MEL Umguza Project Zimbabwe 2023

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2023 MEL Umguza Project Zimbabwe

Bodil Nydal Engell Seniorer Uden Grænser 18-09-2023

Report from the monitoring and evaluation of Umguza project Sept. 18 to Sept. 27, 2023 Project: No 20-22-1110- Promotion of Climate Resilient Lifestyles Among Rural Families Country and location: Zimbabwe, Ward 14 in Umguza district, Matabeleland North Province Time period: 1. Jan 2023 to 30. June 2024. Funding: CISU Citizen Participation Intervention: 74.245 USD 1. Introduction Umguza Community development project use the experience from a similar CISU financed project in Mutasa district 2020-2021. The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards improved resilience of vulnerable and food-insecure populations in the disaster-prone Umguza district. The specific objective of the project is: To increase the capacity of 230 vulnerable smallholder farmers in ward 14 Umguza and the teachers and students at George Silundika High to effectively cope, adapt to and recover from climatic shocks and stresses.

1. Increasing households’ capacities in sustainable agricultural production practices and climate-smart technologies. 2. Secondly, the project will enhance farmers’ institutional capacities for comprehensive climate change adaptation planning. 3. Thirdly the project will enhance climate change knowledge dissemination. We envisage setting some demo plots at the school and involve selected students and staff who can be organized and participate in this endeavor and indeed further impart this knowledge to their families. Besides knowledge generated will be a store of wealth for survival skills thereof. At George Silundika High the objective is: 1. Promotion of climate resilient lifestyles project that will influence families around George Silundika High and in Umguza District in general. 2. Promotion of Anti - Drug and substance abuse at the school and in the district 3. Promotion of a rich culture based on our heritage.

The overall results we aim at is: 70% of smallholder farmers have applied climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies. 100% of smallholder farmers use climate information or implement risk-reducing actions to improve resilience to climate change. 60% of smallholder farmers participate in collective input and output marketing actions; 10% increase in family income because of interventions being promoted at the centre. The results we aim at for objectives a, b and c are:

a. 80% of farmers practising resilience agriculture practices to climate change effects. 60% of farmers producing and consume traditional grains (drought resistant crops). 50% increase in crop yield being promoted from previous year before the intervention. 80% of farmers engaged in crop and livestock value chains. b. 5 FFLG constituted and meeting regularly.


Ward level climate responsive plans in place c. # of field-days held

Quarterly ward level climate change dialogue meetings held. District stakeholder meetings held. This table below shows the results from the Baseline Survey interviews done Indicator


10% Family income increase from agriculture production

Annual Crop contribution US $288 to HH annual income of $1200 (24%) 34.5%

smallholder farmers use climate information or implement riskreducing actions to improve resilience to climate change. Smallholder farmers applying climate smart agriculture practices and technologies Farmers producing and consuming traditional grains (drought resistant crops) Increase in crop yield being promoted Farmers engaged in crop and livestock value chains FFLG constituted and meeting regularly Ward level climate responsive plans in place Field-Days held Quarterly ward level climate change dialogue meetings


Means of verification House Hold registers

10% increase 100% House Hold registers


70% Register of practices and technologies being applied


60% Farmer crops register

35 kg/ha

20% farmer crop diaries, Project yield tracking register 80% Crop and livestock farmer profile 5 Meeting Registers

69% 0

District stakeholder meeting held Stories of change developed and shared Climate change awareness and adaption campaigns Knowledge-sharing sessions at the Centre where various stakeholders and farmers from the district will be invited.


1 Ward 14 Climate-response plan

0 0

5 Field Day reports 5 Dialogue meeting registers; dialogue meeting proceeding reports 1 Stakeholder register, Meeting Report 4 Stories of change

0 0 0 0


1 Stakeholder register, Meeting Report 2 Stakeholder register, Meeting Report

Community meeting in Barford 23.09.23 Nono (NAWT) and Bodil (SWB) The budget for the project included a monitoring and evaluation visit by the SwB team to Zimbabwe.

