Freerunning Magazine

Page 1

FREERUNNING how to speed vault | the best hotspots | backflip basics | stretching tips

freedom is found within

freerunning rules don’t forget these tips the next time you are running

daniel ilabaca a look at one of the world’s leading freerunners

health and diet sample meals and vitamins that are a necessity

injury stories what this freerunner did to get back in the game

May 2010 Vol. 1 Issue 1

TEAM MOMENTA breaking the movement and sharing their love of freerunning with the world




this months top places


the backflip, the speed vault


a freerunner’s best diet


stretching and important tips


freerunning parks and stunt work

35 SPOTLIGHT [ on the cover ]


get to know daniel ilabaca


Freerunning advice and philosophies


A freerunner’s shoulder injury that left his future looking bleak


MAY 2010


Vol. 1 Issue 1

FREERUNNING freedom is found within

[ editor-in-chief ] editor-in-chief stephanie stamm


executive editor stephanie stamm managing editor stephanie stamm copy chief stephanie stamm associate editor season schaefer

photo editor stephanie stamm photographer robert justinian peng brand editor stephanie stamm deupty art director stephanie stamm advisory board stephanie stamm advertising stephanie stamm

design editor stephanie graphics editor stephanie art director stephanie design assistant stephanie graphics intern stephanie

writer stephanie stamm fitness group stephanie stamm executive editor stephanie stamm creator stephanie stamm president stephanie stamm

stamm stamm stamm stamm stamm

MAY 2010



here and there

there are never too many places to explore by stephanie stamm


ometimes its not easy to find a decent place to indulge in freerunning, Sometimes it is and you stumble onto the greatest freerunning paradise ever! Freerunning vision is a term often banded around the Urban Shadows, it is about looking beyond the obvious and seeing more than the average person sees. It is seeing a jump or a vault or a drop in the most unlikely of places, and demonstating (as your friend looks on with a puzzled expression of - “yeah right”) your move, watch your mates face change from a frown to a wide eyed, nodding stare! In reality, the entire world is an open playground for those who practice parkour and free running to enjoy the

“freerunning vision is a term often banded around the urban shadows, it is about looking beyond the obvious and seeing more than the average person sees.” sport they love. However, there are several places around the world that are perfect for it. Whether it is an inside gym, outdoor freerunning park or a natural environment, there are limitless places to freerun. The best way to discover new places to train is to look online and see where others have been. There are several sites dedicated to uploading photos of some of the best hotspots to practice new tricks.

Along with photos, freerunner’s upload information about the types of structures there and what kind of tricks are best for the area. Online sites also provide general training hotspots, schools great for training, usual eating places during training sessions, and groups that train in that are. is helpful resource for all of your freerunning hotspot needs. Blogs are also great resources. FR

Purdue University This hotspot is a popular place for warming up and trying out new and old tricks


MAY 2010



freerunning around the US no matter where you are, freerun Manhattan Square Park

University of Florida

Lansing, MI

Rochester, NY

Gainsville, FL

Anything and everything. There’s a large wallrun, places for vaults everywhere, rail balance/rail precisions. Places for climb ups, drops, underbars. Limited only by your creativity.

Benches, railings, walls, stairs, wide open grass field, chain-link fences, a full playground with a rubberized floor. there are walls and ledges of virtually every height and angle, so beginners get as much out of it as advanced traceurs.

All kinds of walls, rails, gaps, etc. are availabel for tricks at this location. Also, great wide open spaces for tricking or tumbling can be found here.

It’s a public river walk, so security hasn’t been an issue. On the other hand it’s on the side of a building with it’s own security force. If you don’t try to go in the building, and stay down in the river walk area it’s fine.

The Rochester training group is on very good terms with the law enforcement of the city. They have a decent understanding of Parkour and as long as you remain respectful we can keep it that way.

No problems since there has been training going on there for a while. As long as you are respectful of the environment and it's people you will be fine.

There’s usually a very low, but steady amount of traffic. Bicycles and runners following their route. Not usually an issue.

There are't usually any problems on saturdays as long as you are aware of your surroundings.

