FY 2020-21 St. Francis Borgia Catholic Parish Annual Report

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Fr. Patrick Burns


Joe Carlson, Secretary Joe Schirger, Treasurer

PASTORAL COUNCIL Ed Scherr, Chairperson Bob Shimp, Vice Chairperson Sue Ellen Baye, Secretary John Dorr Angela Foy Chris Frommell Christina Garni Jennie Mulcahy Tim Schilter


John Tesensky, Chairperson Andrew Lampereur Chris Schumacher Tom Berk Angela Foy John Dorr


Fr. Patrick Burns Welcome Letter






Christian Formation


Parish School


Parish Twinning


Human Concerns




Buildings & Grounds



8th grade graduates from St. Francis Borgia Catholic School.


WELCOME LETTER Dear Fellow Parishioners, Upon seeing the enclosed report, I hope many of you will join me in thanking God for his abundant blessings to us at St. Francis Borgia. They have been numerous, especially considering the many disruptions we have experienced during the past year. Indeed, COVID dealt us all a significant blow. Many of us have experienced the painful impact the virus has had on the health, religious, and social spheres of our lives. Yet with God’s help, we have managed to carry on together, remaining faithful to the mission of the Church. Consider these results: Heavy Mass attendance and increased reception of the sacraments. Eucharistic Adoration spanning all hours of the week, drawing hundreds of parishioners into deeper devotion to our Lord. A parish grade school and a Christian Formation program that continue to form our children and youth in the life of the Church. Countless hours of hard work and dedication by our parish and school staffs, as well as the many, many volunteers from throughout the parish, serving in so many different capacities. Your continued commitment to support our parish’s financial needs. So what you are about to read in this annual report should be received as good news. But please keep in mind: While our gratitude for the blessings received continues on, so must our resolve to support this parish and all its future activities and endeavors. Our work is always beginning anew! Your financial contributions for the coming year remain critical. Your participation in the sacraments, community, and work of our parish do as well. With my heartfelt thanks for all your contributions, I remain Yours in Christ,

Fr. Patrick Burns





Confirmants were instilled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit

First Communicants received Holy Communion 4



Individuals were Baptized in Christ


Couples were joined together in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Funeral and/or Burial Services



WORSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI Sunday, June 6, was the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi. After a special 11:30 a.m. Mass at the historic South Church, more than 150 persons processed on a one-mile prayerful journey from the church to Cedar Creek Park.

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY A special service was held on Sunday afternoon, April 11th, in celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday.

Parishioners joined Fr. Patrick at the South Church at 3 p.m. for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction.

PERPETUAL ADORATION Adoration transitioned to 24/7 at the South Church in the spring of 2021.


WORSHIP AD ORIENTEM Since the beginning of Lent 2021, the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass has been celebrated ad orientem. This means that for parts of the Mass, the priest and the people face the same direction, symbolizing that the words during that time are spoken directly to God.

EASTER CELEBRATION Parishioners were able to attend the Easter Triduum in April 2021 after the shut down excluded them in 2020.

We averaged 85% of our normal attendance the second half of the year.

MASS ATTENDANCE Mass slowly returned to normal from July 2020 through June of 2021. Average weekly mass attendance was 924 through December 2020 and 1,158 the second half of the fiscal year.


WORSHIP REPARATION PRAYER GROUP Over the course of last year, 40 parishioners made some level of commitment to our reparation efforts at St. Francis Borgia. Each of them committed to offer some form of prayer or sacrifice for our wounded world that some of the damages of sin would be repaired through our efforts in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



This year at St. Francis Borgia, we prayed the rosary regularly on Monday mornings after the 8 a.m. Mass at the South Church, on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m. at the North Church, and the first Sunday of the month after the 8 a.m. Mass with the Knights of Columbus at the North Church.

Whenever prayers are needed, anyone can call to have their intention prayed for by members of a prayer chain. The person needing prayers does not have to be a parish member.

COMMUNION DISTRIBUTION TO NURSING HOME AND SHUT-INS This ministry provides communion with prayers, as well as a social connection to people who, because of their health, cannot attend Mass.

Members of the prayer chain receive a request, then pass it on to the next person on the Prayer Chain list until contact is made, so the chain is not broken. Members of the prayer chain may pray as the Spirit leads them, formally or informally.


