seveneightfive magazine | ISSUE #94

Page 41

You are only limited by your imagination. Graced by C was born after imagining a simplified way to feed five children.


ART YOU CAN (AND WANT) TO EAT by Alison Beebe | photos by Alison Beebe |


raced by C” is quite literally art you can eat. Customizable grazing boards or charcuterie for any occasion created by Cierra La’Shay. “I simplified feeding my five children by making snacks and meals in charcuterie board style," said Cierra about her impetus for Graced by C. "There were fewer dishes while bonding over something everyone enjoys. Plus, the continual excitement in their reactions.” Posting her unique and edible boards on social media, “I had constant pleas from friends and family to share my talent.” Thus, ‘Grazed by C’ was born in 2020. The options are only limited by ones imagination: candy, BBQ, chicken and waffles, meat + cheese, cookies + candy. Follow her on FB and Instagram or contact her via email at


Do you have a favorite cheese? Just one? No. I can’t live without smoked Gouda. I am an absolute sucker for Havarti Dill and enjoy a nice sharp aged cheddar. Don’t even get me started on Stumpy’s Smoked Cheeses either… Where do you see your business in another year or more?

In my mind I see Grazed By C booming, I'll tell you that. Let's take it day-by-day. We are all in for a surprise that way. Favorite food from your childhood That’s easy, boiled peanuts. It’s a southern thing. Don’t knock it until you try it. However, spaghetti will always be my number one. aseveneightfive

Kansas weather is unpredicatable, the temp in your home shouldn’t be. DON’T PUT UP WITH ROOMS THAT ARE TOO HOT OR TOO COLD. Maintain ideal temperatures in individual rooms. Blue Dot and Mitsubishi Electric provide energy efficient, affordable solutions. 0% financing available. Systems start at $75/mo with approved credit



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