Sept. Delve 2022

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September 2022

WEEKLY Sun 10am Sunday Worship Online or In-Person pg 25 Tue 10am-12pm Pastoral Team Meeting pg 25 Wed 10am Refresh, Women's Group pg 25 Thur 10am Moms' Meet Up pg 25 Weekly and Biweekly Life Groups pg 16


Sept 10 Youth: Parent Information Day pg 11 Sept 11 SGC Ministry Kickoff (info, BBQ and Ice cream) pg 12 Sept 16 YOUTH: Games Night pg 20 Sept 17 Kids: Parent Information Day pg 16 Sept 18 Small Group Sunday pg 12 Sept 23 YOUTH: Craft Night pg 20 Sept 30 YOUTH: Life Groups pg 20

See more at

Delve submissions are due Sept. 24th. Delve submissions are due on the MONDAY before the LAST Sunday of each month. To submit for the next issue of Delve, e-mail:delve@springgardenchurch.caQuickCalendar

Design, Cover & Editor: Dale Forder Contributors: Abby GregDavidsonKay JeremyKarenRanasingheCassel Copy Editors: Sam Lee Karen Cassel Esther Penner FeaturesEcclesiolain Ecclesia 3 A Word of Thanks (Greg's Sabbatical 2022) 5 Sent-One’s: A Commissioning 7 Community Corner Discipleship Kids and Youth Orientation/Policy Training Days 11 Discipleship Kids and Youth: Parent Information Days 11 SGC Ministry Kickoff 12 Small Group Sunday 12 THANK YOU 12 Refresh 13 Fall Launch Kick-Off and BBQ 13 Mom's Meet-up Discipleship13 Ministries SGC Kids 15 Spring Youth 17 The Resource Centre Book Recommendations 18 More Info How to Give 21 Life Groups 14 Leadership Directory 21 Weekly Calendar 23 Upcoming Calendar 24 Our Values (back page)


Here at Spring Garden our model for Discipleship—the ways we follow and mature in our relationship with Jesus in community— is an organic picture of a body; a rhythmic balance of using our hands and feet where one hand is to Love God, one hand is to Love One Another, and the two feet are to be sent out Showing God’s Care and Sharing God’s Story. One important ministry for discipleship in our community are small groups that we call “Life Groups” because they are designed to be a place where people can "do life" together. Groups gather regularly for conversation, prayer and to learn about faith. Sometimes there is a Bible study or a topic to discuss, sometimes there is a meal. Each group is as different as the people that are a part of it. We don’t just offer Life Groups because they are good. Being part of a small group of Christians that intentionally meets together for community and support is actually a very important part of following Jesus. Even Jesus had his small group of 12! Small groups are meant to be places of prayer, community and mutual encouragement of one another. We have just come out of a series on Hebrews and we learned how important it is that we are meeting together to encourage one another in the faith. The preacher in Hebrews writes "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another", (Heb 10:24-25). Individual faith is an aspect of being a Christian but we can’t neglect the communal aspect of faith. God has made us relational beings and placed us in church communities as a gift. When we read Luke 6:12-19 we see the way Jesus ordered his relationships. If you picture a triangle, the top point is the ‘UP’ relationship, or his relationship with God the Father. The left point is the ‘IN’ relationship, or his relationship with the disciples. And the point on the right side of the triangle is his

by Abby Davidson

Ecclesiola in Ecclesia

‘OUT’ relationship – after spending time with God and his disciples, Jesus then goes out to preach and to heal. This rhythm sustained Jesus throughout his earthly ministry. It can be easy to focus on one or two points of the triangle and neglect the others. But when we order our relationships the way Jesus did, we live out a healthy spirituality that honours God and blesses others. While our Sunday worship is centered around the UP relationship, small groups offer a chance to work on our IN relationships. Small groups are our ecclesiola in ecclesia – little church within the church. These relationships take effort and time. What we receive in return though – encouragement, challenge and the sharing of life – will be an invaluable blessing. We understand that there are barriers to joining Life Groups, including lack of time and energy. In an effort to make small groups more accessible for people, we are launching Small Group Sundays in the Fall. These small groups will be held once a month on the third Sunday of the month. We will gather together for a meal and then break up into small groups to discuss faith. There will be something for all ages and everyone is welcome. You can sign up for Small Group Sunday by visiting or speak with me for more information. God totheblessworldto believersother UP OUTIN



