Gif (final)

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T he FT P protocol is used for file transfers from one computer to another over the internet. Many people use it for downloads, and it can also be used to upload files to web servers. A popular free and open source FT P client for Windows is FileZilla. T here are also web-based FT P clients that you can use with a normal web browser like Firefox.

FUNCTIONALITY T he set of tasks that a piece of software can perform.

GEOCODING T he process of finding associated geographic coordinates (often expressed as latitude and longitude) from other geographic data, such as street addresses, or zip codes (postal codes).

GUI (GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE) User interface offering windows, icons, mouse control, multiple fonts, and so on - the normal way for non-programmers to communicate with their computers. T he alternative to a GUI is a command line interface with text only.

HOOK Hooks are a common way to extend systems and a powerful way to extend CiviCRM's functionality, incorporate additional business logic, and even integrate CiviCRM with external systems.

HOUSEHOLD Is a family or group of people who share a physical location.

HOSTING SERVICE A service (usually commercial) that provides server space for your website. Hosting services also can provide physical space to put your own server in so that it is connected to the internet.

ICT Acronym for Information and Communication T echnology.

INTERNATIONALISATION: I8N T he process of making software ready for adoption in different countries and different cultures, without the need to modify it technically. T his is done by the developer (software engineer) when writing the software. See also Localisation.

INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER (ISP) A business that provides services such as internet access, email, and website hosting.

INTRANET A network of computers that are connected within a home or office but not accessible from outside the local network.

IT Acronym for Information T echnology.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.