November 2014 Forum Focus

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FORUM FOCUS For Blandford and surrounding villages Issue No. 32

November 2014

Jean’s joyful reunion - Page 9

Residents’ anger at parking nightmare RESIDENTS of Queens Road, Blandford, are calling for something to be done about parking problems in their own and surrounding streets after responding to a suggestion that double yellow lines be introduced. They attended en masse a town and general purposes committee meeting of the town council to give their views on the proposal put forward by PCSO Graeme Archibald in response to the concern of several of them about health and safety because of parking on the pavements which obstructed the passage of wheelchairs and pushchairs. He said the key issue was over the junction with Salisbury Road, and said there had never been any intention to paint double yellow lines on the whole road, although he was also aware of issues with speeding and lack of access for emergency services. Ed Hearn said parking restrictions would only push parking further down the road, where there was also a problem with HGVs which struggled to get up the hill and between the parked cars after being directed through from St Leonard's Avenue by satnavs. "There should be a 20mph limit through the whole area, including Alfred Street, Albert Street, Victoria Road and Edward Street," he said. Committee chairman Councillor Hugo Mieville said there were similar problems in Albert Street, and Liz Rawlings claimed half the cars parked in Queens Road belonged to people from Salisbury Road. She asked where they would go if parking was restricted. Beth Whitworth suggested a residents' parking zone, but town

Bumper to bumper: Vehicles often park on pavements in Queens Road.

clerk Linda Scott-Giles said past experience in other areas had revealed difficulty in getting all residents to agree to it. Don Herring said that some years ago residents had been asked to park partly on the pavement so that refuse trucks could get through. Bill Erskine said yellow lines would only cause anger among residents fighting for spaces, and there should be a survey of what space was available. Dr Richardson of Wilverley Gardens said there was haphazard parking on both sides, which was a danger for children, wing mirrors, scraping of cars and

The Bell: a triumph but lessons to be learnt - Page 3

caused problems over who had right of way. He felt lines on one side of the road might help, but others felt that part of the problem lay in people from Wilverley Gardens parking there because they did not have enough space in their

Pimperne still tops in village contest - Page 18

FORUM FOCUS: Your FREE monthly community newspaper

own road. John Turnbull said Queens Road was used as a rat run to school and even on occasion by police cars returning to the police station. "Applying yellow lines would be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," he said. "We need a review of parking in the whole area. In London there are barriers in domestic roads to prevent through traffic which would cut down on rat runs and use by delivery vehicles, or signs indicating the road is unsuitable for heavy vehicles." To Page 2

Steam fair: changes needed in future - Page 7


November 2014

FORUM FOCUS Forum Focus welcomes the submission of articles and reports from clubs and societies but asks that they are kept to a maximum of 200 words. If you have pictures you would like to share with us, our readers and our website visitors, please send them, with brief descriptions, by email to Low resolution pictures cannot be printed in the paper.

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THE main drop points are: Blandford and Blandford St Mary: The Post Office, Library and Parish Centre in The Tabernacle, the Corn Exchange, Gorge Cafe and Blandford Museum in the Market Place, the Tourist Information Centre in West Street, James Newsagents in The Plocks, the Co-ops in Salisbury Road and Langton Road, the 3Cs in Damory Street, the Damory Garage and One Stop in Salisbury Road, Cherry's hairdressers in Elizabeth Road, Blandford Leisure Centre in Milldown Road, the Central Shop in Heddington Drive, the Brewery Visitor Centre, and Tesco and Homebase at Stour Park. In the villages: Charlton Marshall Church Rooms and Charlton pub, Woodpecker pub at Spetisbury, True Lovers Knot and St Richard Close bus stop in Tarrant Keyneston, Langton Arms in Tarrant Monkton, Pimperne shop, the White Horse Inn at Stourpaine, Iwerne Minster post office, Shillingstone Garage, the Royal Oak at Milborne St Andrew, The Crown at Winterborne Stickland, and The Cricketers at Shroton. Please let Jackie Stayt know of other places where copies could be left for collection (contact details in panel above). We are very grateful to our team of over 40 volunteers making house-to-house deliveries. If your copy has not been delivered by the first of the month, please collect from a drop point - your deliverer may be on holiday. If there is no delivery in your street, please consider helping us and your neighbours by joining the team.

Adverts: Monday 10th November Editorial: Tuesday 11th November Deliveries from Monday 24th November View future deadlines on our website.

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Petition power may help solve Fly funds problem A PETITION, calling for spraying of the River Stour to prevent the emergence of the Blandford Fly next spring, closed in the middle of October with more than 2,400 signatures, and its promoter Pat Ashworth is now making plans to present it to North Dorset District Council. She said she had been in discussion with Dr David Phillips, director for Public Health Dorset, who had agreed with Liz Goodall, chief executive of the district council, that a request for funding support to spraying would be taken to the next meeting of the Dorset Health Protection Network, which he chairs. In a letter to Mrs Ashworth, Dr Phillips said: "I fully understand the depth of feeling you describe and although I am not the head or an employee of Public Health England, I have a leadership role

Forum Focus is an independent, not-for-profit, community newspaper produced entirely by volunteers. We are always pleased to receive offers of help.

for public health locally. I am confident that between all the people involved a solution can be found to fund spraying in 2015." He told her that staff at NDDC had confirmed that the district council remains the principal agency for arranging the treatment on behalf of all those within whose boundaries the problem extends, and that the district, as a member of the network, are the best people for her to communicate with. But in a meeting with her on 16th October he said the petition could be presented also to the DHPN, of which North Dorset and other interested authorities are members. "We will do everything we can to get the spraying done next year, and the money will not be a problem if we are clear that it is a licensed product," he said.

He said it would be for North Dorset District Council to seek confirmation that the treatment can still be carried out pending renewal of the product's licence.

Residents’ parking anger

From Page 1 Seventeen of those attending were in favour of lines only at the Salisbury Road junction, but all agreed a comprehensive review was needed. A request for the lines, which are already applied to other roads in the area but in this case should be 'no loading' lines to prevent the use of blue badges, will be sent to Dorset County Council, together with a request for signs restricting HGV use and for a full review.



November 2014

Bell organisers: we can learn from mistakes ORGANISERS of last month's theatrical spectacle 'The Bell' in Blandford Market Place say that lessons have been learnt from their first visit to the town. While the performance by professional theatre makers Periplum was welcomed enthusiastically by the vast majority who saw and took part in it, there were those among the estimated 3,000 people for whom it was less than perfect. Comments among the audience on the night and afterwards on Blandford Town Council's Facebook page ranged from 'A truly wonderful spectacle' and 'electrifying' to those beyond the barriers who were unable to see or hear clearly, and those astonished at the volume. Issues over signage and management were reported to town councillors at a committee meeting after the event, and members of the public, market traders and taxi drivers were dissatisfied at the lack of information about relocation of the market, taxi rank and bus stops during the preparation for the event. Activate's Inside Out Festival producer Jen Walke said: "We

have learned a lot from working in Blandford with all the incredible residents who supported it and we hope that this has whetted the appetite for the future." She said Activate strongly believed in making its events free and accessible to all wherever possible, but so many people arrived early to watch that safe capacity was reached shortly before the start time. "We were disappointed that there were people unable to see the show, but we take public safety very seriously, and space needed to be kept free within the performance area to allow for the pyrotechnics, for the audience to move, and for people to enter and exit safely. "This is the first time since 2007, after running many events across the county attracting a total of over 100,000 people, that we have reached capacity in this way. "It shows how interested the residents and visitors to Blandford are to see something like this presented in the town." Around 250 local children and adults took part in outreach and participation work, including

Signs of confusion over flyposting issue CONCERNS at the amount of fly posting and unauthorised signage in Blandford has resulted in inconclusive discussions at successive town council meetings. At the town and general purposes committee meeting at the end of September, it was agreed that those putting up signs should be asked to take them down once the event was past. Members felt there had to be a balance between allowing small businesses and charities to advertise their events and controlling the number of signs appearing. But at the planning committee meeting in October, further concern was raised at the proliferation of signs in the town centre, including three on one lamppost for a carpet sale, and unauthorised signage in Greyhound Yard advertising businesses in Barnack Walk and the Market Place. Councillor Roger Carter said that before they could do anything, they needed to know what the rules were, who was responsible and whether they could work with the Chamber of Commerce to get people on side. The Chamber is working on a proposal to have permanent signage boards on which businesses can insert their details in return for sponsorship or payment to reduce the number of signs on the industrial estates, and the Town Team is considering revising signage to town facilities on the bypass.