by Greg Kay Dear Spring Garden, Thank you so much for the deep blessing of a sabbatical this past Spring and Summer. My family and I are very aware of the sacrifice that it takes for you the church to have one of its paid staff disappear for a few months, and we did not receive the gift Whilelightly!my time away had many ups and downs, it was overall a time of much needed rest, reading, reflection and recreation. I had some wonderful opportunities to be still and be present to God’s presence in daily prayerful contemplation as well as two overnight prayer retreats. I also had a lot of opportunity to enjoy being with my daughters and Monica my wife. We had lots of fun and adventures together, not to mention simply being together more during the ebbs and flows of daily life. My family and I are deeply thankful for the gift, so thank you! While I had many places of learning and growing in my faith, there


Word of Thanks (Greg's Sabbatical 2022)

I received from God that I’d like to share with you. The first is Psalm 27:13-14—well, the Psalm as a whole was a place of encouragement and hope for me, but those two verses particularly stood out to me.

When I wrestle(d) with doubts about where I sensed God was calling me, when I question(ed) whether the convictions upon my heart were placed there by God, God placed this passage before my eyes, I feel, as a reminder and an encouragement to trust in the Spirit’s leading and to persevere in the path(s) that God has placed before me.

6 are two encouragements

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. You don’t need me to tell you that there are a lot of things in life and in the world that can cause us to ask, “God, where are you in all of this?”. When my eyes can’t see and my heart is failing, this hope that we “will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” stirs a hope and a faith in me, giving me strength to “wait for the Lord; [to] be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord”. Another Scripture that I was led to which has helped strengthen my faith and resolve, similar to Psalm 27:11’s “teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path” is Proverbs 4:25-27: Let Your eyes look straight ahead; Fix your gaze directly before you Give careful thoughts to the paths for your feet And be steadfast in all your ways Do not turn to the right or the left Keep your feet from evil

I am thankful for you, Spring Garden Church, and for your care for me and my family. I look forward to the days ahead of us as we seek to keep our eyes fixed ahead of us—fixed on Jesus, the author and pioneer of our faith—as we walk forward on the path(s) God is calling us. May we see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

Sent-One’s:7 A Commissioning

by Greg Kay

The word “missionary” means someone who is sent—“sent-ones” sent out with a task, a call, sent out with a vocation. For some, this call is specifically to vocational ministry, and we often call these people missionaries. If you think about it though, we are all missionaries in the sense that the God who loves us and calls us all by name also sends us into the world as followers of Jesus. It doesn’t matter if your call is as a teacher or a sanitation worker, a pastor or an accountant, a CEO or a parent; it doesn’t matter if your vocation is a paid profession or what you do outside of work as a hobby, volunteer position or simply how you live. God has created you uniquely and beautifully, called you to be the person you are created to be, sent you into your homes, friendships, communities and workplaces to reflect the character of God through the particularities (and peculiarities!) of who you are, where you are. To celebrate this, every fall we have a Sunday morning where we commission everyone in the church community to their places of vocation. Based on the book Faith Goes to Work by Robert Banks, our commissioning will be based on which aspect of the image of God your vocation primarily reflects and enacts in the world. We invite you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you in your vocation by reflecting on the characteristics below to see which one most reflects your personal sense of vocation.

