2018 Fall Re-U-Knight-er

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A publication for the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools community & alumni. Volume XXXVII • Issue 1 • Fall 2018


Dear Alumni, Families and Friends,

Our mission...

Wow! Our school year kicked off with a myriad of events that help bring our community together. It is so refreshing to be a part of a community where our alumni and current families rally behind our young students as they take advantage of the opportunities provided to them. Whether in the classroom, on the stage or in the athletic arena, our students are building upon the traditions blazed by so many of you.

to form a community of faith and learning by promoting a Catholic way of life through Gospel values and academic excellence. Sioux Falls Catholic Schools 3100 W 41st St Sioux Falls, SD 57105 President: Kyle Groos Alumni Director/Editor: Carol Barnett Nesbitt ‘80 605.575.3360 Director of Development: Susanne Halverson Gale ‘94 605.575.3342

In education, we know that resting on our past success is not going to get it done as our students prepare for opportunities beyond what we can see today. If we’re not moving forward, we’re falling behind especially in today’s world. Innovation lays the groundwork for continued academic growth by introducing new ways that challenge how our students process, analyze and synthesize information and ideas. We are not in the business of following educational fads but need to stay relevant to the changes affecting education, jobs and society. It requires an inventive and creative culture–one that is embraced by those involved. In this edition of the Re-U-Knight-er, you will see examples of innovation taking place within our school buildings and the impact it is having on our students. SFCS is moving forward, opening new doors and offering new things to enhance our exceptional education. God Bless!

Kyle L. Groos President, SFCS

FROM THE ALUMNI OFFICE Greetings to all of our O’Gorman and Cathedral alumni! Because this publication now is sent to alumni, SFCS families and supporters, it’s important that we include stories and photos from all eight of our schools, but we also want to keep all of YOU connected to all of the exciting things happening in our schools. You are an important part of our history and successes, past and present.

Executive Director SFCS Foundation: Michelle Meinen Katen ‘87 605.575.3362 Admissions / Recruitment: Jenni Struck 605.575.3358


It’s been a wonderful summer and fall, with many class reunions and opportunities for alumni to gather. Thanks to all of you who came and took tours of O’Gorman, either individually or with your class reunion groups. Even though the new school was primarily finished in 2011, many have not yet seen it and we love showing it off, beginning with the NEW parts, and finishing in the hallway where your class composites are still hanging! That is always the highlight for our alumni! Our Hall of Fame in September was so wonderful—honoring eight incredible alumni for service, the arts, academics and athletics. It was so great to meet these inductees and hear more about their stories.

To receive your Re-U-Knight-er via email, send a request to: cnesbitt@sfcss.org 2

Know that our students pray for our alumni every Monday morning, so if Mondays are particularly tough (or easy) for you, know you are in our prayers! As always, if you have a personal prayer request, you can email it to me at: cnesbitt@sfcss.org and I will make sure it is placed on the prayer board at O’Gorman. God bless, Carol Barnett Nesbitt ‘80 Alumni Director

INNOVATION AT SFCS STAYING RELEVANT IN AN EVER-CHANGING WORLD Innovation is not necessarily about creating something new but about staying relevant in an ever-changing world. As a result, the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools is working hard to continually look at what we offer students in terms of programming, while staying true to our academic expectations. Throughout the SFCS system, there are many exciting things happening to challenge our students. Many of these create new opportunities for students to develop and practice critical thinking and collaboration. As we are revising our SFCS by-laws, we are proposing to change our Programs Committee into an Innovations Committee which will address how SFCS can remain relevant as we move forward. “People think innovation is only in reference to technology, but it’s much more than that,” says Brenda Mitzel, Director of Instruction and Programs. “Innovation is a mindset. We want to remain grounded in the traditional educational methods that have been effective for student success while incorporating new ideas and tools to generate more effective learning environments. Our goal is to develop responsible digital citizens who are creative problem solvers with the mindset they can change the world while promoting a Catholic way of life.”


TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATIONIST Tara Johanneson, computer science teacher at O’Gorman, now spends part of her time working with our SFCS staff, both as a group and individually, to help them identify ways to effectively integrate technology into their curriculum. As Technology Integrationist, she designs inservices for staff and also teaches a year-long class that our staff can take for graduate credit through USF. “We have 10 teachers taking the class and a few more are auditing it.” These teachers are learning additional tools to help bring their lessons to life. Johanneson and Mitzel are working to update the entire K-12 technology curriculum for teaching and learning. “We want students to be engaged. To do this, we have to meet them where they’re at. Technology is a part of their everyday lives,” says Johanneson. Using tools, such as Chromebooks in the classroom, is making lessons more relevant to students. “They are using technology tools in new and creative ways that allow them to experience learning in ways they couldn’t without technology,” adds Mitzel.


Here’s a look at a few other things that are happening in our schools. STEM LAB With a mission by the staff to continue to be innovative with equipment and activities, St. Michael School transformed a large room into a new STEM lab over the summer months. The room includes areas for life sciences, physical sciences and earth sciences. There are the standard measuring tools and microscopes, and also plants, animals and ongoing experiments in the room. Students from grades K-6 participate in labs here. “It is one location in the school that allows the students’ imaginations to drive their curiosity of learning,” says 6th grade teacher Jim Greene. He says it has changed his lessons for his students dramatically. “All materials are centrally located, not scattered throughout the school. From a teaching standpoint, we are now immersed in the sciences with tools all around us in a safe environment.” Greene says the lab has a very different feel than a regular classroom, one that is inspiring active learning with its hands-on activities. Parents of students at St. Michael agree, saying that their children are more excited than ever about science and learning.

CAMP INVENTION Over the summer, SFCS offered students a weeklong camp through the Achievement Academy called “Camp Invention” with a goal to help mold and shape the next generation of creative minds. The class, described as “SUPER STEM” enrichment, gave 54 students in grades K-6 the opportunity to practice 21st century skills including working in teams and taking on real world challenges that promote communication skills and creative problem-solving. The curriculum, designed by the National Inventors Hall of Fame members, also helps provide educators with direct experience integrating STEM content strategies. Some of the things campers worked on include:

Optibot™ – Campers launched into the future with their own Optibot—a small self-driving bot that senses changes in light—exploring the technology behind transportation. They worked to design the ultimate futuristic vehicle that might one day be reality! Robotic Pet Vet™ – Animal shelters are reporting that malfunctioning robotic dogs have been popping up all over town. The young inventors grabbed their ‘vet kits’ and, using innovation, diagnosed puppy problems. Mod My Mini Mansion™ – Campers designed their very own futuristic smart home filled with gadgets, LEDs, technology and innovation! From talking mirrors to toasters that know how to cook their favorite foods, students invent and build models of these smart gadgets and gizmos. DEVELOPING PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS THROUGH CODING Students throughout the school system grades K-6 learn computer science fundamentals with both online and “unplugged” activities to develop problem-solving skills and an understanding of basic programming concepts using drag and drop blocks. O’Gorman Junior High students build on these skills with Adafruit circuitry hardware. O’Gorman High School students are using the Python language to eventually code drones to fly and program Edison Robots. Students are also learning how to design and build rockets and have competed at a national level.


FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Sioux Falls Catholic Schools host First Lego League teams. These teams of boys and girls are challenged to research a real-world problem and develop a solution. They also design, build and program a robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS technology. Throughout the process, students develop critical thinking, presentation and team-building skills. The O’Gorman Jr. High LEGO League team researched the phenomenon of the phantom toilet flush and provided a creative solution to this waste of water. Their presentation and robot competition earned them a spot at the nationals in Fayetteville, AR, where they won the overall project award. BLENDED LEARNING Student engagement is a critical aspect of learning. Blended Learning uses a mixture of online resources and teacher interaction to engage students in the learning process. SFCS elementary schools are using a Blended Learning approach to cater to the individual needs of each learner. Those students who master a skill can move ahead while those who need more time can keep working until they learn how to apply the skills to their work correctly. Students access online learning through classroom Chromebooks or iPads.

“We want students to be engaged. To do this, we have to meet them where they’re at. Technology is a part of their everyday lives.” - Tara Johanneson, Computer Science Teacher

O’GORMAN HIGH SCHOOL EMBRACES INNOVATION This year, every O’Gorman High School student has been provided with a Chromebook, which allowed us to reach our 1:1 technology goal of one computer for each student. “The ease of access gives teachers more flexibility to use technology in innovative ways to enhance learning in the classroom,” says Johanneson. “We are able to take students to a location using virtually reality,” says O’Gorman teacher Heather Nohrenberg. “For example, students can take a tour of Auschwitz to see what the camp looks like to better picture what life may have been like for people they read about in their English texts.” Other ways teachers are using Chromebooks in the classroom: • Teachers use applications such as Pear Deck to create interactive presentations for students. • Google Classroom is a great tool to keep students informed and interactive. Teachers can post questions and promote discussion even if they aren’t all in the same place physically. • Turnitin.com is utilized to provide peer feedback anonymously, helping students become better editors and writers. • Teachers can create interactive HyperDocs that take students through an interactive series of activities and information.


WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT The sounds of saws and hammers can now be heard in a classroom that for the past several years has been vacant. Enrollment for the welding, auto repairs and woodworking classes had waned and were eventually eliminated from the class offerings. But now there is a renewed interest in some of the hands-on kind of learning that the room might provide. With local construction companies reporting that they each have at least five openings for skilled laborers, there was a definite need for people who could help fill their workforce. Partnerships with local businesses and associations, including Fiegen Construction and the Home Builders Association, helped equip the classroom with much needed materials and tools to upgrade the shop. Jeff Rhone, who owns a cabinetry and furniture company, was hired to develop the program. Administration had hoped to have 8-10 students sign up for the two classes and got 60 instead, both male and female! The program can only accommodate 32 students right now, so some students will have to wait. “Intro to Building Construction is basically an exterior construction class—framing, siding, roofing, etc.,” says Rhone. Students will build various projects throughout the semester. Carpentry & Intro to Woodworking gives students exposure to interior work used in construction, including framing, drywalling, installing windows, hanging interior doors and trimming doors and windows. Rhone hopes to expand the offerings down the road as an opportunity for workforce development. “Our students will also be working with Fiegen Construction on several projects around the school,” says Rhone. There is also a plan for the students to collaborate with the drafting & design and architectural drafting design classes on future projects.

INNOVATE. INTEGRATE. MOTIVATE. Our SFCS families appreciate all of the work being done by our incredible teachers and administration to keep us moving forward in ways that will continue to challenge and engage our students. “We can’t just rely on our traditions of faith and strong academics. Our future is very bright if we continually work to remain relevant in how we teach our children,” says Brenda Mitzel. “We want families to see what we are doing and say ‘I want that for my child. I want to be part of that community.’ This is how we will truly prepare our students to be successful in the secular world, but also in service to our church.”


#TUESDAYFOR TEACHERS November 27, 2018

Did you know our Sioux Falls Catholic School teachers are paid an average of 15% less than their public school counterparts while consistently having their students academically outperform the city, state and nation on standardized tests? The Sioux Falls Catholic School Foundation is working hard to grow endowments for the long term support of our incredible staff in an effort to bridge that large gap. November 27th is the perfect day to thank our teachers for their amazing service to our mission! The best news? All gifts will be matched up to $25,000 so your gift will have twice the impact! Donations of all sizes matter and everyone working together will make a difference.

Here’s how you can support our teachers on November 27th: • Give online: Go to www.sfcss.org and click on #TuesdayForTeachers banner • Mail your donation to: SFCS Foundation • 3100 W. 41st • Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Make sure to include a note for a teacher who inspired you at SFCS!


The SFCS Foundation hosted the international group Up With People on September 16th for two concerts at O’Gorman. UWP is an educational organization whose mission is to inspire young people to make a difference in their world by breaking down cultural barriers and creating global understanding through volunteer service and a musical show. Cast members performed two concerts and also spent time talking to students in each of our eight schools. In addition, 40 of our SFCS students got to perform with the cast during the concert! The incredible SFCS community supported this effort in many ways for an extremely successful event: • Twelve couples helped underwrite the concerts, allowing us to start the week with $30,000 already raised for the Living Stones Endowment for Teachers’ Salaries! • Host families stepped up in record time to welcome over 100 cast members into their homes. • Foundation Members purchased tickets for our SFCS staff and their families so they could attend the concerts for free. • People from all around purchased tickets to support the event. • One AMAZING DONOR matched all of the proceeds so that $100,000 will support our long term goals of building endowments for our teachers’ salaries! Thank you to ALL who helped sponsor, host cast members, donated to the event or purchased tickets!


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CLASS OF 2018 We welcomed 8 inductees into our O†Gorman-Cathedral Hall of Fame this year. Full bios are included on their plaques, which now hang in the Hall of Fame hallway at O†Gorman (outside the Performing Arts Center balcony).