Picture: Paul Hampartsoumian

making banners which went on display in the grounds of the parish church, and a 14-strong choir and 12 volunteer performers in the performance itself. One said: "I felt extraordinarily privileged to have the opportunity to take part. It was a memorable experience and I would jump at the chance to do something similar." Councillor Esme Butler was thanked publicly by the town's Regeneration group for having the vision to bring the performance to the town, in association with funding and support from

the town, district and county councils, the Arts Council England, the MoD Community Covenant Fund and Awards for All Lottery. She said: "It has demonstrated the power and impact such a performance can have on a town and its residents. "Blandford has lacked high-quality large-scale performances in the past, but The Bell has truly changed that. Blandford is a town where art and performance can take place and we have the appetite for more." More pictures on our website.


November 2014

Judith’s fond farewell A RETIREMENT presentation was made to Judith Fitzpatrick, who for over 20 years has been one of the cooks at the Blandford Methodist Church Lunch Club. Mrs Fitzpatrick was also invited to sit down to lunch with the members instead of working in the kitchen. As a community payback supervisor with Dorset probation service, she has been involved for 26 years in co-ordinating the meals served up by those undertaking community payback services, the last 20 of them in Blandford where the club now serves meals to on average 50 people a session, two days a week. Judith is pictured (second from left) with pastoral lay worker for the Methodist Church Di Browning, right, and operations manager Julie Jones, left, and Thelma White, seated, who has run the lunch club for over 22 years.

Dance for Langton Long THE annual barn dance for the parish of All Saints Church, Langton Long, will be held on Saturday 8th November between 6.30pm to 9.30pm at the Corn Exchange, Blandford. There will be a meat auction and grand raffle, with hall and tables decorated in true barn dance style. People are invited to dress up. Caller will be Keith Stevens and music from Paul Hooke. Tickets can be booked through Blandford Parish Church (01258 456246), Langton Long PCC members or phone 01258 452246. All proceeds go to the Langton Long Church.

Quandary over what’s to be done with derelict site ORGANISATIONS in Blandford have been asked for ideas of what should be done with the derelict site next to the Tourist Information Centre in West Street which many years ago was earmarked for a new town library. The scheme was mothballed by Dorset County Council after plans to subsidise the library with housing development were rejected, and the site has remained unused for anything but an unofficial car park. Landowners in Barnack Walk have asked that something is done to tidy up and secure the site. Blandford Town Council some time ago rejected a lease offered by the county council because its terms made using the land, particularly only temporarily, too expensive. Policy and performance officer with DCC Becky Forrester said: "We had a positive meeting with Councillor Bob Brannigan and agreed a way forward. County council officers explained at that meeting that the lease was a draft and could be changed, and that although there is no budget allocated to the site, officers were happy to have a conversation about resourcing whatever options the town council came up with. "We agreed that the priority was to identify two or three possible uses that could be explored, and then think about resourcing, levelling, management, etc. "In September we received a request from the landowners to further secure the land, and the county council is under pressure

to put up some bollards." Blandford Town Clerk Linda Scott Giles reported the outcome of a planning committee meeting in which it was agreed that the town council was still not in a position to take on the site, due to limited resources. But she has written to the Town Team, Rotary, DT11 Forum and the Chamber of Commerce, all of whom were felt likely to want to see the appearance of the site improved. She said councillors were disappointed that, should the town council not adopt the land, it would be fenced off with concrete bollards, disregarding the wish of the local community for it to be tidied up. DT11 Forum chairman Nic Nicol said: "We are grateful to the town council for the invitation to take an interest in the ground, but if the terms and conditions have not changed, we do not believe this would be a good use of DT11's limited resources. "We will check with DCC to establish if conditions can be changed to enable the land to be used for the long-term benefit of the community, such as a library and/or community centre. We believe it is essential that the town council does all in its power to prevent the land from being closed off and left as waste ground."

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November 2014

Milestone for village lunch club

Chamber set to rise again

A LUNCH club, founded when an advert from the Partnership for Older People asked people how they could help their community, has celebrated its first anniversary in Child Okeford village hall. Four women, Oonagh Eveleigh, Hazel Miller, Liz Smith and Hilary Osborne, sat down to consider what they might do, then planned and advertised everywhere in the village for people to come along. They now have 25 to 35 people every month attending what has become a real social event in the village, with tables beautifully laid out and a cooked lunch served up from the hall kitchen. Lunches are often accompanied by entertainment or guest speakers, and at the birthday party Phil Blake played the piano. The group has been supported by sponsorship from Stalbridge Laundry, which provided the table cloths, and the Sturminster Rotary Club, Cheese Festival and Gillingham Waitrose and Tesco.

BLANDFORD's new Chamber of Commerce will be formally launched at a meeting in Blandford Rugby Club in East Street on Wednesday 9th November, starting 6pm. The steering group which has been worked to revive the Chamber is hoping that as many business owners as possible will attend. Group chairman Traci Handford said: "I am so pleased that finally we are able to launch the new Blandford Forum Chamber of Commerce. This is not just for Blandford but will incorporate the surrounding areas. We hope this Chamber will help to strengthen Blandford's businesses and push them forward in the right direction. "We have many long-standing family-run businesses in this area and some unique businesses, all of which we should be proud of. Let's put Blandford firmly on the map."

Oonagh Eveleigh, Hazel Miller, Liz Smith and Hilary Osborne, co-founders of the Child Okeford lunch club, with the first anniversary cake at their birthday party.

Gun scare prompts police helicopter search DORSET Police responded on 7th October to a report that a man was carrying a gun in the East Street area of Blandford just before 8.30pm. Firearms officers located and seized an air rifle inside a flat in East Street. There were no reports that the rifle had been fired. Officers and the Police helicopter conducted a search of the area and the man was not found. It is understood that an injunction was later sought by Spectrum Housing and granted at Bournemouth County Court, banning the person concerned from Pines Court and its environs.


November 2014

Prama gives fair trade a new outlet DORSET-based home-care charity Prama opened its new fair trade shop 'PramaFair' in Blandford on 7th October. Among the guests was Jennie Rake, whose fair trade shop across the road in Salisbury Street closed when she and husband David retired earlier this year. Trustee John Simmons said: "It is lovely to have Jennie here on this very special day for us, because it was her vision to have fair trade in Blandford that sparked what we have here today to support people living in the community and sell things produced across the world in a fair way." Prama chief executive officer Jeff Russell said: "We are always seeking ways to improve the lives for many in our community and to raise awareness of those living with dementia, so to have the opportunity to generate income through fair trading is ideal. "With more income we can provide more subsidised care for

Prama's marketing manager Paula Jones and chief executive Jeff Russell at the shop opening, with Mayor of Blandford Steve Hitchings, PramaFair shop manager Nikki Edwards, assistant Aaron Head and Prama trustee John Simmons. those on low incomes and increase the range of added activities to tackle loneliness and isolation experienced by older people across Dorset." Mayor of Blandford Steve Hitchings, who cut the ribbon to open the store, said it had been sad to see one shop close but exciting to see another open, its vision transferred from one property to another. Shop manager is Nikki Peacock, who said: "We will be sourcing our products from a range of suppliers, focusing on quality and items that can't be easily bought elsewhere."

THREE local businesses have been nominated as finalists in the Taste of Dorset Awards, whose results will be announced at a presentation night at the George Albert Hotel in Evershot, with guest Valerie Singleton, on 3rd November. The Home Farm shop, Tarrant Gunville, is nominated in the independent tearoom, cafe or snack bar category; the Langton Arms, Tarrant Monkton, is nominated for an innovation award; and The Cricketers, Iwerne Courtney, is nominated as best restaurant or dining pub.

It’s all change for the town bus stops CHANGES are being made to the bus stops in Blandford town centre used by services X9 and X10. John Cummings of Dorset County Council said: "The main reason is to improve connections to and from Poole on service X8 and to reduce the number of buses laying over on the East Street/Market Place bus stop." From Monday 3rd November, both X9 and X10 services will continue to arrive at the East Street/Market Place stop where connections can be made with service X8 to Poole. Most journeys on X9 will then continue to Blandford St Mary (Tesco). Service X9 will start its return journeys from Blandford St Mary (Tesco) running via Chettell Way and Pidgeon Close to the Blandford West Street/Crown Hotel stop where it will pick up for journeys to Shaftesbury and Gillingham. It will no longer pick up at the East Street/Market Place bus stop. Service X10 will now start from and only pick up at Blandford West Street/Crown Hotel for journeys to Sturminster Newton, Marnhull, Stalbridge, Sherborne and Yeovil. It will not pick up passengers from the East Street/Market Place stop. Both services will connect with

journeys from Poole on service X8 at the West Street/Crown Hotel bus stop. Mr Cummings said: "Passengers just have to get off the X9 or X10 arriving in East Street and the X8 should arrive soon after for journeys to Poole. In the other direction passengers get off the X8 at the West Street/Crown Hotel stop and the X9 or X10 will arrive soon after for Shaftesbury and Sturminster Newton." Services 185, 309, 310 and 368 will continue to use the East Street/Market Place stop for departures and arrivals. The DT11 Transport Action Group have produced a leaflet detailing bus services and community transport services available in the whole of the DT11 area. Nic Nicol, chairman of DT11, said: "This proves the value of transport action groups and collaboration with DCC's Transport Services. Thanks to input from DT11 TAG members, from 1st November, it will no longer be necessary for bus passengers to walk from East Street to West Street and vice versa, to achieve an onward connection, and timetable changes have been made to provide a Blandford to Wimborne service without going via Poole."

