November 2019 Delve

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N o v e m b e r

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Quick Calendar WEEKLY Sun

9am-10am Bible Study 10am-11:30am Sunday Worship 11:30 Refreshments

pg 33 pg 33

Tues 1pm-3pm Pastoral Team Meeting Wed 10am-12:00am Refresh, Women's Group

pg 33

Thur 12pm-1pm Lunch Together

pg 33 pg 33

Nov. 8

YOUTH Morale Mail Event

pg 27

Nov. 10

Morale Mail boxes are due.

pg 22

Nov. 22

YOUTH Life Groups

pg 26

Nov. 23

A Night Out

pg 23

Nov. 24

Christmas Care for Survivors of Human Trafficking starts

pg 21

7pm-8:30pm ESL Café

1pm - 2pm Bible Discussion

pg 33 pg 33

YOUTH Games Night pg 27 Nov. 29 Congregational Meeting pg 34 Dec. 1 See more on page 33-34 or on our Events page at

Delve submissions are due Nov. 25th. Delve submissions are due on the MONDAY before the LAST Sunday of each month. To submit for the next issue of Delve, please e-mail:


3 - 18

Silence! Solitude! Stillness! Spiritual Practices for a Busy World 3

The Hands And Feet at Jane & Finch 9 God’s Love Brings Us Together 13 Federal Elections in Our Church 17 Many Thanks (from Lily Cheng) 18 Hidden and Quiet 19

Community Corner

21 - 23

Christmas Care for Survivors of Human Trafficking 21 We Remember - Morale Mail Project 22 Thank you Spring Garden! 23 A Night Out 23 Apartments Needed (Community Listings) 24

Discipleship Ministries

25 - 27

Spring Kids 25 | Spring Youth 26, 27

Resource Centre

29 - 30

Resource Recommendations 29

More Info

Design, Cover & Editor: Dale Forder

31 - 34, 28, 20, 18

Contributors: Greg Kay Leadership Directory 29-30 Lily Cheng Weekly Calendar 31 Faith Holwyn Upcoming Calendar 32 Lydzie Critch Colouring Page 28 Painting of Leaves 20 Colleen Stevens Rosa Campos Answers to the 'Who Am I' Quiz 18 Sue Endicott Amelia Bowler (back page) Scott Moore Jeremy & Kaitlyn Ranasinghe Victoria Shipmaker Sam Chaise Karen Cassel

Our Values

Copy Editors: Greg Kay Karen Cassel

Digging a little deeper into Spring Garden

Features 3




Spiritual Practices for a Busy World by Greg Kay

For many of us in our noise filled, constantly connected, activity jammed reality of life in Toronto, our minds, hearts, and bodies experience a soul-crushing deficit of silence, solitude and stillness. This is why, more than ever, it is important for those of us who long to grow in intimacy with God to find ways to cultivate space in our rhythms of life for silence, solitude and stillness. As humans are holistic beings—mind, heart, body and soul—silence, solitude, and stillness give space for us to connect with God with all of our being. In his book “The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth”. Are you more of a head person? Do all situations and questions need to have information gathered, reasoned through, analyzed? Blasé Paschal famously wrote “the heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of”. If that resonates with you, and you feel that following your heart is the best way to make a decision, you’re likely a heart person. Or are you a body person, who, when a situation or question arises, you just know in your gut or your instincts what to do?