8 Vocation and the Image of God © Robert Banks, Faith Goes to Work, Wlpf and Stock Publishers, Eugene Oregon, 1999 Redemptive work God’s saving activity, reconciling “all things, whether in heaven or in earth” (Col 1:19-20) whenever anyone speaks up for God “prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks” (1 Peter 3:15) • employment that possesses a redemptive dimension • Examples: evangelists, apologists, church founders, counsellors, social workers, engaging in negotiating an end to hostilities, mediating divorce cases and other disputes, resolving neighbourhood or racial conflicts, screen writers/ producers committed to developing redemptive motifs. Creative Work God’s work began long before the incarnation. God’s fashioning the physical and human world, the novel and surprising ways God shapes historical and future events. God continues to work in the world partly though human creative work. • Examples: arts, musicians, painters, sculptors, writers, film


Activity with a touch of originality or creativity outside of traditional art forms such as homemakers, office workers and factory hands that have found ways to grace work with creative touch.

Examples: bureaucracies that run society, public utility workers, entrepreneurs building businesses and creating jobs, service occupations and trades supply and support and fix and remedy problems, civil servant, housing inspector, trash collector, cab, bus driver, garage mechanic, builder, janitors, cleaning services.Justice Work Giving people their fair and equal redress or due.

Providential Work Full range of what God brings, gives, and supplies to us. All that God does to maintain the universe and human life in an orderly and beneficial fashion. Conserving, sustaining, replenishing, daily provider.

Examples: legislators, government regulators, judges and attorneys, supervisors, para-legal workers, social activists, minority advocates, consumer protectors, people who apply equitable rules, seek to avoid discrimination, adopt an affirmative action approach.

makers, crafts, craft persons like, potter, metalworker, weaver, knitter, stonemason, carpenter, builder, and architect, or gardening and landscape, interior design, urban planning

Examples: helping professions ranging from doctors, nurses, paramedics, psychologists, therapists, community workers, home visitors, personnel directors, welfare agents, or like work within the home.

Examples: preachers, professors, teachers, writers, commentators, journalists, parents, humorists, cartoonists.

10 Compassionate Work Showing compassion, as seen in divinely appointed “servant” described by the prophets (Isaiah 40-55)

Revelatory Work God as the one who enlightens others about the truth. Revealing, enlightening, educating activity of God that seeks to bring truth and wisdom to others.

As part of our policy for working with children and youth, we will be hosting Orientation and Policy Training days for volunteers serving in our children’s or youth ministry. Please pick one and register below:

11 Discipleship Kids and Youth Orientation/

• Aug 28 - In-Person, 9:00am - 10:00pm • Aug 28 - In-Person 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch

Provided • Aug 29 - Online 8:00pm - 9:00pm • Sept 4th - In-Person 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Discipleship Kids and Youth: Parent Information Days

We would like to meet with the parents and caregivers of our children and youth to share about our ministries for them and what we have planned for this year. If you have children and/or youth who are part of our ministry, we invite you to join us for these conversations over lunch, and ask that you register by September 6th, 2022 to help us prepare and arrange enough food.


GardenSpringaroundandinLife Policy Training Days

Please contact Jeremy(jeremy@springgardenchurch. ca) if interested in serving this fall.


Time: 11:00am - 2:00pm Dates:Sept 10th, 2022 - SGC Youth Registration


Time: 11:40am - 1:30pm Please sign up by filling out this form here(


SGC Ministry Kickoff

On the third Sunday of the month we will gather together for food, discussion and play. The first part of our time together will be about getting to know each other as we play and eat. Then, children ages 4-10 will go to their own space for an ageappropriate lesson while teens and adults have a discussion. There are group facilitators who will lead the discussion time. Childcare will be provided for ages 0-3. All ages and stages are welcome!

As we celebrate the start of a new ministry, with hope that God will move in amazing ways, we invite you to join us after worship on September 11th, 2022, for a time of fellowship with a free BBQ and ice cream. If you are new to our community, we’d love to share with you more about who we are and what we are doing!

Small Group Sunday

Fall Dates: Sept. 18, Oct, 16, Nov. 20



Starting this fall, we will be starting up our refreshment time after worship. We believe in the importance of community and belonging and believe that this time after worship is a natural outflow of what it means for us to be the gathered people of God. We are looking for volunteers to serve as a one off or on a rotation (bi-monthly) basis. Please email Sam Lee ( if interested.

