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UJA Federation of Greater Toronto is also subsidizing after-school activities, including sport, dance and music, for more than 1,000 children and teens in Sha’ar Hanegev. These activities enable children to channel their energy in a positive direction and greatly add to their quality of life.

children and teens

after-school activities

Unsurprisingly, many children who were in the line of fire are suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. They panic when hearing a loud noise, have trouble sleeping, cannot bear to part from their parents, have difficulty concentrating, and are terrified for the safety of their family Activity kits were distributed to dozens of adults with psychiatric Hundreds of people with disabilities escaped the embattled south for one and three-day respites. Portable toilets allowed people to maintain their independence and dignity, even when confined to a bomb shelter. Many people in rural areas, in which the houses are older, had no bomb shelters at all. Responding to this need, Federation CJA Montreal funded the installation of 28 portable concrete shelters in Be’er Sheva, Bnei Shimon and Ashkelon.


portable concrete shelters

It also installed 20 automated shelters opening systems, making the process of opening the bomb shelters, previously a manual process, much quicker and more efficient. After the war, JFC-UIA funded respites for some 600 municipal personnel and volunteer emergency responders (including social workers, psychologists and youth workers), who had worked 24/7, responding to unimaginable crises. These programs provided muchneeded support, enabling them to “recharge their batteries”, share their experiences, and draw professional conclusions for the future.

20 automated shelters opening systems


Municipal personnel & volunteer emergency responders

Before Rosh Hashanah, JFC-UIA provided 544 families in Sderot with food.


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