CHRISTIAN FORMATION CHILD MINISTRY 17 Kindergarten and 98 students in Grades 1-5 26 Children attended remotely 12 Catechists Service areas included a food drive and nursing home cards


LITTLE FLOWER GIRLS' CLUB During the 2020-2021 school year the parish started a pilot group of The Little Flowers Girls Club. Girls in grades 1-4 gathered monthly in the church hall. The girls learned about virtues, saints and their Catholic faith. The program was a success and they are looking to expand the program going forward.




EDGE Program (Grade 5-8) 81 students LIFETEEN Program (Grade 9-10) 73 students 52 Confirmation students Service projects included: Christmas gifts for nuns House of Peace Gift Wrapping Homeless Ministry Family Formation and Fun (Bottom) Respect Life gathering outside the South Church; (L) Confirmation retreat in the E∾ (R) Prayer Walk at our Marian Shrine


CHRISTIAN FORMATION LIFE TEEN'S MISSION TRIP TO GEORGIA St. Francis Borgia Parish sent 42 teens and six adults to the Life Teen’s Restore Mission Camp. These dedicated volunteers spent the week of June 27-July 3 in Tiger, Georgia at the Mission Camp. Trip volunteers assisted the community through work projects and service. These teens and adults also experienced daily Mass, opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and other powerful prayer experiences.




In honor of St. Joseph -- the patron of fathers, families and the universal Church -- the second of the two-part "Encountering God as Men" series for men was held Tuesday evening, Mar. 23, at the North Church.


Three RCIA Candidates Small Groups Bible Study Women of Christ Men of Christ Young Adult Nights Special Events St. Joseph Retreat/Consecration to St. Joseph Made For More (Jointly with Lumen Christi) The Gift of Sunday


CHRISTIAN FORMATION PREPARING FOR CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) for 3K-5K begins at St. Francis Borgia in Fall of 2021! CGS is a Montessori based approach to the religious formation of children, rooted in sacred scripture, Liturgy, and the child's deep rich relationship with God. The approach of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: We believe that God and the child have a unique relationship with one another, particularly before the age of six; that growth of this relationship should be assisted by the adult, but is directed by the Spirit of God; that children need their own place to foster the growth of that relationship; and that the child’s spiritual growth is best served through tangible but indirect means.



PARISH SCHOOL Letter From The Principal


Our vision at St. Francis Borgia Catholic School is to provide educational opportunities in a religious environment that emphasizes the individual differences and learning styles of our students. Through incorporating the basic foundations of our Catholic faith and challenging academics, we empower our students for success in their future education and as Catholic citizens of our society and world.

Wow, has this been a year! After successfully completing this year we feel like extending our arms to the heavens and shout, “We made it!” Overall, it’s been a prayerful, productive, and peaceful year. The children have been extremely grateful to be in school, although it’s been a very different kind of year. We’ve been outside a lot more, with snowy or sunny weather and bright sunlight which definitely helped keep spirits up. While sometimes we have all felt isolated, closed in, and tied down with the protocols, there definitely have been blessings. Our school remained open five days a week for the entire school year! There has been a little more time to take a deep breath, sit a little longer with our friends, and get to know each other in a more serene setting than that rush of the world that we’ve been used to during usual times. We are blessed to have been able to celebrate First Reconciliation, First Communion, Ribbon Mass, and 8th grade Graduation. The passion for our spiritual selves has intensified during this time for many. We celebrated mass weekly K-4 on Wednesdays and Gr. 5 – 8 on Fridays. Students served in mass ministries as cantors, readers, and altar servers. Students were blessed to participate in weekly classes with Fr. Patrick and praying before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. One of the greatest joys of a career in education is the opportunity to constantly relive our childhood through the eyes of the children. They remind us about this amazing encounter with Christ and how we should never take this for granted. At St. Francis Borgia Catholic School we cultivate that love for Christ as He continues to lead us on the journey to Heaven! God bless you for supporting our Catholic school!

- Amy Royes, Principal



Fast Facts 11:1 11


Teacher Retention

Student to Teacher Ratio Average years our teachers have been at St. Franics Borgia

School Father-Daughter Picnic at Cedar Creek Park.

11 14

WHERE ARE OUR GRADUATES HEADED? 31% of 8th graders move on to Catholic High Schools*

18 - Cedarburg High School 4 - Marquette University High School 2 - Dominican High School 1 - Homestead High School 1 - Australia


age r aver ee yea r h t g *Rollin

of our freshman entering Cedarburg High School make first semester honor roll*

Average class size 3K - 5K


New Families for the 2021-22 School Year

289 students in 2020-21

Students attended Adoration once per week all year long

311 students for 2021-22

60% of SFB school families participated in the Annual Fund

SFB participated in 16 service projects this school year


Average class size 1st - 8th

Annual Fund Donors

an increase of

127 donors!

