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Is Fluoride Killing You? By TONY CARTON For The Prairie Advocate News FREEPORT — The Freeport City Council graciously granted Dr. Dean Murphy speaking time at its April 14, 2014 meeting. Murphy, a Rockford orthodontist and author of the book, is killing you,” shared observations gleaned from his 17-year journey into is hurting not only the teeth, but it’s also hurting us biologically,” said Murphy. “It’s hurting our different organ systems. It’s a poison and it slowly accumulates inside of us, and eventually it causes havoc.” Fluoride compounds are salts that bines with minerals in soil or rocks.
thyroid gland, the pineal gland which is involved with sleep cycles and estrogen-type cycles. “Most people don’t understand,” said Murphy. “They think it’s in the natural well water, but that is only the beginning.” lates in the body over time, chronically destroys bones resulting in early-onset osteoporosis. High levels of accumulation also affect the brain, causing abnormal behaviors, most notably, memory loss. “The number one complaint of India and in early studies done in Greenland on these miners that were mining cryolite, a sodium aluminum
and that was only after three or four years of exposure and mining this stuff water to protect public health. The and inhaling the dust in the mines,” said Murphy. “We’ve been treating our health problems if present in public water with it for more than 50 years.” or private water supplies in amounts Murphy also discussed his greater than the drinking water standard set by the Environmental “Fertility is another major health Protection Agency (EPA). The maximum contaminant 4.0 parts per million. According to the EPA, the federal agency set this level of protection based on the best available science to prevent potential health problems. EPA has set an called a maximum contaminant level (MCL), at 4.0 parts per million. MCLs are set as close to the health goals as and the ability of public water systems to detect and remove contaminants using suitable treatment technologies. EPA has also set a secondary parts per million. Secondary standards are non-enforceable guidelines regulating contaminants that may cause cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aesthetic effects (such as taste, odor, or color) in drinking water. EPA warns that tooth discoloration and/or pitting is caused by formative period prior to eruption of the teeth in children. Records show the water in Freeport to be about one fourth the MCL and about half the SMCL, or well below the recommended safety level. Mineral, or Chemical? Murphy maintains the EPA standards are too lenient and any amount of the chemical is too much. “Why are we dumping this and other chemicals into our water supply?” Murphy said. “It’s not just and sodium silicates in there which are much more harmful than the natuthat we’re getting out of well water.” He said fluoride affects the teeth, the thyroid gland, the para- is now the proud host of Bob Whitten’s column
instruction to the council. “Would I say it is safe to drink the water,” she said. “No, you should not drink the water.”
concern and problem in this country,” water. Murphy and Haddad urge area he said. “Most people don’t know why residents to contact their legislators fertility is such a problem, but that’s and ask them to work in support of legislation that will allow municipalithat’s been known for a long time” He said animal studies show The Lanark City Council was in feed or mineral supplements fed to their support of a measure aimed cows and sheep they are not able to reproduce, and it is not only animal water supplies in Illinois on March studies that show accumulations of 6, 2012. The city passed a resolution supporting House Bill 5383, a fertility. measure that “Repeals a provision “A number of studies from China, requiring the Department of Public India, Mexico, and Russia have found Health (IDPH, 415 ILLS 40/7a) to - promulgate rules to provide for the ated with reduced male testosterone levels,” Murphy said. supplies.” Granted, the studies shown by HB 5383 was introduced by Rep. Murphy were performed in coun- Rich Morthland (R-71, Cordova) on Feb. 29, 2012, at the request of Tom naturally at 4 to 8 times the maximum Kocal, Lanark Ward 2 Alderman. contaminant level goal set by the EPA, Besides the health and political and 5 to 10 times the level added to municipal water supplies in Stephen- debate, there is a constitutional aspect. son County. But Julie Haddad of Freeport, who introduced Dr Murphy realize that the purpose of a public and spoke emotionally following his water supply is to supply water to the presentation, was adamant in her entire community - which is composed
of people with varying health conditions, in varying stages of life, and of varying economic status. To forcibly mass medicate the residents of my town, and anywhere in this country - is a civil rights violation. When I was elected as alderman, I, too, took an oath to uphold the U.S. and State of Illinois Constitution. I take that oath seriously. “HB 5383 is certainly a step in the right direction. It will give municipalities and food processors their water - or not.” But no further action was taken after the bill was referred back to the Rules Committee after they assigned the bill to the Environmental Health Committee on Feb. 27. This committee addressed HB 5383 on March 9, 2012, where Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia (D-83, Aurora) joined the effort. The bill was rereferred to the Rules Committee, where it died. You can participate in re-introducing this measure by contacting State Senator Tim Bivins, 50 W. Douglas, Freeport, IL or 815-2330037 and State Representative Brian Stewart, 50 W. Douglas, Freeport, IL or 815-232-0774.