How visual search technology can help improve your eCommerce business

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How visual search technology can help improve your eCommerce business Alinga Web Design is a Brisbane agency specialising in Magento eCommerce and as certified Magento developers, we have the technology and expertise to help you make the best use of the latest technological trends to enable your Brisbane Magento store stand out from your competition. The way search engines work The traditional way of finding products on the internet entails typing terms or keywords into your favourite search engine and browsing through the results until you find what you need. Sometimes, however, you may find that all you have to go on is an image you may have seen elsewhere and you may not even know what brand it belongs to.

This presents a challenge as search engines rely on those keywords to be included on the product’s description in the web page’s metadata. This can make finding a match difficult, especially if you’re at a loss for words, so to speak. The advantage of searching by images instead of words With visual search technology, however, the old adage of a picture being worth a thousand words (or keywords) has never rung truer. This search technology can read images to determine colour, shape, and size and can even recognise text to spot out brands from the image itself. With mobile phones, visual searches become even easier as certain apps enable you to snap pictures, which enable consumers to immediately begin retrieving information and even shop instantly. Image optimisation for Brisbane eCommerce websites For eCommerce Websites Brisbane, having pages with fast load times is considered sacred. Therefore, even the suggestion of increasing the use of images on your site may make Magento online store owners shudder at the very thought. However, you can actually improve your search engine rankings by optimising your images and potentially generating a significant (read: tons) amount of traffic to your site. Here are a few image-optimising ways that our web development team at Alinga follow, and will help optimise your images: Alt Text: This is adding a short description of the image file in the HTML code that allows search engines to find and understand images.

Size does matter: Simply having your browser resize an image to make it appear smaller just doesn’t cut it. Our Alinga web designers use the best photo-editing software apps to get the best size for the image and then upload it onto your website. Descriptive file name: Make your images search-engine friendly by giving it a descriptive filename. Contact Alinga Web Design for more information and tips! Visual search gives customers access to a retailer’s product without them having to be at the physical location. In effect, visual search technology can turn your entire city into your own showroom. Contact Alinga Web Design to discuss how we can help your Brisbane Magento store grow by using visual search technology and much more.

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