The locals usually meet on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but weekends would be the best as class isn't in session.




The River Trail



MAY 2010

FR 9

tricks « tutorials

the backflip

Tuck and land It is very important to practice in a safe area before trying the backflip out and about.

how to apply the trick you love


by stephanie stamm

backflip, also known as a back somersault, is an acrobatic movement in which the body rolls backwards end over end, making a complete revolution. It is one of the fundamental movements as it the basis for many other moves, and is often one of the first flips that a beginner to free running or tricking will learn.


4 beginners tip

« practice jumping straight up and whipping your arms up into the air over your head and landing straight down with knees bend before trying the flip on your own


2 • A trampoline can be used to flip from close to one side for back-flipping toward the center and landing on your feet. • Aside from physical conditioning, fear is usually the greatest roadblock for new back flippers. It is not a natural move and makes your body, neck and head feel vulnerable. Visualization and adequate training are the best tools for overcoming fear. • You need to be able to confidently perform simple moves such as a forward roll, backwards roll, handstand, cartwheel, round-off, front walkover, back walkover, and back handspring before attempting the back-flip. These skills provide you with the strength and balance needed to perform a back-flip. • You might like to use a diving board at a swimming pool to spring up, back and backflip into the pool. So, consider trying this on a diving board at the pool before you do it on the hard ground.

1 step one

bend your knees and pretend that you are about to sit in a chair so you can build potential energy in your legs

step two

jump straight up, while whipping your arms above your head

step three

as you are reaching the peak of your jump, instantly tuck your knees up to your chest and grab your legs at that same time to pull knees to chest, this helps to build momentum

step four

land your jump by extending your lower back and legs and the instant your feet touch the ground, bend your knees toward the sitting position

• Never do back flips when you are alone. If you were to hurt your neck or back then you might not be able to get help. FR

MAY 2010


tricks « tutorials

the speed vault

done right

“scout out the obstacle you're trying to vault before you go for the vault. Pay specific attention to the launching section and, most importantly, the landing to make sure it is flat, spacious and relatively safe.” by stephanie stamm

No boundries This simple trick makes sure that nothing stands in a freerunner’s way.


• Monkey vault : Two hands are placed on obstacles and both legs are pulled up in a squat position and practitioner pulls himself/herself over. • Lazy vault : One hand is used to swing both legs over an obstacle and the other to carry oneself over. • Speed vault : A jump sideways but in the center of the obstacle one hand is used to push



MAY 2010

oneself forward. • Kong vault : A monkey vault, except a dive motion is used at the tip of the obstacle, the hands are used to push up and the legs are put in a monkey position. • Dash vault : Jump first, then place hands down to carry oneself over. • Reverse vault: Place one or two hands on the obstacle and perform a backwards spin over it.



n the discipline of parkour, a vault is any type of movement that involves jumping or leaping over an obstacle while putting weight on it with one's hands. Parkour vaults enable the practitioner (traceur) to quickly and efficiently pass over railings, tables, walls, and platforms. There are many types of vaults that have standard names in parkour. Nevertheless, parkour is not limited to pre-defined types of movement, because the discipline is about moving freely and efficiently negotiating obstacles, not about performing tricks.

•C ast bomb : backwards kong to backflip •K ong gainer : A kong vault into a gainer •D ash gainer : A dash vault into a gainer • 3 60 degree underbar vault • Turn underbar vault • Double kong vault : A kong with two taps; useful to get over two obstacles at once. • Triple kong : A kong

with three taps. • Gate vault : One's weak hand is placed on top of an obstacle's surface while the strong hand goes below for strength in rotation over at a 45-degree angle. • Sky vault : A onehanded cartwheel over an obstacle. • Jackie Chan vault : Tic tac to a no-handed dash.


health « diet

improve your diet, improve your performance

« Eat vegetables with each meal opportunity

aerobic work. Traceurs need to rapidly generate muscular force in a quick series of movements. Aerobic endurance is required to assist with recovery between bursts of high-intensity activity and to support performance through several different movements. In parkour the traceur must move his body as fast and as explosively as possible during play, carrying unnecessary weight is