HAL WICK ’62 – EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE A strong advocate for Catholic education, Hal Wick dedicated time, talent and treasure to the benefit and promotion of SFCS. During his 20+ years in state legislature, he worked hard to support vouchers for education. He hosted SFCS students at the state legislature arranging for students to meet the Governor and many elected officials. Back in Sioux Falls, he helped with multiple fundraising projects for SFCS, including a fundraiser for an endowment for CTK School; he secured funds for a new O’G band trailer and as a commercial airline pilot who traveled the world, he always brought exotic cheeses back home to auction off at SFCS events. He also started the Father Foley Scholarship Fund. Hal’s community and church service ran deep—Knights of Columbus, National Right to Life, American Legion, National Guard and Sioux Falls Regional Airport Board among others. He received many awards and recognition for his service. He served 25 years in the military, was a Top Gun pilot and received the Top Gun Award, was Command Post Chief and retired as a Lt. Colonel. Hal strived through service to ensure all children have access to a good education and a faith-based education. GREG LAFOLLETTE, ’65 – EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE Greg has been a volunteer interp coach at O’G for more than 15 years, working with students to be the best they can be. He has accompanied the team to hundreds of tournaments and national competitions over the years. He was named the District Volunteer of the Year and received the SD State Speech Teachers’ Distinguished Service Award. Greg volunteered to teach Junior Achievement’s Personal Finance class at O’G for years. He has served on many Boards of Directors and committees throughout the area and was Chair of the Board of Ethics for the City of Sioux Falls. Last year, he spearheaded the effort to bring the national ride sharing company Lyft to South Dakota, and proudly provided Lyft’s inaugural ride. Greg has also significantly impacted his profession. A recognized thought leader to fellow CPAs, he’s authored hundreds of articles and has spoken to thousands of his colleagues in over 40 states. “Accounting Today” named him one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting, and was inducted into the Accounting Technology Hall of Fame.


DR. MICHAEL FORD ’74 – EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMICS Michael is a Professor Emeritus from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He has a 38-year career in education which started by teaching first graders. He finally “graduated” from first grade and after receiving his doctorate, returned to UW Oshkosh as a faculty member in the College of Education and Human Services. There he has served as graduate program coordinator, department chair, and college associate dean. Ford has received many awards for his work as a teacher. He has written over 170 publications in a variety of forums and has authored or contributed to twelve books. Dr. Ford is a prolific consultant working with educators in all fifty states and 22 countries. A longtime member of the Wisconsin State Reading Association, he served as its President, Convention Chair and Advocacy Committee Chair.

JAY BENTZ ’78 – EXCELLENCE IN ATHLETICS Jay was a great football and basketball player for O’Gorman, receiving the Lee Dolan Award for his contributions. He earned a scholarship to play basketball and baseball at Sioux Falls College. Though he enjoyed participating in all sports, his true passion was baseball. Following college, Jay was on the inaugural Dell Rapids PBR team for South Dakota Amateur Baseball and enjoyed playing for 40 years on that same team. He played in thirteen state championships, winning ten. He was a catcher and served as manager for most of those years. As soon as Jay qualified to play on the Senior Men’s Amateur Baseball team, he began spending his autumns in Arizona and Florida to extend the season. He was part of the 1990 Arizona Men’s Senior Division 5 Championship team. Jay has served on the board of a charity called Helping Kids Round First which brings baseball equipment, medical supplies and farming expertise to rural Nicaragua. Governor Daugaard proclaimed July 22, 2018 as “Jay Bentz Day” in South Dakota. At this year’s 2018 State Tournament, Jay was honored with the Randy Weber Inspirational Award which is given to an individual who exemplifies a positive outlook and determination. TOM SLATTERY ‘83 – EXCELLENCE IN ATHLETICS Tom played football, basketball and track for the Knights. He qualified for the state track meet in the discus as a sophomore, finished 2nd and broke the school record as a junior, and was the 1983 state AA champion in both discus and shot put, extending the discus school record. He was named to the Gatorade High School All-American track and field team. In football, he was a contributor on the State Champion 1981 team and he helped lead the Knights to the 1982 football title game. He was named to the All-Sioux Interstate Conference, Argus Leader Class AAA All-State Offense and S.D. Sportswriters All-11-man football teams for 1982, one of only two linemen on the All-11 man team. Tom was one of eleven students who were plaintiffs in the landmark 1980 lawsuit brought against the S.D. High School Activities Association that helped pave the way for high school football playoffs in South Dakota and O’Gorman’s place as the first-ever State Triple-A football champions. Tom attended SDSU on a scholarship. He was also on the track team where he helped the Jacks win the 1986 North Central Conference team track & field championship by scoring in both shot and discus, and he won the conference discus title as a senior. He qualified twice for the NCAA Division II national meet in in the discus, finishing in the top 10 both years and earning All-American honors as a senior. Tom returned to O’G as a volunteer discus coach, helping several Knights win state titles over 15 seasons. At age 45 he began competing in Scottish Highland Games, where kilted competitors throw a variety of heavy implements. Tom has finished in the top 10 in several national events and got 6th place at the Master’s World Championships in 2017.


JAYMEE SCHMUCK HAEFNER ’95 – EXCELLENCE IN THE ARTS Jaymee joined the University of North Texas faculty serving as the Director of Undergraduate Studies. As a performer, she has premiered several harp works by well-known composers. Her violin and harp duo, Crimson, has released several CDs. Performances have included premieres at national conferences and World Harp Congresses, and she has performed throughout the United States and other countries as well. She has worked with renowned conductors and has joined notable musicians on stage, including Johnny Mathis, Ben Folds, the Canadian Tenors and performed for President George H. W. Bush. A passionate teacher, Dr. Haefner leads the UNT HarpBeats, performing innovative harp arrangements from Bach to Led Zeppelin. The group was recently featured in Chicago and Hong Kong. Jaymee has worked with students from around the world and has served on national and international harp juries and competitions. JIM ANDERSON ’99 – EXCELLENCE IN ATHLETICS A four-year letter winner, Jim was a pro on the greens. Named team MVP as a senior, he also earned All-State honors on the course and in the classroom. He was a regional champion as a junior as well as a medalist in the South Dakota All-Star Games. Anderson went on to play collegiate golf at the University of New Mexico, posting a 74.50 scoring average in 38 rounds. He earned Outstanding Student Athlete accolades during his career. After graduating he spent two seasons as an assistant coach at UNM. In those two seasons, UNM’s national ranking rose more than 70 spots, its winning percentage jumped more than 30 points. He later was named assistant coach at Texas A&M. In three seasons, Anderson coached eight individual medalists, seven all-conference performers and seven All-Americans. Texas A&M finished second at NCAA Regionals in each of his three seasons, and recorded a high finish of 9th at the NCAA Championships. He became one of the youngest head coaches in college golf when he took over the University of Arizona program in 2012 and has the Wildcats on an upward trajectory. Under his guidance, the Wildcats won the 2018 Arizona Intercollegiate, the program’s first event championship in six seasons. Fine play propelled Arizona to the NCAA Regionals for the first time since 2013 where they shot a blistering 13-under par in the final round of regional play. MEGHAN WOSTER ROCHE ‘02 – EXCELLENCE IN ATHLETICS Meghan participated in basketball, volleyball and track for the Knights. In basketball, she was an all-state selection as a senior and was all-conference both junior and senior year. She was named to the Argus Leader First Five and was a Miss Basketball finalist. She helped lead the Knights to the State Championship game. She remains in the O’G record books as the 5th highest scorer. In volleyball, Meghan was part of the 2002 State Championship squad. Meghan was a member of the State Tournament’s All-Tournament team and was All-Conference both junior and senior year. She ranks first all-time in most attacks in a season and most attacks in a career. She also holds the record for the highest hitting percentage in a season. In track and field, she ran relays, hurdles and competed in the triple jump and high jump. She remains in O’Gorman’s top five finishers for the 100 meter hurdles. Meghan attended the University of Utah but transferred to the University of South Dakota where she was a three-year starter for the Coyotes and was team captain for two. She was one of the top performers in the nation in Division II with her assist to turnover ratio. Meghan is ranked third all-time in career assists and eighth in blocked shots at USD with only three years of play.


