Sawdust Spring 2021

Page 22

LET’S PLAY A GAME CALLED IS THIS REAL, OR ARE YOU PULLING MY LEG? This is how it goes: I tell you the story of a man who fell in love with animals as a boy, graduated college at 19 years old, went on to receive his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at 23 and become one of the youngest veterinarians in the state, landed a 20


dream job straight out of college and is now making a name for himself in the cattle obstetrics world, all before turning 25. When I’m done with the story, you tell me if you think it’s real or far too fantastical to be true. Here we go. Dr. Tim Turner ’16 has lived a truly dedicated life. Born and raised in Alazan, just a 15-minute car ride west of Nacogdoches,

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