1 minute read

40 Days of Decrease

In the church calendar, the weeks leading up to Easter are known as Lent. Different traditions observe Lent in different ways. As we head toward Easter, we encourage you to join us in de-cluttering our lives so we can make space for God. Lent is not about adding obligations or refraining from pleasure so much as it is about making ourselves available to daily hearing God’s voice and resting in his presence. Author Alice Britt Chole describes Lent “as a wise mentor that encourages us to reframe unanswered questions, darker seasons, and spiritual disillusionment as the shedding of earthly illusions and the gaining of God’s reality”. Join us as we read through 40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole. This book offers daily readings from John, reflections and a daily fast. For those interested, we will have a weekly check-in to discuss how God is speaking to us and to pray for each other. Some of our Life Groups will be going through a common curriculum, based on 40 Days of Decrease, that examines different ways to fast to be more present to God. We will look at what it means to fast a meal, isolation, apathy, discontentment, addiction and shame. There will also be a Missional Presence for us to engage with each week. We will practice proclaiming the gospel, justice, hospitality, being with the “least of these”, the Lord’s Table, generosity and Kingdom Prayer. If you would like to purchase a book for daily reflection or join a weekly group, please sign up at www.tiny.cc/SGC40days.

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