KNIGHT NOTES State Championship Congratulations to the Post 307 Dukes who won the 15/16 State Championship this summer—the first in their franchise history! O’Gorman students on the team include: Andrew Barr, TJ Free, Wyatt Hermsen, Harry Hueners, Cam Johnson, Joe Lynch, Ben Renshaw, Teegan Schlimgen, Nate Sprenkle and Manny Struck.

Paint the Plow

Our schools are getting ready for winter a little early this year! They took part in Sioux Falls’ “Paint the Plow” program which allows schools to paint a plow before they hit the road for the winter. This one, from Christ the King, features two knight heads and a stained glass motif!

Grandparents' Day We love our grandparents at SFCS! Grandparents’ Days are happening at many of our elementary schools. Students are invited to bring their grandparents or “grandfriends” into their classroom for games of bingo or special treats.


Homecoming As a part of the Homecoming festivities, our youngest Knights celebrated in their schools. Members of the O’Gorman High School marching band, football team and cheerleaders went out to the schools for pep rallies and parades before the big O’Gorman Homecoming game. Students were taught cheers and the school song for the events.

Terra Nova Assessment This past spring our 3rd - 6th graders took the TerraNova Assessment. SFCS students scored significantly higher than the national average. Way to go and keep up the hard work!



National Percentile of NCE








80 82 80




85 78



89 84



National Average




Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

TerraNova Multiple Assessments, April 2018


What’s up at HOMECOMING 2018


O’G has a new Homecoming King and Queen! Gabe Dally and Awoti Akoi were crowned during the Variety Show. Royalty pictured (from left to right): Jon Suing, George Schwebach, Nick Maxwell, Tyler Hackman, Gabe Dally, Awoti Akoi, Rylee Benson, Makenzie Hoffman, Kennedy Kappenman and Sophia Salter.

For the second straight year, the Girls Golf Team brought home the State Championship title. The team has finished runner-up or have won the state championship at every state tournament since 2007. The Lady Knights were coached by Tom Jansa ‘80.



O’Gorman has three National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists this year! Seamus Duffy, Molly Rysavy and Michael Roberts are all in the running for the South Dakota scholarship. Finalists will be announced in February.

This year, the two chaplains on the O’Gorman High School and Junior High campus are O’G alumni and former classmates! Fr. Joseph Scholten is the new chaplain at the high school and Fr. Tyler Mattson is now the chaplain at the O’Gorman Junior High. We’re very happy to have both of them back on campus!




The fall play, House for Sale, debuted to big crowds in October. The play is a comedy following a 70-something father in failing health, who decides to rent out his home to some crazy characters to avoid moving in with his daughter. The children’s show, The Princess and The Pea, will open in December.

The O’Gorman Marching Knights have been having a notable competition season. The band’s Drum Majors, Adam Catangui, Kennedy Kappenman and Olivia Gulseth have won Outstanding Drum Majors at three competitions already this year!

STRONG O†G ENROLLMENT O’Gorman’s student body continues to grow! This year, O’G reached its highest enrollment since the 1970s. There are now over 800 full-time enrolled students!


This year’s Knights 5K road race was held in October, taking the place of the Shamrock Run usually held in March. First up was the Knights Fun Run where kids could run a 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile or 1 mile around the O’Gorman track. The 5K competitive race and the 2-mile fun run/walk followed. New this year was the CellOnly Kids Zone where the kids of runners could run a special obstacle course and make signs to cheer their mom or dad on to the finish line. After the race, everybody enjoyed Big Rig BBQ and an awards ceremony. Special thanks to our O’G Athletic Booster parents for helping us out, and a huge shout out to the Knights Cross Country team and “Dwight the Knight” for their efforts to make the day really fun. What a great event to support high school athletics at O’Gorman. It was another great day to be a Knight!


‘49 Terry Caster and his wife, Barbara (now deceased), received the Philanthropists of the Year Award at the Catholic Educators’ Banquet held by their diocese in San Diego last May. The Casters have donated more than $13 million to Catholic educational causes over the years. ‘55 Clarese Deruytter Conachen Espe attended Briar Cliff in Sioux City, IA. She is retired. She writes, “After my 2nd husband’s death, I moved from Oregon back to Wisconsin. I enjoy spending my winters in AZ playing Pickleball! I would like e-mails from any classmates about what they are doing.” E-mail: crsnowbird@clareserod.com ’63 The late Steve Metli will be recognized posthumously as the Champion of Architecture for individuals by the American Institute of Architects South Dakota. Metli led the planning department for the city of Sioux Falls from 1974 until he retired in 2005. ’65 Karen Sechser attended Sioux Falls College, University of SD, and most recently Washburn University where she earned a Master of Arts in Addition Counseling this year. She works for SeeKing. Her kids are Al and Paulette Eastman. Email: 4wonderfulyou@gmail.com ’66 Gary Thimsen was named the 2019 Employment Law-Management Lawyer of the Year in Sioux Falls and was recognized in the 25th edition of the Best Lawyers in America. ’68 Laura Wagner McGuire just graduated from college for the 1st time! She graduated from the University of Texas in Rio Grande Valley. Her major was multidisciplinary studies with concentrations in English and Spanish. She’s not sure what


her next step is, but hopes for something in education. She is planning to pursue her Master’s degree now.

