Design process

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Design Process

Design Process

Design Process Design Process •  Seeking a visual solu.on •  “There is no rule in art” : There is no strict or absolute dos and don’ts • “Guidelines exist” : Assist in the crea.on of successful design

Design Process DESIGN PROCESS Problem Defini8on •  decide what issue you are trying to resolve •  design brief Research •  brainstorming •  informa.on gathering: collect examples, get inspira.ons Synthesis •  organize thoughts and informa.on •  develop conceptual strategy and approach

Design Process Idea8on •  generate as many ideas as possible •  visualize ideas: idea sketches Prototype •  develop color, type and look and feel of the design •  expand and refine ideas Implement (Design) •  create a final format for print produc.on and/or media output Learn •  determine if the solu.on met the its goal •  feedback and evalua.on

Design Process

How Do I Get An Idea?

Design Process Thinking: part of problem solu.on •  Thinking about the Problem •  Thinking about the Solu.on •  Thinking about the Audience Looking: Research and get ideas and source Doing Not steps Not independent procedures Jumping back and forth one to another

Design Process

Wri8ng Design Brief

Design Process Design Brief •  A wriHen explana.on: outlining the aims, objec.ves and milestones of a design project. •  It helps develop trust and understanding between the client and designer •  It ensures that important design issues are considered and ques.oned before the designer starts work •  It helps designers understand the business problem they are required to solve and businesses clarify what they need from a design project

Design Process Wri8ng a Design Brief •  Client / Client contact informa.on: •  Project: •  Prepared by: Overview: Introduce the project (design problem) •  What is the big picture? Objec8ve: Purpose •  What are you planning to achieve with your and how do you plan to achieve it? •  What are you trying to communicate to your customers and how are you doing it?

Design Process Wri8ng a Design Brief Specifica8ons Target Audience: Who are you talking to? Budget Schedule (deadline)

Design Process Wri8ng a Effec8ve Design Brief 1. Project: 2. Prepared by: 3. Design Problem: 4. Objec.ves: 5. Target Audience:

-­‐ Who are you taking to? -­‐ What do you try to communicate?

6. Specifica.ons:

-­‐ How are you going to develop?

7. Budget 8. Schedule & Deadline:

Design Process Wri8ng a Effec8ve Design Brief 3. Design Problem: A number of houses have been broken into on my street. It has been no.ced that the number of strangers walking down our street has increased lately and house holders are becoming concerned about the security of their houses. The police have advised people to make their houses look as if they are occupied when they go away for a holiday or even out for the evening. This may deter a thief from breaking into either the house or garage. The Neighbourhood Watch scheme has also been introduced recently and this has helped people feel more secure. However, even though neighbours will keep an eye on your property if you decide to go out and leave the house empty, they cannot watch twenty four hours a day. O_en even the police ignore house alarms when they are ac.vated because of the high number of false alarms.

Design Process Wri8ng a Effec8ve Design Brief 4. Objec8ve I am going to design and make a security device that will make my house look occupied when, in fact, it is empty. Police sta.s.cs clearly show that houses are much more likely to be broken into when they are empty. Consequently, if the house looks occupied it is likely to be safe. The device will be mobile so that it can be moved from room to room, easy to set up and control and also cheap to make. It must not be powered by mains voltage and in this way it will be completely safe to be le_ ‘on’ for a long .me and will not be affected by power cuts. It will be ac.vated by anyone approaching the hose from the front or back. It must deter even profession crooks from taking an interest in our house and even convince people in the street that the house is occupied.

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