Project adjustments before the visit of the monitoring team. Zimbabwe went through an election on August 23. It had the consequence that people in the months up to election day saw every meeting as a political meeting. Because of that it has been difficult to call meetings and have the farmers attend. There has been distrust to what the project was all about. Because of that the start of the project has been delayed with almost 5 months. What we saw and heard was a growing interest in being part of the project and more and more farmers joining the program. It looks like the number shall be higher than we had planned for. The plan was to have four villages Alicedale, Imvana, Barford and Nyokeni with demonstration plot and with sufficient water to secure irrigation. Ward 14 is situated on top of a large water resource Silverstream with capacity to secure Bulawayo. The plan was to establish the main demonstration plot at Manfred Nhemachena property in Nyamandlovu. He is chairman of NAWT and has donated an area at his farm for a period of 10 years. The council of the area has decided against this solution on grounds that because it is a private property there might be a problem about the ownership when the project stops.


Three of the four villages are in relative short distance from each other where the fourth Nyokeni is located at a distance 30 km from the centre, that makes is more difficult to reach. To secure that the number of beneficiaries would be reached it has been decided to include George Silundika High school instead of Nyokeni. The school has donated 2 ha to be used for demonstration. Target group related to the school is students, teachers, and other employees as well as parents. The decision to integrate George Silundika High School in the project has also solved the problem about where to install a solar driven pump. Since it could not be on private land it has now been decided that it shall be on the school grounds. The project plan was to have 15 volunteers each equipped with a bicycle to secure transport in the area. Because of inflation we have only been able to buy 7 bicycles for the 7 volunteers that showed interest to join in the project.

One of the volunteers with 7 bicycles at George Silundika Highschool on 22.09.23 meeting.

2. Purpose The purpose of the monitoring and evaluation is to: a. Evaluate the results of the activity that has taken place in the first part of the project period and to confirm on the changes of the project.


b. Make an evaluation of the methods used to mobilize the community and the staff and students at George Silundika High in the use of improved agricultural practices. c. Evaluate if and which adjustments to the project that are necessary to achieve the expected results in the second half of the project period. The monitoring and evaluation take place halfway through the project period and that must be considered when evaluating the status compared to the goal as stated through the indicators. The baseline survey is an important tool to be used for this evaluation. The persons/organisations to meet with are: o o o o o o o o o

NAWT project management committee Manfred’s land and the NAWT office there FFLG members District officials Traditional and official leaders from ward 14 The new demonstration plots. George Silundika High, the headmaster, teachers, and students Lupane University Baseline survey group

Field visits have focus on: • The use of water conservation and harvesting techniques in the fields – area with contour ridging • Visit to the demonstration areas and the land at George Silundika High • Boreholes, Weirs, and water reservoirs - numbers and capacity • Use of vetiver grass in the fields as well as nitrogen fixing trees and grasses • Tillage systems and growth of drought resistant crops – what crops and acreage are planned for at demonstration land and what do the individual farmers plan on their own land • Discussing with the farmers of what a FFLG can contribute with and to what degree they work together on each other’s land and not only on the demonstration plots.

3. Conclusion and recommendations Gradually the project is coming into action. The demonstration plots had only been established 2 weeks before we visited them. Dead level contours were established, and permagardens and a lot of work had been put into that. It was fine what we saw. The 7 volunteers all had a bicycle and as such were mobile in their area of work. Gradually more and more farmers are getting interested in joining in the project. Due to the period before election where every meeting was seen as a political meeting it has changed after the election was held. The demonstration plot will all be ready before the start of the growing season. Since the project period is only covering one season, we would recommend an extension of the project to cover at least two more seasons. Changes in weather pattern


can make it difficult to evaluate whether it is the project or local weather conditions that determines a change in the agricultural production. We had a lot of informal talks with the farmers attending the meetings. They are interested in organising themselves in groups like the FFLG´s. But discussion also was to join farmers clubs. In the area there is Happy Farmers Union comprising commercial farmers in the ward. Communal farmers can get advice from them, but for the time being they cannot be members. We had a discussion with the chairperson, whether they would consider changing that in the future and include all farmers. Since George Silundika High School is now part of the project there is a need to develop a plan for how the children, the teachers, the other staff, and the parents are involved. As soon as possible JMC needs to have an overview of the curriculum, including all the activities that shall take place in the coming 8 months before the end of the project. Also, we need to know how the school intends to have a follow up on the project. The NAWT coordinator of the project Nonhlahla Ndlovu is staying on Manfred Nhemachena’ s farm and together with her is Mildred Ncube also part of the training team. They are without transport on their own. We therefor recommend that Nonhlahla gets a driver’s licence and have a motorbike to help them get around in the project area and do the training of the volunteers.