’88 Dennis Thurman is a semiprofessional goalkeeper in the National Premier Soccer League with the Sioux Falls Thunder FC. He specializes in alternative ’75 Patricia Stombaugh Klenda graduated and private equity investments with from NSU-Aberdeen in 1979 with a BS in Arete Wealth Management which was vocal music and one in instrumental music, ranked by InvestmentNews’ as a 2018 Top with a minor in psychology. She is employed Independent Broker-Dealer two years in at St. Mary’s grade school in Salina, KS, a row with a No. 2 ranking for alternative where she teaches vocal and instrumental investment revenue. music. She earned an MA in Spiritual Email: dennis.thurman@aretewealth.com Theology from Newman University in Wichita, KS last November. Her children are ’88 Kathy Lewis Junker was named the Dean, Matthew, Emily, Carolyn and Patrick. Executive Director for Lunch is Served in August. Lunch is Served is a non-profit ’77 Wayne Klug has spent the past 30 that provides free lunches for the working years working for United Airlines. He poor in Sioux Falls. Kathy and her husband, is now stationed at Washington Dulles Rob have three teenage daughters: Taylor International. He married Wendy Farrow on and Allison attend O’Gorman High School July 28, 2018. Email: vonklug@me.com and Lindsey attends O’Gorman Junior ’79 Joan Boos Schueller writes, “I’ve been High. Please contact Kathy at director@ lunchisserved.org or check out more at married to Doug for 27 wonderful years www.lunchisserved.org. and hoping for many more years together. I opened my own tiny law office in 2015 ’90 Danny Van Deest and am putting my trust in God on this, as I published his first novel should on everything!” Joan and Doug have this year. It is titled four children: Madeline is a music teacher, Balance - A Detective Joseph is studying Aerospace Engineering, Lindstrom Story and is John is at the University of Mary and available in paperback Michael is a senior in high school. and eBook/Kindle format on Amazon. ’80 Tom Jansa has been named the new com. You can also executive director of the South Dakota Golf Association. He began his professional purchase a copy off of his website: www.danielvandeest.com career as an assistant golf professional at Elmwood Golf Course in Sioux Falls in 1987. ’95 Molly Walsh Christianson is a newly He co-founded Dakota Golf Management Certified Professional Co-Active Coach in 1995, managing operations at the (cpcc). She is a Leadership Trainer & Coach Elmwood, Kuehn Park and Prairies Green for Empowered Coaching, LLC and was golf courses from 1995 until 2017. Tom the presenter for Mount Marty College’s 3-day retreat at the Grand Canyon for was also head coach for the boys and girls the freshmen class. Effective November golf teams at O’Gorman for the past three st years, winning two boys and two girls state 1 Molly will also be a coach for Rapport Leadership International. championships.

’97 Joe Thoen and his wife, Kellie had a new baby girl, Fern Eileen, on February 13, 2018. ’97 Gary A. Olson is a mortician and relocated to Pierre, SD, to join Isburg Funeral Chapel in August of 2018. ‘98 Nate Vogel, head women’s basketball coach at Miles Community College, has been named Head Coach for Team USA women’s 19U basketball team at the United World Games in Klagenfurt, Austria next summer. After leading the Pioneers to a 25-8 season in his first year with the team, Vogel impressed the right people. Coach Vogel will select young women between the ages 17-19 from across to country to be a part of the team. The Games will be held June 17-26, 2019 in Klagenfurt, Austria. The United World Games are Europe’s top youth sporting event. Thousands of young athletes from all over the world gather every year for the Games. The United World Games provide an amazing cultural experience for all participants. This is an incredible honor for coach Vogel, as only the top coaches and athletes are recruited to participate in the Games each year. ’99 Lindsay Ralph Horazdovsky attended Colorado State and is working at Sanford Hospital as a nurse. She is married to Reid and they have two children, Harrison (4) and Henry (1). Email: lhorazdovsky@gmail.com ‘99 Jacquelyn Miller Hurd writes, “My husband, Brandon, and I welcomed our 5th baby a boy, Kipton Jeffrey on September 25, 2018. He joins brothers Kellen (10), Korbin (9) and sisters Kamryn (5) and Kadian (2). ’00 Emily Murphy recently sent in an update. “I happily returned to Sioux Falls September 2017 to join Surgical Institute at Avera as a general and endocrine surgeon. In September 2018, Dmitry Khomyakov and I were married at Holy Spirit. William Murphy ‘17 was a groomsman and Jon Murphy ‘02 was an usher.”

‘00 Jackie Wilcox Edwards and her husband, Travis, welcomed baby Brooks last August. He joins their children Brayden, Emily, Torin, Leighton and Gordon at home. Jackie is a special education teacher at Timothy Edwards Middle School in CT and also coaches middle school track & field and cheerleading. ’01 Shannon Johnson recently won the U.S. Women’s Mid-Amateur Championship, qualifying her for a spot in next year’s U.S. Women’s Open. Johnson, a sales rep for Ping, defeated defending champion Kelsey Chugg, 1-up with a two-putt birdie on the par-5 18th hole at Norwood Hills Country Club in St. Louis. Shannon was runner up in 2016. ’03 Rev. Anthony Urban writes, “After spending three years in Garretson, I moved to Tabor, SD in July and became the pastor of Saint Wenceslaus in Tabor and Saint John the Baptist in Lesterville and Sigel.” ‘04 Jessica Hurley Peters and her husband, Jake, welcomed a daughter, Collins, to their family on June 27th. Collins joins older brother Dawson (5) at home. Jessica graduated as an RN in 2016 and is working as a nurse at the Wagner, SD hospital. ‘04/’05 Andrew ’04 and Mary Fitzgibbons ‘05 Ridder and their family recently moved back to Sioux Falls after Andrew completed his Neurology residency and fellowship training at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. He recently started working as a Neurologist specializing in Movement Disorders (i.e. Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, etc.) at Avera. They welcomed their 4th child, Rose Clare Ridder, on Oct 9th. She weighed 8lbs 3 oz. Their other children are Gabriel (7), Evelyn (4) and Amelia (2).

’05 Maggie Baker Groteluschen and her husband, Kyle, welcomed their second son, Charles Jordan Groteluschen (“Charlie”) on April 23, 2018. Maggie is a Wealth Management Officer at The First National Bank in Sioux Falls and Kyle is an Attorney at Avera eCARE. ’08 Megan Priebe Sneddon graduated from the College of St. Benedict and is currently Senior Talent Advisor with Sanford Health. She is married to Owen Sneddon. ‘08 Michael Bruggeman and his wife, Kristyne, welcomed baby Greysen Thomas Bruggeman on April 30, 2018. ‘10 Stephanie Halverson married Matt Schabacker in Sioux Falls on August 26, 2017. They met while attending SDSU. Stephanie graduated with a BS degree in Human Development and Family Studies. They are happy to announce that on June 18, 2018, their son, Charlie Mac was born! They live in Richfield, MN. ‘11/’13 Big congrats to Noah Pierce ‘11 and Cort Hansen ‘13, who were recently honored by the South Dakota Special Olympics. Noah was named Athlete of the Year (the “Spirit of a Champion Award”) He competes in softball, basketball and bowling. Cort was given the Ron Stewart Coach of the Year Award for his technical skill and personal commitment needed to motivate and train Special Olympics athletes. Congrats to both Noah and Cort!


