2019 Winter Re-U-Knight-er

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A publication for the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools community & alumni. Volume XXXVIII • Issue 2 • Winter 2019



Dear Alumni, Families and Friends,

Our mission...

Each year we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week. This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” The theme encompasses the core outcomes and values that can be found in our Catholic schools. We are teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and enriched citizens in our communities. This is why our families make sacrifices to provide their children with a Catholic education. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants and leaders. These shared qualities are what make our Sioux Falls Catholic Schools successful.

to form a community of faith and learning by promoting a Catholic way of life through Gospel values and academic excellence. Sioux Falls Catholic Schools 3100 W 41st St Sioux Falls, SD 57105

We recognize our collective responsibility towards the future of Catholic education. By enrolling your children or investing in our Catholic schools, you show your commitment to this very important ministry. I thank you all for your continued support and prayers for our shared mission.

President: Kyle Groos Kyle L. Groos President, SFCS

Alumni Director/Editor: Carol Barnett Nesbitt ‘80 605.575.3360 Director of Development: Susanne Halverson Gale ‘94 605.575.3342

FROM THE ALUMNI OFFICE We have some exciting news—particularly for our alumni. Our Hall of Fame is being revamped to be more inclusive. What we’ve found is that some alumni who are leaders in their chosen careers and communities don’t always fit into the previous categories of the arts, service or academics. As a result, we are changing the ‘categories’ to either “Distinguished Alumni” (honored for their service to church/ community or for excellence in their career fields) or athletics. Please read more about it on our Hall of Fame page, which also includes the opportunity to nominate a worthy graduate.

Executive Director SFCS Foundation: Michelle Meinen Katen ‘87 605.575.3362 Admissions / Recruitment: Jenni Struck 605.575.3358


We’re also looking forward to getting feedback from our Denver and Kansas City area alumni as to where you’d like us to host the next “Alumni Regional Reunion”. If you are in one of those areas and would like to help, please contact me in the Alumni Office at cnesbitt@sfcss.org. Thanks for being part of our wonderful Sioux Falls Catholic Schools and O’Gorman community! You belong. God bless, Carol Barnett Nesbitt ‘80 Alumni Director



In an effort to save money and a few trees, we are asking those who receive a paper copy of the Re-U-Knight-er to consider going digital. If you would like to move to a digital version, please email cnesbitt@sfcss.org or call 605-575-3360. If you received a digital copy but would prefer a paper copy, you can also contact Carol at the above phone and email. After our last appeal, more than 800 people were moved to e-issues. That’s incredible! Not only do we save on printing, but postage as well. Thank you to those who switched.

One in four Sioux Falls Catholic Schools students needs help with their tuition. That means over $1.4 million is allocated to financial aid so we can award grants, scholarships and work study. Without these dollars, many of our families would have to withdraw their children. Go Give OG Day is a daylong giving challenge for our alumni and other interested supporters to raise funds so that every family who wants a Catholic school education for their children can provide one.

On Wednesday, May 1st, from 8am – 8pm (CST), we will be soliciting donations—online and over the phone—and conducting a wide social media campaign, complete with class challenges and matching ‘POWER HOURS” to help us reach our goal of raising at least $50K in one day! Last year, we surpassed our goal, raising an incredible $51,414.56. Let’s work to raise even MORE this year! Info will be coming to our alumni soon, so watch for it and mark your calendars. When we come together as a community, we can do amazing things! What can we do in one day? Change the lives of young people. And that’s completely awesome.



ST. MICHAEL STUDENTS HELP SHINE A LIGHT ON ADOLESCENT STRUGGLES One in five kids ages 7-14 suffers from some type of mental health condition, including depression, ADHD, behavioral issues and more. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among kids ages 5-14, as well as young adults ages 15-24. Those are sobering statistics. What’s even scarier is the fact that oftentimes kids feel that they’re the only ones suffering. They don’t tell anyone. They walk with a dark ‘cloud’ hanging over them, not understanding why they feel the way they do or what to do about it. Feelings of being all alone in their struggles are real. Local children’s author Tom Roberts had been approached by Shantrel DeJong, Lead Behavioral Health Technician in Avera’s adolescent inpatient program, who asked him to help write a story that would create a dialogue she could use to help kids who were struggling with depression and other related mental health conditions. Roberts, who works for Children’s Home Society, quickly came on board. CHS, which works to help children and families, partnered with Avera Health to bring the story to life by publishing it as a book and getting it into the hands of teachers, youth counselors, parents and really anyone who works with kids.


