What Type of Videos That Every Business Can Use?

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What Type of Videos That Every Business Can Use? This is a great question! As you might know, video is not only great for search engine optimization but also plays a key role in engaging and converting potential customers. So, whether it’s an existing customer or a new one you’re trying to ‘nab’, keep them engaged with video. Why do some business double their revenue while others are playing catch up? The answer: A better video strategy. But before we dive into what type of videos you need for your company website, you may be thinking: “The video marketing hype was years ago, does it really work anymore?” Fair enough, trends come and go, what worked yesterday might not work today. It’s wise to stop and analyse fresh research and data before diving into a new marketing project. So, is video still effective? Yes, it absolutely is. It can even double your growth and we have the facts to prove it. So, let’s just start this blog post by looking at a few fun facts, then we’ll jump straight into the list of videos to consider. First up, businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster year-by-year than organizations without video (Small Business Trends).

1.1 VIDEO DRIVES MORE SALES Corporate video production Sydney gives you more conversions than any other type of content according to 70 percent of marketers surveyed. (Render forest)

A few more stimulating stats:

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Increase sales by 144% by adding product videos on your online store Increase conversion by 80% on a landing page by including a video. 74 % of users who watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service subsequently bought it. 77% of consumers say they’ve been convinced to buy a service after viewing a video. According to smallbiztrends.com businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster year-by-year than organisations without video. Video gives you more conversions than any other type of content according to 70 percent of marketers surveyed by Render forest. Then there’s just the plain fact that most people like video more than text. 59% of executives would prefer to watch video than read text while four fold the number of customers would prefer to watch a video about an item then read about it.

So with that being said let’s dive in. A basic website has a front page, an about page, a services or product page plus a testimonial page. So here are some of the videos you may need.

1.2 THE FRONT PAGE One of the most important videos is the one you place on the top of your website (the front page). There are a couple of options here. You can either put an ‘about us’ video here, which is a short 2-3 minute video that explains the who/what/where/how and why of your company. The other option is some sort of ad or product video for a key product or service you are trying to promote. Whatever you choose would work perfectly fine. The key point here is that it’s often the first page customers click on and if it has a video it ticks all the boxes. Here’s an example of a recent product video we produced for Thomson Reuters:

1.3 THE ABOUT PAGE The ‘about page’ really has no limits in terms of what you can post video wise, you can be really creative here. At this point in the viewer’s experience, they want to go deeper, they want to really find out more about you. The first thing to clear up is, are you a trust worthy and worth buying from? The good rule of thumb here? People love people! And people relate to people, we aren’t robots (just yet)!

Introduce your team, the heart of the business. Who are the people behind your business? You can do staff interviews, let staff explain (in their own words) what their passions are and what motivates them to do this line of work. If you interview some of your key employees, say the manager, the marketing manager etc they’ll already understand the philosophy behind your company deeply, so naturally they’d make a good interview. Here’s an example of a video production we produced for Slater Byrne Recoveries Sydney: Another idea, is your company dedicated to a special cause? If so, interweave some basic info about your company with a cause that you’re passionate about. That way they’ll understand who you are plus what you care about. It’s so important for companies to express their values. This will really communicate a great deal about morals and ethics and help build greater trust in customers. In this example our client Otterbox collaborated with Taronga Zoo to show their support for endangered wildlife:

1.4 YOUR PORTFOLIO/SERVICES/PRODUCT PAGE Don’t just show your work, make a series of videos that explain your different methods for design or creation or how to use them (explainer videos). This is a great opportunity to articulate that amount of love and dedication that goes into your product or service. Do you use ethical materials? Are your products cruelty free? Australian made? The list goes on. Consumers are so conscious these days and there are many products in the market place so explain your point of difference or show your products various features and how to easily operate/use it. If people can feel that you’re very thoughtful and dedicated, they’ll quickly be convinced that you are a best choice. Quality is a key factor in the purchase decision. Here’s an example of a series of tutorial videos we produced our client Australian Debt Solvers:

1.5 THE TESTIMONIAL PAGE We all know the importance of testimonials. It’s a classic marketing strategy that just works! People will love hearing from happy customers. Certainly text is great, but video testimonials by your most valued customers are so much more engaging, because you can see the look in their eyes, you can read their body language, you can hear their passion. It’s so much more authentic, trustworthy and real! The great news is that video testimonials must be one of the most affordable video production company to produce because they are so simple to make. It’s basically setting up a camera on a nice backdrop in your clients business or home, or they can come to your venue or you can hire one of the cities numerous studios. Check out this example

1.6 ALREADY HAVE A VIDEO? How old is your video (videos)? Is your video working its hardest for you? If your business isn’t in the top 20% of companies reaping the benefits of video this is not a bad thing, it just means there’s a huge opportunity for your business. 1.6.1


Looking at these stats, there’s no doubt video is productive. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to drop anytime soon, according to Cisco’s Visual Networking Index, by 2019, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic. Email Us: info@shakespearemedia.com.au Contact: 61 478 377 949 Social: Facebook | LinkedIn | YouTube

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