’11 Alex Hey recently opened a new business. It is called Reset ADHD. “By the time the Re-U-Knight-er goes to print, I will be seeing clients as an ADHD coach. Our website is ResetADHD.com.” Alex is being trained by the ADD Coach Academy. Their program is accredited by both the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches and the International Coaching Federation. ’12 Mirah Bolender is having a book published by Tor books (an imprint of Macmillan) on November 20th of this year. “It’s a fantasy novel titled City of Broken Magic, and while it’s not out yet, it has gained reviews from sites like Publisher’s Weekly. I’m not sure if my old classmates remember, but I was writing back in high school, so I thought it would be cool to let them know that it actually became something!” Here is a link to the Publisher’s Weekly starred review: https://www.publishersweekly. com/9781250169273?permamore ‘12 Kylee Bosseler Reisdorfer and her husband, Jeremy, were married Dec. 30th at St. Lambert Parish. They welcomed a baby girl, Eastyn Clara on Sept 28th, weighing 6lbs 12 oz.

‘12 Jonah Beacom graduated in December 2016 from USD with a bachelor of science in mathematics and is working in Omaha for National Indemnity Company, a commercial auto insurance company. ‘13 Maria Anderson sent an update: “On May 5, 2018, I finally graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln a year and a half after the hit and run accident. I am lucky I was able to finish my degree! My degree was in psychology, and my minor was in child, youth and family studies. Two weeks later (May 18th), I got married to Tyler Sheets, who is now a military pilot in the Navy.” ‘14/’14 Connor Nerland and Haley Laughlin were married on July 7th at Holy Spirit Church. They currently live in Mesa, AZ.

Four future O’G gridiron greats: All children of O’G Gerdes graduates, gathered for a family photo. Jeremiah (22 months, son of Jordan Gerdes ’07 and Laura Schulte Gerdes ‘06), Max (5 months, son of Taryn Gerdes Peterson ’09 and her husband Erik), Samson (4 months, son of Jordan and Laura), and Jack (5.5 months, son of Isaac Gerdes ’07 and his wife Alexis).

Correction: In the story on service in our May issue, we identified Sarah Barnett Meagher ‘08 as attending UNL, when she actually graduated from Creighton with a degree in philosophy. She heard about the Elizabeth Ann Seton Fellowship through Creighton University’s “Jobs for Jays.” She began as a Seton Fellow, started teaching and then decided to continue in education and obtained her Masters in Education from Walden University.


Sr. Suzanne Cotter, longtime teacher at O’Gorman High School and O’Gorman Jr. High and former leader of the O’Gorman Pages, will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Sunday, December 2nd from 2 – 4:30pm. The party will be at the Laurel Oaks dining room at Prince of Peace, with a short program at 2:30pm. Come join us as we celebrate Sr. Sue. If you cannot attend, you can mail cards or notes to her at:

Sr. Suzanne Cotter 4513 Prince of Peace Pl Apt 13 Sioux Falls, SD 57103 18


Class of 1969 - 50th Class Reunion • September 20 & 21, 2019 More details will be coming but save the dates!

Class of 1958 - 60 Years

The Cathedral Class of 1958 enjoyed their 60th reunion in June with a two-day celebration. Forty people including 25 classmates attended. We had a lovely dinner on Friday evening and enjoyed Mass and a picnic on Saturday. We even had a visit from Santa! Just like the Class of ’58, it was really GREAT! Back Row: Emmet Rogers, Jim O’Meara, Leroy Jasper, Lew Mavity, Karen Boysen Mavity, Jim Collins, Chuck Lynch, Jim Sweeney. Second Row: Don Fahrendorf, Dorothy Douthit Keating, Patty Madel Meyer, Dick DeVaney, Joan Hansen Stark, Lawrence Fonder, Stuart English, Eileen Girten Fisher, Dick Barrett, Pete Barnett. Front Row: Lois O’Brien Zimmer, Chloe Ball Schneider, Jim Woods, Joan Lalley Tunender, Micky McDonald, Don Rotherham, Gale Woolf Driver.

Class of 1968 - 50 Years

The O’Gorman Class of 1968 gathered in September for a 50th Class Reunion and it was a great success! The two-day event included a tour of St. Joseph’s Cathedral on Friday, and a tour of O’Gorman on Saturday followed by Mass along with the Class of 1998. Both Friday and Saturday evening events were held at the Downtown Holiday Inn City Centre with over half of our graduates attending (about 107 classmates plus many spouses). The Class of ‘68 is still great!!


“High School Reunions - because you can’t hug an old friend on Facebook.” Yes, even though you may know what your classmates have been up to via their Facebook or Instagram pages, there is nothing like seeing an old friend in person. That’s why it’s so important for our alumni to come back ‘home.’ We had many successful class reunions this summer and fall and are so grateful that so many of you make it a priority. Special thanks to the Class of 1968— celebrating 50 years since graduation—for their $1,000 donation to teacher salaries and tuition assistance!


Class of 1973 - 45 Years

The Class of 1973 had a mini-reunion to celebrate their 45th. They held the party at the Minnehaha Country Club on the picnic grounds last June. Back Row (Left to Right): Brian Grogan, Jose Escobedo, Cathy Vanderloo Staebell, Ted Thie, Bob Kemp, Arch Beal, Tim Mulhair, Jane Mairose, Nancy Reetz Winness, Bob Smith, Fred Wehling. Middle Row: Colleen Callaghan, Kathy Reeve, Francia Connors Mews, Pat Hagen, Rich Barnett, Tish Lien, Rich Jamison, Terri Kuhl Wehling, Jim McCauley. Front Row: Steve Hargens, Peggy Schock Kirby, Nancy Everist, Tom Atkins, Greg Schmitz, Brad Shaeffer, Kent Brick, Tim Wilka. Way Down Front: Mark Nastase

Class of 1978 - 40 Years

The Class of 1978 held their 40th class reunion in August. The group had a great time at Fernson Brewery on Friday night. On Saturday, many of the classmates had a relaxing time golfing and finished off their weekend with a party at Matt Jamison’s home with the Crab Grass Crew making the night even more fun! Thanks to all who were able to make and we sure missed those who weren’t able to join us.