This January, the book, entitled “A New Norm” was unveiled at St. Michael School to a group of students. In the book, the character, Norm, is a boy who lives with a dark cloud following him around. He can’t get the cloud to go away, no matter how hard he tries. The book articulates the feelings of anxiety, depression, grief, anger, doubt, confusion and sometimes scary thoughts that can overwhelm children. “Norm’s” story was not new to a number of the St. Michael students, as they had actually helped with the writing process by being part of several focus groups of young kids last summer. “I hadn’t had an opportunity to share the story much with anyone other than adult groups, so we decided that it was important that we have that viewpoint from the kids—what resonates, what doesn’t— both in the words and in the visuals,” said Roberts. He said their feedback was incredibly helpful. “Sometimes it might have been just a word that didn’t fit quite the way they thought it should, or maybe it was a phrase or an image on one of the pages that didn’t seem right. They would offer up different ideas and we would take it back to our team, take a look at it and talk about it.” Roberts cited several instances where his story was tweaked a little because of the students’ suggestions. St. Michael student Alex Gaspar was excited to have been part of the process. “I think it was really good, and the fact that it’s helping kids with problems is really good. I’m glad they thought of it.” Gaspar said that Roberts first read the story without showing any pictures to them so they could really listen to the words. After they offered input on the words and phrases, Roberts read the book again, using pictures created by illustrator Jim Brummond. Again, the kids gave valued feedback on how each picture reflected the words. As the St. Michael students listened to Roberts give the very first formal reading of the finished book, Alex Gaspar’s mom, Katy, also got to be there. There not only as a mom, but also as the school’s counselor, Gaspar said it was an amazing experience. “I think it’s good that they (Roberts and Avera staff) were willing to take the students’ feedback during the focus groups. As a counselor, I’m very excited to get the book because it will be a wonderful tool to help with individual students that I see,” said Gaspar.


Dr. Matthew Stanley, Clinical Vice President of Avera’s Behavioral Health Service Line, says the intent of the book was to communicate a difficult topic with adolescents. “It’s hard for all of us to really understand what adolescents are going through. The feedback was critically important to be sure that it really was of interest to this age group, enough to spark a thoughtful discussion,” said Stanley. The Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation helped by providing a grant to publish the book. Additional sales of the book through both the Avera McKennan Foundation and Children’s Home Society will help put “A New Norm” in 220 different schools across the Midwest. In the back of the book, there are resources that people can use to seek professional help. “This book is a way we can raise awareness and reach out to those who are hurting in a simple, non-threatening way,” said Dr. Stanley. “The book won’t heal, but will generate discussion. There is hope. Help is available. That’s the message that we want to send.”

“The book won’t heal, but will generate discussion. There is hope. Help is available. That’s the message that we want to send.” - Dr. Matthew Stanley, Clinical Vice President of Avera’s Behavioral Health Service Line


How wonderful that some of our SFCS students were invited to be part of such an important literary project that will help give students who are struggling a ‘spark’ of hope and that, if necessary, they can find the help and support they need.

O’Gorman - Cathedral

Alumni Hall of Fame The purpose of the O’Gorman-Cathedral Hall of Fame is to recognize our outstanding alumni or former staff who:

• Distinguished themselves through excellence in their profession or • Distinguished themselves through exceptional service, volunteerism or contribution to the community and/or church, or • Distinguished themselves through excellence in athletics • Upholds the values of our Catholic faith

An awards committee will determine inductees. Recipients will be honored at O’Gorman’s Homecoming Mass, football game and at the Hall of Fame Banquet. Please note that once someone has been nominated, they will remain in our files for consideration each year. You do not need to re-nominate unless new information becomes available.