School Family Re-Enrollment for 2021-22






The school year began on time but under extremely different circumstances than any other year. Students and staff returned to school wearing masks, classes were separated from other classes, and students were physically distanced in class. Upper School teachers moved from classroom to classroom instead of students moving which meant they had no desk for the entire year.

October marked the end of the First Trimester at SFB. With no field trips and no class-to-class interactions, teachers took the opportunity to do some great classroom projects. First and fourth grades gutted pumpkins and utilized the pumpkins for science class.

The school held the Oktoberfest Beer In a Box fundraiser to raise money for the Annual Fund and it was a HUGE hit, bringing in $12,000 for the SFB Annual Fund.

Students and teachers started to feel comfortable at school despite the COVID-19 precautions in place. Only a handful of classes were quarantined and the school was able to keep students safe.

Additionally, at least 30 students attended SFB virtually which meant teachers had students in-person and virtually. Despite all of these challenges, our teachers prevailed and were able to keep the curriculum moving in a positive direction.

Teachers like Mrs. Stephan took classes outdoors as much as possible.

NOVEMBER DECEMBER Teachers were incredibly creative this year! Mrs. Cervelli was determined to have a COVID-safe Christmas Concert. She practiced Christmas songs with her students early in the year and recorded each class individually in November. All of the classes were digitally merged to create a cohesive video concert for the parents.

In December the school participated in multiple service projects. Giving back to the community will always be an important part of the school community, no matter what the world challenges us with. Christmas Break gave students, teachers, and parents a much needed respite!



JANUARY FEBRUARY The Archdiocese put a temporary stop to all fall and winter sports. SFB worked hard to make it possible for Upper School athletes to play basketball in small groups at school. Grade level practices were held in January and February.

The Auction From The Heart took place on February 13th via live steam from the school. Over one hundred school families tuned in and participated in this successful event.

Students continued to wear masks at school, remain physically distanced, and spend lots of time outdoors.



Throughout Lent this year, students collected coins for our Twinning Parish in Uganda and the 6th Grade Leadership Team organized a school-wide book drive for Inner City students. Service projects and giving back to those in need continue to be an important focus of our religious instruction.

We celebrated Easter over spring break and this gave everyone a chance to recharge for third trimester at school. After Easter, 31 second graders celebrated their First Holy Communion with Mrs. Wilde and Mrs. Snell.

Athletics finally opened up for spring sports and SFB had 45 5th-8th graders participate in Track & Field.

May flew by in a flash! Over 60 students performed in Willy Wonka JR. the musical. It was a magical performance all thanks to Mrs. Danielle Wilde and countless volunteers.

Twenty-eight students graduated from SFB this year. At the traditional Ribbon Mass the 8th graders passed down ribbons to the 7th grade class symbolizing a change in leadership at the school. The 8th graders also took a day to clean up the St. Francis Borgia Cemetery, unearthing buried monuments and digging small holes for the mounting of crosses on unknown burial sites.


PARISH TWINNING ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH IN MUKONO Parishioners donated $37,659 in collections. The parish provided an additional $10,000 in Covid relief. Money in the past year went mainly to Covid hunger relief.

ST. MICHAEL & ST. ROSE Saint Francis Borgia Parishioners helped raise $48,381 for a new boiler. Donated two SMART Boards from the school. Assisted in other capital projects, the development of an adoration program, and family assistance needs.



HUMAN CONCERNS INNER CITY MINISTRIES Primary agencies SFB serves includes MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Repairers of the Breach, Vets' Center, House of Peace and several others. Parishioners consistently donated clothing and special needs items through our donation shed at the parish. All shed items are delivered twice a week to the agencies. Special needs items collected: Many fans and air conditioners for 53206 area residents during August 2021. Critical winter needs such as blankets and jackets. Assisted families with school supplies for the start of the 2020-21 school year.

HOUSE OF PEACE THANK YOU FROM ST. VINCENT DE PAUL The Society of St. Vincent de Paul wishes to let our parish members get a glimpse of what their generous support has meant to those in need in our community and in the Inner City. Your parish support = $29,457 From your support, $22,204 was disbursed in Cedarburg for: food, utilities, rent, gas cards, shared ride taxi voucher, school supplies; and special outreach efforts at Easter and Christmas. Visits made to give aid = 45 Number of people helped = 140 And $13,200 was provided to help those outside of Cedarburg through Inner City Twinning with St. Martin De Porres Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society and the St. Vincent de Paul Meal Program Vincentian hours of helping = 728 Miles traveled = 1,663

BREAD RUN The SFB bread runners deliver excess bread and bakery goods from participating stores. The shelters we made deliveries to this year are: MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Repairers of the Breach, House of Peace, St. Ben's, and The Vets' Place.


