Philosophers' Café

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commercial drive

Café K athmandu

7:30 pm, last Monday of the month 2779 Commercial Drive (near 12th Ave). 604-879-9909 Come early to try the authentic Nepali food. Everyone welcome. Registration not required. Admission $5. Moderator: Zahid Makhdoom (see profile on page 16) September 28 Reflections on the ethics of reproduction Reflections on disparate phenomena such as octo-mom, teenaged fathers/mothers, foetal rights, religious morals, government intervention, infanticide, infant abandonment, sperm/egg and the marketing of wombs. October 26 From Roman coliseum to the contemporary hockey stadium — the political economy of public spectacles How far has humanity evolved from the blood-sports of Roman times to modern day public executions and whipping of convicts, violence in and commodification of sports, and the cut-throat race between competitors? And finally, what social impact will the forthcoming 2010 Olympics have on Vancouver? November 30 Does George Orwell matter? 1984 passed just like another year, or did it? How relevant are Orwell’s ideas on the uses/abuses of language, political economy of mass media, nature of citizenship, the role of the state and non-governmental organisations?



Café discussions are in French

Café Philo en Français au Centre Culturel Francophone de Vancouver 7–9 pm, first Monday of the month (except September) 1551 West 7th Avenue (one block from Granville)

Everyone welcome. Registration not required. Admission free. Co-sponsored by the Vancouver Francophone Cultural Centre. Moderator: Dimitri de Morea is a philosopher, counsellor, and teacher. He counsels people in philosophy as a practice for living well. He also leads workshops, writes, and lectures frequently on the art of living. September 14 Qu’est-ce qui fait que nous sommes humains? Human nature is a frequently used concept, but what exactly is human nature? What is it that makes us human? And is this famous “human nature” fixed, or does it change? October 5 Qu’est-ce qu’une vie examinée, et que cela nous apporte t-il? This question, derived from one of Socrates’ thoughts, has influenced western civilization and philosophy, throughout the centuries. What is an examined life and how is it useful? And how do we examine our lives and to what end? November 2 Pourquoi souffrons nous, et que faire? No one can deny that life is filled with suffering, but why exactly do we suffer? Is suffering unavoidable? And can we equip ourselves and learn to face it better? December 7 Qu’est-ce que bien vivre? We are all engaged, like it or not, in this grand adventure we call Life. So it’s more than legitimate to ask ourselves: what constitutes living well? And what means can we employ to live better lives? And can philosophy help us?

Does evolution really explain the origin of species? Let’s talk ... Wednesday, October 14, 7 pm Philosophers’ Café @ White Rock Central Library, 15342 Buena Vista Drive (see page 15).


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