Alcohol Linked with Hate Crime Violence, Finds Study

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Alcohol Linked with Hate Crime Violence, Finds Study Addiction to alcohol can lead to various side effects, such as unsafe sexual practices, driving accidents, financial crisis, professional hardships and relationship troubles. A recent study, published in the journal of Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health in December 2017, has linked alcohol consumption to hate crime. According to the study authors, a person under the influence of alcohol might feel prejudiced, making him or her more racist and homophobic. The study was carried out by the researchers at Cardiff, Blackburn and Leicester Universities as all these destinations are abode to diverse cultural, ethnic and religious populations. The study population comprised 124 subjects out of which, nearly 19 percent held a belief that they were attacked by people who harbored prejudices. Shockingly, 90 percent of these attacks were a result of alcohol intoxication. The study authors identified that out of the 23 subjects who thought that the attacks were perpetrated by a deep hostility, seven thought that their appearances was the main reason, while five held the view the victimization could be due to the racial upheavals in their communities. Further, three participants attributed their place of residence as the reason and eight attributed the attacks to their sexual orientation, religion and race. Principal author Professor Jonathan Shepherd, director of the Cardiff University Crime and Security Research Institute, stated that the crimes were not fueled by hate alone, alcohol was a key aspect. According to him, treating alcohol abuse and addiction is beneficial not just for the health of individuals but also for the society at large. The researchers also observed that surveying emergency room visits perpetrated by violence could act as “early warning system.� Tips to cut down alcohol consumption Alcohol is an addiction-forming substance which can ruin an individual’s life and hurt his or her family and friends. One should be watchful of the number of drinks one consumes and aim for cutting down the intake gradually. Here are some steps to help a person restrict the intake:

Keep track: One can use a mobile app or calendar to mark the number of days when one has taken a drink during a week or month. Keeping track might help a person reflect on the total number of drinks he/she consumes, which can force him/her to rethink about the drinking patterns. Write a goal: Goal setting is indispensable to curtail drinking. One should assign a deadline to each goal and put it in writing. It should be kept at a place from where it is easily visible and can act as a source of inspiration. Avoid triggers: If certain people and places act as triggers to ignite cravings, then they should be avoided at all cost. One must be mindful of such triggers and can make a note somewhere. This information can be helpful in dealing with the triggers the next time by engaging in some activity other than drinking. Drink slowly: One must take little sips of the drink and not gulp it in one go as it might lead to excessive drinking. In addition, one should dilute alcohol with water, soda or juice to mitigate its effects. Additionally, one should have food with alcohol and never drink on an empty stomach so that alcohol takes considerable amount of time to reach the bloodstream.

Alcohol addiction can be treated Unrestrained drinking can lead to dependence, which can develop into an addiction over a period. Addiction can lead to debilitating physical and psychological outcomes therefore, one must seek professional support to get rid of the habit before it causes further harm. If you or your loved one is facing alcohol-related problems, seek help immediately. The Alcohol Addiction Helpline of California can provide information on various treatment plans to cure addiction and lead a sober life. You can call our 24/7 helpline 855-980-1715 to get connected to the best alcohol treatment centers in California which are equipped with trained staff and modern facilities to boost recovery.

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