While we all will naturally connect with God through our primary intelligence centre (head types perhaps through reading and studying, heart types perhaps through connecting with others, body types perhaps going for a walk or a run), as Heuertz points out, it is important for us to also do the more challenging work of engaging God in practices that challenge our natural inclinations. For those who are head people, their compulsion is to use competence to cope with fears and challenges. Therefore for those in the Head Centre, silence is crucial—finding who they are when they aren’t thinking and turning down their inner noise is key for them to find their identity and worth in God and not in what they have (competencies, wisdom, prosperity, etc.). For those who are heart people, their interior compulsion is to use connections to cope with fears and challenges. Therefore for those in the Heart Centre, solitude is crucial—finding who they are when they aren’t connected and compared to others is key for them to find their identity and worth in God and not in what people say about them. And for those who are body/gut people, their interior compulsion is to use control to cope with fears and challenges. Therefore for those in the Body Centre, stillness is crucial—finding who they are when they stop and aren’t doing is key for them to find their identity and worth in God and not in what they do. Regardless if we are a head, heart, or body person, cultivating space to meet with God in silence, solitude and stillness is important for us as holistic people who long for transformative and intimate relationship with Jesus. Here are three spiritual practices that you may find helpful for engaging God in silence through the Prayer of Examen, solitude through Centering Prayer, and stillness through the Welcoming Prayer.


The Prayer of Examen 1. Posture and Presence Position yourself in a way that you can sit comfortably for the duration of the prayer. Quiet yourself inwardly, inviting God to meet with you, recognising that God is with you as you are. One way to do this is by focusing on your breath and/or repeating a simple phrase over and over. 2. Reflective Thanksgiving Open your heart to gratitude, giving thanks to God for His presence with an openness to hear from God. 3. Examen of Consolation Invite God into your memory to explore the recent past, bringing to mind places where you felt God moving toward you or in us. Sit with the memory and listen to what God might be saying to you through it. Here are some examples of guiding questions: • Where have You been active in my life since I was last silent in Your presence? • Where did I feel most alive, most hopeful, most in Your presence over the past day, or week? • How have You revealed Your goodness to me in the past day, or week? 4. Examen of Desolation Now invite God into your memory, exploring the recent past for moments where you found yourselves moving away from God’s presence and love. Here are some examples of guiding questions: • Where did I feel farthest from you, most despairing? Why? • Where did I, intentionally or unintentionally, withdraw from You or those around me? When we face our desolation, we find ourselves feeling contrition or sorrow. Acknowledge the desolation, bring your repentance or lament to God. Invite God’s grace and forgiveness to enter and heal it, resting in the reality that God is bigger than our failures and hurts. 5

5. Hopeful Resolution Give thanks to God for His forgiveness and continued presence, turning in gratitude to new opportunities before you with a hopeful resolution for the future.

Centering Prayer 1. Posture and Presence Sit comfortably, eyes closed, back straight, hands on your lap. Invite God to make His presence known to you. 2. Chose a ‘Sacred Word/Symbol’ Bring to mind a word, image, or breathe as your symbol to consent to the presence and action of God within you. Names or characteristics of God are often helpful words. 3. Centred Prayer Silently, with eyes closed, recall your sacred word/symbol. As you notice your thoughts, gently return to your word/symbol. Do this as many times as you notice your thoughts. The symbol/ word is not simply a tool to help refocus when you find your mind wandering away, it is like a sign or an arrow pointing you in the direction you intend to take. 4. Transition When your prayer period is over, transition slowly from prayer to active life, inviting God’s inner presence to continue with you in your day. One common way to end is by reciting the Lord’s Prayer.


The Welcoming Prayer* 1. Focus and Sink In: Focus on, feel, and sink into the feelings, emotions, thoughts, sensations, and commentaries in your body. Find your tension, tightness, soreness, or pressure and acknowledge it. Allow yourself to be immersed in it. 2. Welcome: As odd as it seems, welcome the feelings, emotions, thoughts, sensations, or commentaries in your body and acknowledge God’s presence in the moment. Note however this is not about hardship or problems, but feelings and emotions that manifest physically. Pray with your somatic discomfort; ask God what it is telling you about your fear or sense of being out of control or your lack of trust or your anxiety. 3. Let Go: As you identify the underlying negative emotion (fear, rage, anxiety, etc.), offer it to God, asking for his healing and release. Let go of the emotion or sensation with the following sentences: “I let go of the desire for security/esteem/ affection/control.” “I let go of the desire to change this feeling/sensation.” As you pray, recognize that God is with you. 7

THE WELCOMING PRAYER by Father Thomas Keating

elcome, welcome, welcome. I welcome everything that comes to me today because I know it’s for my healing. I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions. I let go of my desire for power and control. I let go of my desire for affection, esteem, approval and leisure. I let go of my desire for survival and security. I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person or myself. I open to the love and presence of God and God’s action within. Amen.