Class of 1983 - 35 Years

The O’Gorman Class of 1983 gathered over Homecoming weekend. Back Row: Steve Hong (spouse) Tom Slattery, Barb Schaeffer Dornbusch, Steve Johnston, Dave King, Buzz Murray, Dawn Henriksen Gross, Ann Jackson Cowan, John Billion (spouse), Katy Dougherty Billion, Jeff Barnett, Kerri Lamberty. Front Row: Todd Smith, Jeannie Randall, Colleen O’Connor, Wade Dornbusch, Lynne Frankman Hunter, Nancy Gellerman, Scott Jones, Deb Scherschligt Whitcomb, Kathleen Shafer Hong.

The O’Gorman Class of 1988 gathered for their 30th Class Reunion in June. We shared a night of reminiscing with WHS88 at Shenanigan’s on Friday night. Saturday night, we gathered at the Brandon Valley Golf Course Club House for dinner and drinks and lots of catching up, remembering, and getting to know some classmates that we may not have known as well in 1988. Front Row: Malinda (Wells) Engbarth, Sandy Schiager, Kristin (Ellerbroek) Legrand, Jennifer Ellis, Susan Naughton, Lisa Behrends, Susan (Staebell) Kolb. Second Row: Michael Knapp, Kelly (Haspeslagh) Kelly, Jody (Ellis) Priest, Jen (Schaeffer) Schultz, Mollie (Krum) Van Meeteren, Amy (Gohl) Vedin, Kathy (Lewis) Junker. Third Row: Paula (Wick) Hagen, Teresa Fester, Marcia King, Jennifer Cory, Matt Mislinski, Cathy (Johnson) Krueger. Back Row: Joe Hayes, Chad Bornhoft, Kevin McGreevy, Carl Butzer, Steve Honner, David Dougherty, Todd Kolb, Jamie (Leitheiser) Sheridan. Others attended Friday night but were unable to attend on Saturday night. (A few classmates are missing from the photo.)

Class of 1998 - 20 Years

The Class of 1998 held their 20th Class Reunion over Homecoming weekend. Friday included an informal gathering at the O’G football game and a gathering afterwards. Saturday included joining the Class of 1968 at O’Gorman for a special Mass in the Performing Arts Center, and a party afterwards at McNally’s.

Class of 2008 - 10 Years

The Class of 2008 gathered for their 10 year reunion on June 23rd at Wiley’s. About 50 people in all were there to reminisce about their high school memories.


Class of 1988 - 30 Years

* Full obits can be found online at www.sfcss.org/alumni


Ron Schallenkamp, husband of Mary Jo; father of: Mary Beth ‘76, Dona ‘77, Amy ‘78, Josephine ‘81, and Steve ‘82. Ron taught at Cathedral elementary/jr high and O’Gorman for decades in addition to directing the parish choirs at both St. Mary’s and Cathedral. Marilyn Opheim, wife of Roger, mother of Leonie. She taught at Christ the King and St. Mary School.

ALUMNI: ’40 Kathleen Carroll Pearson has passed away. Survived by her daughter, Victoria; sisters: Donna, Rita, Joan and brothers Thomas and John (Jack). Preceded in death by her husband, Ben; siblings: Mary Averna ‘35, Patricia, Joseph ’37, Donald ‘40 and Richard. ’41 Rita Honrath Flanery died July 19, 2018. Survived by her children: Mark ‘71, Mary, Jane ‘77, Susan ‘78, Michael ‘80, Anne ‘82, and Ruth ‘84; 20 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by her husband, Orville ‘37, son Patrick and infant daughter Catherine. ’44 Ardyce “Ardy” Ament Sullivan died June 7, 2018. Survived by her children: Susan Sullivan Bohlman ‘68, Jim ‘69, Mary Sullivan Weatherwax ‘72, and Patty Sullivan Holler ‘78; 11 grandchildren; 22 greatgrandchildren; her siblings: Suzanne Ament Connelly ‘48 and Tom Ament ‘56. Preceded in death by her husband, Bob, and infant son, Stephen. ’44 Kathleen (Cas) VanDanacker Bly died Sept. 27, 2018. Survived by her children: Jerry, Leala, Sue, Dan, Scott and Lisa; 13 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren. Preceded in death by husband Loren; siblings: Gerald, Raymond and Elsie; and two children: Cheryl and Timothy.


’45 Francis “Frank” Caffrey died July 26, 2018. Survived by his wife, Barbara; children: Patrick, Amy, Peter and Joe; six grandchildren; siblings Bernadine Caffrey Snyder ’43, Mildred Demers and Roy Caffrey ‘53. ’47 Marilyn Eastman Granum died Aug. 25, 2018. Survived by her children: Terry and Tony; step-children: Roy and Leslie; five grandchildren; four step-grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; eight step-greatgrandchildren. ’50 Venencia McGlone Sunderman died Aug. 29, 2018. Survived by her children: Mike, Bill, Tom, Liz, Kathy, Judy; 12 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by husband, Edward, infant daughter, Mary, and sister and brother-in-law, Beth (Gene) McGlone Karjala ‘54. ‘50 Ann Naughton Schaefle died Oct. 3, 2018. Survived by seven children: Ed, Mary, Nellie, Nat, Mayken, Delia, and Margie; 10 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and seven siblings: Kathleen Jasper ‘53, Sr. Sarah Naughton ‘64, Mary Naughton Glover ‘69, Tom Naughton ‘61, John Naughton ‘66, Dan Naughton ‘60, and Greg Naughton ‘55. Preceded in death by her husband Buck, son Jim and daughter Sarah, and siblings Margo ‘48 and Mike ‘51. ‘52 Blair Dravis died Sept. 26, 2018. Survived by his sister, Sandi Dravis Rausch ‘55; children: Annette, Mark, Stuart, Dan and Sheila; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. ’54 James P. “Pat” Rogers died Sept. 4, 2018. Survived by his wife, Margot; children: Paul, Brittany, John, Colleen, Kari; siblings: Emmet ’58 and Susan Rogers Reedy Pier ’64; in-laws Gail Rogers and Art Stephen. Preceded in death by his brother,