4. Program for the monitoring and evaluation September 18, 2023 Arrival in Zimbabwe. Staying the night in Harare at Wavell House, 9 Wavell Road, Highlands, Harare.


September 19, 2023 Bob Dzere came to Harare to pick us up and drive us to Marondera where the NAWT office is located as an extension to his private home. Program of the day was to meet with university students working for NAWT as attachment students. NAWT has been able to assist them and secure that they got their diploma. There is a MoU between the University and NAWT.

University students in attachment w/NAWT

And Dr. Shonhe from MUAST (Mutare University)

Participants from meeting between NAWT, attachment students from several Universities, Dr. Shonhe, Mr. Clement Manyika and Seniors Without Borders


The five students talked about the NAWT history and what is good development, how to build a culture of self-reliance and social justice. They presented all the courses and the training they have received. Together with the students was Dr. Shonhe their university professor. He talked about the importance of decolonization of the mind. The core value in the cooperation with Nhaka is to look at the young people and help them grow and wanting to develop new knowledge and be agents of change and develop innovative knowledge. Students should be ambassadors. In relation to climate change he talked about the shift in natural regions: region 2 -> region 3-> region 4 -> region 5. Farming season has changed with several weeks. New crops have been introduced. There is now a market for rapoko and sweet potatoes. Mr Clement Manyika talked about tree-planting and the idea to establish nurseries at every school. Tree-planting should be voluntary. The school staff should encourage the children to bring seeds to the school, encourage to plant trees on their own birthday, on their fathers, grandfathers etc. Children should sing about tree-planting and every child should plant at least 2 trees every year. 35.000 ha’s are being destroyed each year. Only 2.000 ha’s are replanted. After the meeting and in the afternoon, we went to visit Mr. Manyika and saw his nurseries. He collects seeds wherever he goes. Many of the trees and plants have medicinal properties.


September 20, 2023 Board meeting in the morning. We were introduced to the members of the board of NAWT. The head of the board Manfred Nhemachena could not be present, but we would meet him later. Pam has project desk. Her background is that she works in a bank. She has been a widow for two years. Runyararo Magadzira is vice president of the board. She is a priest. She tells about the training that has taken place in relation to rural skills development. She is Doctor in philosophy and a widow. Her home is in Norton. The area she owns has been designated to develop into high density area of Harare. 1300 plots shall be established in the area. Each one will sell at a good price, and she will be very rich. She plans to build a church and attached to the church have a vocational training centre as a gift to NAWT. The target group would be Manica Bridge people that is young people sitting and selling all sorts of items. The need is not only to train in skills but also in marketing, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

From left to right: Runyararo, Gabriel, Bodil, Holger, Christine, Runyararo, Anna, Pam, Bob Dzere


NAWT Board members from left: Christine Dzere (Women’s affairs), Runyararo Magadzira (Vice Chairperson) Pam Pamhidzai Muzaraku (project desk)

Healthy snacks with amaranths, shaggy soldiers, spider lamb squatter and eatable flowers 10

JMC meeting in the afternoon. Gabriel talked about the accomplishments of the project. Jan 19 the project was launched, and April 24 a MoU was signed in Umguza. Perm gardens are being established. 7 volunteers are trained, and the community is now showing interest. There is a demo garden at George Silundika. Challenges have been inflation and the political situation. Households are now coming and 60 have been trained. There is a need to change the budget for monitoring. Hope that only every second month shall be needed for a visit. The crops they go for in Umguza is finger millet and sorghum.

In the evening we had dinner together with Dipalisa Shereni. She is a ward coordinator for ward 2 in Marondera and 25 years old. She is an amazing person and makes development into business. 11

She works with young women and has created the organisation: “Young Women for Economic Development”. Her economic basis is that she has 53 tenants. It gives the basis for the development work she has with young women. September 21, 2023 Travel to Umguza via Bulawayo. The group that travels together is from NAWT: Bob Dzere, Gabriel Mubayira and Runyararo Muzavazi, from SwB we are Holger Jacobsen, Anna Hempel and Bodil Engell We were late in leaving Marondera. The car needed to have new tyres and have the car filled with diesel. So, it was past 10 o´clock before we were on the road. When we reached Bulawayo, we had a problem with the car but fortunately it could be fixed, we thought. It was past 8 p.m. when we left Bulawayo just to find ourselves stranded on the road with a minibus that had given up. Even though it was very late and dark we succeeded to call the mechanic from Bulawayo to come to our assistance. Unfortunately, the car would need to go to the workshop. So, in the middle of the night, we called at Manfred Nhemachena place and had Nelson first secure diesel for his car and then go and fetch us.