Nomination Form Nominee’s Name: Nomination is for:

Class Year:

Excellence in their profession Excellence in service to church or community Excellence in athletics

Activities related to this nomination (why they deserve the award):

(Use additional paper if needed to provide more information on your nominee)

Nominator’s name:

Daytime phone:

Please remember that you MUST provide supporting evidence our committees can use to determine winners of these awards. It is difficult to research the many names that are submitted, so we rely on your research to aid in this process. If names are submitted without additional information, it is unlikely that your nominee will be given true consideration for an award. Thank you!

* Nominations must be received by March 29, 2019 in order to be considered by the Hall of Fame committee. Mail to: Alumni Office, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105


A BIG THANK YOU to all who contributed. A total amount of $23,789.50 was raised for

#TUESDAYFOR TEACHERS PLUS! Every dollar was matched for a GRAND total of



Area Regional Reunion Where in the world??



We are currently researching having a Regional Reunion in either Kansas City or Denver next summer. We’d like feedback from our alumni in those two areas. If you’d like to help us coordinate, please contact Carol in the Alumni Office at: 605.575.3360 or cnesbitt@sfcss.org.

Upcoming Class Reunions Class of 1964 - 55 Years – September 7 & 8 Mark your calendars and join us! September 7, 2019 at McNally’s Pub (69th & Western Ave) at 5:30pm. Order off the menu, 5:30pm ‘til after your bed time. September 8th, 2019 will be a potluck picnic @ McKennan Park at the shelter on south side of Tennis courts from 1:00pm-4:00pm. RSVP to: Helen Rowley Martinson: 605-201-9627 • hfmartinson@midco.net or Mike Clark: 605-376-4937 • clarkmc@sio.midco.net.

Class of 1969 - 50 Years – September 20 & 21 The Class of ’69 will be celebrating their 50th in September. Saturday night will be at the Ramkota. You want to be there! More details coming soon, but get it on your schedule now. Questions? Contact Anne Cannon Hajek at: annehajek@gmail.com.

Class of 1979 - 40 Years – June 21 & 22 The O’Gorman Class of 1979 40th reunion is this coming year! The fun starts on Friday, June 21 at 3pm with a party boat followed by an outdoor barbecue at Lake Madison. Saturday includes golf, Mass and later a dinner at CJ Callaway’s. Watch for more details to come! You will want to be there!!

Class of 1989 - 30 Years - September 6 & 7 The Class of 1989 will be gathering for our 30th reunion in September in conjunction with Dakota Bowl. More details will be coming soon. We encourage classmates to join our Facebook group, “Sioux Falls O’Gorman High School Class of 1989”. Reunion contact is Anne Leedom at: stamps89@live.com.

Classes of 1999 and 2009 No information yet! If you’d like to help coordinate, contact Carol in the Alumni Office at cnesbitt@sfcss.org or call 605.575.3360.


KNIGHT NOTES Elementary Nights

Our elementary school students and their families got a taste of high school sports this winter during “Elementary Nights” at O’Gorman High School basketball games. Students got the chance to play with the OGHS pep band, sing the National Anthem, win prizes and participate in a hoop shoot competition during half time.

State Robotics Championship O’Gorman Junior High School won their 2nd consecutive State Robotics Championship in February. Four out of the last six years, the OGJH Robotics Team has captured the Champion’s Award (Overall winner) in the State Tournament.


Prince of Peace Our 4th, 5th and 6th graders from St. Lambert visited Prince of Peace in February in celebration of Catholic Schools Week. They sang for residents and chatted with them about their CSW celebrations. Kindergarten through 3rd grade students also joined in on the fun by creating special Valentine door decorations for the residents.

Orchestra Concert Orchestra students from all six of our elementary schools joined together for a special concert in January. Some of the elementary principals even helped by playing some percussion instruments during one of the songs!

Sioux Falls Stampede Students at Holy Spirit were surprised with a “celebrity� visit during lunch in January. Players from the Sioux Falls Stampede came to their school to eat lunch and visit with the students. Holy Spirit students also sang the National Anthem at a Stampede game in February.



O’Gorman added a new state championship title to the wall this year. Competitive Cheer won their second consecutive title.




