Cyberbullying information for staff

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Protect yourself! Stop cyberbullying, protect your personal information


l Keep your passwords secret l Keep your laptop/PDA secure at all times l Report abuse received in your webmail account to your Internet Service Provider

Social networking

l Do not befriend pupils or post personal information on social networking sites

Mobile phones

l Keep your personal numbers private l Do not use personal mobiles to contact pupils/parents/carers l Keep your mobile secure at all times l Keep a record of your mobiles’ IMEI number

Do make sure that:

l You enforce rules governing the use of PCs, laptops, PDAs and mobile phones l You do not retaliate personally to any cyberbullying incident l Keep all evidence of any incident and report it to the appropriate person Report all incidents to:

These guidelines have been taken from DCSF-00242-2009 “Cyberbullying – supporting school staff” written by Childnet International for the DCSF. For more information on cyberbullying visit: or Further posters can be obtained by emailing

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