Stella’s follow-up published LOCAL author Stella Baldwin, whose first book 'Molly's Mary' followed her research into Kingston-upon-Thames in the 1880s, has now published her second, 'A Day in the Life of ...' It is a collection of seven stories relating to subjects as varied as World War One and Beethoven, all intended for girls and boys aged around 10. She said: "They are designed to entertain but also to inform." Copies are available for sale from the Blandford Tourist Information Centre in West Street.


November 2014

Downpours force a rethink over steam fair plans GREAT Dorset Steam Fair organisers have admitted they need to review their processes and infrastructure of the late-August event, which in recent years has been beset by wet weather. Many of those attending last month's 'wash-up' meeting to examine how the event had gone referred to the serious problems encountered by those seeking to access the disabled parking area. Managing director Martin Oliver said this year had been one of the worst because of the rain arriving on the days before the fair opened, when heavy equipment was trying to get onto the site and had to be towed in, churning up the entrances. "They were conditions which would have tested any event organiser, and although we have an experienced team, the first three days were very bad financially because of media reports. If it happens again we need to be more geared up and have already discussed more roadways and hard standings over the next five years to get traffic off the main road." Technical director Julian Hubbuck said: "We are going to have to put more infrastructure into the showground." The meeting was told that the

inch of rain which fell represented 22,500 gallons of water. Landowner Robin Hooper commented that September had been the driest in 50 years. There were also repeated concerns about the failure of mobile phone networks to cope with high volume of calls, due largely to only one, O2, bringing in a temporary mast. Mr Oliver said: "They have a duty to provide a network and signal for their subscribers." It was agreed that an approach should be made to Ofcom and the companies themselves to resolve the issue. Companies had argued that they did not have a budget and the steam fair, the biggest and longest event in North Dorset, did not meet their criteria for the supply of temporary masts. The meeting was told it had been a big issue for the temporary police station on the site. Hilary Fildes, Tarrant Hinton parish clerk, reported a "fair amount of resentment" at the two-mile 30mph limit imposed on the A354 the week before the fair opened when the amount of traffic did not justify it. Councillor Simon Tong from Gussage St Michael said it would be helpful to see the outcome of the review carried out last year.

Delays in the flu queue PATIENTS with the Whitecliff Surgery in Whitecliff Mill Street, Blandford, have received an apology from the practice for the delays experienced by many arriving for their annual flu jabs. People were reported to be waiting for up to 40 minutes in a queue which stretched down the road. Carol Tilley said the reason was partly due to some doctors starting the clinics later than anticipated, but also patients disregarding their appointment times and arriving early. "As partners we will be having an in-depth review of this incident and wish to assure you that we will learn from this."

Crash driver’s jail warning A BLANDFORD man has been warned he could face jail after killing a pensioner in a crash while drink-driving. Stuart Rosoman, 51, of Victoria Road, was found guilty at Dorchester Crown Court of causing death while driving while unfit through drink at Milborne St Andrew on May 15 last year. His car was in collision with that of David Waterland, 68, of Wareham, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Rosoman was released on bail for preparation of a pre-sentence report, and will be sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court on 4th November.

The Commemoration Group team serving up refreshments at the interval.

Wartime women tribute BLANDFORD's World War One Commemoration Group hosted a moving performance in the Corn Exchange of Women of World War One, a specially commissioned tribute, in words, music and images, to the role of women during the conflict. Trio Paradis provided the music, works of female composers, and Petra Schofield and Barbara Ingledew the spoken commentary of words from the diaries, autobiographies and letters of well and lesser known women a century ago. It was set against the background of a film of archive material made by Polly Nash and Liberty Smith. There was an informative display illustrating the lives of those remembered in the performance. Refreshments served at the interval included cakes made with ingredients of the time.


November 2014 Shillingstone station retail manager Derek Lester-Jones with Craig and Tom Antell and their traction engine, Wally.

A steaming good effort THE Three Okefords Preservation Society staged its annual end-of-season steamup at Shillingstone Station on 11th and 12th October. Steam engines and interesting vintage road vehicles were on display, and there was some old-fashioned entertainment, with hot food, live music, refreshments and the bar in the 1951 Mk1 Buffet coach now installed on the track. The following Saturday there

was a steam-up at the Old Ox in Shillingstone. The Society enjoyed a successful show and rally at Shillingstone in May and, at its annual dinner on Saturday 8th November at The Olive Bowl in Gillingham, will be presenting ÂŁ5,000 in donations to charities. For more information about the society, see their website at

Fast broadband is on the way at last RESIDENTS and businesses across North Dorset will benefit from faster, more reliable broadband in 2015 as part of Dorset's multi-million pound rollout of fibre broadband. Superfast Dorset have announced that engineering work is already underway on the third phase of the programme, which by next spring is expected to make improved internet speeds available to 9,000 properties in communities in the exchange areas of Blandford, Bourton, Child Okeford, Fontmell Magna, Gillingham, Hazelbury Bryan, Marnhull, Milton Abbas, Shaftesbury and Sturminster Newton. This third phase builds on the work of the private sector which has already made fibre broadband available to most of Dorset's towns, including the majority of properties in Blandford, Gillingham and Shaftesbury. The programme, a partnership between Government, BT and Dorset's councils, will continue work in future phases to reach an estimated 17,000 premises by the end of 2016 in North Dorset alone. Following the announcement at

the Community Partnerships Executive North Dorset meeting at North Dorset's council chamber, council leader Deborah Croney said: "This will make a huge difference across the county to families and business, especially in our isolated communities. People in rural areas, including much of North Dorset, currently struggle with frustratingly slow speeds." The Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) technology being widely used throughout the programme can deliver download speeds of up to 80Mbps and upload speeds of up to 20Mbps through fibre running to a fibre optic street cabinet. According to regulator Ofcom, the current average download speed in Dorset is 10.9Mbps. In many rural areas, it is much lower. Once in place, the fibre optic network is available on an open wholesale basis to all broadband providers, which will ensure competitive pricing and a wide choice of suppliers for local households and businesses. A map showing the Phase 3 area, as well as an interactive coverage map of the whole project, is available on the project's website at

Exercise on offer BLANDFORD Leisure Centre's Everyone Active exercise referral scheme is a 12-week tailor-made package of sessions designed specially for people with, or at risk of developing, health problems. The programme can be developed for those with a wide range of conditions. Qualified instructors at the leisure centre work with participants to make it suitable for their specific conditions, with activities such as gym-based exercise, light circuit training, group exercise classes, swimming, water-based exercise and walking, Accessing the scheme needs the support of a GP or other healthcare professional who will contact the centre to refer an individual. To find out more, call or visit the centre in Milldown Road, and speak to Kelly Cornick, Exercise Referral Co-ordinator, or email


November 2014

Fun show gathering helps dogs find homes AT LEAST three dogs were found new homes when Pound Puppy Animal Rescue held a fundraising fun dog show on the Parish Field in Iwerne Minster. Resident Jean Wellings was briefly reunited with the elderly toy poodles and long-term PPAR foster dogs, Ebony and Tara, that she had fostered for six months before reluctantly having to give them up. Prizes for first and second place winners in all 14 competition classes were donated by Healthy Pets (Blandford) Ltd, with raffle prizes from local businesses. Best in show went to a greyhound, with reserve to a dachshund. There was a demonstration of dancing dogs from Purbeck Agility Group by Sarah Turnbull and Carol Bentley, whose performance collie was a PPAR dog rehomed with her five years ago.