«E at complete, lean protein with each feeding opportunity

« Eat healthy fats daily


« Eat every 2-3 hours

« Don’t drink beverages (soda, beer, etc.) with more than 0 calories






raceurs make efforts through training, conditioning, and practice to improve performance. A critical link in this process is proper nutrition. Improper nutrition can not only hinder performance, but is a detriment to overall physical health. The macronutrients (water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) can all have major implications if low or deficient. Parkour raises numerous energy issues, such as body weight maintenance, proper nutrition before and after training. So how do we need to eat for parkour?. Lets take a look at what parkour is on a physiological level. Parkour is characterized by high-intensity anaerobic activity interspersed with sub-maximal

the importance of diet



«E at whole foods whenever possible

costly energy expenditure so staying lean is important. Another problem with traceurs is that they tend too over train and under eat, leaving them listless, tired, sleep deprived and increasingly prone too injury. With this in mind the traceur will get the most out of each training session if they are adequately fueled and hydrated. FR

Nutrition bastics Two of the most important parts of a freerunner’s diet are basic fruits and vegetables. These can be eaten with any meal.


MAY 2010


health « diet

a power diet for a power runner helpful vitamins and meal structures BY STEPHANIE STAMM

9 reasons to take fish oil MEAL 1 MEAL 2 MEAL 3

• 3 scoops (30-45grams) of protein powder • 1 banana • low fat milk « Blend this all together and enjoy!

«1 0:30 a.m. Have a protein shake and a sandwich consisting of turkey/chicken and a fresh salad «1 :00 p.m. Have a serving of solid protein (beef, chicken or fish) with vegetables or rice, piece of fruit, eg apple or orange


power protien shake

«7 :00 a.m. Have a bowl of cereal with low fat milk and a protein shake or scrambled eggs with turkey sausages

« 4:00 p.m. Have a protien shake after a long work out on training day


the adipocytes 6. Preferential utilization for energy production once stored in the adipocytes 7. Reduced inflammation from physical training 8. Pain management from the reduced inflammation 9. EPA regulates blood supply to the brain which is essential in maintaining focus in weight training sessions. DHA is important in brain membranes, memory, and cognitive function FR

« 6:00 p.m. Have a serving of solid protein with vegetables or brown rice and a fruit salad


5. Increase utilization of fat stores from

« 9:00 p.m. Have a protein shake and cottage cheese or some selection of low fat cheese


1. Cell membrane health. This means that the membranes are flexible and contain larger numbers of insulin receptors that are more receptive and responsive to circulating insulin. This results in decreased fat storage in the adipocytes (fat cells) 2. Fish oils turn on the lipolytic genes (fat burning genes) 3. Fish oils turn off the lipogenic genes (fat storage genes) 4. Fish oils diminish C-reactive proteins, a newly identified risk factor associated with various inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure, and diabetes. The DHA fraction of the fish oil seems to be one most responsible for that protective effect. DHA also has the best ability to reduce blood pressure


« A protein shake is optional before bed

•R emember to continuously drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated!

Daily fish oil capsles This may be one of the most important vitamins a freerunner could take. FREERUNNING


MAY 2010



stretching and flexibility

the biomechanics and breakdowns BY STEPHANIE STAMM


e very often neglect flexibility in our training, because the quests for strength and speed require so much of our attention. However stretching and flexibility training have their place in parkour practice. Flexibility can help with injury prevention, reduction of soreness following a workout, and a general sense of well-being. Flexibility training can also enhance your proprioceptive skills (your sense of body awareness and personal space), which are very important in the practice of parkour, and increased flexibility can also help enhance skills in various parkour movements. There are two critical things to keep in mind when stretching: one is to pay strict attention to alignment, placement, and form; and the other is to relax. For many people, stretching is uncomfortable, and so they respond by either shifting position (thereby changing their form), or by “gritting their teeth to bear it,” which only places tension in the muscle and

does not allow it to lengthen. Either response is detrimental to developing flexibility, and in many cases can also lead to injury. Stretching should feel good. It is a relaxing and calming activity, as any dedicated (or even fair-weather) yogi will tell you. You may feel some slight