The Hands And Feet at Jane & Finch by Lily Cheng


he spiritual battle for Clement Lee in his ministry through Youth Unlimited at Jane & Finch begins with his workers. The attacks come on very personal levels including health and families for the team of missionaries he leads. Gathering together to share openly and pray for each other is a core part of how he cares for his team - ensuring they do not feel alone in the battle. Currently there are 6 people on his team whose ministries in the Jane & Finch neighbourhood include: • • • •


Junior and Senior basketball programs 2 afterschool programs Soccer program Road Hockey

• Fitness/Mentoring program • Summer Camp • 1 Day Community Festival Jane & Finch is a huge community, and while these programs are important, they are not as important as the personal relationships that are fostered between missionaries, volunteers and community youth. Partnership with local churches is also a key part of the ministry. Many churches also provide resources along with staff and volunteer participation. For example, their summer camp which hosts up to 75 kids as well as the basketball programs are a result of tight partnership with Lisle Memorial Baptist Church. Senior Pastor Audley Goulbourne is deeply connected to the ministry and hosts an annual rite of passage for the teens that are transitioning to adulthood. It helps that Lisle Memorial is the home church of 2 of the Youth Unlimited missionaries The path to becoming a missionary began as Clement volunteered with Youth Unlimited ministries that were previously hosted in Spring Garden Church. As he contemplated becoming a missionary his biggest consideration was balancing ministry and his family life. Hence he began part time and slowly increased his hours. It helped that he could integrate some of his ministry with his family life. One highlight memory for him is a trio of youth and his two sons playing "Just Dance" (a dance video game) together in his home. It is a snapshot of fun and joy shared between the youth and his family that he feels blessed to have experienced. Although his parents who are not believers questioned why he couldn’t do work with youth that was financially profitable, he has been able to garner support from his in-laws who are believers. Being a missionary in a North American context is challenging because the cost of living is so much higher, especially in Toronto. Another challenge that many members of his team have encountered is that their home churches view missions strictly as overseas; as a result, gathering financial support has been challenging. Clem is very thankful for the support he receives from Spring Garden Church. He is also grateful for the space our church provides for team members to meet. 10

Urban ministry can be challenging in that fruit is not necessarily visible right away. He reminds his team that it is God’s timing and not their timing and that God loves these young people more than they do. He also reminds them of the good they are doing and to celebrate the small victories. “You have a part. You can’t see the other pieces that God is doing.” He encourages them. One moment when God showed up to save a ministry was related to gym space for Friday night basketball. The space they use at Westview Collegiate - which is strategic in that its location was at risk. Funding from the provincial government for a Priority School Initiative was announced which allowed them to keep their space. Clem invites our church family to pray for his ministry to be able to widen and deepen their impact. In particular, they need female youth workers to reach out to the young females in the community and this could only happen if leadership capacity is increased. He would also greatly appreciate prayers against the spiritual warfare that Clem and his team continue to encounter through their work in this vulnerable neighbourhood. We are grateful for Clem and his team for their active role in bringing God’s love to young people in a neighbourhood that is consistently in the news for gun violence. May God continue to strengthen and encourage them. If you are interested in supporting Clem and his team members you can find out more information here: 11

Team Photo: Back row, left to right: Betty, Benjamin, Judith, Paul, Vanessa (former staff, now volunteer), myself, Scott Front row: Jason (intern), Malik (intern)