HUMAN CONCERNS FAMILY SHARING Thank you! WOW! The generosity of our parish community continues to amaze us! This Lenten season St. Francis Borgia parishioners collaborated to collect over 1,500 pounds of food and supplies for Family Sharing Ozaukee County. Your generosity will directly impact the lives of many people who are struggling our community. Family Sharing is the longest standing food pantry in Ozaukee County, providing food at no cost to Ozaukee County residents in need. The proceeds from their upscale resale store also go directly to supporting the food pantry.


“We are grateful SFB provided snacks for families in Shelter and at Friendship House! Our kids are guaranteed to have an energizing snack in the middle of a virtual school day. Thank you!”

Small groups of 6-8 people took part in Faith Sharing or the Prayer Support Group over Zoom during 2020-2021. SAM collected snack items for the children at Cathedral Center, a homeless shelter in Milwaukee. Response from our parishioners was amazing! SAM hosted Father MJ Groark O.F.M. Capuchin via Zoom for a presentation about The 12 Steps: A Path to Sanity and Serenity. SAM hosted a Catholic Social Justice program using Meghan J. Clark's video "The Biblical Roots of Catholic Social Teaching." Ms. Clark is the Assistant Professor of Moral Theology at St. John's University.

SFB hosted several blood drives to benefit the Red Cross.




RESPECT LIFE Prayer service at the SFB South Church on the Annual Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on September 12, 2021. Cross display on South grounds in October counting the number of babies aborted in America each day. October wreath sale to benefit Respect Life Activities. Participated in both fall and spring "40 Days for Life" prayer campaigns outside the abortion clinic on Farwell Avenue in Milwaukee. Started the Dignity Project - gift bags to hand out to women going in the clinic. Eucharist procession in October and March from Three Holy Women on Milwaukee's East Side to the clinic. Mother's Day rose sale fundraiser to benefit Respect Life activities.

Three Holy Women Eucharistic Procession

LIFE'S CONNECTION St. Francis Borgia Parish, together with Life’s Connection, offers support for families facing the loss of a child through miscarriage and stillbirth. If you or someone you know is facing an imminent or past loss, we are here for you with resources to aid in hope, help and healing.



Fr. Michael Malucha and Fr. Tim Schumaker were two of four priests ordained this past May.

GO YE THEREFORE, AND TEACH Fr. Schumaker is a member of the San Salvador Council Knights of Columbus and his parents attend mass at St. Francis Borgia. He is pictured on the left at the Seminarian Recognition dinner hosted by the Knights of Columbus. F

SPREADING GOD'S LOVE St. Francis Borgia was Fr. Malucha’s teaching parish and he is pictured on the right celebrating his first Mass at St. Francis Borgia.



Fr. Jeff Dorr’s first Mass took place on June 13, 2021 at St. Francis Borgia Catholic Chruch.

CALLED BY GOD The Lord your God will bless you in all your work, and in everything you put your hand to. Deuteronomy 15:10 Fr. Jeff Dorr was ordained by Archbishop Listecki at Jesu in Milwaukee. Eight Jesuit men joined Fr. Dorr in his ordination. Fr. Jeff Dorr, who grew up in St. Francis Borgia Parish, was ordained a Jesuit Priest this past June. His parents John and Pat Dorr are members of our parish.

"Do you ever think that there can be anything greater than to bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus?” - St. John Paul II

WELCOME! Kevin Tanel is in his second year at his teaching parish, St. Francis Borgia. Kevin is a third year theology student at the Seminary.

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St. Francis Borgia replaced the church's original cooling and heating equipment, the original water system equipment, and the original air handling units and equipment.

PROJECTS IN 2020-21: North Church HVAC equipment replacement Card Access for Parish Office Remodeled Floor and Countertop in Parish Front Office North Campus Panic System Remodeled lower conference room

ENERGY REDUCTION INCLUDED Reduced electrical usage by 10% in the North Church Reduced gas usage by 53% in the North Church Reduced electrical usage by 25% in the School Reduced gas usage by 4% in the School after a 25% reduction in the previous year. Remodeled Classroom D in the Parish Hall in preparation to launch Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in the fall of 2021.

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