office or on our

done by the 2nd week of term one, a

normal school term. This allows for staff

website. Our Business Manager, who

training to take place.

can be contacted through the School Office, is always available to discuss any questions you may have.

19 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School


nrolment Information

Who May Enrol?

Waiting Lists

Southern Highlands Christian School


was established to support Christian

available, if you are on the waiting list,

parents in providing an education for

your child can be admitted immediately

their children in accord with their

to classes. Placement on the Waiting

faith and home life. Over the years

List ensures priority when vacancies

many other parents have seen the

become available.




benefits of a Christian Education and the environment we offer, and have desired to have their children educated

Enrolment Bond

at SHCS. These parents want their

A nominated enrolment bond is to be

children to have an education in a

paid upon acceptance of enrolment - to

Q uery

moral, Christian environment, and are

be refunded after the last child leaves


supportive of the Christian ethos as

the school, provided all liabilities are


a basis to the education at SHCS. As

met and student had not had enrolment


such the School is not exclusive, but a

discontinued by the School. Please refer


majority Christian family culture will

to the

General Enquiry

Admin Clerk

always be in prevalence.

section at the rear of the Prospectus.

SHCS Bus Travel

Deputy Principal

Fees Schedule in the pullout

Who To Contact about

W ho

to ask

Reception Enrolment Registrar Principal Business Manager

Southern Highlands Christian School




nrolment Procedure

As you consider the appropriate choice

starts the enrolment process will submit

School Tours

of school for your child, we warmly

an application, for your convenience the

School tours are conducted upon

encourage you to investigate SHCS and

enrolment procedure is explained below,

request. Bookings through the School

see for yourself the kind of School we

along with the particular forms you will

Office are essential.

are. This can happen in a number of

come across and need to complete.

ways: School tours, talking with family/

The enrolment process will require a

friends of students who already attend

non-refundable administration fee to be

SHCS and reading the material in our

paid at the onset of the process. Please

information pack.

refer to the Fees Schedule in the pullout



The enrolment



May the Lord bless and guide you through this important process of enrolment at SHCS.

section at the rear of the Prospectus.

to clarify parental expectations and awareness. We realise not everyone who

Enrolment procedure at Southern Highlands Christian School Steps


Tasks to be completed

Step One

Initial contact/enquiry with the School via telephone, website, email or letter,

Information kit sent to enquirer.

Step Two

Apply for enrolment,

Complete and lodge Enrolment Application form, ensuring all relevant information is included eg. birth certificate, immunisation records, specialists reports and pastoral care reference ... with both parents signing all relevant places where applicable.

Step Three

Enrolment form received by SHCS,

Once enrolment form and administration fee have been received, the Enrolment Registrar with contact the enquirer and arrange an interview with the Principal.

Step Four

Interview with Principal and School tour. Grading tests undertaken where applicable,

After your interview with the Principal, an interview with the Board will be arranged.

Step Five

Board interview,

Attend the interview with the Board and/or company members.

Step Six

Your application will be considered at the next Board meeting and be approved/not approved by the Board and Principal. You will be notified in writing by the Enrolments Registrar of the Board’s decision,

Approval of application for enrolment. If your application is successful, you will be required to make a payment as a family bond (as discussed in Prospectus) and complete any further required paperwork.

Step Seven

Attend orientation events where applicable,

Contact the School with any concerns or questions.

Step Eight

Participate fully in the life/community of SHCS,

Enjoy the life/community of Southern Highlands Christian School. We look forward to welcoming you into our community.

21 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School

4 ~ Southern Highlands Christian School


here is SHCS located?

Southern Highlands Christian School Cnr of Kangaloon & Boardman & Roads

To Mittagong & Sydney


Tel: 02 48611781

et Stre

Bowral Street



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Bowral Township

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Str ee Sta tio n

Bowral N.S.W. 2576


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To Moss Vale

Kangalo on


To Wollongong

Cnr Kangaloon & Boardman Roads Bowral NSW 2576 T: 02 4861 1781 F: 02 4861 1696

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