Gif (final)

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while creating or editing the record from the Contact Summary T ags tab by using the T ag Contacts batch action after conducting a search. You can also use the first two methods to remove tags.

TAG SETS T ag sets allow you to create free tagging taxonomies which users can add their own tags on the fly, without having to access the Manage T ags page described above. T ag sets are created by going to: Contacts > Manage Tags (Categories) in the navigation menu and clicking the Add T ag Set button. T ag sets are configured identically to regular tags. However, they function quite differently. When you create a new tag set, it creates a new field on the edit pages of the entity's activities or cases as well as in the T ags tab for contacts. T his is a tokenising autocomplete field: as you begin to type, CiviCRM looks for matching tags in this tag set and displays any matches below the field. You can select an existing tag or create a new one by typing the entire tag and pressing the Enter key. T he tag will then appear within the field in a box. Clicking on the X will untag the entity (contact, case or activity) that you are editing. T ags created within a tag set can be viewed and edited from the normal Contacts > Manage Tags (Categories) list. However, tags created within a tag set will only be available within that particular tag set.


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