A total of £750 was raised to help pay for veterinary treatment, which currently costs PPAR about £4,000 per month. Villagers were thanked for their support, particularly Jim Beck, whose dog Honey was a PPAR dog and who sponsored the hire of the field. Sadly the day was somewhat marred when it was discovered that several doggy treat prizes from the display table were missing, believed stolen, to the disappointment of winners who had to accept rosettes only. PPAR, who rely on foster carers to look after animals until they are found homes, could still be looking for a long-term foster home for Ebony and Tara. Anyone who would like to offer an animal a foster or permanent home can contact Jayne on 0773 6176613 (daytime only) or visit

Reprieve for police front desk service BLANDFORD police station's front counter service has been saved, on two days a week, following a review of services aimed at reducing the Dorset Police Authority budget and surveys revealing that many front counters were little used. Initial plans were to close all counter services outside of Bournemouth, Poole, Force Headquarters at Winfrith, Swanage and Weymouth, which would realise essential savings. In direct response to consultation, and powerful feedback from the public and stakeholders, these plans have been revised. In a joint letter from Chief Constable Debbie Wilson and Police Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill, to the Mayor of Blandford Steve Hitchings, they say: "Continued reductions in central government funding require the Force to find significant further savings during the current comprehensive spending review of around £9.5 million and we are all well aware that austerity is highly likely to continue well into the next Parliament. "Plans have been revised in response to the consultation, and savings have been reduced, but we are still capable of achieving a further reduction in

excess of £700,000 per year from our operating costs and potentially between £6m to £8m in capital receipts. "A service will be retained at Blandford, Gillingham and Sherborne, each opening two days per week, providing a more even spread geographically across the county and reducing journey times for the public, although because of staff shortages they remain variable, and people are advised to check on service 101 to confirm opening days and hours." As part of its review of estates, the Police Authority has also introduced response hubs resulting in traffic officers since 30th September being based at Blandford, where they start and end their shifts covering the whole of North Dorset. Councillor Hugo Mievlle, chairman of the town council's town and general purposes committee, welcomed the decision which safeguarded the future of the Blandford police station. Safer Neighbourhood Teams remain in place in the town and now have their own dedicated sergeant. North Dorset inspector Rob Chalkley said they were beginning to see the fruits of the labours of the dedicated team.

Jean Wellings briefly reunited with her foster dogs Ebony and Tara at the dog show at Iwerne Minster.


November 2014

Quilters celebrate 20 years . .

Some of the two dozen members of the Long Meadow Quilters of Patchworker's Paradise with, seated centre, Rowena Ellis, who founded the group 20 years ago.

Members of 'Stitch, Knit & Knot' with some of their work.

THE Long Meadow Quilters of Patchworker's Paradise celebrated 20 years of quilting and stitching with an exhibition in Shillingstone Church Centre. Every room, corridor, nook and cranny of the former primary school was filled with quilts and patchwork items large and small, including the refreshment area where there was also seating in which people could relax and chat about their work. The group of around two dozen seamstresses began in June 1994 under the leadership of Rowena Ellis, who started teaching patchwork and quilting in 1985, and was named after her home in Shillingstone and business, then in Blandford. Since their first annual exhibition, held in the Portman Hall, Shillingstone, they have raised thousands of pounds for various charities as well as making cot quilts and other items for needy children in this country and abroad. Funds raised this year will go to the Ducks & Drakes Colon Cancer Trust and to HomeStart, the charity supporting children and families in North Dorset.

John Stayt wins town . . and the by-election stitchers keep busy SERVING North Dorset District and Blandford St Mary Parish councillor John Stayt won the Blandford Town Council byelection on 4th October to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Councillor Andrew Pemberton. In a 19.7% turnout, he polled 136 votes, well ahead of the two other candidates Adrian Ford, who polled 87, and Duncan Smith, who polled 70. Cllr Stayt, a Conservative, took his seat at the town council's planning committee meeting the following Monday. Forum Focus apologises to Cllr Stayt for an error in the October issue indicating he had campaigned against the withdrawal of the proposal for development on the Crown Meadows, when in fact he campaigned for it.

'STITCH, Knit & Knot' is a group of lively ladies who meet once a week in the Blandford's Woodhouse Gardens Pavilion. Originally known as Knit & Crochet Blandford, the group, which meets on Wednesdays at 2pm to share skills and learn new ones, is now looking at different crafts and techniques involving making stitches and knots, from knitting and crochet to tatting and patchwork. Last winter, members knitted hats for the chemotherapy units at Poole and Dorchester hospitals, and this year some are already knitting for the premature baby units at local hospitals with more charity projects in the pipeline. More information can be found on the Stitch, Knit & Knot Facebook page, by going along for a chat and a cup of tea and cake, or by calling 07743 483155.


November 2014

TV’s Sam at the Railway

Some of the people who signed up to the Blandford Park Run coinciding with the Health and Wellbeing Expo.

Health advice well received BRITAIN'S Got Talent finalist Sam Kelly will be appearing with his trio at the Railway Hotel in Blandford on 6th November at 8.30pm. One of the fastest-rising performers on the British folk circuit, the 21-year-old singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist hails from Norfolk, and as a young child learnt Gaelic songs from his Irish grandfather. He reached the final of ITV's 'Britain's Got Talent' in 2012 and his debut EP 'Your Way Home' was released in March last year, featuring Beth Porter of the Eliza Carthy Band on cello. He now tours with his band, Jamie Francis on banjo and Evan Carson on bodhran (Irish drum) who, as the Sam Kelly Trio, receive glowing reviews from punters at every gig they play.

THREE days of displays, demonstrations and 'have a go' sessions in Blandford gave people the opportunity to find out about all they needed to know to improve their health and wellbeing. The exhibition, organised by the DT11 Forum community partnership in association with the NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group in the Sealy Suite of the Crown Hotel, ran alongside taster sessions around the town, including a cycle ride, canoeing, a guided walk and exercise classes at the Leisure Centre. Among the exhibitors were the Friendly Food Club, which offers cookery workshops preparing tasty and economical food in Blandford, Gillingham and Sherborne, whose dishes were prepared on site, and Knees Up Blandford who gave a display of chair-based exercise. Subjects covered in over two dozen presentations included osteoporosis, dementia, chi-

Protest against trade deal CAMPAIGNERS against a controversial trade deal between the EU and US gathered in Blandford Market Place to raise awareness of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which they say will threaten public services in the UK. The demonstration coincided with a Europe-wide day of action backed by a petition signed by more than 180,000 people to increase pressure on the EU to modify or reject the agreement.

ropody, child care, complementary treatments, long-term conditions and disabilities, cardiology and heart disease and elemental tai chi. Other activities included handbell ringing, running, bowls and pottery. In addition to welcoming over 250 members of the public who could sign up to their GP practice patient participation groups and learn about treatments and services available in the community, those offering the treatments and services were able to find out about others in the area which

could be of benefit to their clients. Mayor of Blandford Steve Hitchings, who officially opened the event, said: "Sometimes the opportunity to network with other professionals and voluntary services is just as important as publicising them to the community." He described the event as "crucial" to the wellbeing of the community in Blandford and the DT11 area. See more pictures on our website.


November 2014

Parents in row over village hall parking

Bob Walter MP with a representative of Dometic at the Southampton Boat Show. Photo courtesy of onEdition.

MP meets local marine firms NORTH Dorset MP Bob Walter met a number of marine companies based in his constituency at the PSP Southampton Boat Show. They included Dometic Ltd of Blandford St Mary, suppliers of marine equipment to yacht builders, military and commercial shipbuilders worldwide, and Q-Marine from Charlton Marshall, distributors for Yelling Yachts, two of the nine North Dorset-based businesses that are members of the British Marine Federation, which organised the event. Marine companies are a vital part of the Dorset economy, with 231 firms operating in the county with combined revenues of ÂŁ443.2 million and ÂŁ259.7 million in international trade. Mr Walter said: "As a keen sailor and member of the Sailing & Marine Leisure All Party Parliamentary Group, it was really interesting to meet businesses based in my own North Dorset constituency."

LONG-standing parking problems outside Durweston Primary School and village hall resulted in a police presence at drop-off and pick-up times last month in a bid to resolve the conflict between parents bringing their children to school and those using the hall. Repeated requests by the school to parents to avoid parking in the hall car park have now resulted in information being supplied regularly in the school newsletter alerting them to the days on which the village hall has bookings. They were warned of a very real possibility that the hall could withdraw the permission it gave for parents to park there because some were continuously ignoring cones indicating that the hall had a booking. Resident Peter Collins said: "We are fed up with being held to ransom by the bad parking and verbal abuse of parents whose children attend Durweston village school. "Those who send their children to school from outside Durweston should realise that it is an earned

privilege that they drive their children to school. There is a school bus that could pick up most of them and it should be a condition of sending children from out of catchment area that they go on the bus. "If they insist on driving they should be given a permit which can be withdrawn if there are complaints of bad parking or similar. "In over two years the situation has just got worse, and if residents complain to the school, council or even the police, they just get passed from pillar to post." The school has thanked those parents who have tried to avoid the areas requested, but says there are many who do not. It has suggested to parents that they consider car sharing or parking at a distance from the school, and reminded parents the hall car park is a private one and that they should not park in the entrance to people's driveways, in narrow parts of the road, on private land or in the bus stop.


