Top benefits of magento’s upgrade service for australian businesses

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Top Benefits Of Magento’s Upgrade Service For Australian Businesses Read on to find out more of how Alinga eCommerce can help you grow your business with the Magento Upgrade Service. What is the Magento Upgrade Service The Magento Upgrade Service provides your Magento online store with a large directory of extensions. Magento extensions expand the capabilities of your eCommerce store by adding new features and functionalities. The wealth of downloadable extensions available within the Upgrade Service is what helps make Magento the eCommerce platform of choice. Some Useful Magento extensions Some of the useful extensions available for download for your Magneto online store are as follows: Matrix Rate: Providing an efficient distribution service is essential for the success of any Brisbane Magento store and the Matrix Rate extension is one of the best ways to enhance your shipping process. With features that let you manage multiple shipping issues such as distance, location and taxes and have the prices automatically attached, Matrix Rate enables you to efficiently and accurately manage your shipping concerns.

Bronto: An eCommerce store needs a strong online marketing campaign to help drive traffic to its stores and boost sales. The Bronto extension provides a powerful marketing campaign solution based off of consumer behaviour such as buying activities and segment them by categories. Magento Debug: These days Brisbane eCommerce websites cannot afford to have slow loading pages. In fact, it is one of the top reasons for causing shopping cart abandonment. Get to the root of the problem with the Magento Debug extension and ensure your Commerce website runs smoothly and reliably. As an open source system, Magento users will benefit from the continual revisions, improvements and updates that are contributed to the Magento Upgrade Service. Not only will they help your business in boosting traffic and sales, but customers will have a more enhanced shopping experience on your Brisbane Magento stores as well. Benefits of Alinga eCommerce Magento Upgrade Service

Although Magento is one of the most user-friendly eCommerce platforms currently on the market, not all business owners have the capability or experience in handle Magento upgrades. One mistake and you can potentially wreck the eCommerce store business you have worked so hard on. . As a Brisbane agency specialising in Magento ecommerce, our professional team of developers at Alinga eCommerce are certified Magento ecommerce developers. Not only can we can save you from wrecking your store but we can help you dramatically improve your eCommerce business by leveraging our expertise to provide you with the most useful Magento features to help grow your business. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about doing all the maintenance work yourself; you can rest easy knowing that certified experts are improving your store experience. For more information on how our Alinga Team can help you achieve success in your eCommerce business, contact us now for a free consultation.

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