It was 3 a.m. before we could go to sleep. The lesson we learned is that a 4-wheel drive car is needed for the kind of roads we travel on. Also, it would have been fine if the car had been in order before we arrived for the monitoring.


September 22, 2023 After 3 hours of sleep we were ready for the days program. In Umguza the NAWT project staff living on Manfred Nhemachenas farm join us. They are Nonhlahla Ndlovu and Mildred Ncube.

From left to right Runyararo, Nonhlahla, Mildred and Nasha

Bodil, Holger and Nasha at Mr. Manfred Nhemachena’s Farm, Chairman of the Board of NAWT 13

Visit to George Silundika High School

Visit to George Silundika High School. The school is one of the ZIMFEB schools in the region. Meeting with the teachers involved in the project and with the 7 volunteers. The teachers we were introduced to were: Deputy headmaster, Muzhamba Esnath (tlp.078 4271332)

The disaster prevention teacher, Literature in English & English language, Master of Science in Disaster Management, Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation, Eury Sabata (WhatsApp:0712 583 415 / 0778 663 575 14

The biology teacher, Senior Women and Health coordinator Ncube Nomathamsanqa (tlp.0778691 739) (0713009286) The food technology teacher, Learners Welfare, Head of department of Guidance and Counselling Netsai Constance Banda (tlp.0713048176 (0784 867 488) The teachers present were the administrative team except for the headmaster, who could not be present at this first meeting at the school. The school has 2000 ha of land and is trying to become self-sufficient with tomatoes, onions, and cabbages. They also have meat production from chickens, goats, cattle, and pigs. In relation to cereal production, they wish to grow maize, sorghum and rapoko. There are 482 students at the school with an overweight of girls. The children learn to grow from seed to plant and take care of the crops. The school wishes to go into partnership with others to learn the value of food security. There is a wish to have mushroom production and fish farming. We need to have a program for the training that shall take place at the school, who shall be trained and by whom, as well as a plan for how the school shall continue with activities when the project finishes in 8 months’ time.

The volunteers are 2 women and 5 men representing one at the school, and two at each of the 3 villages. They have all got a bicycle and have been trained in contour ridging with an A-frame and ow to create a perm garden. 15


We went to see the permagarden at the school. The visit ended with Bob training the school choir to sing his sun song first introduced at the International Solar Summit in Harare in 1996, and it was decided that they should sing it at the tree planting day on Monday September 25. September 23, 2023 Field day and visit to Alisdale, Barford and Imvane. Councillor Delay Ncube travelled together with us. We started with a community meeting in Barford. Around 50 people are present including the councillor, ward coordinators, village heads and other officials. The volunteers are presented, and the councillor introduce the meeting by saying that climate change is real, and we all need to change to adjust to that. Bob Dzere takes over and introduced the project and SwB. Nonhlahla and Mildred talked about the training: 1. Main emphasis to work with small scale farmers on how to deal with climate change. 2. Emphasis on small grain looking at the diet and drought resistant crops. 3. How to use small grains and how to adopt to the heat. 17

4. The training in Barford still on land preparations and training in how to do perm gardens and dead level contours.


After the meeting we went see perm gardens and dead level contours in all the 3 villages involved in the project. The soil is very different from one area to the other. In one place it is more like rock ground and in others more loose soil. Common for all types are that it is very fertile, and the limiting factor is whether there is water available. For the time there is very little production. The season only starts in November so there is time to prepare.


The program for the day ended with lunch at the parents of the councillor Delay Ncube.

September 24, 2023 Visit to Colonel Ndlovu, Colonel Dube, Chairman of Happy Farmers Union. Aristotle Tusai was also visited. He lost his farther less than 2 weeks ago. 1. Colonel Ndlovu is neighbor to Manfred Nhemachena in Nyamandlovu. We stopped at his homestead and had a short talk. He has 100 has of land.