November 2014

William jumps to it in charity skydive WILLIAM Matthews, 17, from Chettle, has raised a phenomenal ÂŁ2,275 with a skydive from 15,000 feet in aid of Diverse Abilities Plus, the charity that supports over 600 children and adults with disabilities in Dorset. Born with a chromosomal disorder, William regularly visits the charity's Children's Team and goes on organised days out and enjoys fun activities, like any other teenager, with the support of Diverse Abilities staff. William chose to undertake a skydive and raise funds for the charity to say thank you, and accepted money instead of presents for his birthday and at Christmas to fund the challenge so that every penny raised went straight to the charity. His mother Julie volunteered to jump with him in case he panicked on the day, but William

took it all in his stride - it was Julie who was terrified. William said: "I really enjoyed the skydive experience and definitely want to do it again. I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has sponsored me." William's dad Richard Matthews said: "Both Julie and I are ever so proud of William for choosing to forgo his presents to pay for his skydive and the fact he raised such an amazing amount of money for a charity close to all our hearts." To sponsor them and raise funds for Diverse Abilities Plus, go to atthews To take part in a skydive yourself in support of the charity, email or call 01202 718266.

William Matthews and his mum Julie who skydived for charity Diverse Abilities.



November 2014

Quire revives music from bygone days

Milling about for charity NORTH Dorset's Mill Singers Male Voice Choir (above), whose gala concert in Blandford Corn Exchange in May raised over ÂŁ800 for choir funds, is making a return visit to the town on Saturday 22nd November, this time in support of the parish church's Cupola Project. The choir has two main objectives: to give singers an opportunity to enjoy a sociable male voice musical activity and to perform concerts for charitable organisations attempting to raise money. Over the 20 years since its foundation, it has raised over ÂŁ50,000 through charitable performances. Local singers who would like to attend their rehearsals in Child Okeford to find out whether they would like to join them can find more information on the website at

THE Purbeck Village Quire supported the Cupola Project on 4th October with a concert in the parish church which unfortunately clashed with the Music from the Movies concert by the Stour Valley Band in the Corn Exchange. Nevertheless, a total of over ÂŁ200 was raised during a 'Harvest of Land and Sea' - traditional 1850s church and village music from the era of Thomas Hardy with sea shanties and folk songs, accompanied by a ploughman's supper and apple pie. The quire, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary as St Peter & St Paul celebrates the 275th anniversary of its reopening after being rebuilt after the 1731 fire, is a group of singers and

instrumentalists who enjoy meeting together to perform 'West Gallery' and folk music. Much was composed by people who lived and worked in the Purbeck villages, and they brought back the days, up to about 1860, when singing in most English churches and chapels was led, not by an organ, but by a quire usually situated in the churches' west gallery. The singers and instrumentalists village recruits, trained and taught to read music by the choirmaster or parish clerk - also played for village dances and led the militia parades, and developed their own style, blending aspects of contemporary art music with folk music, and composing their own tunes.

THIS term's music appreciation course at the Dorset Rural Music School in The Close, Blandford, is focusing on 'The Symphony', and during the eight-week course is looking at some of the best-known and lesserknown examples. Classes are on Thursday afternoons from 2.15 to 3.45pm. Details 01258 452511 or

Members of the Purbeck Village Quire in the gallery of Blandford Parish Church.

Choral concert for RDA

MEMBERS of Blandford Choral Society were joined by the Sherborne Singers and Sherborne Young Singers for a charity concert directed by William Slogrove in support of Bryanston RDA at the Shillingstone Church Centre on 11th October. The programme of autumnal music entitled 'Winter is a cumin' in' included a performance of 'Captain Noah and his floating zoo' by Michael Flanders and Joseph Horovitz. The choral society and singers will be joining forces again at The Blandford School on 1st November for an open singing day focusing on Carl Orff's Carmina Burana between 10am and 5.15pm For more information call Madeleine Bridle on 01258 454811, email or see


November 2014


Full house and a flag finale for band concert THERE was a full house for a Music from the Movies concert given by the Stour Valley Band in Blandford Corn Exchange in support of themselves as the charity for the year chosen by Mayor of Blandford Steve Hitchings. The band, directed by Tim Stankus, was joined on stage by the choirs of Archbishop Wake and Milldown Primary Schools,

Chamber choir in church ONE of the region's leading chamber choirs, Bournemouth Sinfonietta Choir (pictured above), is combining with the talented young singers and players of Sherborne Girls in a programme of music from the baroque to the present day in Blandford Parish Church on Saturday 8th November at 7.30pm. Choir chairman Nigel Wyatt said: "We are looking forward to working with these promising young musicians in what should be a memorable concert for all concerned." This will be the third time Bournemouth Sinfonietta Choir and Sherborne Girls have appeared together, but it will be a first for Blandford. Previous combined concerts have proved very popular with both audiences and participants. The programme includes favourite anthems by Purcell and Monteverdi, together with Benjamin Britten's A Boy was Born which combines young voices with those of an adult choir in one of his earliest compositions. Tickets are available from the choir's website and at the door.

Great War tribute in Remembrance week WORLD War One tribute 'Poppies Red and Cornflowers Blue', developed by local folk group Poachers's Moon and premiered at Durweston in February, is coming to Blandford Corn Exchange on Friday November 7th, just two days before Remembrance Sunday. John Anderson from Charlton on the Hill has been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response to his latest production, which commemorates the journey taken by Dorset soldiers in the Great War and has been well received by audiences across the south of England. Told with his original music and songs, poems from the trenches and narrative from letters sent home from the front, it is accompanied by projected images as a backdrop. They are true stories of local families told with elements of humour and respectful

sensitivity as a result of a huge amount of research over more than two years by John and Dorset storyteller Peter Gritton. Poacher's Moon are well known in the area for their lovely musical interpretation and rich harmonies. They consist of John and Ray Tower, Caroline Anderson, Christina Harden and Gill Redmond, and are joined for the performance by Peter as a soldier in the trenches. The show, starting at 7.30pm, offers the audience the opportunity to join in with the commemoration by singing songs whose lyrics will be projected on screen, and to learn more about the lives of soldiers and their families, including the Cotterell family from Corfe and Jack Counter from Blandford. Tickets are available by calling 01258 488640 or by emailing

and by soloists Amy Lillywhite and Bill Moulton, and the concert ended with a rousing chorus, complete with flag waving, from the finale of the Last Night of the Proms. The event on Saturday 4th October raised around ÂŁ620, and will be followed by a further concert with a Christmas theme on Sunday 7th December for the same causes.


November 2014

A second novel by ex-teacher Jennie

The Badger Brewery Beerfest in September.

Brewery’s charity cash MACMILLAN Cancer Support has been presented with a cheque for more than £134,000, the result of 12 months fundraising by team members at Hall & Woodhouse up to September 2014. This year's fundraising has got off to a good start with a five-a-side football tournament, the Macmillan 'World's Biggest Coffee Morning' on 26th September, followed by the second annual Badger Beer Festival at the brewery on the 27th September with brews from over a dozen south-west breweries. Music was provided by contemporary folk band Brementown, vaudeville band The Tin Pan Allies and the three-piece ukulele band The Mother Ukers. There was also a silent auction with prizes including a beer tasting session and chance to win a person's height in beer. Fundraising activities at the Crown Hotel have included a quiz night on 1st October, and on 26th November there will be tabletop sale between 10am and 2pm.