stretching. But if you approach it as the relaxing, pleasant activity that it is, you may find that you experience less discomfort in doing so. Who knows? You may even find that you enjoy it! Biomechanics As you know, the frame of the body is the skeleton, and the muscles enable the skeleton to move in certain ways. Places in your body where “bending” takes place (such as the elbow or knee) are, of course, joints. Joints are areas where two bones are connected by ligaments, which are flexible enough to enable movement. Your muscles contract and relax in certain combinations to essentially push and pull your body parts through space. Muscles are connected to your bones via tendons. Each muscle is made up of different types of fibers that can contract and elongate based on what your brain tells your body it needs to do. If more power is required to accomplish a task, the muscle will “recruit” more fibers within a muscle to get the job done. FR

“ you may feel some slight discomfort, particularly if your flexibility is limited, as your body gets used to moving in a new way.” discomfort, particularly if your flexibility is limited, as your body gets used to moving in a new way. You may feel as if “something is happening” in the muscle you’re stretching, but it should not hurt and it should not be unpleasant. If it is, stop! Check your form and check your breathing. Many people find stretching to be an unpleasant activity because they are either incorrectly holding a position (thereby straining something), or because they are tensing and clenching up, and this is why many people avoid

tips for being mindful while stretching

1 14

Stretch after a workout or training session, when the body is fully warm. Every workout should end with stretching


Pay attention to form, placement, and alignment when stretching.


Relax into the stretch. Breathe. Stretching should be a pleasant, relaxing activity.


Be mindful of your body while stretching. Let your body “invite you into the stretch.”

MAY 2010



tips of every kind take precaution while freerunning by stephanie stamm

FR INJURIES • If you have any small cuts, take the usual precaution to disinfect them. • Concussions or Blood Loss – Consult your doctor • T endonitis - Rest, Drink water, Consult your doctor • Sprains - According to their seriousness, See a doctor or go to hospital and, where necessary, forewarn the ambulance (Physiotherapy may help with sprains ). • Ruptured Ligaments or Tendons - Get Help. Don’t move and ask someone to call an ambulance. • Fractures - Unless danger is imminent, stay still and forewarn the Ambulance about the type of injury.

FR ADVICE • Respect public and private property particularly the belongings of other people • Respect your body and your health • Don’t take risks - you may be risking your own life Practicing freerunning on your own and without any experience brings with it inherent risks, such as: • Damage to private and public property • Irreversible physical injuries • Under extreme circumstances, death

“by keeping it simple and relying on effective, functional movements and plain hard work, you will reap greater benefits in the real world.”

A FUNCTIONAL TYPE OF WORKOUT Functional fitness is a manifestation of the person freerunning and their ability to face real-world challenges head-on. Instead of backing down, they incorporate the tools and methods at their disposal in order to rise to the occasion. Training for self-image alone constructs a façade that conveniently hides their weak-points, making them all show and no go. When one decides to embark on truly functional training, often the hardest part of the decision is facing theirglaring weaknesses and addressing them openly, honestly and effectively. Truly functional fitness relies on the most basic of equipment, the body, a few simple implements (pullup bar, rings for dips and something heavy…perhaps a sandbag ) and the willingness to put in the required hard-work to make it effective. There is a tendency for people to associate the new and exciting gadgets with actual results, but by keeping it simple and relying on effective, func-

tional movements and plain hard work; you will reap greater benefits in the real world. When you are faced with a challenge that requires multi-directional movement and stabilization, all the work done on the latest new machine or contraption will fall short. So, leave behind the worthless gadgets that assuage our egos and create a worthless standard of fitness! Drop to the floor and do some push-ups, sprint around the block, or pick up something heavy and carry it for distance or time. The more you simplify your workouts the more you’ll simplify the potentially complicated situations you might be involved with outside the gym. Make randomized patterns, simple, full-body movements and downright hard work the three pillars of your system and all the self-image goals will achieve themselves as a result of --rather than the purpose for-- your gracefully efficient, and artfully functional fitness plan. FR