The cast of the O’Gorman High School One-Act Play received straight superior rankings across the board at the State One-Act Play Festival this February. “The Election” was a comedy based on a student-body presidential election and showed the ways that politics can get messy, even in high school. Congratulations to cast and crew!

Senior Canyon Bauer was named South Dakota’s Gatorade Player of the Year. Canyon is the state’s all-time leader in receiving yards and 2nd in receptions in 11 man ball. Bauer is the fourth Gatorade South Dakota Football Player of the Year to be chosen from O’G. The other three are: Chad McConnell ‘89, Ryan Folsom ‘90, and Josh Mahoney ‘05.


Longtime O’G teacher Sr. Suzanne Cotter recently celebrated her 90th birthday. After a great party in her honor, two of her nieces stopped up to the SFCS offices with a check for $1,500 for the theology department. Her nieces and nephews made the donation in their aunt’s honor. Sr. Sue's good friend, Fr. Chuck Cimpl, helped host the celebration in her honor.


PAST - 1975




A benefit for all eight Sioux falls Catholic Schools

Saturday, March 30, 2019 Icon Lounge • 402 N Main Ave • Downtown Sioux Falls

cocktails • DINNER • silent/LIVE auction LIVE MUSIC • DANCING


Go to www.allknights.givesmart.com to purchase event tickets, raffle tickets, Dollars for Dress Down and make donations to tuition assistance.

May 10 @ Willow Run Golf Course 28th ANNUAL

Four Person Scramble Team & Individual Prizes Grand Prize Drawing Hosted by: O’Gorman High School Athletic Booster Club

More information, call or email: Betsy Weber, Events Coordinator: 605.336.6354 | bweber@sfcss.org


’70 Mary Dix married Ben Rothenberg on September 1, 2018 and moved to Custer, SD in October of 2018. She is retired now. Email: mrothenberg@goldenwest.net ’70 Ed Cannon and his son, Matt, were recently honored by Twin Cities Business magazine as pioneers. The honor names people who will have the biggest impact on the region’s economy and corporate community in the coming year. It’s kind of a who’s who of Minnesota businesses and public policy, while serving as a ‘little black book’ of influencers, thought leaders and key players likely to be making news or driving change, according to the publication. Ed and Matt created JAMSTIK Smart Guitars. Jamstik guitars are actually manufactured here in Sioux Falls at ESI! www. jamstik.com ’71 Mary Lyman Ryan earned her BS in Human Resource Mgmt from the University of Maryland University College. She retired at 53 to become a grandma. She and her husband, Kevin, will celebrate 45 years of marriage on June 1, 2019. They have two sons and four grandchildren. Her email: Maryandkevin1@verizon.net ‘04/’07 Sean Powell married Andrea Cota on August 24, 2018 at Holy Spirit Church in Sioux Falls. O’Gorman alumni attendants included Tracy (Cota) Teerink ‘04, Amanda (Soehl) Christensen ‘07, Alyssa (Hansen) Lutz ‘07, Will Powell ‘09, Cory Powell ‘01, and Maria Powell ‘11. Sean started


a new position at Security Savings Bank and will take over his dad’s business as a financial advisor. Andrea is teaching in the Kinesiology & Sport Management department at USD. ’05 Elizabeth (Freitag) Broders and her husband, Mark, welcomed a daughter, Rosalind Marie, on May 25, 2018. She is their 4th child. They also have Henry, Catherine and Adeline. ‘05/’06 Matt and Stacy (Richter) Adamson welcomed their third daughter on October 11th. “Ronni and Cori are head over heels in love with their littlest sister Adrianna “Andi Belle” says Stacy. ’06 Robin Burns graduated from USD with a BS in Speech Communications, and earned a Master of Education from the University of Sioux Falls. He is an English teacher at Basha High School in the Chandler Unified School District. He and his wife, Regan, are expecting their first child in May. Email: robburns1987@gmail.com ’07 Congratulations to Andy Meyer who was awarded the Dept. of Defense Chief Information Officer Award at the Pentagon in Washington,

