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Multiple choice options For field types that involve selecting from a set of multiple options (such as Select, Radio, Check-box, Multi-select and Advanced Multi-select) you are given the choice of either using an existing set of options that you've already created for another custom field or creating a new set. You can enter these values while creating the field, and you can enter the values later. T he option's label is displayed on the form, while the option's value is stored in the contact record. T he label and value may be the same or different. If you choose to use the same set of options for several fields, you will be notified when making any changes that this will affect an option set used by several fields. When you create a new set, you have the option of initially entering up to ten multiple choice options in a table. If you need more than ten options, you can create an unlimited number of additional choices after saving this new field by using the Edit Multiple Choice Options link. Go to: Administer > Customize > Custom Data > View and Edit Custom Fields > Edit Multiple Choice Options. You can go to this screen at a later date to modify the label, order and active status of any multiple choice option, as well as add more choices.

If desired, you can also mark one of the choices as the default option. Inactive options are hidden when the field is presented.

CHOOSING BETWEEN FIELDS, GROUPS AND TAGS Data fields, groups and tags are three major ways to associate information with contacts. Although it can be tempting to just create a custom data field for every attribute of your data, take time to learn about the alternatives. T hey offer powerful functionality that you may miss out on if you rely only on custom data. Furthermore, using data fields for information stored more appropriately as groups or tags can slow your system. Finally, proper use of groups and tags makes it much easier for administrative staff to maintain the records. Some tips that may help you choose are:


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