God’s Love Brings Us Together by Lily Cheng and others

This past month 12 of us had the opportunity to attend the “Women of Grace” retreat at Muskoka Bible Centre. The best part of the retreat for me was seeing a group of women diverse in age and experience coming together and forming bonds that could only happen in Christ. There were many beautiful breakthroughs which are described below by some of our participants. Spring Garden ladies also danced at the front of the chapel with a large group of women from a Pentecostal church! There was weeping and lots of laughter. God was so good.


from Faith Holwyn It is wonderful to see a dream come true! For many years I have prayed that we could have a Women’s Retreat for women at Spring and to be part of the Women of Grace Retreat, when 12 of us headed north to coloured leaves, wonderful food, good friendships and seeing God work in each of us, was breathtaking. Special thanks to Lily who worked hard to make it happen!

Retreat Reflections By Lyndzie Critch

The weekend of October 18-20 2019 myself and eleven other women headed up north for a women’s retreat. I am not at all a fan of group settings but knew that this retreat was calling my name. I had no expectations in mind about how this retreat would turn out. Once I got up there and into my room I felt at home. Still unsure of my reason to be on this retreat other than to fellowship with 240 other beautiful woman of God. Much to my surprise I was stretched by God in so many different and new ways. I talked to people I never thought I would have a single conversation with and helped in ways I had previously thought I was useless. God 13

has really shown me that all things are possible with his help. I didn’t think I was going to survive the weekend being surrounded by so many women. God has used this retreat to bring me out of my tiny shell and helped me stand tall on my own two feet. The training wheels came off and there I went riding and never looked back. I don’t regret going on the retreat because if it wasn’t for it I would probably be stuck in my tiny shell. I had moments where I thought “I can’t do this” - then God said to me drop the “t” - you CAN do everything through me. Breakthroughs I experienced: • I got henna for the first time • I prayed over someone out loud for the first time • Made friends with people I did not expect to connect with So here I was thinking I wouldn’t connect with any of the woman from my group. God had a laugh because he knew before I did what friendships were about to bloom. One thing I loved about the weekend was the speaker - Suzie Larson who is an author and radio host from Minnesota. She was amazing and spoke so passionately. I loved her stories and some of them I could definitely relate to. Overall, it was a good feeling. She wasn’t just a speaker she is a woman of GOD.

Together In Worship

by Colleen Stevens A dozen women Seeking God together And a different environment God met us in the warm weather and colour God met us in new relationships! God met us in the dining room eating delicious food and enjoying each other’s company God met us in the sessions, and in the car rides God met us on walks through the leaves 14

God even met us as we helped each other be comfortable in our dorm rooms! I was amazed by our uniqueness yet one. Glory be to God

God will fulfill His promises by Rosa Campos

It was a great experience to mingle with other women of faith while enjoying God’s creation. The speaker walked with us through the Word encouraging us not to lose hope in the adversity of life. God calls us all to do things for his kingdom but each call is different. However we approach him in confidence that whatever, he calls us to, he will equip us (Eph. 3:12). He might call some to be caregivers, writers, stay home moms, etc. Do whatever next thing he shows you. Don’t get into envy (James 3:15-16). Even the brokenness we experience will strengthen us for the battle. For example, sickness, betrayal, financial issues, etc. But we must still worship the Lord (Habakkuk 3:17-18). As we walk through life, we will have trouble, but we will overcome it (Romans 8:15-16). He doesn’t want us to stay broken and wounded. He called us to life, life abundant (John 10:10). We are heirs in Christ to all the spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3-14). For instance, in the process he molds us to his image…he restores my soul (Psalm 23:3). He calls us to TRUST him. Life is full of so much disappointment… but we need to trust the Lord to heal our hearts. We must acknowledge his presence to get a breakthrough and then we will claim his promises. As a conclusion, I will say that he rewards those who seek after him (Hebrews 11:6). However, we will be accountable for how we lived our lives on this earth (even a cup of water will be rewarded). Many times, 15

we focus on this earth when life on earth is very short but eternity long (2 Cor. 4:16-18). Focus on God’s promises not your problems. Let us flourish in his garden.