2. Colonel Dube invited us in for a talk. He has 50 has of which 8 ha have been cultivated, 1 ha is with vegetables. He grew up in Beitbridge area. From 1983-1993 he was part of the army guarding the pipeline through the Beira corridor. With the army he has been to Angola and to DR Congo. He withdrew from the army 10 years ago.

3. Aristotle Tusai. His father Mr. Tusai was chairman of Happy Farmers Union and should have overseen the tree planting ceremony at George Silundika High School on September 25. Aristotle is the second born son and resembles his father. The father established a Mining School that became famous for its results. He was the one that encouraged NAWT to take contact with George Silundika High School. We were shown around the homestead which has a very high degree of biodiversity. There are a very diverse number of plants around the area.




The day ended at George Silundika with training of Bob Dzere’s song from the Solar Summit in Harare 1996: Plant a forest if you cut a tree. Sun comes down as a gift of free. So, start using solar energy. That is the future strategy. It has a Shona version with 3 verses and a Ndebele version had to be made before Monday for the tree planting ceremony.


September 25, 2023 Meeting at George Silundika High jointly with the SwB group from Lupane and their partner organization CYVAT. Present is also the National Director for ZIMFEB Gedion Chiukira as well as the Regional Director for ZIMFEB.



We all gathered in the school hall to listen to speeches about the value of tree planting. The school children and the teachers were there together with all the invited guests. The song about tree planting was the focus of the gathering. From the meeting we went to do the planting of 19 trees that NAWT had donated to the school. The holes for the trees had been prepared the day before.


The area where the trees were planted was not fenced and goats moved freely in the area. Before we left the school most of the trees had been eaten by goats. The headmaster was ashamed and promised that in future new trees would be planted and protected from the start.

The ZIMFEB director Gedion Chiukira became a good friend of NAWT and SwB during the day and decided to follow us for the coming meeting in Lupane the day after. Before we left George Silundika High School, he promised to donate 100 chickens and 3 pigs to the school. The school shall run as a business enterprise according to the headmaster and the director from ZIMFEB.


September 26, 2023 Workshop in Lupane at AMR sister’s primary school.

Here Canisius Mpala from Lupane State University gave a 5-hour speech on agricultural projects planning and management.


The ZIMFEB director became so enthusiastic that he decided to donate 100 chickens and 2 pigs to each of the 4 schools involved in the CYVAT project in Lupane.


Part of the project at the school has been to establish shade houses. When the temperature increases it is a fine solution to grow vegetables in shade houses. The shade house had drip irrigation. In the evening a meeting took place between NAWT and CYVAT and the conclusion from the meeting was the two organizations might join in forces in a project in the future. Both organizations work with schools in relation to climate change and adaptation.


September 27, 2023 Drive to Marondera. We started very early and reached Bulawayo just after 8 o´clock. The plan was to stop at the ORAP office. We had no appointment with ORAP Organizations of Rural Associations for Progress, but took the change that we might be invited for a meeting. We were lucky and met with 4 of the staff. Currently they have a USAID project running for 7 years and involving a staff of 118 people to implement it. The content of the project is water management, agriculture, livelihood, vocational training. NAWT would be interested in a partnership with ORAP. USAID programs are structured very different from CISU projects. The focus in the program can change during implementation as to what is working and what is not.




We met with the chairperson Manfred Nhemachena of NAWT in Gweru. After having stayed on his farm for a week it was fine to get a chance finally to meet him. We ended Umguza monitoring and evaluation tour with a visit to the Danish Consulate in Harare. October 5, 2023 Visit to the Danish consulate in Harare and meeting Leif Horn Reeckmann. We had a fine meeting discussing the NGO´s working in Zimbabwe that SwB could network with. Leif Reeckmann also recommended that we should cooperate with Dalum Landbrugs Skole and send agricultural teachers to the agricultural school. The emphasis in projects should be to build social capital. The Institutions and NGOs mentioned were: Harare Technology – we already work with students from there. Polytech ZADT – Zimbabwe Agriculture Development Trust – work with them in relation to revolving funds. DPA – Distribution Power Africa – They work with solar power. Professor Per Kallestrup work with health projects.