LOCAL author Jennie Ann Rake launched her second novel, 'Forgetting Mr Nice Guy', at a presentation in The Parish Centre in Blandford and is looking forward to a similarly warm reception for it as for her first, 'Deception, Lies and Chocolate Muffins'. Published less than a year after her debut novel, she said many people were surprised at the speed with which she had produced her second tome. "I was able to learn from the experience of having the first edited, and avoid mistakes I had made," she said. Both were written during quiet periods when she managed the fair trade shop in Salisbury Street from which she and her husband David have now retired. A former primary school teacher, she says that, like her first novel, the new book is based on her own experiences, and some of the characters are based on people she has met. 'Forgetting Mr Nice Guy' (ISBN

Jennie Ann Rake with her second novel, 'Forgetting Mr Nice Guy'. number 9781843869849) is on sale in local bookshops and available from Pegasus ( or from the author at


November 2014

Classic cars pull the crowds A STEADY flow of visitors enjoyed the sunshine at the Blandford Royal British Legion's annual car show on the Marsh and Ham, which this year extended on to the grass allowing more space for children and adults to enjoy the entertainment provided. There was also a fun dog show on the lower Ham which was well supported and judged by Tracy Franklin of Muddy Puddles dog walking service. In the vehicle area, along with the classic cars and Subarus, the Blandford police safer neighbourhood team were on duty with their bike, car and promotion of the various watch schemes, and in the grassed area were the inflatables guaranteed to draw the youngsters. There were also a number of charity, pet, craft and refreshments stalls, a raffle and a Remembrance balloon release. Show organisers paid tribute to the late Len Melling of Weymouth Vehicle Preservation

THE riverside path alongside the Stour in Blandford has been officially designated the Rotary Way in recognition of the project to make it more accessible to the disabled and general public. Blandford Rotary president Steve Adamson said: "The new Rotary Way sign on the all-weather path between the blue and black bridges celebrates our support for Graham Stanley and the Dorset Rangers in improving public access to the Blandford Meadows."

Ann and Bill Farrow of Orchard Street, Blandford, with Ann's 1969 Fiat 850 Sports CoupĂŠ. Bill is also the proud owner of a 1971 Morgan. Society, a supporter of the car show, by presenting to his partner Marie Wyatt a trophy in his name to be awarded to the best entry from club members. It went to Steve Matthews with a Ford

Blandford Rotary Satellite Group members Greta Chippendale, Judy Adams and Sylvia Hixson-Andrews and Blandford Rotary president Steve Adamson with Gail del Pinto of the Blandford Food Bank outside the Crown Hotel.

Money for the bank BLANDFORD Rotary President Steve Adamson and members of the Blandford Rotary Satellite Group presented a cheque for ÂŁ272 to Gail del Pinto, manager of the Blandford Food Bank. Part of the sum was raised at a 'small change collection' in the Corn Exchange and the rest

Rotary take river route

donated by the club following an informative talk by Gail about the work the food bank does. "The food bank needs cash donations as well as food items," said Gail. "This money will help to meet our overheads such as stationery, publishing and phone bills."

AGE Concern Blandford are looking for people with time to spend a few hours a week volunteering to work with them offering information, advice and a listening ear to the over-50s. It offers them a chance to learn and enhance their CV by working alongside a colleague to deal with enquiries including helping with form filling, explaining how to get tax or benefits advice and housing assistance, or join a club. Full training will be given. More details from Carol on 01258 458250.

Capri. Mr Melling, of Higher Ansty, who died on 14th August in the Joseph Weld Hospice, aged 77, was for many years the joint organiser with Marie of regular car rallies around Dorset, including the New Year's Day rally which this year passed through Blandford. See more pictures on our website.


November 2014

Pimperne tops the bill in village contest NEWCOMERS from the DT11 area were among the award winners at the 2014 Dorset Best Village competition announced at a presentation evening at Morden village hall. Only Pimperne, repeatedly successful in the large village category, saw more overall success by winning the previous winners' section, but there were runnersup awards for a number of villages and projects, including Milborne St Andrew's Bus2Go community transport scheme and Iwerne Minster's village shop. Winterborne Kingston was runner-up in the previous winner large village section, and at the other end of the scale, Melcombe Horsey was runnerup in the hamlets category.

There was also a special prize from North Dorset District Council for Charlton Marshall. This year Martinstown picked up the first prize for the Best Large Village and Loders that for Best Small Village. Awards were presented by Bill Tite, representing host district council Purbeck, Graham Colls, chief executive of main sponsor for the last six years Magna Housing, and representatives of individual class sponsors including the districts from which the entries came and Dorset County Council. Other top awards went to Charmouth's 'Shoreline' community magazine (project), Alderholt's village pond (green project) and Winfrith Newburgh (village shop).

Carol Eastment of Melcombe Horsey with the award for runner-up in the hamlets section.

Joint runner-up in the People's Project, Bus2Go represented by Margo Kirk.

Councillor Derek Andrews of Pimperne receives the award for winner of the previous winner large village section.

Tim Hill of Charlton Marshall receives a North Dorset District Council Special Prize from NDDC chairman Su Hunt.

George Scott of Iwerne Minster receives the award for runner-up in Dorset's Best Village Shop from Rupert Hardy of CPRE.

Margaret Selby of Winterborne Kingston receives the award as runner-up in the previous winner large village category from Graham Colls, chief executive of Magna Housing.


November 2014

Shoebox time again

Pick of the crop: youngsters at The Orchard pre-prep department of Knighton House School.

Home-spun harvest for pupils THE Orchard, Knighton House School's pre-prep with boys and girls aged three to seven, had fun cooking for their harvest lunch, a three-course lunch starting with year one's home-made vegetable soup and year two's French bread. The nursery made the main course of pizzas and finally the reception class used their own 'orchard' and hedgerows in the school grounds to pick apples and fruit to make crumble. The feast was enjoyed by the staff and pupils. The main school started this aca-

demic year with a new headmistress, Sarah Wicks, who, along with her husband Alan, understands Knighton House and its unique ethos. Having been deputy head for ten years she knows the school inside out, and says: "The traditions of scholarship, responsibility and sensitivity established by our founders, John and Peggy Booker, remain at the heart of the school's ethos today, as we strive to nurture natural talents and build confidence with which to face life's challenges." This summer's leavers achieved

Standard high for photo competition THE new Blandford Forum Camera Club season began with the Chairman's Evening at which guest speaker John Tilsley gave an insight into judging an image, and Marilyn Peddle gave presentations of her photographs contrasting the landscape of Dorset to that of Canada. Guest speakers during September included Tim Whitney on photography of female models, Mark Rigler on 'Convergence' - a study of what the modern digital SLR camera can do - Tim Whitney on HUNDREDS of pounds were raised in the Blandford area for Macmillan Cancer Support as part of the world's biggest coffee morning. A total of £479.06 was raised at the Constitutional Club in Salisbury Street, and £531.70, the highest total yet for Spetisbury, in the village hall. A coffee morning hosted by the Blandford Regeneration group in the parish church and museum garden raised £278.95.

nude photography, Mike Read on the endangered bird species and habitat of New Zealand. The first Points Cup evening was judged by Zaid Meherali. The high standard of work was evident with seven top scores of 10 being awarded in the print section: Tony Ward, David Chaloner, Sally Chaloner, Norman Carey and Peter Gafney for three images; and with 9½ Brian Winkle, David Chaloner, Eric Langley, Dave Hurley, Ian Ferris, Peter Watts and Christine Downs. There were five top scores among the projected images for Alan Wicks, Eric Langley, John Savage, Howard Westlake and Paul Hunter, and with 9½ John Savage, Pat Catley and Jean Bartlett with two images. Those interested in the club and its activities and requiring further details should contact Dave Hurley on 01258 451895 or visit for details.

places at their first choice of secondary schools with a number of scholarships to top independent schools, including St Mary's Calne, Bryanston, Sherborne Girls and Leweston. The children can enjoy ponies, rabbits, guinea pigs, resident bees, dens, the orchard and woods, the chickens and the pygmy goats, which were on view at the open day on 11th October.

ONCE again the two Rotary Clubs of Blandford are participating in the annual Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. Supporters fill shoe boxes, appropriate to the chosen age of the child, with toys, clothes and educational items and wrap the boxes in Christmas paper. The boxes are collected, sorted and delivered by Rotarians directly into the hands of children in schools, hospitals and orphanages in some of the world's poorest countries. For many of the children this colourful box of gifts may be the only present they receive. A Rotary spokesman said: "We are ever grateful for the generosity of supporters of this annual scheme - they can achieve a double whammy by purchasing goodies in local charity shops at the same time saving money and supporting the charity shops' efforts." To make up a shoe box or two, contact David and Julie Jaques via the website


November 2014

Local men perished in battleship disaster O

10,000 based at Monkton Down THE Admiralty had announced, in September 1914, the organisation of a large number of men belonging to the Royal Marines, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves and other naval reserves into a Royal Navy Division, which was established in November 1914 on the site of a former racecourse on Monkton Down. The rapid building of the camp was something of an achievement, for all materials had to be brought in from elsewhere to Blandford Forum railway station and then by steam tractors and horses a further three miles to the camp. In October men working at the camp went on strike, demanding an extra penny an hour, but were quickly replaced when they left after it was refused. A 9pm closure order for public houses in the town was granted 'for the good of the defence of the realm' because of the number of men employed at the camp and in anticipation of troops arriving. On 12th November the County Chronicle reported that an advance party of the RND had arrived at the Monkton Down camp, and the first unit to arrive was the Nelson battalion at the end of that month. Numbers were to reach about 10,000.

