02/08/12 V3I6

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I kind of look at this like the vil rights movement of our day d completely and fully support equal rights across the board.

A few highlights LGBT Rights, marriage, adoption “I’m all for anything that is related to LGBT Community. I kind of look at this like the civil rights movement of our day and completely and fully support equal rights across the board. This means marriage, adoption, and anti-hate crime legislation. All of it, if it’s a part of the gay community, it’s a part of the whole community. They’re one as far as I see it. Every opportunity I have to support the community is great: I’m happy to talk about it at any and every club or venue I can.

On the issue of the budget, what is the best way to cut spending while continuing to generate revenue for the government? First, I completely support repealing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans. This is digging a deeper hole for the country. As for revenue side, reigning in out of control defense spending corporate tax loopholes and incentives.

What are your views on Social Security reform? Social Security has been the most successful federal program in history and is sustainable as is for 28 more years. Privatizing Social Security is destroying social security. I believe we need to work within the current system to improve and strengthen it. Alternatives like adjusting the cap on social security taxes for the wealthiest Americans is the kind of reform that can be looked at.

February 8, 2012 • SouthFloridaGayNews.com



Potentially representing a district with a very high proportion of Jewish constituents, what are your views on relations between the U.S. and Israel?

I believe in an unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel. Israel is our most important ally in the world and their safety and security is paramount to me. I believe that the right-wing assault on President Obama’s policy towards Israel is simply political gamesmanship. The President has stood up for Israel at the UN, coordinated unprecedented military cooperation with Israel, sold them bunker busting bombs that even the Bush administration refused to sell and been there in emergencies like the one that occurred in the Egyptian embassy. I will let the words of Deputy Foreign Minister (and former Israeli ambassador to the US) Daniel Ayalon speak for themselves: “I can tell you in a very categorical way that we have not had a better friend than President Obama.”

How about creating jobs and helping not only make them, but make sure they pay a living wage? I support stimulating economic growth with an aggressive job’s bill like the president has proposed. On having higher paying jobs, consider that CEO’s are making well over 50 times what their lowest paid employee is making down the line.] And while we can’t regulate CEO’s, we can re-build by creating and re-building higher paying jobs and providing stimulus to companies who keep their jobs on our shores.

Being in a district, which is so ethnically diverse, how do you feel about immigration reform?

I believe strongly in enforcing our border and our immigration laws. I am also a realist who knows that 11 million people will not “self-deport” or be physically thrown out by the US, therefore I support reasonable reforms like the Dream Act. [Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act allowing young immigrant/aliens who have met certain criteria either enter the military, attend college or carve a path to citizenship they’d otherwise not have been afforded according to Dreamact.info/students]

On national defense, what are your views on entering conflicts abroad? America should always be ready to take on its enemies throughout the world. Without question, there are times where will have to use force, but the philosophy of [Congressman Allen] West has, in my view, made us less safe.

For more information or to contact Patrick Murphy, please visit www.patrickmurphy2012. com. Murphy can be reached directly via E-mail at: Patrick@patrickmurphy2012.com. Among his upcoming speeches, Murphy has an appearance Feb. 14th appearance for the American Veterans for Equal Rights in Wilton Manors. More information on this event can be obtained by contacting Angel at (305)318-8227.


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