erred Endsley first became interested in freerunning the moment he saw the popular action flick, The Matrix. The flips and tricks portrayed in the movie intrigued him greatly. Although his interest was sparked, he didn’t begin attempting moves or training until he was a freshman at Purdue University. Endsley wanted to share the love he had freerunning with others around his school. One day at the gymnastics gym he ran into another student who shared the same idea, Nick Zaleski. Endsley says the process to start the team was easy internally because he had a small team put together with a group of friends, Zaleski included. However, externally was a different story because he wanted to start an official freerunning club and Purdue wasn’t too fond of the idea. “The university was opposed to it because it was a new idea and wasn’t well known,” Endsley said about starting the club, not to mention the liability. Regardless of what the university thought, a call-out meeting was held and more than one hundred people showed up with overwhelming interest and curiosity of freerunning in the spring of 2007.


“It was such a surprise to me that freerunning was in the interest of so many people,” Endsley said. Today, there is now an unofficial freerunning group at Purdue called Freerunning of Purdue. Give or take 20 people join in together to practice about four times a week. They practice and train as a team but more importantly as friends. They enjoy going outside to enjoy the weather as well as the company of others who appreciate the movement and philosophy freerunning holds. In the spring of 2008, Endsley and three others came together and formed Team Momenta. Endsley and Zaleski, along with two students they met at the call out, Adam LaPlante and Matthew Barnes, are an official part of their team. They thought it best to form a team together because they all share the same

philosophy, mindset and viewpoints about freerunning. They still practice with the other freerunners at Purdue and during that time they don’t focus on their separate team but on the entire group as a whole. Team Momenta has shared what

These freerunners have the same attitude and philosophy about freerunning that Team Momenta has. “They are well-known for their unique mastery of the discipline,” said Endsley. A large part of freerunning is the underlying philosophy the group believes in. “Freerunning is an art of self-expression. The individual expresses their uniqueness through the movement and overcoming of obstacles,” said Endsley. Endsley believes strongly in his freerunning philosophy. He says that when practiced, freerunning becomes more than a sport, it becomes a discipline. “The freerunner learns to shed all thought to focus in the present moment. This allows them to overcome obstacles in their own unique way.” Endsley’s philosophy isn’t based strictly on the sport, however. It spills over into other aspects of a freerunner’s life.

“the freerunner learns to shed all thought to focus in the present moment; this allows them to overcome obstacles in their own unique way.”


they do at talent shows, local jams and many other events. The team hopes to influence others just like other freerunners and teams have influenced them. They hope to inspire others and benefit greater causes. They perform at events such as relay for life to help raise money in the fight against breast cancer. The freerunning team, 3 Run, has influenced Endsley as well as individuals like Daniel Ilabaca.

leaps and bounds There really are no obstacles for Team Momenta. Barnes, Zaleski and LaPlate take every challenge head on, whether it be a new building to climb or a paper they have to write for school.


“The freerunner learns to translate his ‘present focus’ to other parts of his life,” said Endsley. “Overcoming obstacles, both external and internal, and eventually learning to express themselves in all they do.” Parallels run in between overcoming obstacles in freerunning and in the real world. Freerunning is much more than a physical discipline. According to their philosophy, it is the same to focus hard and jump over a wall and to use that same energy to get through an exam and achieve everything one wants. “When [Endsley] talks about his philosophy I can’t put it into words as eloquently as he does,” said LaPlante. Team Momenta and Endsley don’t think as what they do as a performance. “We share our love for movement with others through our expression of self.”

“the freerunner learns to translate his ‘present focus’ to other parts of his life, overcoming obstacles, both external and internal, and eventually learning to express themselves in all they do.” “Honestly, I love going out there,” said LaPlante. “It is an opportunity to connect with people you normally wouldn’t be able to. People stop and come and talk to you and you have this connection for a split second.” Team Momenta and LaPlante love what they do and they aim to inspire others to love it as much as they do. “I want people to feel what I feel. Extreme peace with everything,” LaPlante said. Their philosophy pulls them together and helps them all to focus in the moment and become the movement. FR





top three tricks 1. 2-step wall flip 2. webster half twist 3. kick the moon

1. cresent kick cartwheel 1. step to palm flip side kick combo 2. wall full twists 2. arabian full twist 3. front flip 3. front flip

breaking boundries The team practices up to four times a week. They consider practice more of just hanging out with friends rather than work. They practice tricks as a team whereever they can.