June 5th 2022, is one of the most unforgettable days in my life. The day which I was accepted as a new member of Spring Garden church. I made myself ready for the event, and I thought that I was ready, but when I heard my name during the announcement, I found myself completely speechless. But now, I would like to express my thanks to the ministers of Spring Garden church and the lovely members who accepted me as part of their family; and I would like to say how much I feel honored. And also my special thanks to Sam and lovely Anne and Garth for being with me from the first day of my journey. God bless you all.

Help with Refreshment Time

Starting up again through Zoom, September 21st. Refresh is a online gathering of women from our church and the community finding God together, reading and reflecting on scripture, sharing life stories and praying and supporting each other. Please email for the Zoom link or for more information.Mom'sMeet-upThursdaysfrom9:30am

to 11am



from 10am to 11:30am

Join us weekly on Thursday mornings for a chance to connect with other moms. Babies and kids are welcome or you can come on your own. We meet at Willowdale Park at 9:30am. Email abbydavidson@ for more information.



15 Kevin & Suzanna Sunday afternoons, Every other week ONLINE and In-Person Scott & Kate EverySundaysthird week of the month. In-Person Jeff & Phyllis Wednesday evenings ONLINEWeekly David Webb Thursday evenings OnlineWeeklyand In-Person

Please email Abby at to join or for more information.

Life Groups are a place where we do life together in a community centered around the gospel. They are designed for you to pursue spiritual growth, community and mission together. We offer Life Groups so everyone can have a place to belong. Life Groups are small gatherings of people who form a community. Group members share life together through friendship, learn from the Bible and other resources, pray for and give support to one another, and participate in God’s mission together. They are safe places where you can meet new people, discover your gifts for service, grow as a follower of Jesus, and have a lot of fun together. Groups gather in homes or online throughout the week. Each group is as unique as the people in it. No matter where you are in life, there is a Life Group for you.

Thank you for a great summer, hope to see you next summer for more fun!

provide our ministry to the children of our church, we require new registration forms to be filled outby their families every year as part of our policy to protect. Please fill out our form through this link

17 SGC Kids:

MinistriesDiscipleship FamilieswithPartnering


for children’s worship on Sunday mornings: Group Structure: Nursery & Toddlers (0 - 2 Yrs) - Orange Room Pre K - SK (3 Yrs - 5 Yrs) - Green Room Gr 1 - 3 - Blue Room Drop Off - Yellow Room Pick Up Gr 4 & 5 - Blue Room Family Registration Forms 2022: For us

Welcome back, everyone! We’ve missed you! We hope you and your family had an enjoyable summer this year. In September, we are beginning a new Ministry year, and we are very excited to be able to worship with you in person and for everything we have planned. On Sunday mornings, you’ll be able to register children worship at the child and youth check-in area. We will have sticker name tags for our children to wear so get to know each other during our worship time in the basement. Here are the groups we have available to

we can


SGC Kids Curriculum Link:

Here is what we will be talking about on

Sundays! Animated: A 4-Week Series On The Prophets

- If you’ve ever gotten a little emotional during your favourite Disney or Pixar movie, you know animation is a powerful tool to not only tell big stories but to make us feel big feelings, too! In this four-week series, we’ll look at some stories of the Old Testament prophets as we explore some of those feelings. These stories will remind kids that God cares about our big feelings. With God, we can all feel secure, comforted, valued, and loved, even when our emotions tell us otherwise.


Online Resources For Home To help serve your family better, we have uploaded all our SGC Kids’ curricula online. The following link can be used to access our curriculum and use it at home, as well as find info pamphlets for following up with kids on what was discussed during their worship on Sunday mornings.

We invite you to our Ministry Kickoff celebration as a new ministry year begins. After worship we will have a free BBQ outside and we will also have an ice cream truck stopping by to provide some cones and slushies.