D.C. Andy was awarded one of only FIVE of these awards in the entire nation this year! Andy is a 1st lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Buckley Air Force Base in Denver, Co. He is an operations flight commander in the 460th space communications squadron. He is soon to be Captain in June. The award recognizes individuals and teams within the Dept. of Defense Information Technology (IT) community for exceptional achievements in delivering forward-leaning and strategically impactful technology capabilities and IT management practices. Congrats to Andy on this incredible award! ‘08 Joey Nesbitt married Alena Johnson in Estes Park, CO, on Nov. 9th. Both are mechanical engineers working in the Denver area. ’08 Libby (Ball) Scoular and her husband Jeff welcomed their third daughter, Katherine Giorgi, in July! She joins big sisters Stella (5) and Grace (2.5). ‘08/’10 Taylor and Madeline (Fritz) Juhl welcomed their first child, Bennett Thomas, on Dec. 10, 2018. He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz.

’09 Amanda Kautz Swartz and her husband, Drew, welcomed a daughter, Chamberlyn Mae Swartz on October 18, 2018. ’11 Nick Ullom recently received a big award at the Conference for NDEAM (National Disability Employment Awareness Month) at Delta Air Lines. Out of 1,300 ABLE members of the 80,000+ employees, he was one of only three to receive an award for Employee Engagement. He was named 2018 ABLE Member of the year. (ABLE = Accessibility, Barrier Elimination, Leadership and Empowerment) ’12 1st Lt Amy Hagen Rasmussen, a Public Affairs Officer for the 30th Space Wing At Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, was the media lead for the NASA InSight launch on May 5, 2018. It was the first interplanetary launch for the West Coast. She directed media operations for 3 pre-launch events and led 76 media members on day of launch to capture footage. Her efforts helped share the mission of the 30th Space Wing and their mission partners, NASA and United Launch Alliance, to over 122 million people across the world. NASA InSight’s mission was to land on Mars to study the planet’s deep interior. InSight successfully landed on Mars on Monday, November 26, around noon PST. ’13 Allie Vognild married Luke Hubers on May 26, 2018. Allie is working at Midco as a Data Analyst. Luke is a 2nd LT in the Air Force and will be going to Oklahoma for pilot training in Feb 2019.

’13 Seth Pierce accepted a job with Special Olympics Nebraska in Omaha. He will be serving as the Director of Volunteer Services and will be in charge of recruiting, training, and staffing all of their events. He will also be in charge of interns and help in general outreach to businesses in the community. ’14 Carolina Valencia married Juan Martinez on September 15, 2018 in Sioux Falls. She graduated in May of 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in social work and minor in psychology. She is currently working for Child Protection Services in Sioux Falls. ‘14/’14 Whitney Ziebell married Max Donohue on October 5th. O’G alumni attendants included: Taylor Kneip ‘11, Tanner Schulte ‘14, Tommy Entwistle ‘14, Jaden Holzer ‘14, Morgan Kneip ‘11, Shayla Burton ‘14, Anna Perry ‘14, McKayla Hermanson ‘14, Molly Donohue ‘10; alumni ushers: Sam Breske ‘14, John Jarding ‘14, Collin Hammer ‘13; alumni personal attendants: Maria Anderson Sheets ‘13, Emily Sommerfeld ‘14 (vocalist as well). Max is currently at the University of St. Thomas studying Law, and Whitney is at the U of M getting her Master of Architecture. ’15 Makayla Mergen married Noel Hansen on June 2, 2018 at St. Mary Parish in Dell Rapids. Alumni involved in the wedding included Hannah Elsinger ’15 (bridesmaid) and Samantha Anderson ’15 (photographer). Makayla is working at St. Katharine Drexel as an educational assistant and after school care teacher.

’15 Desiree Mercer married Ian on August 11, 2018 at St. Lambert Parish. “We are living in Sioux Falls where Ian is obtaining a Law Enforcement Science degree and I am obtaining my nursing degree with minors in gerontology, aerospace studies, and human and family development. I recently contracted with the United States Air Force as part of ROTC in January of 2018!” Desiree attended Benedictine College for nursing in 2015-2016, and since 2016 has been in the nursing program at SDSU. Correction: We incorrectly listed a degree and employer for Karen Sechser ’65. She graduated with a Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling from Washburn University and is currently seeking employment. Our apologies.