Breaking breaking Barriers barriers injuries can be overcome


ike any freerunning experience, there is the risk of injury. No matter the training, experience or skill, the possibility of injury is always lingering in the air. Nicholas Zaleski, a freerunning of over three years, was attempting a trick in May of 2008. He was to jump from one rooftop to another during a common freerun outing. He had successfully executed this before and knew what was ahead of him. His adrenaline built as he thought back to the last time he performed this jump- the speed, the jump, the landing, the roll. “ I focused on the movement, envisioned myself soaring through the sky and softly

landing on the surface ahead,” Zaleski said. Due to his previous experience, he knew he was capable of this jump and held no fear. However, unlike before, Zaleski had a friend present to take photographs. “I lunged forward and took the leap across the death defying gap, hoping the camera caught the moment just right,” he said. He placed his hands out in front of him in preparation to roll and dissipate the forces from the fall. Unfortunately, he knew right away that this time his hand placement was shallow. The roll was awkward and his shoulder slammed head on towards the rooftop.

never better Through determination, Zaleski has been able to overcome his shoulder injury.

“The crunch of tearing tissue and the nervous impulse my brain received told me I was in trouble,” he said. Zaleski was confident something went terribly wrong when he stood up and he felt the strain as his arm popped back into place. Being health and kinesiology major at Purdue University, Zaleski believed his injury to be a dislocated shoulder. Although he was sure of his injury, he put his arm in a sling and headed to the hospital.

“the slight pain was present, but my determination to fully recover outweighed the uncomfortable sensation in my shoulder.” The doctor was able to confirm the shoulder dislocation as well as point out slight tearing of his shoulder tissue. Zaleski was told to keep his arm “taught, secure and immobile” for at least a week before seeing a sports medicine specialist. A week went by and being optimistic, Zaleski tried to bring back a bit of mobility to his arm. He also sought the guidance of a physical therapist. Zaleski was told that the full range of motion should return; however, it would never return to full capacity. Being the active freerunner he was, he took the news hard. Freerunning was his life.

“Perhaps I was stubborn or just in complete denial, but I got back to walking on my hands with in the next three weeks after the injury occurred,” said Zaleski. “The slight pain was present, but my determination to fully recover outweighed the uncomfortable sensation in my shoulder.” From his studies, he knew he had to keep moving and applying resistance to limit the build up of scar tissue. “I felt the pain was just an obstacle to overcome, so I pushed forward and focused on the feeling, never taking it too far, but just enough for some satisfaction of progress.” Two months passed and Zaleski slowly increased his activity levels. Almost miraculously, his arm mobility, strength and stability were back and better than ever. His physical therapist was shocked about his quick and successful recovery. The therapist said his recovery was a rarity and that Zaleski was fortunate to be able to continue training with no limits. Zaleski learned a valuable lesson from this experience of both injury and heartbreak. A routine trick almost left his future in freerunning questionable. His shoulder use in his sport was looking bleak, but thanks to extreme dedication, he was able to recover and start freerunning once again.

“i’ve learned to instill complete focus before every movement I make. One small disturbance, one step away from the present moment can and will lead to mistakes, often times injury.”


“I’ve learned to instill complete focus before every movement I make,” he said. “One small disturbance, one step away from the present moment can and will lead to mistakes, often times injury,” Zaleski said. Zaleski now has a new appreciation for even the smallest detail. “Aside from the occasional scrape or bruise, this occurrence served as an alarming wake up call to the state of mind one must sustain while freerunning,” he said. He often times leaves other freerunners with advice to help them avoid unfortunate injuries like his. “Staying focused and becoming the movement are two of the greatest, if not most important aspects of freerunning,” said Zaleski. “With these actions in mind, one cannot only experience liberation, but stay safe and move forward to surpass the known limits of the human body and mind.” FR

“staying focused and becoming the movement are two of the greatest, if not most important, aspects of freerunning.”