4. Financial monitoring and evaluation Overall assessment NAWT supplied all required documents: Bank statements, monthly reports, and supporting documents. All documents were found in order and up to date. Reporting has been carried out as per the Agreement of Cooperation throughout the first half of the project. All relevant documents are shared through Google Drive. Accordingly, reporting has been open, prompt, and up to date. Issues pertaining to financial management has been discussed regularly in monthly JMC (Joint Management Committee meetings. Budget control As per 21-09-2023 using a weighted exchange rate (7,00888/2023-10-18) the following has been spent (USD/DKK - DKK remaining budget - % remaining budget): Activities Budget Line 1,1,0 1,1,1 1,1,2 1,1,3 1,1,4 1,1,5 1,1,6

Text Inception Meeting/workshop All stakeholders meeting Program Launch Baseline Study Training Volunteers Farmers training Climate change awareness and adaptation actions Inputs etc. Periodic M&E Project close Knowledge sharing Activities total

1,1,7 1,1,8 1,1,9 1,1,10 1 Investments 2 Investments total Wages 3 Wages total Local administration 4 Local administration total

USD spent 954

DKK spent 6.686

DKK % remaining remaining 114 2





1.328 881 130 0 1.245

9.308 6.176 911 0 8.724

-2.748 304 5.089 39.600 7.278

-41 5 89 100 45

726 979 0 0 6.602

5.085 6.866 0 0 46.269

24.515 24.334 7.440 4.000 114.331

83 78 100 100 71













Conclusions: To a large extend the budget has been used as a guiding instrument for the management of the grant. The excess spending has occurred at the beginning of the project. Meetings in the district were planned to be held in the first months of the project. However, the political situation in the months before the elections were seen as possible political meetings and the participants from the 35

district administration were to a large extend engaged in political work. As a consequence, meetings were cancelled and had to be held at a later date than planned. The majority of the budget remains for the training of volunteers and farmers as do the funds for inputs for the coming rainy season and the agricultural activities related to it. It is assessed that the remaining funds are sufficient to complete the implementation of the project. One issue pertaining to the budget has emerged as a result of the Danish monitoring visit. The transport situation for the project staff in Umguza District is very difficult. The distances to project working sites and local villages engaged in the project are a serious barrier to the implementation and the follow-up work in the form of monitoring, training, and guidance by project staff. It is accordingly recommended that the project apply to CISU for permission to spend some of the budget margin to invest in a small motorcycle to facilitate training and monitoring. The project is advised to obtain quotes such a motorcycle to be forwarded to CISU. NAWT is also advised to consider if the activities budget should be revised with separate budget lines for the George Silundika School activities. When a program for the school and the community around the school is drawn up there will be a need for the training activities there to have their own budget lines – with funds possibly taken from the “Farmers training” budget line and the following two budget lines. It is further advised that NAWT continue to use an exchange rate of DKK 7,5/USD as a guide to future expenditure and do not exceed the budget on headlines 1, 2,3 and

The financial monitoring and evaluation used the CISU checklist for financial monitoring as the basic framework for the exercise. A. Procedures and control mechanisms 1. Does NAWT have manuals, guides and/or procedures regarding financial management, internal control, and segregation of duties? A. Yes, we do have them and these ensures that are sound, effective and efficient practises are done consistently. 2. Does NAWT have written procedures on procurement, i.e., purchase of inventory, furniture, equipment etc. i.e., who can approve up to which amounts, and when does the organisation get more offers? A. Yes procedures for procurement are in place and the NEC approves every transaction, all purchases above $400, are done after sourcing for at least 3 quotations. 3. Does NAWT have an inventory/assets list? If yes, does it include all items, their value purchased through the CISU financed project? A. Yes, we do and all assets bought under CISU funded projects are listed as such.


The procedures are assessed as satisfactory as they fully comply with the requirements stated in the Administration Guide from CISU and in the Agreement of Cooperation between SwB and NAWT. NAWT will revisit the written procedures as they have been in use since 2016. SwB has shared a Sample Manual for Financial Management as inspiration for a possible revision of the written procedures in the near future. The present written procedures are listed at the end of this section. The written procedures serve as the daily guidelines jointly with the Agreement of Cooperation. B.