‘08 Laura Klein attended Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, graduating in 2012. Soon after, Laura began discerning a vocation to religious life. In 2015, she was received into the Corpus Christi Monastery in Rockford, Illinois, as a Poor Clare Colettine Nun. A year later, Laura received her religious name, Sister Mary Colette. Sister Mary Colette took the next step on her vocational journey by making her First Profession of Vows during Mass on September 30, 2018. About thirty five friends and relatives traveled to Rockford to be in attendance to witness Sister’s vows. The remainder of the day was spent visiting with Sister Mary Colette, catching up on recent happenings, and learning more about her religious life. Sister Mary Colette’s final profession of vows, God willing, will be in 2024. The Poor Clare Colettines are a Franciscan order with an emphasis on many hours of daily prayer, and a strong devotion to the Holy Eucharist. They welcome your prayer requests and can be reached at 815-963-7343, or write to them at: Poor Clare Colettine Nuns, Corpus Christi Monastery, 2111 S Main St, Rockford, Ill 61102. You can learn more about the life of the Poor Clare Colettines by going to www.rockfordpoorclares.org. Sister Mary Colette welcomes your letters and visits, if you are in the Rockford, Illinois area.


* Full obits can be found online at www.sfcss.org/alumni


Edward McGuire, former Dean of Men and history teacher at O’Gorman, died January 7th. Survived by his wife, Jane; children: Dan ‘69, Tim ‘70, Laurie Pittman ‘73, Mark ‘75, Joel ‘78, and Lisa Lee ‘80; 11 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren and a brother, Bob. Memorials are being directed to Sioux Falls Catholic Schools, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. Yvonne Doss, teacher at Christ the King School for many years, died January 31st. Survived by her children: John, Daniel ‘74, David ‘80, Cynthia ‘69, Janet ‘70, Patty ‘78. Preceded in death by her son Larry ‘65, infant daughter Jean Marie, and husband John. Memorials are being directed to tuition assistance at Sioux Falls Catholic Schools, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.

ALUMNI: ‘40 Mary Elizabeth Martin Cypher died Oct. 7, 2018. Survived by her children: Mary Jane, Margaret, Dorothy, Rita, Christine, Jean, Michael, Thomas, James, John and Timothy; a sister, Gertrude; 31 grandchildren; 48 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Preceded in death by her husband, Lloyd; son, Patrick, a grandson and three great-grandchildren. ’42 Lois Natz Zerfas died November 14, 2018. Survived by her children: Collette Broveleit, former principal at Christ the King, St. Mary’s and OGJH, Gregory, Daniel, Thomas, Colleen, Michelle, Douglas, David, Francine, Annette, Paulette, Mark, Andrew; three brothers, Bill Natz ‘49, Bob Natz ‘51 and Kit Natz ‘52; 26 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. Preceded in death by siblings: Vivian, Eunice ’24, Zita ’32 and Clete ’26.


’42 Alice Maxine “Mickey” Skaff died July 31, 2018. Survived by her children Andy and Andrea; four grandchildren; three great grandchildren; siblings Maureen ’38, Barbara ‘48, Tommy ’49 and Mary Jo ‘55. Preceded in death by her husband, Andy, and siblings: Bud ’40, Rita and Audrey ’44. ’44 Sr. Julianne Josten, OP died December 10, 2018, in the 72nd year of her profession. Preceded in death by her siblings: Bernard ’33, Joseph ’39, Frank ’43, William ‘50, Nick ’50, Katherine, Madonna ’36, Rose Clare ’47 and Helen ’40. ’47 Donna Rea Fechner died December 10, 2018. Survived by her daughter, Margaret Konrad; three grandsons; three great grandchildren; a brother, Carlyle “Bud”; and two sisters, Faye Hill ‘51 and Kathleen Conradi ‘58. Preceded in death by her husband, Norris, and a grandson, Thomas. ’47 Rose “Peg” Marie Driscoll Balk died Oct. 11, 2018. Survived by her children: Sandy, Terry Jean and James; three grandchildren. Preceded in death by her husband, Max, and her son, Joseph, as well as her four brothers and two sisters. ’48 Don Dougherty died January 3rd. Survived by his wife, Jo; children: Jane Machado ’77, Mary McMullen ’78, Tom ’81, Katy Billion ’83, Bobby ’86, David ’88; 18 grandchildren; sisters Kate Gasman ‘53 and Rosemary Priester ‘45. Preceded in death by siblings Julienne, Annette Mullin ‘43 and Dick ‘44. Memorials are being directed to Sioux Falls Catholic Schools, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. ‘48 James “Jim” Grace died Feb. 5th. Survived by his children: Nancy, Sharon, James, Carol, Colleen and Connie; 11 grandchildren; 8 great grandchildren. Preceded in death by his wife, Mary Ann; brothers: George, Gerald, Eugene, John, Francis; four grandchildren and a great grandson.