Extracts from the County Chronicle November 19th 1914 Visiter in trouble: At the police court on Wednesday, before the Mayor and Mr W.E. Lawrence, James Gibson, of no fixed abode, was charged with being on enclosed premises in Salisbury Street for the purpose of committing a felony. P.C. Otter stated he found the accused on enclosed premises in the occupation of Messrs Cherry and Sons. A mate of the defendant (Andrew Conway) stated they came from Liverpool and had been working on the Downs for five weeks as carpenters. Gibson was let off with the nominal sentence of one day's imprisonment. November 26th 1914 Intemporate: In the borough police court, before the Mayor, Councillor S.J. Norman, William Hart, a carpenter employed at the camp, charged with being drunk and incapable. Pleaded guilty and fined 2s 6d and 2s 6d costs. On Tuesday (24th November) some 1,000 men of the Royal Naval Division arrived in Blandford to take up their quarters in the newly erected huts on the Monkton Downs. The men, who looked very fit, were marched to their quarters, via Black Lane, headed by their fife and drum band. Residents at Pimperne have men connected with the camp billeted upon them.

Forum Focus would like to thank the Blandford 14-18 Group and Peter Reder for their help in researching this material.

N the afternoon of Thursday, 26th November, 1914, Winston Churchill made the following statement to the House of Commons : "I regret to say I have some bad news for the house. The Bulwark battleship, which was lying in Sheerness this morning, blew up at 7.35 o'clock. The Vice and Rear Admiral, who were present, have reported their conviction that it was an internal magazine explosion which rent the ship asunder. There was apparently no upheaval in the water, and the ship had entirely disappeared when the smoke had cleared away. An inquiry will be held tomorrow which may possibly throw more light on the occurrence. The loss of the ship does not sensibly affect the military position, but I regret to say the loss of life is very severe. Only 12 men are saved. All the officers and the rest of the crew, who, I suppose, amounted to between 700 and 800, have perished. I think the House would wish me to express on their behalf the deep sorrow with which the House heard the news, and their sympathy with those who have lost their relatives and friends." The subsequent inquiry and inquest concluded that the explosion was likely to have been caused by the overheating of cordite charges that had been placed adjacent to a boiler room bulkhead. Among those to perish were two privates in the Royal Marine Light Infantry, Reginald Charles Tanswell and George Herbert Battrick. Reginald Tanswell was the second son of widow Alice Catherine Tanswell and the late William Albert of 3 Alexander Street, Blandford. Aged 19, he had worked as a gardener before the war. His was one of only around 100 bodies recovered and he is buried in Blandford Cemetery. Mrs Tanswell was to lose her elder son Percival, a postman who became a Rifleman in the 3rd Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps, just six months later when he died of wounds in May 1915, aged 20. George Battrick was born in Blandford, the son of widow Jane Battrick, who lived in East Street, and the late John Battrick, who had died about six months earlier. George's body was not recovered for burial, and he is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial as well as on the Blandford War Memorial. A third member of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, Private Steven Henry Lambert, died aboard the HMS Good Hope when the cruiser was sunk at the Battle of Coronel off the Chilean coast on 1st November, 1914, aged 34. He was reported believed lost in the 'Roll of Honour' in the County Chronicle of 26th November.

The ill-fated battleship Bulwark.

HMS Good Hope, sunk off Chile. The son of printer and clerk of the parish church James Alfred and Sarah J Lambert of 22 White Cliff Mill Street, Blandford, his body was not recovered for burial, and he is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.

The grave of Private Reginald Tanswell at Blandford Cemetery.


November 2014

Pimperne pupils strike gold again YEAR 5 and 6 pupils from Pimperne Primary School attended Safewise in Weymouth to learn about fire safety and became the first school in Dorset to receive a gold award two years running. During their visit to the fire safety awareness centre they raised their understanding of the issues from 51 to 87 per cent and now are in a position to share the information they learnt with their peers, family members and the community. They made posters to go on display in the village shop, and also gave a presentation to a school assembly on fire safety, health, peer pressure, drugs, alcohol and first aid. Head teacher Jerome da Silva said he was very proud of his pupils in becoming the first in Dorset to win the school its second gold award. The previous Saturday, the school parent teacher association held its annual autumn fair in Pimperne village hall, next to the site where a new school is being built. There were gift and cake stalls, a teddy tombola and refreshments, and attendance by Dorset Fire and Rescue, the Dorset Wildlife Trust, as well as activities includ-

Above: Steve Garbutt, station commander at Blandford, with pupils of years five and six at Pimperne Primary School and their Gold Award certificates. Right: Niki Raper and Jack at the cake stall at Pimperne Primary PTA's autumn fair with Stef Montgomery.

ing football, pony rides, face painting and inflatables outside the hall. Inside was an array of crafts stalls. There will be an open day at the school for those interested in learning about its reception class on Saturday 15th November between 10am and noon.

Durweston to benefit from music amnesty DURWESTON Primary School is taking part in a nationwide instrument amnesty, Don't Stop The Music, headed by internationally renowned classical pianist James Rhodes in response to his concern about the state of music education in Britain. He said: "Music saved my life. It's that powerful. We must give every child the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Young children have a hunger and thirst to learn music that is simply not being met." The amnesty coincided with a Channel 4 series Don't Stop The Music, which followed James as he trialled the amnesty at a primary school in Basildon. Durweston responded to an appeal to take part and was one of 150 schools selected based on need and a strong commitment

already shown to making music education sustainable. The school will receive instruments as part of the plan for music clubs to allow children to try a variety of instruments before deciding which they would like to take further. Head teacher Liz Wesley-Barker has already had offers of help from Bryanston School to help this dream become a reality. Oxfam, with its great reputation for supporting music projects and local communities, helped James by providing their network of nearly 700 shops across the country as drop-off points, making it easy for people to donate their instruments to the amnesty. To find out more, visit the amnesty's dedicated website



November 2014

It’s always a busy schedule for the U3A

Members of 611 Comms Trg Troop from the Royal School of Signals taking part in the Bournemouth Marathon.

Troops run for charity THOUSANDS of pounds have been raised over the last few months for the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund by members of 611 (Comms Trg) Troop from the Royal School of Signals at Blandford Camp. Fundraising events in the area have included visiting supermarkets to help customers pack their shopping and raise awareness of how the charity looks after past and present Royal Signals soldiers and their dependants in times of need. They raised £2,438.94 at Tesco's Fleetsbridge store and £1,143.58 at Asda in Poole, and eight members of the Troop, who are part of 4 (Mil Trg) Squadron, ran the Bournemouth Marathon. They all completed the 26.2 miles as a team, helping to raise funds through sponsorship. To offer further sponsorship, visit their Just Giving page at

SEPTEMBER was a busy month for group leaders and members of Blandford & District U3A (University of the Third Age). Many of the interest groups met after a gap of a few weeks, and there was a well attended open meeting at Durweston with a talk by Kay Townsend on life with a travelling fairground. Members also took part in the DT11 Health & Wellbeing Event with a stand at The Crown and one member, John Draper, led a walk around the back lanes and green spaces of Blandford. In October there was a skittles match between Blandford and Sturminster Newton U3A at the Old Ox in Shillingstone.

Plans are now in hand for an inter-group entertainment at the open meeting starting 2pm in Durweston village hall on Friday 28th November which will reflect the mystery and anticipation of winter and the coming Christmas festivities. The U3A has 260 members and 36 interest groups covering subjects as diverse as the history of art, languages, music appreciation, walking and running, by members for members, with no exams or qualifications needed or distinction between learners and teachers. For more information see their website or contact Gill Jackson, membership secretary, on 01258.453376.

Milestone for literary journal TEARS in the Fence, an independent tri-annual literary journal established in 1984 and edited by David Caddy of Durweston, celebrated its 30th anniversary with a Poetry Festival at the White Horse, Stourpaine. There were readings, talks, discussion, bookstalls, displays, a festival supper, music from acoustic folk duo No Fixed Abode and book signings in a large marquee. There was also a celebration of the centenary of the birth on 27th October 1914 of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. The publication includes poetry, prose, translations, reviews and essays by established writers from around the world. See


November 2014


Captain Sue keeps hold of her crown THE Ladies Championship held at the Ashley Wood Golf Club resulted in a win for the current County Captain Sue Edwards, who retained her title. The competition is played over 36 holes. It includes a handicap category and the shield was won by Judith White. The winners received their trophies from Ladies Captain Penny Meaden, who also presented the Over-70s trophy to Gill Philip. The Sunday Ladies from the club enjoyed a weekend away when, apart from their golfing activities, they raised £140 for the Lady Captain's chosen charity Macmillan Cancer Care. The winner of their competitions, Joy White, then had to endure the Ice Bucket Challenge - all in a good cause! There were mixed results for the Seniors of the club, who played away at Dudsbury Golf Club on a beautiful day and were beaten 51. The match at Crane Valley was a much closer affair with the result being a 3-3 draw, a fitting end to the fixtures between the two clubs. Ashley Wood then hosted Highcliffe and had a resounding win by 5½ to ½.

