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In Be’er Sheva, Federation CJA Montreal supported public festivals which took place during Sukkot. Over 1,000 people took part.


People took part in a Public festivals

UJA Toronto is promoting varied cultural and sporting activities in Sha'ar Hanegev which will bring people together, promote cohesion and create an upbeat atmosphere.

Sporting Activities

It is also funding the cost of an additional social worker in Sha’ar Hanegev to help address some of the personal and communal crises created by the war.


Social worker

“Your support during the war was truly incredible. Your speedy response enabled us to make quick decisions and to avoid bureaucracy. And yet the knowledge that your commitment is for the long-term is what makes our relationship so unique and a real partnership”. UJA Federation of Greater Toronto has embarked on a major initiative to improve the teaching of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) in Sderot schools. This will raise standards, strengthen the city’s economic base, and encourage skilled, educated newcomers to move to the region.

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