‘49 Sally Cronk Wiche died Jan. 31st. Survived by her children: Gregg, Mary Kay, Pam and Joe; sisters: Mary Dellman ‘54 and Donna Retzlaff ‘50; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Preceded in death by her husband, Paul. ’51 Carol “Koky” Barnett Risner died Dec. 30, 2018 in Poway, CA. She is survived by her children, Bobby, Barbara and Richie; three grandchildren; one great granddaughter; siblings: Mary Lue Daniels ’49, Fr. Jim ’56, Vicki Gero ’62, Bill ’63 and Pat ’65. Preceded in death by her sister Jannie Shapiro ’53. ‘53 Charles “Chick” Barnett died February 5th. Survived by his wife, Lenore; children: Nick, Paul, Ellen, Rita, Matt, Tony, Ruth, Teresa, Chrissy and Karen; siblings: Frank ‘54, Pete ‘58, Maxine ‘60, Msgr. Steve ‘62, Katie Baldwin ‘65, Tim ‘68, Loretta Barada ‘69 and Dennis ‘70. Preceded in death by his sister Peg Barry ‘55 and brother Fr. Larry ‘63. ’53 J. Thomas “Tom” Lalley died October 17, 2018. Survived by his wife, Janet; children: Kathy, Michelle, Angela, Theresa, Karen and Steve; nine grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; his siblings: Mary Ellen Coombs ’50 and Rex P Lalley ’56. ’54 Richard Lee ‘Dick’ Kogel died October 23, 2018. Survived by his wife, Joyce; children Ryan, Randy, Stephanie and Denise; siblings Robert, Jane Kogel ‘56, Kathy Christensen ‘66, and Debbie Stoltmann ‘71; seven grandchildren. Preceded in death by his brother Paul. ‘57 Jim Fischenich died January 25, 2019. Survived by his wife, Debbie; children: Craig, Troy, Mike, Tricia and Janel; 14 grandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren; sisters: Joan Gullickson ‘56, Judith Clemetson ‘62 and Mary Gibbons ‘78. Preceded in death by brothers Joe ‘59,

Mike ‘66 and Tom. Jim’s mother, Edna, worked at St. Joseph Cathedral School and later O’Gorman from 1968-1983. ’60 Karen Gunn Wright died November 20, 2018. Survived by her son, Eddy; one granddaughter and one greatgranddaughter; siblings, Patricia Behrends ‘51, Bill Gunn, Tom Gunn and Mary Cupery ‘65. Preceded in death by her husband, Edward; brothers, Joseph “Larry” ‘51, Michael and Jim ‘68. ’63 Fr. Larry Barnett OSB died January 17th. Survived by his siblings: Chick Jr ‘53, Frank ’54, Pete ‘58, Maxine ’60, Monsignor Steve ’62, Katie ’65, Tim ’68, Loretta ‘69 and Denny ‘70. Preceded in death by his sister, Peggy ’55. ’67 Patti Beck Benson died November 1, 2018. Survived by her husband, David; children: Jennifer Gillespie Grossman ’94, Elizabeth Neve and John Benson; seven grandchildren; her sister, Carolyn Beck Frankman ‘68 and her brother Dennis. ’68 Dr. Dan Hacking died October 27, 2018. Survived by his wife, Kathy, and daughter Karman. Preceded in death by his brother, Richard ’64. ’68 Gail Ugland Miller died October 19, 2018. Survived by her husband, Dan; children: Stephanie and Nick; stepdaughter, Julie; one grandson; her brother, Terry Ugland. Preceded in death by her stepson, Troy. ’69 Carol Ann Gunn Namanny died January 3rd. Survived by her husband, Robert; daughter, Kim; a grandson; stepchildren, Pam and Troy; Judy Witkowski ’64 and brother Jerry Gunn ‘72; two stepgrandchildren. ’74 Maureen Fodness Fitzgibbons died December 28, 2018. Survived by her husband, TJ ’74; siblings: Cathleen Entringer ’78 and Mike Fodness ’84. ’75 Pam Lammers White died January 9th. Survived by her husband Terry; a daughter, Amy (Chris); one granddaughter; siblings: Joe ‘78, Kevin ‘71, Joan Bourne ‘66, and Karen Wise ’69. Preceded in death by siblings: Kay O’Donnell ’65 and Marilyn Zawistowski ’68.

