Academic Writing

Page 71


Part 2: Elements of Writing



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Discursive Essay

1. Many essay titles require the writer to examine both sides of a case and to conclude by coming down in favour of one side. These may be called discussion, for and against or argument essays. For example: a) School uniforms – a step forward or a step back? – Discuss. b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of state control of industry. Discussion vocabulary

cross reference

1.12 Organising the Main Body






a positive aspect

a negative feature

pro (informal)

con (informal)

plus (informal)

minus (informal)

one minor benefit of school uniforms is ..

a serious drawback to state control is …

2. There are two basic outlines for a discussion essay: i)

School uniforms? a) advantages: reduce social inequality/encourage group identity/avoid choice b) disadvantages: loss of individuality/expense/unfashionable c) discussion: overall, benefits more valuable in most cases

ii) School uniforms? a) social: emphasises group values – diminishes individual choice b) practical: expensive for poor families but easier to get dressed c) discussion: overall, benefits more valuable in most cases

3. Choose one of the titles below and write down as many pros and cons in the box as possible. Then prepare a plan using one of the outlines above. a) Instead of going out to work, mothers should stay at home and look after their children until they are at least five – Discuss. b) Fast food, which is spreading round the world and destroying national cultures, should be resisted. To what extent do you agree? +

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