1 minute read

Timely Generosity

October’s Clothing Donations to the families in the slums of Metro Manila arrived (door to door) in late January. They were distributed to several different communities and the children’s DVBS materials were given to the student sponsorship coordinator. Can you hear the excitement? Can you imagine the joy in homes when the little ones went home with new dresses or new jeans and T-shirts? I can almost hear the voices of the moms as they unload the boxes, because I’ve been there for other arrivals. “This is perfect for your little Mary and the T-shirts will fit the kids next door, don’t you think?” The rule is always that whatever you take for your kids is doubled for the sake of the neighbours and friends down the alleyways. It’s a wonderful culture of sharing and community events. The used children’s books and DVBS materials that were also donated will help in May when the high school kids mentor the elementary kids in their week-long program of singing, drama, activities and Bible readings. Thanks for sharing the wealth from your closets and drawers! You’ve made several hundred people very happy.

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