Call 1-800-556-3577 How to setup SSL in WordPress?

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What is: SSL? SSL is an abbreviation used for Secure Sockets Layers, which are encryption protocols used on the internet to secure information exchange and provide certificate information.

These certificates provide an assurance to the user about the identity of the website they are communicating with. SSL may also be called TLS or Transport Layer Security protocol.

Why do you need HTTPS and SSL? If someone visits a HTTP website on regular mode and tries to fill out a contact form or another form, then the website will be marked as insecure. It gives them a bad impression for your business.

This is why all websites need to move form HTTP to HTTPS and install SSL immediately. Google announced that Chrome browser will start marking all websites without SSL as insecure starting July 2018. As part of the announcement, Google also said that websites with SSL will also see SEO benefits and higher rankings. Since last year, a large number of websites have switched from HTTP to HTTPS.

How to Install SSL Certificate?

Install SSL Certificate with Cloud flare or Sucuri Cloudflare and Sucuri are what are known as reverse-proxy services. Cloudflare allows two different arrangements for loading a site over HTTPS: flexible or full (or full strict).

-Flexible allows an HTTP (unencrypted) connection between Cloudflare and your servers and does not require an SSL certificate. -Full requires an HTTPS (encrypted) connection between Cloudflare and your servers.

Step 1 In Cloudflare, click into the “Crypto” tab and turn off SSL

Step 2 Install Let’s Encrypt or a custom SSL certificate

Step 3 Once your SSL certificate has been successfully installed set the crypto level at Cloudflare to Full or Full (Strict) so that the connection is encrypted

Step 4 Then purge the Cloudflare cache. And if you put your site into development mode, make sure to set it back to active.

For Those Using Sucuri You must first contact their support and have them enable the setting to “forward certificate validation.� This allows HTTPS provisioning to

complete successfully. You may then install Let’s Encrypt or a custom SSL certificate via the methods above.

I hope this article helped you to install SSL in your WordPress website. Reach us at or you can call us Toll Free: +1-800-556-3577 (US & Canada)

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