Letting Go

By Sue Endicott The women's retreat was amazing. I went on the retreat to reconnect with God in a quiet place. This past year has been difficult. I lost my childhood best friend and brother-in-law to cancer, turned 60 and lost my job of 6 years. My losses have been great. During my quiet time I realized that I was holding on to something that had happened over 12 years ago. At the time I felt like my life had fallen apart. I questioned my faith and wondered if I would continue to follow Him. How could God let so much happen in one day? Well this past year has also been tough but my faith has been stronger this time. Over the past 12 years my faith in God has grown in leaps and bounds. On the retreat during the quiet time God told me to go to the lake and throw a rock in the lake and let go of the past and trust Him. On Sunday morning I went to the lake and the water was so calm it was like glass. I prayed as I chose a rock to throw in the water to represent the pain. As it went in the water I could see the ripple effect of the water. I realized by letting go of the pain of my past that it would have a ripple effect on my life. I would need to fully trust God in the big and little pain. My favorite verse is Psalm 139. “O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.” 16

Federal Elections in Our Church by Lily Cheng


ospitality is a way we can express Jesus’ love to our neighbours. Last month we showed our hospitality to all our neighbours who came into our church to vote for the Federal elections. We served cookies, coffee and hot apple cider. Many were amazed and grateful for a warm drink as the weather was cooling in the evening. Special thanks to Opal Fuller and Lyndzie Critch who spent all day serving as well as Margaret Sutton, Gonzalo Librado and Esther Penner who helped us welcome and serve our neighbours.


Many Thanks Thank you for the gracious send off and prayers my family and I received. We love you and we are sure we will see you very soon. In the meantime, you can contact me here:

Answers to the 'Who Am I' Quiz (October Delve)


Jen Chrystman


Anne Harris


Wes, Cheryl & Colin Chapman

m Brandon Quek


Karen Cassel


Barrie Porter


Garth Barron


Darlene Boyd


Sandra Howes


Bill & Myrna Frost


Nancy Chau


Mark Wilkinson


Don, Mary, Peter & Brent Hopkins


Marion Cameron


Geoff, Peggy, Scott Moore & Monica Kay


Krysten Cameron


John, Trish, Matt & Mark Wilkinson


Lesley (Alexander) Daniels


Meghan Valentine


John and Margaret Irwin


Phyllis (Patterson) McGee


The Moores (& future Kay)


Hidden and Quiet by Scott Moore

Stillness The water Reflecting its boundaries The sun Rising in silence The book Resting upon the chair’s arm

Imperceptibly A whisper of wind Passes through The page curls Lifted by an invisible power

And there it remains Shaped, formed, changed Caught up in the draft For all to see God at work


painted by Amelia Bowler 20

Life in and around Spring Garden

Community Corner

Christmas Care for Survivors of Human Trafficking Starting November 24th

Christmas can be a tough time of year for survivors of sex trafficking. Survivors often have broken relationships with their friends and families. Many of the individuals we support are working through trauma and feel lonely/lost during this season. This Christmas season, in partnership with Spring Garden, Fight4Freedom is delighted to offer once again the opportunity to bless survivors and share our love with them. Beginning on November 24th, we will be partnering to collect Christmas care packages of needed items, and fun treats to distribute to survivors across Ontario. As we approach winter and the Christmas season, survivors need many different things. From lotion to cosmetics, soap to mittens, and board games to socks. This Christmas, you can join us in loving survivors! If you are interested, we will provide you with a (pseudonym) name and general information about the individual that you will be buying for, including some of their interests and gift ideas. You can then put together a Christmas gift for them, which we will distribute around Christmas time. If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact Kaitlyn Ranasinghe.