Discipleship Kids: Parent Information Days

We would like to meet with the parents and caregivers of our children to share about our ministries for them and what we have planned for this year. If you have children and/or youth who are part of our ministry, we invite you to join us for these conversations over lunch and ask that you register by September 6th, 2022, to help us prepare and arrange enough food. Sept 17th, 2022 - SGC Kids Registration -

We will have regular worship gatherings for youth in grades 6-12. Following the children and youth’s blessing, the youth will move to our lounge to continue in worship.

SGC Ministry Kickoff 2022: September 11th, 2022



Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings: September, 11th, 18th, and 25th

Sept 23rd: Craft Night

Our youth life groups will meet in our building this month. Unlike our regular youth events, the focus on Life Groups is about life together, and we will engage in conversations about that. We will use a new curriculum to help us have thought-provoking discussions about faith and life.

Friday Youth Gatherings: Sept 16th: Games Night

Time: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm (Dinner will not be provided, but we will have snacks and treats)

We will meet at our building to play some of our favourite games. To ensure enough food is prepared, please email Jeremy to reserve space by Sept 14th, 2022

Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $10 per youth ($5 for additional youth of the same family) (Dinner included)

We will meet at our building to work on personal crafts and art projects together. We will have various craft options available for youth to do and a larger team project for our youth lounge. To ensure enough food is prepared, please email Jeremy to reserve space by Sept 21st, 2022

Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $10 per youth ($5 for additional youth of the same family) (Dinner included)


Cost: $0 Staying Updated: To stay up to date on what is happening for your youth, please visit our google calendar which has all our planned events.

Sept 30th: Youth Life Groups

The Apostle’s sister, by Angela Hunt (Biblical fiction, story of Paul’s sister)

Afterthem.moving to Jerusalem with her husband, Aya expects to be bored in her role as wife to a Torah student. Instead, she finds herself fascinated by his studies. Then her brother makes a life-altering decision, and she must face a troubling question: Can she remain true to her beliefs and still love her blasphemous brother?

CentreResourceThe Recommendations

Aya, daughter of Zebulun of Tarsus, does not want a traditional life. After years of being overshadowed by her brilliant brother Sha'ul, she wants a chance to use her own gifts beyond being a wife and mother. When her father insists that she marry a Torah student, she reluctantly agrees. A dedicated scholar, Sha'ul, or Paul, returns to Tarsus to follow the instructions of the Law and wed the woman his father has chosen to raise his profile and help him earn a seat on the Great Sanhedrin--the highest religious court in the land. But when the Nazarene, Yeshua, and his followers bring trouble to the Holy City, Sha'ul will stop at nothing to silence



Legacies of the ancient river, books 1-3, by Angela Hunt (Biblical fiction following the life of Joseph) Drawing from historical documents and Scripture, Angela Hunt fleshes out the portrait of Joseph, the well-favored son of Jacob.

23 Leadership DirectoryInfoMore HappeningWhat'sandDirectories PASTORAL TEAM (alphabetical order by last names) Abby Davidson Ext. 226 Missional Discipleship Pastor springgardenchurch.caabbydavidson@ Dale Forder Ext. 221 Office & Communications Administrator springgardenchurch.cadaleforder@ Greg Kay springgardenchurch.cagregkay@Co-Lead Pastor Sam Lee Ext. 227 Co-Lead Pastor springgardenchurch.casamlee@ Jeremy Ranasinghe Ext. 223 Pastor of Students & Young Adults springgardenchurch.cajeremy@ Spring Garden Church 112 Spring Garden Avenue, Toronto ON M2N 3G3 Tel 416.223.4593 Fax 416.223.6126 Prayer Line 416.223.4038 Giving is one of the ways in which we can respond to a generous God. We give because it is a part of our discipleship and an act of worship. Please give as you feel led. For more information please go to our website at:

Myrna Frost mfrost2254986@rogers.com416.225.4986 (alphabetical order by last names)

