03/15/10 V1I8

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March 15 , 2010 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com

Brian McNaught

Anti-Gay Pols: Scandal and Redemption


here was a mass murderer by the name of Ahimsaka, which translated means “harmless,” who terrorized people by walking around with the fingers of 999 of his victims hanging from his neck. He didn’t start out his life as such a wicked man. As a boy, he was eager to please, but he was commanded to do evil deeds by his wealthy benefactor. And so he did. I suspect that Roy Ashburn, the antigay, closeted, GOP California state senator didn’t start out his life as a wicked man either, but his wealthy benefactor, the Republican Party, commanded him to do their bidding. And so he did. Gay and lesbian people have long been terrorized by closeted gay politicians and others who do wicked things to win the favor of straight people. The old, recognizable names include J. Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn, Idaho

Senator Larry Craig, and Florida Rep. Mark Foley. Today we have South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer, California Rep. David Drier, and Virginia Rep. Ed Schrock, all allegedly closeted gay men who may think their actions are “harmless,” but who do very wicked things at the command of their wealthy benefactor, the Republican National Committee. (RNC). A name one might not remember from the list of former, closeted gay Republican adversaries is that of Rep. Robert Bauman, who I reported in my column in 1981 was arrested for soliciting sex in gay bars at night. In our minds, at that time, the gentleman from Maryland was our Ahimsaka. We thought he did wicked deeds in the name of his benefactor, and it negatively impacted our lives. As one might expect, it did the same to his. Gratefully, the story of Ahimsaka does not end with his continuing to kill other people,

nor does the story of Bob Bauman end with (HRC). His name now means “harmless.” But how do we proactively stop others behim solely known for co-sponsoring the “Family Protection Act.” In both instances, fore they do harm to themselves and to us? each man finds redemption, and we find hope. How do we prevent the handsome but dangerIn hearing about the murderer with 999 ous, closeted gay man who seeks the governorfingers hanging from his neck, the Buddha ship of South Carolina, with the support of the sought him out in the forest where he did Religious Right, from accumulating any more most of his killing. When Ahimsaka saw human fingers to hang around his neck? Is he redeemable? What about the Buddha, he charged at Governor Charlie Crist in him with his sword but Florida, or the blogger Matt he couldn’t keep the holy Drudge? What do we do with man in place long enough closeted gay men, or with to cut off his head. their angry, suspicious spous“Stand still,” the enes (Anita Bryant), and parents raged man yelled at the (Phyllis Schlafly), before they Buddha. seek the approval of others by “I am still, in that I doing the evil bidding of their harm no human being,” wealthy patrons? replied the Buddha. “You If they are actively antikill, and therefore you are gay, like Rep. Roy Ashburn not still.” Bob Bauman and Lt. Governor Andre Because of his encounter with the Buddha, Ahimsaka ac- Bauer, turning our heads the other way in knowledged and owned his wickedness, an attempt to protect their privacy, with the repented, and then at the command of hope that they will find their way, is not the the Buddha, he walked among, and made answer. They need interventions, just as amends to, those whom he had previously drug addicts and alcoholics do before they harmed. Former Congressman Bob Bau- kill other people or themselves. It worked for Ahimsaka, and it may work for them. man has done the same. Motivated by hope and not by hate, the first Following a recent newspaper article on my work, an e-mail arrived with the head- thing we should do when we know that an ing, “From Bob Bauman (yes, that Bob Bau- anti-gay public figure is gay or bisexual is to tell someone, such as Chuck Wolf, the wise and man).” He wrote: “It has been quite a few years since your wonderful wizard behind the curtain at the Viccolumns about ‘the gentleman from Mary- tory Fund (victoryfund.org), and Michael Rogland,’ and I still have one of your early books ers, the vigilant reporter behind blogactive.com. in which you analyze my then difficulties.” They, in turn, need to bring in a small team of “I have lived in Fort Lauderdale for about 10 professionals to meet with the homophobic, years. I have been meaning to contact you… closeted gay man or woman. This team should perhaps when your work and global travels include the sagacious Bob Witeck, of Witeckpermit, I could treat you and Ray to dinner. Combs, who has helped many clients undo the I would be honored to meet you at long last.” damage they have done to gay people; Joe Kort, I replied, in part, “What a treat to hear from the successful gay therapist and experienced you, Bob, especially knowing that it must guide who can help the individual acknowlmean that you’ve been ‘singing your song,’ edge and accept his or her sexual orientation, and have found happiness and serenity in and Perry Brass, the revered author who can your life. Nice going! I’m very proud of, and provide the person with guidelines on creating most grateful for the journey you have made.” a meaningful sexual life for themselves. If the anti-gay person rejects the intervenLike Ahimsaka under the Buddha’s mentoring, Bob learned to be still. He has been tion, then he or she should be publicly scorned openly and proudly gay for many years, is before they are able to do any further damage. sober, and very happy. He is humbled by The mainstream media will not always coopthe memory of his closeted self, and his oc- erate, but an effort must be made to alert the casional forays into unsupportive legislation, innocent that a man or woman who collects but he has been redeemed. Since being con- human fingers as proof of their prowess confronted with his lack of stillness in the early tinues to roam the forest in search of prey. We hope for their redemption, but we 1980s, Bob has spoken on behalf of gay rights to the American Bar Association, and at the must actively protect ourselves from their invitation of the Human Rights Campaign hypocrisy and wickedness.

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