We Remember - Morale Mail Project Sign up for a box that will be sent to a male or female soldier overseas. The box is provided along with a list of suggestions of needed items and treats. For instance socks are always in need and a treat might be instant hot chocolate or a bag of chips. The boxes are a bit smaller this year but can still hold a lot (below is an example of what can fit in the box). Have a look and get your box at the Welcome Table. Boxes are due November 10th(SOON).. we will have a time to wrapping the items that go in the box after the worship gathering. See further details in the instruction sheets. Thanks on behalf of those serving overseas... Call/text/email: Victoria 647 444 9320. Due date for boxes: Sunday, November 10, 2019.


Thank you Spring Garden!

It was a crisp, sunny Fall morning on Oct. 5th when 16 Spring Gardeners started pedaling their bikes along Lake Ontario to raise funds for Christie Refugee Welcome Centre’s work with refugees. Thanks to the 32 donors who generously donated over $1,800 to the cause! In total 6,600 people rode or walked in cities across Canada to raise funds for charities that serve vulnerable and marginalized people!

A Night Out We want to provide an opportunity for parents and caregivers to have a night out. When: Where: Cost: How: 23

Nov 23, 5-9pm Spring Garden Church $10 for food & 4 hours of freedom = priceless Register through our website (

Community Listings Apartment Needed for Helma Kan Helma Kan is looking for a one bedroom or bachelor above ground apartment for her and her husband in Willowdale. Please contact Helma by text at 647.289.2088 or by email at helmakan@gmail. com.

Apartment Needed for Ben and Jana Hoppe Ben and Jana Hoppe, a young German couple with no kids, are aiming to arrive in Canada early 2020 to serve as part of the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre. Their role will be to assist in building the work developing North American diaspora leaders and influencers, which is an emerging partnership between PRN, Tyndale, the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (the Hoppe's denominational home) and the EFC. We are actively looking to find housing for the Hoppe's and are wondering if you know of anyone in your network who would have an apartment available in Toronto? We envision an opportunity for someone to be part of this important work by making a home available. Their budget at the beginning is still evolving as they will also raise funds in Canada – so we are hoping to find some creative ways, maybe a potential landlord could become interested to support in this way. Please email Jana at or talk to Jen Chrystman.


Partnering with Families and Singles

Discipleship Ministries


Nursery (0 - 18 months) Toddler/Pre-K (19 months - 3 years) JK / SK Grade 1 Grade 2 & 3 Grade 4 & 5 Grade 6-12

Purple Orange Yellow Blue Green Blue Blue Red Youth Lounge

Here is an overview of what we will be talking about on Sundays for Spring Kids.

Jr Curriculum: Unafraid

In this series, children will discover through the story of the life of David that God is always with us and they do not need to be afraid. “The Lord is with me. I will not be afraid.” Psalm 118:6

Elementary Curriculum:



• • • •

God God God God

is Faithful Redeems Saves is I am

Spring Youth

October Recap: October was a lot of fun. Our most memorable time together was at our youth retreat. Over the years, these retreats have signified a time of being brought together. The youth seemed to enjoy their time together. Whether it was a hike, games, or even doing homework, the retreat will continue to hold special memories, as well it will be something to look forward to for next year! Here is what's happening this November!

Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings: November 10th, 17th, 24th - We will have our worship gathering for youth in grades 6-12. Following the children’s blessing, youth will move to the youth lounge to continue in worship. November 3rd Sunday Upstairs- Youth are either in the large worship gathering, or serving in other areas in the discipleship ministry.