Tom ‘56, baby brother Michael, and brother in law Jerry Reedy. ’56 Theresa Frankman Hall died Aug. 26, 2018. Survived by children: Kim, Tim and Mike; two grandchildren; one greatgranddaughter; her sister Mary Frankman Nygaard ‘44. Preceded in death by her husband, Dick; siblings Donna Frankman Wold ‘46, Roy Frankman ‘53, Wayne Frankman and Bill Frankman Sr ‘39. ’57 Patrick Fleming died Sept. 22, 2018. Survived by his wife, Marilyn; children: Maria and Andree; two grandchildren; siblings: Shar Fleming Lamberty ’54, Jerry Fleming ’57 and Michael Fleming ‘71. Preceded in death by his siblings: Joe ‘48, Jim ‘50, and Ron Fleming ‘52, and Kate Fleming Wurtz ‘67. ‘58 Sharon Maher Meirose died June 19, 2018. Survived by her husband, Paul Meirose; her children: Lisa and Todd; seven grandchildren; five great grandchildren; her brother, Terry and sister, Patty Bader. Preceded in death by siblings: Pauline Schneiderhan, Rose Kruse, Alice Hoier ‘56, Margaret “Honey” Dean, Ellen Baete ‘59 and Jim Maher; and her grandson, Seth. ’61 Lois Hey Klinkel died May 22, 2018. She is survived by her son, Kory; three grandchildren; siblings: Rita Hey Donovan ‘63, Elsie Hey Baye ‘66, and Mary Hey Lunde. ‘61 John Askew died in January. Survived by his wife, Dawn; children, Lynda and Tom; five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; step-children Chris and Troy. Preceded in death by his sister, Donna Askew Hastings ‘50.

’63 Chuck Ralph died May 20, 2018. Survived by his wife, Carol; children: Will, Brad, Allie; siblings: Jim Ralph ‘67, Tom Ralph ‘69, Jack Norton, and Mary Ralph Dunham ‘64; brother-in-law Don Stafford. ’65 Ken Duerst died Sept. 10, 2018. Survived by his siblings, Gary ‘62, Sharon ‘64, Jeanne ‘68, Anne ‘70 and Mary ‘73. ’65 Pat Keyes Martin died Sept. 3, 2018. Survived by her husband, Dennis; children: Amy, Jill and John; six grandchildren; her mother, Jean Keyes; siblings, Tom ‘66, Dan, Kathy, Bill, Mike, Carolyn and Kelly. Preceded in death by her father and a nephew, Ryan. ’70 Cathy Bierer Jacobson died May 18th. Survived by her husband, Bill; two sons, Chris and Michael; a brother, Tom Bierer ‘73. ’73 Jackie Kelly Lamis died Sept. 5, 2018. Survived by her husband, Steve Lamis ’72; children: Chet, Benjamin (BJ) and Angela; eight grandchildren; her mother Dorothy; siblings: Colleen ‘74, Neil ’77, Shannon ’79 and Maureen ’82. Preceded in death by her father, R. Keith Kelly. ’75 Joel Wardell died Aug. 22, 2018. Survived by his children Angela and Adam; four grandchildren; six brothers: Roque, Kim, Jeff ‘73, Todd, Don and Jack. Preceded in death by a grandson, Jacob and a niece, Jami. ’15 Emily Groth died May 16, 2018. She is survived by her mom, Angela Rink, father Todd Groth, stepfather Jeff Rink, and siblings: Abigail and Adam, and stepbrother Jordan.

FAMILY OF ALUMNI: Bob Leiferman, husband of JoAnne; father of Cindy ’80, Steve ’81, Laurie ’83 (dec.) and Jenn ’89. Memorials have been directed to O’Gorman High School, C/O SFCS Foundation, 3100 W. 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. Cornelius “C.O.” Powell, husband of Mary; father of Cornelius III ’01, Sean ’04, Will ’09 and Maria ’11.

Barbara Caster, wife of Terry ’49; mother of: Terry Van, Jeff, Craig, Mechele, Brian, Jill, Barbi and Dan; grandmother to 40, great-grandmother to 48. Joyce Schmidt, wife of Bill ’56. Guy Tam, husband of Carolyn; father of Rebecca ’84, Laura ’86 and Paulette ’90. Dolores Rose Klug, mother of: Ann ’72, Wayne ’77 and Lynn ’78. Gale Thomassen, husband of Barbara (Boos) ’64; father of Teresa ’84, Carl ’85, Becky ’86, Dan ’92, Barbara ’94 and Kristen ’99. Don Tunender, husband of Margaret; father of Lisa Tunender Irvine ’80, Joan Tunender Hurley ’83 and Matt Tunender ’97.

Mary Wallner Perkins, sister of: Joan Wallner Wray ’55, Tom Wallner ’57, Steve Wallner ’63, Maury Wallner ’64, Rich Wallner ’68, Rob Wallner ’69, Dan Wallner ’75, Joe Wallner ’78 and Frank Wallner ’72 (dec). Jim Hines, husband of Joann Kapaun Hines ’52; brother of Patty Hines Hauk ‘52, brother-in-law of Flo Kapaun ’49; father of John (dec.), Jeff, Jana; grandfather to four, great grandfather to two and great-great grandfather to three. Phil Kearney, husband of Peggy Jansa Kearney ‘68; father of Christopher and Sean. Monte Martell, husband of Shirley Fox Martell ‘70; father of: Matt, Andy and Angie; grandfather to three.

Alvin “Buzz” Nelson, husband of Lois; father of: Michelle Nelson Bonitto ’76, Mike, Jill, Ann and Linn.

George Michel, father of: Gregory ‘72, Douglas ‘73, Karen ‘75, Gary ‘76, Karla ‘77, Paul ‘80 and Trish; and two step-children Janet and John.

Colleen Barnett Naughton, wife of Tom ’61; mother of: Erin, Rachel and Brian, grandmother of four.

Velma Sjoberg, mother of Paulette Sjoberg Kinzer ‘65, and Michael Sjoberg ‘69. Velma worked at O’Gorman for a few years.

Cathy Wiese, wife of Chuck; mother of Ryan Wiese ’99, step-mother of Kristen Wiese. Roger Ferrie, husband of Shirley (Fendrich) ’54; father of Mike, Bruce, Patrick, Jim and Brad. Margaret Mairose, mother of: Gordon Mairose ‘66, Robert Mairose ‘68, Mary Mairose Washburn, Jane Mairose ‘73 and John Mairose. Bernadine “Birdie” Millette, wife of Chuck; mother of: David ‘68, Robert ’71 (dec.), Karen Millette Reiter ‘76, Janet Millette Studdert ‘78; grandma of eight. Bill Vossler, son of Margaret Chalus Vossler ’55 and John “Bud” Vossler ’53 (dec.), brother of John III, Mark, Steven, David and Ann Marie. Alice Allington, wife of Gary Allington ‘60; mother of Daniel (dec.) and Anne. William “Bill” Fisher, brother of Ann Fisher Aslin ‘54, Mary Fisher Jirschele ‘58, Roy Fisher ‘56 and Regina Fischer ‘56 (dec.).



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