Lessons from Linden Hill

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Lessons from Linden Hill Design Tips and Planning Pointers

Jerry Fritz with

Nancy Ondra

Copyright © 2009 Jerry Fritz and Nancy J. Ondra All rights reserved Design and layout by Nancy J. Ondra Photography © Nancy J. Ondra, except as follows: © Jerry Fritz: front cover (top left, bottom); pages 8, 10, 11, 20 (top), 40 (left), 54 (top two), 65, 67, 69 (top), 76 (top), 77 (bottom), 81 (bottom), 93, 94, 95 (bottom right), 97, 100, 104, 106, 107 © Rob Cardillo: pages 15, 20 (bottom), 26, 55, 81 (top); back cover (bottom left) © Sara Moyer (L & L Photography): page 3 © Dan Heims: page 69 (bottom) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the authors. ISBN: 1-4486-2677-3 EAN: 978-1-4486-2677-9 Printed in the United States of America by CreateSpace To purchase additional copies of this book, please visit CreateSpace (www.createspace.com), Amazon (www.amazon.com), or Linden Hill Gardens (www. lindenhillgardens.com).

Linden Hill Gardens P.O. Box 10 Ottsville, PA 18942 www.lindenhillgardens.com 610-847-1300


Part One: The Gardens at Linden Hill The Beginning ....................................................8 The Parking-Lot Beds ........................................12 The Long Border ...............................................18 The Living Patio ................................................32 The Cottage Garden ...........................................38 The Deer-Resistant Garden ...............................44 Mount Linden ....................................................52 Part Two: Ideas and Inspiration Jerry’s Top-10 Plants .........................................60 Through the Seasons ..........................................74 Stone in the Garden ...........................................92 Working with a Designer..................................102

Part One The Gardens at Linden Hill

The Barn in 2000

The Barn in 2008

Chapter 1

Linden Hill: The Beginning

So read the rustic sign that began the of the property (and the real prize, in my adventure known as Linden Hill Gardens, eyes): the big stone barn. A good part of its roof was missing, and the entire structure the culmination of my life-long dream to create an amazing horticultural destination. On needed complete restoration. More than one friend the freezing February day that I drove by that told me I was crazy to consider taking it on. But, I like a challenge! kinds of rare and unusual plants, complemented by extensive display plantings and packed with Just the Facts visitors who had come to learn about new plants As eager as I was to make the property mine and and enjoy the glorious gardens. Well, that’s what get started, I knew I needed to gather some solid I saw in my imagination, at least. The reality was facts about the place to back up my instincts. a little different. I wasn’t new to the horticultural business, by Located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the any means. I’d started my landscaping business property had a long history as a farm and homestead. back in 1989 with just myself and a small Its agricultural heritage wasn’t much in evidence pickup truck, and in just 11 years, I’d built it into a well-known and successful landscape had been used as a dumping ground for all kinds of junk: old cars, trailers, broken machinery, and Design, Inc. My wife, Amy, and I agreed that other debris. There were also several outbuildings, it was time to move the business to a separate including a pig barn, horse barn, carriage barn, and location from our home, to have more room and smokehouse, all in various states of disrepair. The peace for our growing family, and we had decided that a piece of commercial real estate would be a for birds and mice. Then there was the main feature good investment. 9

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