Youth Life Groups:

Life Groups will be on November 22nd. Info for: “Boys Life Group” “Girls Life Group”

Youth Events: November 8th: Morale Mail! - We are going to participate in creating morale mail care packages for canadian soldiers. We will meet at Spring Garden for food, and after we will head to the dollar store to pick up our items. Dinner is included. Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Cost: $5 November 29nd: Games Night - We will be meeting at Spring Garden to eat dinner and play some games inside the whole building. Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Cost: $5

Winter Retreats:

I know it may still be a little soon to talk about another retreat, right after we just had one, but we wanted to put this on your radar for the coming new year. Avalanche and Blizzard are often a life changing experience for many students. It is a chance for junior and senior high students to join with 500 other people their age and see that they are not alone in their life journey towards Jesus. Through small group experiences, musical worship and engaging teaching, the retreats aim to inspire students, whether Christians or not, to begin taking steps in their young faith journeys. Beyond that there are so many great games, activities and a lifetime of memories made on these weekends. Avalanche 2019 (Gr 6-8) - January 17th-19th Blizzard 2019 (Gr 9-12) - February 7th-9th Cost: $140 (subsidies available) Staying Updated: To stay up to date on what is happening for your youth, please visit our google calendar which has all our planned events 27



The Resource Centre

Spring Garden’s online library catalog can be accessed at If you know of books or DVDs that you’d like to recommend to the Resource Centre, please contact Karen Cassel (

God in my everything: how an ancient rhythm helps busy people enjoy God

by Ken Shigematsu

Ken Shigematsu shows that spiritual formation is more than just solitude and contemplative reflections. Spiritual formation happens in the everyday, in each and every moment of life. For those caught up in the busyness of work, family, and church, it often feels like time with God is just another thing on a crowded “to-do’ list. Ken explains how the time-tested spiritual practice of the “rule of life” can help bring busy people into a closer relationship with God. He shows how a personal rule of life can fit almost any vocation or life situation.

The common rule: habits of purpose for an age of distraction

by Justin Earley


All of our habits are the result of previous decisions, whether conscious or unconscious, that are now second nature---hence difficult to dislodge. Many psychologists insist that one of the best ways to break an old habit is to

replace it with a new one. So Earley strongly recommends we now follow four daily patterns and four weekly routines.

The ministry of ordinary places: waking up to God’s goodness around you by Shannan Martin

What does it look like to live lives of meaning? And how do we do it between loads of laundry and reimagining leftovers? The answer is simple: it’s about being with people, the ones right next door. Shannan Martin challenges us to see our own communities through a wider lens of love, following in the footsteps of a Saviour who came as an everyday man and spent his life circled up with regular folks just like us. With heart tugging storytelling and more than a personal confession, she calls us to discover the vital importance of paying attention, showing up, and committing for the long haul. The details of this life will look quiet and ordinary, and the task of digging deep into relationships will both exhaust and exhilarate us. But it will be the most worth – it adventure we will ever take.


Directories and What's Happening

More Info

Leadership Directory PASTORAL TEAM


Greg Kay Co-Lead Pastor

Ext. 224 gregkay@

Sam Lee Co-Lead Pastor

Ext. 227 samlee@

Jeremy Ranasinghe Children and Youth Pastor

Ext. 223 jeremy@

Dale Forder Office & Communications Administrator

Ext. 221 daleforder@

Spring Garden Church

112 Spring Garden Avenue, Toronto ON M2N 3G3 Telephone Fax Prayer Line 31

416.223.4593 416.223.6126 416.223.4038

Krysten Cameron Vice Chair, Worship

Sam Chaise Finance

Martin Dewar


Community Life, Refreshment

Monica Kim Pastoral Care, Membership

Joanne Laing Missions

Shannon Loewen Chair, Children & Youth

Jeff McGee Adult Discipleship

Peggy Moore Property

Anne Barron


Garth Barron Darlene Boyd

416.399.0493 437.925.2813 416.229.2695 604.710.3224 416.617.6582 647.202.0701 416.493.2102 416.225.2406 416.724.9329 416.724.9329 416.385.2483

Koon Wah Leung Clem Lee

416.225.7092 416.508.7355

Brad Sider

647.200.6853 ​ 32 b

What’s Happening Weekly SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP

Sundays 10am - 11:30am

Life in Spring Garden


Up until the end of November, we will be working through a series called 'Liturgy of Life: Abiding in the Vine'.