Blandford United president Mickey Westwood and sportsman's dinner organiser Nigel Underwood with the Barclays Premier League Trophy.

Officials and guests at the top table at the Blandford United Football Club sportsman's dinner including (from left to right): MC Dave Thomson, club president Mickey Westwood, ex-Arsenal player Ray Parlour and comedian Les Gibson.

Arsenal ace stars at charity dinner MORE than 160 sat down to the Blandford United Football Club sportsman's dinner at the Crown Hotel in support of the Wessex Cancer Trust, the charity for which the club has over the last four years raised close to £6,000. Members and guests had a chance to lay their hands on the Barclays Premier League Trophy which was on display in the foyer of the Sealy Suite.

They also had the opportunity to meet the former Arsenal and England player Ray Parlour, who was guest speaker, along with comedian Les Gibson, a finalist on Britain's Got Talent. The evening, which included an auction, heads-andtails game and raffle, was organised by Nigel Underwood, with proceeds matched by Barclays in support of the charity.


Sturminster Marshall senior golfers on tour in Normandy meet the mayor of St Mère Eglise, Stur’s twin town. They presented him with a mounted pin flag at a reception. They also visited many of the DDay landing beaches and museums.

AMONG the exhibitors at the Blandford Sport & Recreation Expo in the Corn Exchange in October were Paul Colver and Dan Deakin, treasurer and chairman of Blandford Badminton Club (pictured), who are keen to recruit new members since many of their younger players have left the area to pursue their further education. The Expo was organised by the council as a successor to its successful Community Expos to give local sport and recreational clubs a platform to promote themselves to the public.


November 2014

Climate change march AROUND three dozen people gathered on the Marsh and Ham in Blandford as part of a worldwide campaign to highlight the World Climate meeting in New York. To the accompaniment of classic protest anthems, they marched with posters and banners they had made to the Corn Exchange to raise their banners for a photo sent for display in Times Square, then on through the town gathering more support for the People's Climate March. They were led by Sam Ryall, who said: "Residents wanted to show the level of public support for a global deal to avert climate catastrophe, and call for a 100 per cent clean future."

Forum Focus - forthcoming meetings & events NOVEMBER Saturday 1st November: RNLI Christmas sale & coffee morning, The Church Room, Charlton Marshall, 10.30am to 12.30pm Screenbites Finale, 'Chef', The Exchange, Sturminster Newton, see Forum Drama present 'Dreams of Home', Corn Exchange, Blandford, 2.30 and 7.30pm Sunday 2nd November: Lawsbrook, Brodham Way, Shillingstone, open for National Gardens Scheme, 10am to 4pm Wednesday 5th November: Blandford Forum Film Society presents 'Before the Winter Chill', The Blandford School, 7.30pm, guest tickets 01258 453851 Child Okeford Gardeners' Club, Mike Burke - 'Putting the Garden to Bed for the Winter', 7:30pm at the Village Hall Thursday 6th November: Blandford Museum talk, Tania King and Flick Baker on work on a significant archaeological site in Armenia, 7.30pm, Blandford Museum BGT finalist Sam Kelly and Trio play at The Railway Hotel, Blandford, 8.30pm Ministry of Entertainment present Normal Service will be Resumed, Durweston village hall, (Artsreach promotion), 7.30pm Friday 7th November: Poacher's Moon present 'Cornflowers Blue and Poppies Red', Corn Exchange, Blandford Ministry of Entertainment present Normal Service will be Resumed, Tarrant Gunville village hall, 7.30pm Namvula, Pamela Hambro Hall, Winterborne Stickland, 7.30pm Saturday 8th November: Milldown Primary School Fair, Corn Exchange, Blandford, 9am to 1pm

Entries in this diary are free of charge. If you have an event you would like included, please send details to Nicci Brown, 01258 459346 or email This page is available and regularly updated on our website at Bus2Go Christmas Shopping trip to Castle Point, Bournemouth, details 01258 837749 Annual Langton Long Parish barn dance, buffet supper, auction and raffle, Corn Exchange, Blandford, 6.30 to 9.30pm, tickets 01258 456260 or 452246 Bournemouth Sinfonietta Choir in Concert with Sherborne Girls Madrigal Society and String Orchestra, Blandford Parish Church, 7.30pm. Purcell, Monteverdi and Britten Sunday 9th November: Bus2Go trip to Remembrance Sunday, Tank Museum, Bovington, details 01258 837749 Shillingstone Service of Remembrance, 10.30am at the war memorial Blandford Remembrance Day parade and service 2.45pm Blandford Market Place and Parish Church O What a War, concert of prose, poetry and song commemorating the First World War, St John the Baptist Church, Spetisbury 7.30pm. Tickets from The Woodpecker or 01258 858964 Thursday 13th November: Charity stall in Blandford Indoor Market selling handknitting for Christmas in support of the Alzheimer's Society, from 9am Blandford Mortain Twinning Association annual general meeting, presentation and quiz, Parish Centre, Blandford, 7.30pm Friday 14th November: Farmers Market, Blandford Market Place Charity Auction, band and buffet, for the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust, Crown Hotel, 7.30pm, tickets 01258 860150

Christmas Bingo, Child Okeford Village Hall in aid of Hall Extension Fund Saturday 15th November: Pimperne Pre-school Festive Fair, Corn Exchange, Blandford, 10am to 1pm Cats Protection coffee morning and stalls, Woodhouse Gardens Pavilion, 10am to 1pm New, Nearly New, & Christmas Sale, Child Okeford village hall, in aid of hall extension fund, 11.30 to 3.30pm Monday 17th November: Blandford Club for Visually Impaired meets, Williams Opportunity Hall, Whitecliff Gardens, Blandford, 2 to 4pm, singing with the Wimborne Voices, contact Margaret Hemus on 07786 413616 Wednesday 19th November: Blandford Carnival Bingo, Royal British Legion, doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.30pm Blandford Forum Film Society presents 'The 100-year-old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared', The Blandford School, 7.30pm, guest tickets 01258 453851 Dorset Wildlife Trust North Dorset branch meet 7.30pm, Fontmell Magna Village Hall for talk on 'Climate Change' by Felicity Higgins from the Met Office Thursday 20th November: Blandford Heart Forum. Blandford Hospital Restaurant 2.30 to 4.30pm, speaker Mike Revans, ‘The National Coastwatch Institution’. Saturday 22nd November: Larksmead Pre-School Christmas Fair, Corn Exchange, Blandford, 9am to 1pm

Mill Singers Male Voice Choir, Blandford Parish Church, supporting the Cupola Project Sunday 23rd November: Storytelling with Amabel Clarke 'The Stories of Red Hanrahan by W B Yeats', Springhead Trust, Fontmell Magna, 7.30pm The Whispering Road, Serious Kitchen, Milborne St Andrew village hall, (Artsreach promotion), 7.30pm Wednesday 26th November: Blandford Forum Townswomen's Guild meets, Williams Opportunity Hall, Whitecliff Gardens, Blandford, 2.15pm, My Year as Mayor with Col R V Brannigan (Retd) Artizani present Six Impossible Things, Child Okeford village hall (Artsreach promotion), 7.30pm Thursday 27th November and every Thursday: Live music at the Kings Arms, Whitecliff Mill Street, Blandford, from 8.30pm Friday 28th November: Blandford U3A open meeting, Durweston village hall, 2.15pm, admission £1 for U3A members, £2 for guests. For details see or call 01258 860191 Christmas tree lighting and Father Christmas in the Corn Exchange, Blandford from 6pm Saturday 29th November: Blandford Lions Christmas Craft Fayre, Corn Exchange, 9am to 4pm Iwerne Minster village pantomime, Village Club, 7.30pm Durweston Choral Society's Autumn Soirée, 7 for 7.30 at Durweston Village Hall, Tickets £20 to include a drink on arrival, 2 course dinner and choral entertainment. To book phone 01258 472253 Sunday 30th November: Durweston Primary School Christmas Fair, Durweston Village Hall, 12 to 3pm

Forum Focus is an independent, not-for-profit, community newspaper produced entirely by volunteers

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