Shakespeare Magazine 15

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“Came out when I was in high school. Really brought Shakespeare alive for me. Loved it!” Barbara Gathercole I watched this when I was studying Romeo and Juliet for my O-level English exam. I finally ‘got it’ after watching it and it started a lifelong love of Shakespeare for me.

Siobhan Isa I watched this when I was a kid and when I eventually watched High School Musical for the first time I thought Leonard Whiting and Zac Efron were surely the same person and my brain exploded.

Susan Hawkins Wow Sybil how many times did we go see this? Can’t believe it has been 50 years.

Sybil Hester At least a dozen I would think. I still watch it on DVD, LOL

Karina Jiménez Thank you. This is the best adaptation to film of Romeo and Juliet. Olivia Hussey is the ideal Julieta in all aspects of the character.

Patricia Garza I went to see this with my then best friends. We cried and cried... then stayed to see it a second time. Beautiful rendition of this classic and tragic love story.

Katherine Smith The very first experience I had with Shakespeare!

Chinny Krishna

Candice Marshall

Loved the movie fifty years ago; loved it all over again on TV a month ago. The second time was even more special since I had spoken to its star!

It is our hope that the people who love our Romeo and Juliet help us to petition for their stars SR ,SPP][SSH &SYPIZEVH &IPMIZI it or not, they do not have their WXEVW XLIVI ]IX ;I EX 6SQIS and Juliet Hollywood Stars have worked very hard getting this petition out every day and it’s lacking in the required 1,000 WMKREXYVIW 4PIEWI 7MKR ERH WLEVI XLMW 8LERO ]SY

Jennifer Parr Definitely still the best movie version of R & J.


Sign the petition

shakespeare magazine


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