Held in the meeting room. Everyone is welcome, bring your Bible if you have one.

Children and Youth go downstairs.

Please see page 23.

Communion will be held on the 1st Sunday of the month.


Wednesdays 10am - 11:30am Friendship, care & spiritual growth for women; child care provided. Please see more on our Events page. Contact Beverly Holtzman @


Wednesdays 7pm - 8:30pm We meet at Spring Garden Church in the East Lounge. A place to practice your English and meet new friends.

PASTORAL TEAM MEETING Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm

We meet in the meeting room every Tuesday. Please pray for us for wisdom and inspiration.

LUNCH TOGETHER Thursday 12pm - 1pm

Eat and Share some laughs and conversation with others and words of prayer. West Lounge. Text or call Victoria @ 647 444 9320

BIBLE DISCUSSION Thursday 1pm - 2pm

Bible Study that is open to the church and our neighbours. victoriashipmaker@ Text or call Victoria @

647 444 9320

You may find more info at, in the 33 welcome brochure or call us at 416-223-4593.

What’s Happening Upcoming NOV



10 NOV

22 NOV

23 NOV

24 6 NOV

29 DEC



Faith at the Table 6pm-8pm at Spring Garden.

Life in Spring Garden



70th Anniversary

Join us after worship for cake as we celebrate 70yrs.

Youth Morale Mail Event 6pm-9pm, see page 25.

Morale Mail Boxes are Due See page 22.

Youth Life Groups

Male and Female life groups. See page 24.

A Night Out

Drop your kids off and enjoy your evening. See page 23

Christmas Care for Survivors of Human Trafficking Starts November 24th, see page 19.

Youth Games Night Se page 25.

Congregational Meeting to consider the motion to appoint Greg Kay and Sam Lee to the positions of Co-Lead Pastors Light of the World

More information will be available mid November.

If you would like to receive a weekly e-mail update on what’s happening in Spring Garden, please visit the SGC website ( and add your email address on our home page to subscribe to our weekly e-mail. Also keep you eye on our Events page at:


Our Values We believe in a humble God who came not to be served, but to serve. Therefore we engage in sacrificial and active service to those around us. We strive to be good stewards of God’s gifts and talents by serving one another in humility. We aspire to regard others as higher than ourselves, which liberates us to creatively take risks in serving others for God’s glory. We believe in a God of grace who came to save the world, not to condemn it. Therefore, as we are continuously receiving the gift of God’s grace, we seek to grow in that grace and extend it to others. We strive to define ourselves by what we are for, not what we are against. We believe in a God who knows us, and who desires to be known. Therefore we embrace a journey of faith that requires us to constantly strive for a personal, intimate and transformative knowledge of God. We strive to be led by God’s Spirit in supporting and encouraging one another in working out our faith. We believe in a creative God. Therefore we are open to expressing our faith in new and creative ways that reflect the beauty and complexity of our creator. We are called to use our creative gifts in worship and service as we engage with our world. We take joy in the diversity of gifts that allow us to delight God and participate in His ongoing story. We believe in a triune, relational God who calls us to come together as a diverse community of believers. Therefore, we want to walk together, supporting one another physically, emotionally and spiritually. We strive to be a welcoming, inclusive family that goes through the joys and the trials of life together, acknowledging that God uses this community to deepen and mature our faith. We believe in a God who loves this broken world and wants to reconcile us to Himself. Therefore we are commissioned by Christ to go out into the world, meeting the holistic needs of the local and global community. God calls us to participate in a redemptive work that he has already initiated; in humility, we will partner with others to work alongside and chase after Him. We believe in a God who is our center. Therefore where we are on the journey is less important than that we are moving towards a deeper relationship with Christ. We believe and participate in God’s redemptive work in all people, which gives us the freedom to come as we are, and to accept others as they are. We each are on a

unique journey to become who God has created us to be.

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