Seven Stories Press Academic Catalog 2014-2015

Page 105

104  • S e v e n S t o r i e s P r e s s

T he Dis u n ite d S tates Vladimir Pozner

Translated from the French by Alison L. Stayer Vladimir Pozner, French novelist and screenwriter, found the United States and its people in the 1930s in a state of profound material and spiritual crisis, and took it upon himself to chronicle the life of the worker, the striker, the politician, the starlet, the gangster, the everyman; to document the bitter, violent racism tearing its society asunder, the overwhelming despair permeating everyday life, and the unyielding human struggle against it all. “By dint of names, dates, and figures, of classified ads, of sundry facts, of statistics, of the confessions of great writers and of anonymous passersby, of quotations from small-town newspapers and from official discourses, Vladimir Pozner reconstructs, vibrantly, so terribly vibrantly and magnificently, the American civilization.” —Les Lettres Françaises Paper 978-1-60980-531-9 $24.95 416 pages


M o me n ts p o liti q u es Jacques Rancière Translated by Mary Foster

Moments Politiques collects the short essays and interviews of renowned contemporary French philosopher Jacques Rancière from a span of thirty years, 1977 to 2007. By examining the issues in which political moments arise, such as 9/11, immigration laws, and even the philosophy of Foucault, Rancière opens us up to the possibility of a different world, to reimagining, and re-charting, the map of what is possible. PAPER 978-1-58322-533-3 $17.95 208 PAGES


T he F i v e U n a n swere d Q u esti o n s ab o u t 9/ 1 1 James Ridgeway

Investigative reporter James Ridgeway pinpoints five glaring black holes of information surrounding 9/11: the initial government response, why the FBI and CIA were left in the dark, failings of the FBI’s translation department, the role of Pakistani secret intelligence, and why the 9/11 commission overlooked so many crucial elements in its investigation. Paper 978-1-58322-712-1 $16.95 192 pages

T he F i v e B iggest L ies B u sh To l d Us A b o u t I raq Christopher Scheer, Robert Scheer, and Lakshmi Chaudhry

The Five Biggest Lies is the comprehensive source on the Bush administration’s campaign of disinformation before, during, and after the second Gulf War. Paper 978-1-58322-644-5 $9.95 200 pages

Daybrea k Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union

David Swanson

Activist David Swanson argues that only through the active efforts of citizens can we rein in runaway executive power and make America a true leader in democratic principles. Paper 978-1-58322-888-3 $19.95 368 pages

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