Margaret Sutton

Gonzalo Librado gonzlibrado@gmail.com416.435.9691

Debbie Tempelmeyer 905-301-2323 Children & Youth Discipleship

Krysten Cameron 416.399.0493 Chair




Anne Barron anne.barron020@sympatico.ca416.724.9329


Shannon Loewen

Scott Moore 647-227-5465 Vice Chair, Secretary & Property

Jeff McGee 416.493.2102 Finance

Esther Penner Discipleship & Membership

Darlene Boyd 647.224.2483 Missions

DEACONS (alphabetical order by last names) ELDERS

Friendship,REFRESH care & spiritual growth for Contactwomen. Faith Holwyn (faith.holwyn@gmail. com) or Beverly Holtzman (holtzb@rogers. com) for more info.

10am 11:30amThursdays

25 What’s Happening Life in Spring Garden

MOMS' MEET UP Mothers coming together for fellowship in a baby and kid friendly environment. Contact Abby at abbydavidson@springgardenchurch. ca 9:30am11am

Weekly All WeekOutThroughthe


Connect for Community Together through bible study, prayer and sharing. Meet online and in-person. Please email for more information or to join one. See more on page 16.




Join us Sunday mornings as we go through different series (read more). Join us at: www. or come in-person. 10am

We meet mostly on Tuesday. Please pray for us for wisdom and inspiration. 10am12pm Wednesdays


26 What’s Happening Life in Spring Garden Upcoming Aug 28, 29 or Sept 4 Volunteers for Discipleship Kids and Youth Orientation/Policy Training Days pg 11 Sept 10 Youth: Parent Information Day pg 11 Sept 11 SGC Ministry Kickoff (info, BBQ and Ice cream) pg 12 Sept 16 YOUTH: Games Night pg 20 Sept 17 Kids: Parent Information Day pg 16 Sept 18 Small Group Sunday pg 12 Sept 23 YOUTH: Craft Night pg 20 Sept 30 YOUTH: Life Groups pg 20

If you would like to receive a weekly e-mail update on what’s happening in Spring Garden, please visit the SGC website (www. and add your email address at the bottom of our home page (scroll down). Also keep your eye on our Events page at:

Our Values We believe in a humble God who came not to be served, but to serve. Therefore we engage in sacrificial and active service to those around us. We strive to be good stewards of God’s gifts and talents by serving one another in humility. We aspire to regard others as higher than ourselves, which liberates us to creatively take risks in serving others for God’s glory. We believe in a God of grace who came to save the world, not to condemn it. Therefore, as we are continuously receiving the gift of God’s grace, we seek to grow in that grace and extend it to others. We strive to define ourselves by what we are for, not what we are against. We believe in a God who knows us, and who desires to be known. Therefore we embrace a journey of faith that requires us to constantly strive for a personal, intimate and transformative knowledge of God. We strive to be led by God’s Spirit in supporting and encouraging one another in working out our faith. We believe in a creative God. Therefore we are open to expressing our faith in new and creative ways that reflect the beauty and complexity of our creator. We are called to use our creative gifts in worship and service as we engage with our world. We take joy in the diversity of gifts that allow us to delight God and participate in His ongoing story. We believe in a triune, relational God who calls us to come together as a diverse community of Therefore,believers.we want to walk andcommunitythatacknowledgingofjoysgoesinclusivetospiritually.emotionallyanothersupportingtogether,onephysically,andWestrivebeawelcoming,familythatthroughtheandthetrialslifetogether,Godusesthistodeepenmatureourfaith.

We believe in a God who loves this broken world and wants to reconcile us to ThereforeHimself.we are commissioned by Christ to go out into the world, meeting the holistic needs of the local and global community. God calls us to participate in a workredemptivethathe has already initiated; in humility, we will partner with others to work alongside and chase after Him. We believe in a God who is our centre. Therefore where we are on the journey is less important than that we are moving towards a otherswefreedomwhichworkGod’sandChrist.relationshipdeeperwithWebelieveparticipateinredemptiveinallpeople,givesusthetocomeasare,andtoacceptastheyare.WeeachareonauniquejourneytobecomewhoGodhascreatedustobe.

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