Inclusive Practice: Alchemy - Transformation in Social Justice Teaching.

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their teaching practice and challenge teaching from a white canon. Most importantly it has helped equip me with the relevant language to articulate my life, my thoughts and my opinions with purpose, a sense of empathy and critical perspective. It was in this unit that I was first introduced to terms like white fragility and white supremacy. It was as if all my life the oppression and racism I had felt for many years had been accounted for and validated! I often felt I was always racialised and marginalised but this showed how people intentionally benefited from these social structures and I was not going mad. This is so important. The inclusive practice unit has transformed both my professional and personal perspectives and provided me with the skills to enhance my focus with an enhanced focus, Honesty and tangible theory to critique and challenge the systematic oppressive institutionalised racism which controls so much not only in education but beyond. I was able through the unit to confidently, openly and honestly critique my thoughts and fellow students work in a safe space with academics who offered me relevant theory, critique and empathy supported by an experienced teaching team of social justice pedagogists. The unit has given me the confidence to enter spaces which I once felt unsafe, ill equipped or not having a sense of belonging. I know I am not alone and part of such a kind thoughtful community who strives for anti racism, equality and social justice for all. Thank you Aisha Richards for providing me with wings I needed to fly to freedom! To now be leading on areas of Shades of Noir work is truly an honour but again displays how Aisha Richards vision is not only sustainable, meaningful and powerful but as she always says the quote by Margret Mead “ it only takes a few thoughtful citizens to change the world� and my this very true. So here is to the legacy of the inclusive practice unit and many more years to come and cheers to everlasting magic!!! Bibliography: Phase 1. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2020]. 2 (no title). [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2020]. 1


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