MAY 2010




freerunning future



It is your world Freerunning and parkour parks may some day be just as popular as skate parks. Both indoor and outdoor parks will soon be available.

by gabriel arnold

the world is your playground Famed Danish PK/FR performance team, Team Jiyo, in conjunction with the Danish government, opened the Jiyo Parken in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is the world’s largest free, open air playground dedicated specifically for Parkour and Freerunning training, the second park of it’s kind. (The first park ever, Streetmovement Park, is in Gerlev, also Denmark) But can such parks exist in other parts of the world? So Europe has officially set the precedent of having permanent, man-made places for practitioners to go and train, free of hassle or complaints. The question now is, is America ready for such an undertaking? After all, according to Team Jiyo’s website, their park had a mammoth budget of $475,000 and government approval. As of now, there have been a few attempts to create a permanent, outdoor park in North America but nothing has materialized yet. There are, however, several indoor Parkour gyms


that have popped up across the continent, including Primal Fitness, APEX Movement, The Monkey Vault, and the brand new Parkour Visions Gym. Practitioners seem to have a love/hate relationship with the idea of Parkour parks. In the end though, only time will tell if Parkour and Freerunning reach enough minds and ears to make such a dream a reality. FR

MAY 2010


lights, camera, action!

freerunning future taking freerunning to the next level by stephanie stamm Parkour, defined as “getting somewhere quickly and efficiently using the human body,” and Freerunning, defined as the activity or art of “moving through your environment however you want, moving your way and following your own path,” have been gaining pop culture significance since appearing in the opening sequences of such films as Casino Royale in 2006 and in The Bourne Ultimatum in 2007, and its popularity is reflected in the millions of videos accessed on YouTube.

“Already an extremely compelling visual phenomenon on the internet, we plan to bring it to a much wider audience via broadcast and cable.”

Professional freerunning There are many jobs as a stuntperson in the movie business.

However, parkour and freerunning are not new to the world. Both have been around as a sport and a major part of movies for a while. “Parkour is the ‘it’ sport,” said Eugene Young, chief creative officer for FMNA. “Already an extremely compelling visual phenomenon on the internet, we plan to bring it to a much wider audience via broadcast and cable.” A television series featuring Parkour is currently in development at FremantleMedia North America (FMNA), producers of the Emmy-nominated musical/reality phenomenon “American Idol” (FOX), “America’s Got Talent” (NBC), and the longest-running game show in television history, “The Price Is Right” (CBS), among many others. Parkour and Freerunning require speed, strength, balance, endurance, agility, accuracy, coordination and timing. Its aim is to move from one point to another as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible using principally the abilities of the human body. It is designed to overcome obstacles in the surrounding environment, whether urban or rural. FR



daniel ilabaca in the light how he’s making freerunning history “as well as his skills at flips and freerunning Daniel is also extremely talented in parkour. His vaults can be huge and his sense of balance is next to perfect. He is also very flexible and is famous for the depth of his pike front flips.” Full Name: Daniel Marcus Ilabaca Birthday: January 23, 1988 Hometown: Moreton, England Web site: Philosophy: Daniel likes to share his philosophies on life and movement with others. To him all ways of being free and expressing yourself are parkour. That’s why he often says things such as football is parkour. Daniel also insists in the power of choices in one’s training. He admits that falling is the result of choosing to fall. • His videos often feature innovative tricks, or movements that have been attempted by very few practitioners. For example, in 2007 Daniel was the first to perceive and land a monkey gainer. FR

Appearances: • Top Gear (2006) • Eric Prydz vs. Pink Floyd (music video, 2006) • Parkour Journeys (2006) • David Guetta vs. The Egg (music video, 2007) • UEFA Champions’ League Advert (advert, 2008) • MTV’s Ultimate Parkour Challenge (2009) « D aniel Ilabaca appeared in the pilot episode of MTV’s Ultimate Parkour Challenge, winning the $10,000 prize.


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