Bank and fluid funds

1. How are the project funds separated from the other funds, in bank accounts or the accounting system? A. Yes it is our policy that all projects will use separate bank accounts. 2. Who has access to the bank accounts, and how many individuals need to sign/approve together to withdraw funds? A. The Country Director and Finance Manager and one board member are the current signatories. Two people are required to sign for a transaction. 3.

How often are bank reconciliations made, who compiles them and who approves them?

A. Every month end and they are compiled by the Finance and Administration Officer and are approved by the Finance Manager by the 10th of every month. 4. If NAWT uses petty cash, how is the petty cash kept safe, what is the system for payments, advances, approvals etc. and the maximum amount of petty cash kept at any given date. We don’t run a petty cash account at the moment. Cash is withdrawn on need basis and we maintain a cash register. 5. How often are petty cash reconciliations made, who compiles them and who approves them? A. The cash register is reconciled monthly, complied by the finance and admin officer and signed off by the finance manager. 6. If NAWT uses cheques, how are the cheques kept safe, what is the system for issuing, do you have pre-signed cheques, approvals etc.? A. We do not have cheques. NAWT has used NMB as a new bank from the beginning of the project. The written procedures states CUVACASH as the main channel for transfers, but due to an improved situation for banking business in Zimbabwe it is now possible to have a dollar account in a normal bank. The transfers


have been carried out and gone through smoothly. Accordingly regular bank statements have been available throughout the project. C.

Budget and financial reporting


Who is the budget responsible of the CISU grant within NAWT?

A. Finance Manager. 2.

Who approves any suggestions for budget changes?

A. SENIORS WITHOUT BORDERS 3. Explain the process of following up on the budget versus the expenses incurred in the CISU grant (financial reports). (Frequency, who drafts the report? Who approves the report? How often do you report to Denmark?) A. All activities are done following the budgetary allocations of the budget. Finance manager drafts the report. The NEC approves the report. Every month we report to Denmark. 4.

Explain the procedure for receiving funds from the Danish partner.

A. Funds are transferred into NAWT bank account. D.

Accounting and bookkeeping

1. Which accounting method do you use? (i.e., Excel, cash books, accounting system on the computer, online systems etc.) A. Excel spreadsheet. 2.

Explain your chart of accounts, i.e., do you use special codes for donor-projects etc.

A. Each project has a separate chart of accounts with its own codes. 3.

How often do you bookkeep transfers/income and expenses of the CISU grant?

A. Once every week. 4.

How do the staff and volunteers register work time?

A. Using time sheets and attendance registers signed on arrival @ work & when departing after knocking off.



Code of conduct / code of ethic procedures

1. Does NAWT have a policy and/or procedure(s) regarding the handling of irregularities and the work with anti-corruption? A. Yes a policy is available as we do not condone any corrupt activities. 2. Does NAWT have guidance for the employees, managers, and volunteers on how to manage cases and/or reports? Is it described how and when partners and donors must be informed of potential cases, i.e., when the suspicions are justified? Which complaint mechanism are in place for the partners, target groups etc.? A. Any employee who feels aggrieved by their fellow workers should report any irregularity to the NEC and if it involves an NEC member the concerned employee reports to the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 3. Does NAWT have guidelines, policies and/or procedures for potential allegations with regards to protection against sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse (PSHEA), and other types of unethical behaviour among staff, volunteers, and target groups, and when international partners and donors visit the projects? A. Yes we do have. 4. Does NAWT have guidelines, policies and/or procedures in place for ensuring child protection as per the grant contract? A. Yes we do have. 5. The clause on anti-terror is included in the grant contract and must be adhered to by all parties. A. Yes, it is included and we adhere to its dictates at all times. Code of conduct is guided by the clauses in the Agreement of Cooperation between SwB and NAWT. The clauses are the mandatory clauses required by CISU. Informations on financial issues were supplied by: Knowledge Mafukidze, Gabriel Tapfunaneyi Mabayira Bob Isaiah M. Dzere


Midway MEL Expenditure: Travel Expenses

*) Account


Exchange rate

Amount DKK

Flight tickets AH




Flight tickets HJ




Other transport DK




Local transport Zimbabwe




Lodging in Zimbabwe






Other: Meetings/arrangements


Exchange fee


USD 35/nat x 20 USD 65/døgn x 20





USD 30 x2



USD 306,-


2177,22 100,00

Travel expenses total *) Account numbers refer to SwB Chart of accounts





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