’81 Terri K. Bruce died December 2, 2018. Survived by his parents, Thomas and Kathleen; siblings: Carolyn Ribstein ’83 and Debbie Heselton ‘85. ’82 Chad Steele died November 17, 2018. Survivors include: his fiancé, Kathie Withers; his son, Nathan Kitchen; five grandchildren; stepdaughters, Amber and Ashley; siblings: Rod Steele, Greg Steele ‘64, Steve Steele ‘65, Jeff Steele ‘68, Dennis Steele ‘70, Cam Steele Loveland ‘72 and Brian Steele ‘79; five grandchildren. Preceded in death by his sister, Monica ’77. ’89 Jennifer DeVaney Woessner died October 3, 2018. Survived by her daughters, Megan and Melissa; one grandson; mother, Patricia DeVaney; and brother, Jeff ‘86. Preceded in death by her father, Fredrick.

Phil Kearney, husband of Peggy (Jansa) ’68; father of Christopher and Sean. Janet Carey, wife of Charles; mother of: Marsha ’95, Mary, David, Christine. Richard “Dick” Erickson, father of: Stephen ‘74, and Susan. Arlo Sommervold, father of: Peter ‘82, MaryAnn, Jon and Sara. Preceded in death by his wife, Mary. Phil Davis, husband of Judy (Schock) ’66; father of Allison. Tom Biermeier, husband of Peg; father of: Dan ’75, Nancy ’77, Lori ’78 and Nick ’83. Mary Homan, mother of: Mary Kay ’67, Margaret ‘70, Patricia ‘71, Deborah ‘73, Catherine ‘74, Francis ‘81 and John ’84.


Stephanie Pham, wife of Scott; mother of: Alex ‘13, Roman ‘17 and Missy ‘19.

Jim Boyum, husband of Teresa; father of: Kathleen ‘67, Sue ‘81, Jim ’69 (dec), Tom ‘71, Mark, and Dan ’83. Memorials are being directed to Sioux Falls Catholic Schools for tuition assistance. Mail to: 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.

Andrew Mack, husband of Carol; father of: Tina ‘83, Lisa ‘85, Jim ‘86, Paula ‘88, and Luke ‘98. Memorials are being directed to tuition assistance at Sioux Falls Catholic Schools, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.

Tammi Earley, wife of Nick ’88; mother of: Elizabeth, Rebecca and Nicholas. Doug Hagen, husband of Kathy; father of: Christopher ’94, Matthew and Jessica. Carol Boehmer, wife of Les; mother of Pam ’88, Stacy ’94 and Vicki. Dan Artz, brother of: Patrick ’77, Mary, Tom, Steve, Richard, and Annette. Benita Hoff, mother of: Edith ’78, Kristi, Francis, Rolf (dec) and Jerome (dec). J. Keith Connelly, husband of Corinne; father of: Patrick ’80, Timothy ’82, Jill ’83 and Carol ’84. Caroline Anawski, sister of Tom ’54 and Stephen ’53 (dec). Frances Byrne, mother of: Theresa ’69, Connie ’71, Kathy ’73 and William. Janette Ball, mother of Jeff ’77, Mary and Brad. Janette also worked for a time at St. Lambert School.



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